Former County Gaol Turnkey and Wife Celebrate Golden Wedding Miss Sneia Matoff THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY 001 23 be making borne neg Becomes Bride of Central Church rie James Angeloff Scene of Pretty airfimiidlouiignilmlus Nuptials are held For Marie Salter noon Miss lsobel Marie daughter of Mr and Mrs William Salter of Barrie was mhrrieti Just to correct an impression among the famous artists of to William George wows Mrs Woods and the late made in Fridays column about the Canada predict such outstanding Soroptimlst Clubs hostess night painters as William Beatty RCA wolds 01 Tommo The Rev coming up on Nov Not only and Andre Lapine ARCA E7 Lew parlormed the mama club members but ALL interested ammonit women are invited to entertain The cum by the way Wedding music was played by 835 at their no actually the first courtlywide event the ch ing and submit lhgyffsetnfivgz ohlsgmda Spgnsored pyhecoun Tuffordlm orgams mom muons to the iy ar Ian cra ts assoClation in co hospm urmsmng peration With art clubs in Barrie Gwen marriage by her mm on to Miss Evelyn Tuck at the er the bride wore gown of frost Regina Curl Shoppe All hostesses Drum and Hneyw 13 white French lace and tulle over offering to entertain on the stated mpg goal deal immes among Slipper salin The Wed b0dlC8 0f movening will be helping the new mm mensle an lace had scootJ Etklllle and hospital campaign in some tangible long sleeves and lace extended way as well as becoming eligible Here is story that proves what over the tullc skirt to form for thelucky draw being held ill wide influence Simcoc Coun point in the front Her long veil connection With hostess night lLyd art nLovcments can have of tulle was held by pleat of st wee at the general tulle and her owers were gar l5 dlfoud Ellels or meeting of the county arts and demos and ivy with heather from would be artists of the district If you have one or two paintings that Em dbbomauon we learmd lhdl scouand It 85 partly thwugh the delgns The maid of honor Miss Frances And Woods Ii in Collier Street United Church The marriage of Miss Sncialsalurda gitfhxiribcilrdhxtilluolt alto um Barrie on Saturday October Matoff elder daughter of Mr andl Aml 1951 at three oclock in the after Mrs George Matoff of Toronto tol Miss Marjorie Anne Cook laugh 8pm Salter James Demetrius Angeloif son other or Mr and Mrs waiter PORT ARTHUR om Robert Angeloff Sr of BarrieC00k 01 Barrie was married in and the late Mrs Angelo lookiCentral UnitedChurchBarrie on Kidd goalidgmmujmm place yesterday Sunday October Saturday October 20 195iat four mm employee smegma mm 21 1951v al hlee OFlOCk meloclockin he afternoon to Orville whim pickingmushmm afternoon in Si Cyril and Methipavid 90150 son and his lunch hour If ody Church Toronto The CereiMrs Wellington Dobson of Barrie mony W35 PerfOrmid by lhEKREViThe marriage ceremony was per Elieff in floral setting formedlfmmed by me Rev sew 90 muno by standards of pink carnationsien CANARD NS QPlThe Can and white niums White taffetai 3rd home and school associationbas ribbons decorated the guest pcwsimyidhdl 1252 dbwgsggdn dCClded supply COd VET Oil cal of the church ix tsuies to school pupils again this weddmu music was sun can accompdnle to so Winter tst Miss Betty Cook of Toronto in the church choir With Mrs Mary the singing of The Voice Th3 Kobe as sulom Breathed Oer Eden and Per Gwen in lllarllilt by ller alll fcct Love during the service and err the bride WOW original Because during the signing ofj model of imported brocadcd Silk the register taffeta with an offtheshouldcr Given marriage by her amp def vineckmw tapering gem05 or the bride wore gown of white wullplnted cuffs End ared satin fashioned with Chantilly curl 5km endmgm cazhOdlul lace yoke in an offtheshouldcr train Her fingertip veil of silk uch ucdbodiw and arm Juli urn tol ntgr bthoevinthiiiuiii had We the my Craig BMW and bride illusion was held tthin and rug fair that artist Thor Han maids Miss Barbara Clarke and Km ff skirt with insets of lace and Mrs Mervyn Jessop both of pl WI no VU short trzilil Her fulllength veil she carried an arrangement of illusion net fell flom head lOUMY hum being held sen received his commission