Barrie Examiner, 29 Oct 1951, p. 10

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THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER 29 1951 Boys Parliament Job Two Years iNominations Must iBe in By Nov X1gt11ll11111 111gtI Le 21 11 No bl for the 5111 number of llle 011 t11 Oide 111159 I1211x will which By Nancy Cleaver 111l go 11111 flsr gtLlUll at Irinp Tm Hr Ad le dud Hum 11y ttyzlnge bilmoi poi Illvtje on what to do 11111 lonnn 111 its IUILK 11 11h lHltt or Stubbornanti the llu have with him 112 Jlgtt mun If thought he 11 111111 gm be Mlllllllttl Ubsmml INK th dues lie ltllxt 11 this way 313 ljktil 51 or Bm Tm lil il1tii11itl Ill 11111 1111 he The 01th 111159 l1ri1111e1t is haw bu bum mull 1W promoted by the Boys Work 11111111 of tin Ontario Council of Lhilstianl Education The parliament chal ltngts 121110 LUIS I11 hiistian 11 stubborn child vermin 11 Tu summon thild Is not 11 pe1cr11 tin1n Io LI1 effective He is far from 111111 111nm ll obstinateiAss ltItltlgtlIltgt tluir local church and because of his 11111cidilg nitlrxdile form of iiigig 111 11141113 1111 1111111121111111 and through tltilCj attitude He knows 1111 he u11tgt 1g1r his e1111111ent iticnl 1il expeiienee gins liltllli to do and he Il1l 111 lrl111 rt 11 undezstnntfing of tin thunk F0 Toronto Only That Stubborn rimf olflrrt for to whom nominations 1111131 111111 111 ltldgz 121111 11Io11liezi sulking 111wd 111l11l l1e 11tie11g causes of child tutumu streak should he sought vrinii quite 111111 111 llI illxlllltll to dwell Nurse and Did you 11r 11111 11111 1111 his plat inmngd oldei molly mg kufunu1 mum 11 and gt1211 11 11111pr1on 11111 1j to TO FLIIAR machine 0p Imled 1111l11 llltl fathers of lLlltllUlll 11 1t should exam3 orator at he BinQ works 01 tne their our 11=dling of his 1111ll um um BAH Inux hP Canadian General Elec lurents often int11111111 son tlll 111I about the childs totl vi WA 35 prmmw iv CO hr been on the job or daughter who is lllllfLlllll Ifuzie A11 1111 1e 11111 IILIH Llsi tilf 1411 Member for the twoj Ill they let illtlr child 1l 1y 211111 11 11d 1o enough fzredoni 111 Lhis Wan um um Mm hm hm Rm LILOdlldd 111 yea or her own 11y llthi lltlllle llll 111 i130 Saskatchewan he is mm WI 1111111011 111 me 11 1islca11ie to Barrie at an gtarly lillli 1an WWW 11111 21 on 1111 who is active 111 age T0111 11115 oneyearold lllllllllii mild 111k his Sunddy School and participateslaughter Linda He 15 inter to kziov 11I to prect not ark mik UVmm by of 111111 and gt11t11 1111111115 111111 1111 uunnnuud gm 01d 05 pm Illed In mOlUI mUohilnlCl ll Ml llm illtllltlll 1111111 candidate must be Sll llV MK LIllllltil 1111 and must be rn spare 111110 All IllIOtllltl he 111111151 and Isportsnian he is especially other lliltlil 1gt met111 pttMilliti will 11nim1111s if they consistumm aloud Of Plumb HIV 1Hililii may canthdnte for parliament slinlli AU Wm MPH not be 11 llNl of alcoholic bee1 Cdl It follow 111 out 11111 11111 111 of detizocitiev listen to no title 111gtt Ihi 111I1 111 be 1111 ensi The Am hm ichild 1111 intuit1 lite usual totllitn mm by Me most economical enamel PRIM 1st N0 UNDERcoAxik PIONEER AIL chedule so that theie are Americas first gasoline bugg 11111 gt certain number of 111111111111111 1e Ivn operated 111 Springfield 111 quirenients they should also decide III Iklilhlllllll db Frank Dun may Us mm My 1mm CW held 111 Ioionto in 1111 Since tlnn It child SAFETY RECORD SIOIlilIl lllE PAS Mair CPI death of Nathan lelley wmxmn mm My 6th T1pznlianients havedeveloped 111 the mwrwml snuggmou an Cluck Maritimes Ontario Manitoba NM mu Muck M3 51 luiteliewan Alberta and British mug may rm mun ih mwht1ilii1iibi1 and Qlletiec is currently to he preferrtd to You must come lh 1h mksv to your dinner at IIIICIUWEIIII tone liemier at the 1031 session is which implies jllgtl dari resist me Victor Shunt11 of Toronto third and you will soon find out what year philosophy student ill the Uni will happen to oult ersity of