to de lhO Slayml Memorial RCCWWU sign the interior decoration scheme Ccmre next week Entries may be in the British American Oil Build lllddc llfugl Jr LUaCh ing in Toronto Mr Hansen was billylllr m0 Show discovercd bv county craftsman Flldayt Saturday nd sundayt NOV while both vcre attending the and 4v Morison Folk School at Unionvillc Oil the opening flight Ernest md asked to prepare designs on Dalton artist showman philatelist mch mums or urn county tincc and former fencing champion will years ago The designs were seen bf lllt Speaker mid Will give at the fair by the wife of one of the hibitlon of painting Mr Dalton BA Officials and the job of deqign Will demonstrate the painting of mg the interim of the beautiful of ChncbIanllaffnbhlw find Slew dress of pearl flowers and site car dn me mm ricd cagtCildC bouquet of red WtCilltilll ozc The maid of honor Miss Ruth Mitchell of Tomnm WU Vic the maid of honor Miss Doris loria red iridescent mm b3 Maidollaid of Latchford and the mmnmgih gown with portrait btidesmztid Miss Joyce Field of WW Comfort is only good as Your neckline and buttons to the waist llama mil lileil gowns 53 hni She wore matching shoes and in fall coors and carried cascade black velvet hat The bridcs bmulums yolk mllms The llfllUl bridesmaids Miss Esther maids Miss Olga Chonlica and Miss Olga Tunasum bum of Tm Dryborough and Miss Anne ion rls Vili gowiled in satin in fall Toronto wore imported gowns of emerald green velveteen with portrait necklines and full skirts extending to it short train Their flowers were bronze and gold mums and they wore small haln hats of velveteen trimmed with the same flowers Hugh Watson of Toronto was groomsman and John Woods of Toronto and Millet Salter of Bar rie acted as ushers lfllillitllllllllllltlll tllll MR MRS WEAYMOUTII lilirllllirfilinitlztmhihiirllglsauindia new building Canadian reception was held at The on on display31g 0an one 150 he was lorthwnh handedth Maples at 110 Codrington Street Exlmm=r leW wow we olor illd Clllitl iuali baskets DanishCanadlm who at that time 1de mm 51ml 5le Y0 Wan outside the county or groups affil was commercial must with the Barrie where Mrs Salter mother Friday October 19 was day of with COrSage of Johanna hill with matching Cloche ham Tm of owers 3g of hearing luxury if you llllcidcwlitll lRCSIlllfoc County Arts company of lilac bride receziveld wearing celebration for Mr and Mrs roses and button mums hmc attendants cmricd baskets of mm Dorm was mOumsman have Us install an Anhes 550cm Cfgithgepgmanand RIKEVEWSHLOT 31$ dab The couple havetwo other chll golden mums and ivy for his brother and the ushers Imperial coal wood or an In addition to ills other uccom of 15 Th ge cc ff ll go 5d we We Ml mm M55 De Mm Tr Wm Lk lmh im mn plishmenis the versatile Mr Dalton IAIRIE DISTRICT consular moth fleas $353 Mi aiirsgom 2n tsrtaiof 63 day of the icceplLOn Mrslzloln the bride was lower kirl woar bride and Alvin Ihompson mu ditioning unit has foundtime bee Emily makes her ome Will it ing gown of gold taffeta and sin of the groom ml business man in 910nb05i5h ceivcd was Wearing greyblue at 222 Dunlop Street recep parents and their son Alien also matching gold bonnet with scall reception follomd in 10 Insist on the Best crepe With coral accessories and tion was held in the afternoon be Wh Barrie Mrs Adam oped brim She carried Mu Church Sunday School mum whom lay of crcam roses alld wlliic lllC lllOthl lht bride 30qu tween the hours of three and two Km was up from Tomnio for as an art supply dealer and fur cmsage of johamm hm roses wearing cocoa crepe trimmed with ricr He studied painting at the Ontario College of Art and for the MW 12 his idfl we olmwf b3 Emily Olden wchmg Elemmm mums past 40 years has dcvolcd good er 0n 00 There are also two grandchildren John Reeve or Barrio was dark brown chiffon velvet and Let Show you cm tians the bride travellill In deal of ms me to mum is day tnded f0 the couple With and one greatgrandchild viroonygn13n and John Liming matching accessollcs The grooms pieie no of new modem paintings are widely 1known By MOIRA GROAT gold tweed Sllll Wllh brow hat reception at the Orange Ha Thirty were present at the lam William Hinton Harvey