Toronto The leader of Iiie l1lI11tIl approach often the opposition 1s iordon IIutch works wonders with stubborn Vlllelll secondyear arts student 2111 child It need not lack 11111111055le113 University of Western Ontarioi 11111 child needs to know that no London Sessions begin on chnesl matter how difficult lie is his pur day Dec 20 and end on Monday tIll love 111111 They believe he isllet ill really lllll1 to do his best but they dont expect perfection either The stubborn cluld lots not for 01 motor truck was the first traffu fatalin 111 The Driver of the truck said he had 111 chance to avoid the victim CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED Submit Samples FOR BEST RESULTS shorter period of rcs1stance to iadult authority Children who are his mum umcmm by m5 IlligllSpitlltd may really amount to eontrnriness lerhups he is milk coinething Ilularcli commented ir iItli more denioni ml 1211111 the wildest colts make the strauon of her love USE IIM llis mothtl bust horsvx may be very busy and this is hish II EPII imw 0t ummm hm mntmnl Stubbornness is not completely to 111 km pun U1 the du is be deplored Lord Erskine pointed time when mothers and children Well Cilllkd 11111111055 POULTRY AND 0G RM mm wan numb of in king is called obstinacy in 11 FEEDS ftanults Likely mother is fatigued idOnkCYH rho Slllbbltl Child mil abut the child is probably tired 19le 115 5101 Ills battles withi 11m linaividuals Ile may retttect 111s Occasionally observing longer 011 110 struggling with you irest period after the noon meal or problems ian earlier bedtime will reduce the Some of our greatest reformers number of clashes between BROWN 81Co LIMITED 117 DUNLOI ST PHONE 5000 the lsomc of the most brilliant research Ichild and adults in authority More scientists were likely dubbed stub sleep is good medicine for many lborn in their Childhood But they iminor childish troubles of 110 learned by wise guidance and their yhuvml own experience not to be easily Parents should receive some comv 1liSLOlllang They managed to per llort from the knowledge that most seVere in the face of obstacles un lchildren pass through longer or til they 10thth their goal lllilll 0113011111110 SPACE HEATERS our 1111001111251 No chimney can give you the perfect natural draft needed for efficient performance all the time SO Quakors famous mechanical draft booster helps your chimney gives you maximum heat from the fuel you burn Its proven fact that Quaker can save you 25 and more on fuel costs over natural draft heaters In fact it pays for itself in the fuel it saves 0mm onus 1011 Automatic Draft and Heat circulation II LOWPRICED SPACE HEATERS Yet ONLY QUAKER heaters can be equipped with the famous QUAKER DRAFT BOOSTER that saves fuol mechanically delivers enough air to the burner makes every chimney algood chimneyl And ONLY QUAKER offers you the QUAKER HEAT CIRCULATOR that gently spreads warmth to every room corner Its thermostatically operated you need not touch it All THERES QUAKER DEALER NEAR OU SEEHIM TODAY DeuxoChallonger Features OUAKERIS EAMOUS OIL OEVRLCLEAR FLAME DOOR SAVING BURNER provides Flamovisiblo at all times BUILTIN HUMIDIFIER Easy 19 get at Easy to fill FULLY EXTENDED CONTROL ROD No stooping to adjust fire LEVELING scIIEws Maintain proper heator level on any floor AUTOMATIC wALL THERMOl STAT OPTIONAL For natural or mechanical draft Sn tho nmhukor IIIT Tinr avallobtovil fur Iflonnt sins hoot from lairinn Also Ivailabli with draft butt up many ollm contortultra nimuiy AUTOMATIC DRAFT SOOSTER mm outIII Immriu OPTIONAL Saves Fuel Mechanically delivers enough air to the humor It makes every chimney good chimney AUTOMATIC HEAT CIRCULATOR OPTIONAL Gently spreads warmth to every room corner lts thermostatically opdratod You need not touch it MALCOLM ELECTRIC Ams1on SIMCOEDISTRICT coor0qu SMITIIruRNITuRE Barrio 00111511 OILBURNER EVER MADE BORE THE NAME on cm 00111011110 SACKVIIIE 1111 Colciunumo IIIATIIS IANGIS l1 ruRnAcIs