Johnson mother who also received was heating equipment throughout Canada and he has had Initiation Highlights and 9550 Corsage Allandaki Where Ends aim ily dinner on Friday evcnlniz and Robert Carmichael all of wearing grey crepe trimmed with the honor to have his work hung Throughout the school hours on gagdelclms wand their 131er gathered to congramlate meml Married in orangeviiie on Co Barrie acted as ushers grey lace and black velvet hat in the Royal Academy the Nation Thursday all new students and $28 ggme iglorrlylnio md Billicnkiir aivtlliaiglniir galigealvri lobe 19 1901 by the me REV mullth fouowed the Dual wiltmatahmgizziCCCSSlrlCS Gallell Ottawa and has ex grade nlnc girls were peculiar re 1939 Canon Henderson at the home of Reelaumm T010le WM ETC llbiled With the Ontario Society of gaiia as the initlauon costumk Outoftown guests at the wed mo 19 AY MlS Weaymomhvs uncle and uum was decorated in pink and white 0l WEddth WP 10 101 ldd the Artists an old hat with veil ve dots ding included Mr and Mrs atvthe age of 77 ls along Wlth 111 Ed Robinson and the late with pink carnations and white bride travelling ill winter green 113 MULCASTER ST Wife who is 72 years of age in vmums Receiving the guests the dress trimmed with vclvci with matching accessories andga grey Robinson Mr and Mrs Welly mouth made their home in Tor onto for short time after their marriage and canto to Barrie in Howard Stephenson of Walkcrville Mrs Buechel of Kansas City Mis souri Mr and Mrs Finkle of Ottawa and Mrs Norman MC mother of the bride wore ball erinalength gown of taupe French iacc with brown accessories and corsage of Talisman roses of rouge on their faces hair in the mos par ms 91k dl seven rags string around neck plots the Quebec countrysrde the carrying toothbrush pyjama beauty ofie Northern Ontario tops scarf decorated with vege very ne health The couple re ceivcd guests at the reception long with their daughter Mrs fur fabric shortie coat Oil their rcturnMr alld Mrs Dobson will iigdssggggrgngrsml ggrtglrftgnt tables around the waist slacks un LCOd or Demlt MChlgm Unix wggimogtgogztaenmg 1905 The bride of 50 years ago der skirt odd shoes and sox of cm Count bur or rl an groom lth bid lsna surencss and an Ann Hams and treasurer Nancy black lace gown at the reception was raised in Orangevme Hm by to weddmg mp to Mom tego Bay Jamaica and New York husband was born and raised here in Barrie son of the late John Wcaymouth bailiff of the town Active for many years ill the Orange Lodge Mrs Weaymouth is member of the Golden Star Lodge LOBA and the Bayview Chapter of the Eastern Star Shr uncanny skill for color manipula and Sign on their back Whm on he may some day be number was written the wordsl Mary Jones am schmoe The initiation party commenced at seven oclock Those being in itiated were blindfolded and led by senior students through vari ous stunts These included walk ing on turnedover bench crawl City the bride travelling in beige wool suit with chocolate brown accessories an ailfeathered hat and Corsage of cream roses and bronze mums On their re turn Mr and Mrs Angeloff will be making their home in Barrie Outoftown guests at the wed Cameron Aptitude Tests Entertain Home And School Club The rugby teams are proving themselves to be better than their opponents with the seniors com ing up with beautiful win over Midland last Wednesday The score was 330 Scorers were Jim Ag MONARCH REFRIGERATION to announce their appointment as LOCAL SALES AGENT Centre Simcoe Inspector NL in over it mg hem dees 20 Yum Cm 31111 E1 131 Scott and Young asststant dlr also belongs to the Parish Aid ding came from New York Lind ma Galrlckr John ac 18 the ed cation Trinity Anglican Church Her Covered stairway crawimg thmugh ing and Millet Salter We are an CC 01 35 ca 11 eat horse say Detroit Battle Creek MlCh for Caesars Tomb formed coiled bane 0f the department edll hus an as 51a and Barrie looklng orwar some canon were present at the OCW man during his youth is ntcm How often do you feel so sluggish and gyrnl gatsa 1391 liml ta thrilling games lhls weak both at her meeiing of the Midhurst Home ber of the LOL and the Black alre r0 UClS ana sp ng oar lno gee figfiscgulggfgfoggge