CE NC1 likes to work on engines in his Tin 60year old pulpwood cutter struck by Pas for decade WEALTH NORTHERN CREES erKE TO FARMING lllll IAS Mun Oct Itli Agslrulltlte 15 slowly but ltzily zitplacing the traditional haphne land fishing of the 111111111111 21111411 in this disttiel Wth The toillllg back Ifl1li1ti1 sonnets trappmg is no lttltgtl 121 big blisoiess it med to be At 1111 Hunduring the year lilil 11111 than $700000 uoilli of musk 111 pelts alone Were shipped 1111111 The Ias The Indians now have climbed 111 the agricultural bandwagon arid are making success of it Lands in the rich Carrot Ilie Lilliy are feeling the bite of the plow for the first time ThreeI p11eels of land totalling Inme than 1000 acres in small uninhabited 1elt111s are in the pioeess of lmv ing broken Indian affairs superintendent liiie Law says the program is the first phase of long plan to wean Iiie Iee from his hereditary callj 111 of hunter and fisherman a111l make him farmer It may mean1 wttlltlltllt independence for l1ani Iobas Illtlliltls in hitherto untriedl field Although subject to official 1117 pioval the Indians are betng e11 eouiaged to make their own de elltions in line with the new 111 111111 lltl which went into Sept that ilt1 llurris ltlgtltll of said the first major Indian legislation 111 years would give Canadas 130 Indians greater powers over own property and affairs 0110 their YEARLONG HONEYMOON VANCOUVER ICII An Eng lish couple is having whole years honeymoon here teaching school of Wolverhampton came on the annual teacher exchange and said itliev find CInada wonderful place to be ECU 231 force time Citizenship Itlin Christian STORES TO SERVE YOU 13 ESSARD ies ELIZABETH La STORES To SERVE YOU 13 ESSA RD 68 ELIZABETH SEE WEDNESDAYS BARRIE EXAMINER FOR COM PLETE DETAILS OF THE OPENING ON THURSDAY NOVEMBER OF CHRISTIES NEW IGA SUPER MARKET AT 13 ESSAMROAD Mr and Mrs 11 Thomas sisrtv ONTARIOPROVINCE OF PROGRESS Sane courageous and efficient government contributes to the amino mg welfare of free and prosperous province Pcrformanmwnot promises 15 the keynote to Progressive Conservative lcauersliiu TO HELP THE PEOPLE Old age pensions to allover 70 under ProvincialFederal agreement Pension fontheneedy 65 to 770 to theBlind and disabledlS years and up Women guaranteed equal pay for equal work with men No discrimination in employment because of race colour or creeda 109 new hospitals or extensions provided 14474 hospital beds and bassinets added or being added in general hospitals medicine mobilized in war Free school books for all children in primary sOhools equalitywam opportufty7 1150 new schools for 150000 pupils The most advanced labour laws expanded compensation and rehabilitation for injured workmen TOIDEVELOP THE PROVINCE Greatest plans for Highways and Roads in history TransCanada Highway under Construction Grants for municipal roads multiplied nine timesnow $27000000 amiually Two million Horsepower added to Hydro output serves 85 of Ontarios farms fact St Lawrence power development to commotice Back to Niagara Farm incomehighest in history Plans for moderntelephone system for our rural people Private and public rental housing specded under FederalProvincial agreement Railway level crossings to be abolished by threeway plan TO CONSERVE our RESOURCES Forest wealth preserved as part of vast cdnservation program 20000000 tres provided annually by Government nurseries Canadian manufacture of forest products rather than expOrt of raw materiabu To PRESEer GOOD irGOIVERNMENT Lowest provincial taxation inCnnuda Development of mining resourcesincluding huge iron depositsaided by Govermneut action or Provincial credit atanzalltimelhigheight consecutive balanch budgetb $100000000 inmunicipalgrants toyrelieve local taxpayer No provincial sales taxyno provincial inCome tax Good relations with Federal and all other Governments ENSURE CRNTNUEDEGOODGQvERNMENT

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