or the poor The Doing or me aw yddchool 5918an ShSeldN ms Kgiggfdsofhggangggy Sound To New Librarian and the hands into bowlof skinned The holiday we enJoyed onFrl es ay evenmg onto Oran evme and Collmg NTY 3menumelmmmommy grapes produced many startled re th ual tea SChOM r0 UCe wake pin the morning Every hour actions The initiation procession 25 tgivegof ate inrm Mr You Who 35 intmduced wood as 351113 from 1211 for seemSIke two ended by repeating declaration to the taudlenge thby Inspeclt Egrtligegrdtltenccunin Rig neSday Tea Quite possibly you are suffering un and being officially named stu The Girls sportcurators for 51 SW if gig W1 moon The Weaymoum home was COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT AND necessarily If ordinary constipation dent of Barrie Collegiate and 52 are SLVVOIIeybau Aud liltltrlraeertgstsp agis Inleanngs decorated with mums pompons For the third consecutive year ALL andrsluggish kidneys are preventing senior group but on realis tey Campbell Jr Volleyball Pat and other gifts of owers and teawa5 held at the Balm PUb tic bar and gambiin ir00m skit tb 11 E1 and bJClS to 35 the BMW gt 11c Library on Wednesday after llmp hlpcmllnailon your system Wllgarv sr as am of several members of the audi Mist Smith and Mrs RObe slawiy bung pmsoned Thats What called DangerOus Dan MaGru Chantier Jr Basketball Nancy 0rd both of Toronto plesid Wlth the Staff and mad Hut The different grade nine moms Mathews Badminton Nancy Cam tence The physical training ex members playing host to 10681 Tmaselyou eels mg BI preSenled short but interesting eron lg thetdislllcgt Ema EdMZnyl egme CZ owers and teachers Also in attendance were rusclen rats are tic answer skits and the senior uad im 10nd 00 wives 0f library board members cause the 05m the same benets as arson ti pubhc school teachers telegrams of congratulation welll representatives from the town gmest Wed Jeanne Penselly Wlll appeal fom friends on the oc several famous Mineral Springs onlookers with their version of song recital in the BDCI Audi In h15 aderSSlo the 3530013 recfnve council public health workers Krusclicn Salts are valuable aid The Dark Town Strutters Ball torium on Oct 23 at 330 pm The ttheSChLJnsmimaye an casmm represgnlalives from the 5mm because they not two wayslaxative The evening was nally closed mum is being Sponsored by the Intereslmg descriptmn the County Library Cooperatlve and and dimelm Kmschen is gentle after few rounds square dam Womens Canadian Club Sh001h0l1595 0f the PaSt generav BarHe Woman members of the local home and yet effective laxative and also sum mg and weleamed refreshments OIL Wlth lllUStrallons and 911 school associations tailons he compared them will During the afternoon the guests who numbered about 75 were in SECOND BLOMIG the educational facilities of the ii siiiiEJILLLAH mm all who helped to make the day weather of early October here fool1 Mr Shot Stressed to hi dud won erfu success ed the rose bushes Early June ence the need for Wisdom as lates healtllLkidniyraction Buya package todayYoilill be repays hundred times over in relief from the troduced to the new childrens lib Molly Brown Mrs Montagu Leeds Chall elitism NAflOAi RADIO wweir Mrs Edith Jones of 71Mary lt Wily slugs 5130 blooming bushes produced second guide in education today using Off1cm elected at the late cm New for New line of the invocation as an ex St Barrie has keepsake 0f tlP th meetmg of the Drama club were ddm currentroya1 tom in Canada man of oar welcome the Monday octoer Saturday November Jane Perklns president Glenda SCATTERED WEALTH am dgrink5 Ws th the form of letter written to gUlStS andth611brallanMlS Jeall GUI un era lngs all her on behalf of Princess Eliza Knight introduced the childrens BRANDON Man CPThe thief who ransacked confectionery The Current Events Club elec store here tossed away $5100 in tion of officers last week resulted government bonds and kept $23 in no 510 in the following slate of officers cash The bonds were found to president Tom McConkey vice gether with various papers in president Ray Cutler secretary woodyard nearby SUBSCRIPTIN Rills 12 If librarian Miss Brown spoke briefly on childrens reading and told Swiss folk tale The Three Sneezes as asample of what the children are hearing in their week ly Saturday morning story hours at the library On display on the main oor were new childrens books in stock at the elibrarryrr and severalof the new adultsi books Pouring coffee during the aft ernoon were Her Worship Mayor Mrs Marjorie Hamilton and Mrs MacLaren of the library board Tea assistants included members of the library staff Miss Helen Culross Mrs Charles Wil son and the Misses Lorna Cun ningham Nelma Wigg and Joan Culross The table was centred with an arrangement of white and yellow Robinson vicepresident and Bar bara Perkins secretary strength to carry them through The speaker was introduced by the education convener Mrs Cox and vote of thanks was tender ed to him by the association Mrs Stan Waltpresided at the meeting and roll was answered by each member bringing friend Mrs Les Bertram read the current vents and Mrs An dross was in charge of the devo tional period Plans were made for an educa tional time in the near future for fpupilsfrom grades to The meeting adjourned to meet again on the second Tuesday in November in SS No 17 School The program Will be in charge of Mrs Wall and roll call will be favorite hymn The theme will be Armistice bath and mailed on the royal train She received the letter in her mail on Thursday morning week ago Thursday Mrs Jones mailed photograph to the Princess of her parents taken dur ing their prowar visit to Canada Theinformal snapshot had been italfen on the Aylmer road and the Barrie resident felt that He Royal Highness might be inter ested in view of her parents while they were in Canada She sent the photograph to the Princess addressed to the Royal York Hotel in Toronto so that it might reach her on her visit to the city last weekend Written on paper headed With the royal crest and postmarked Royal Train Post Office the let ter read Allandale Hardware 34 Essa Road Barrie will give away six certificates valid until December 31 1951 Wench worth Fifty Dollars $5000 on the purchase from our store of any crewmvw ROGERS MAJESTlC RadioPhenogroph Combination All you do is fill in the form below and mail or bring it to the store DrawTvill be made each evening at 830 pm for calm Royal Train bhrysanthemum nd 6110 an Canada every two gt WBEkS 14th October 195 dies With Silver carlldelabra and ionic for that day ONE ENTRY GIVES YOU CHANCE ON ALL was covered with ace 10th DR er months Dianlllktslesijrfdesby The Princess Ald Hebe Smml W350 present Elizabeth to thank you very much representing the town council and en House Door Prlzes for yourkindness in sending her Miss Elsie Dunn countydibrarian represented the country library co If possible bring your entry form tolthe store in person any even the photograph of The King and Queen which Her Royal High ness was most interested to see Yours sincerely MICHAEL PARKER EquerryInWaiting 1M3Lzonesirg ing during Open House and you wjllbe given chance togvvln wt bountiful piece set of Presto Waterless Cookersifhe drawngtor at 8l30pm SaturdayNovenibeiI operative Teachers from the public and separate grade schools and the Barrie District Collegiate Institute were in attendance Addressing the guests the new childrens librarian said that she felt childrens reading was impor tent because she believed no child could live successfully in the mod ern world without knowing the culture of the revious ages gt Storewlll be open esohievening from to 101pm dur ing National Radio Week for showing of latest ROGERSMMESTIC7MODELS collie BleKltlmfl ham windy trust is $460 hull snout All Subscriptionswlthexpirydoie notloter than GENERAaigggggggmws offgfum deveps Child hold tr dt 11 Decembl may b3 renewed ervicej makas of She Dogsgdsouli b3 Shgalld 13 the best and itwas up to the library to provide the best for them Saturday merning story hours NaMlt umnununnnrrnonu ratesliup till Sondxincliidingpctober icinch including refuges washers etc Expertqrepoirs to all makes of sewing commenced at the library early ln September and will be held ADDREISE SE T0 RENT each Saturday for children start ing at 930 am until the end MAKEOFPBESE 131101163721 VICEWQF the school year Mt was appointedgchili abjthe beginnin