Barrie Examiner, 22 Oct 1951, p. 4

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Ir leap olla Prots th Pennies lhgli The Classified Ads HARRIS EXAMINER MONDAY OCT 22 1951 Tm NOTICE CREDITOR roam oalOlNATEs el 15 Forum as name for round gt mm hemby given put table discussions derives from the Chairs Tonlg lls ALEXANDER4 Welles 05 00d ePon Flu mu rst went to the ustee Act that all ancient Roman forum or central pnal Townm 010 er court of Rum person btvin claims 883m 19 public place Kiwanis Men 195 all For Bafer Scouts MPW V959 195 Estate of zza coam lat ander inee Lina Doughty Will be held in the Township Hall of the Township of 0m in the Frank perk Die Human son tRubeii Geoffray Mldhurst It 10 mm on the 2ch com We widow of mis evenings Kiwanis dub ELVISSAt the Royal Victoria lrllh good weather and plenty of day of October All appeal which ml of about we Ben word mmmum 15c dinner Community Home when Hospital Baring on October 19 action on the part of Scouts and have been lied on or infer the an March AD 1951 eanmia on Following Consecutive Insertions 2c word minimum 50c the program is sponsored by the 193l35w1fd 5355 mm it giggul Egghgglghg wt 253 qgesll lot bald leliflggga ADLETS MAY BE TELEPHONE To OFFICE mustc committee of which he has TEAt tilc Royal Victoria sedative ebefofemfheomed of mew Wubd imam the con WWW been acting challman sllltt ngld lggiplig rain Iagoggirfha President George Friclteh and 33 COUNCIL her 41 1951 after which data CASHRATE 2c word minimum 50 from 58 mm 23 Alfred St daughter 9mm WWW mm mm Wm mm were In charge COUTTS ll 359 Esme haw WW Following Consecutive Insertions llyzc word minimum 35c Frank has arranged for six out clerk and Tram rwud only me claims of ngh 40 hour week an MUST BE PAID WIT ORDER standing speakers thats right The boys were everywhere mm Owen Street he shall then have notice and Will lw WWWWWW mm hp doch but they will be streets canvassing ms ofces by Emmi onwio not be responsmle to an Othen per out BOX NUMBERS or replies directed to this ofce 25c extra gongcd after three minutes Some BROWNM Welles Hmpml etc and contacting passe end by 0117835 atxlgarrllsslthis 4th day Apply in pawn Saw new music is on the agenda and Toronto Saturday Oct 20 1951 closing time had disposed of 40 no SMIT erintendcnt WEEK COMING EVENTS LOCALS 3c word minimum 75c Ron Christie of tile Key Club will Charlotte lLOllltl Bowdery bushels of apples with net return Barltskc SON LTD RCA Technical Following Consecutive Insertions 2c word minimum 50c 9le Pldllu bui IxlgRNligtltlBl Trogpik of over $350 SNOW REMOVAL 39 Dunlop street THIN Shl 30 IN MEMORHM CARD APPRECHTION AUTOMONLfs 683 13L mgnstfn on Town Clerk 18mm was 80 mm Mm to mms 808285bM Barrie Ontario en Ont rahces ing treasurer no mam an 2c it word minimum 75c ENGAGEMENT NOTICES 75c beloved wife of William 11 good and demo mother of Mar wage aflwgoi ctrm Rates and type styles for semidisplay classifieds may be condition phonC 5259 iHsp ivhicf 12 leiginrmefomlgggi October 27 for Snow Itemiiv CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING obtained through The Examiner advertising department iiam of to omu Bl mm the WP mad dur Wt WILL F03 COMPLETE CARs 1930 DODGE Courh mnnmil NW ing the season Dec 15 1051 to om hznmn WM Wm be at Green eral fhapel formservice Untl 1m to LB DELIVERED In It re Ill or errorm In in ent mmcmyer mm mm rumora 29135Loelslcn13cv No2 Farm Stock Implemm within 1111 dim hilt DOMINION AUTO WRECKERS um WRECKING 39 CHEV motor re HOLOHANAt his home Muns ed MA Avg Damn or St 30 da eld Prim 0t 51 ed mark cheque or $200 must pyr ur iyu pm or on issue cclitiy tlverliaultt transmission ty It untersign as receiv am eh Tucsdllv 330 pm for Wednesday issue tear cud cic linthei Moonstone Gordon Lyonti Holohan beloved instructions from my tender no n1 hum 1343585 husband of Ruby Kirk otrlok Iliuisttny l30 pm for Friday Issue Nesnlll CSDW cue PREFFCT SFDAN lsr 299 M0 JOHN ROBERTSON gallon Has heatcr foiumlllll illsaahwncadrguillgllplggydam Lo Rom ermtendem HELP WANTED FOR SALE to on by non mu on illssh on elpston on THE BANKRUPTCY ACT Oct 22 Resting at the home till 230 then to United Church ansfieid for service at 330 Interment Presbyterian Cemetery Mansfield SWAlTAt her home 715 Carlaw Ave Toronto Friday Oct 19 buckqlp light Phone 2797 or call illAllflp THURSDAY OCT 25 at oclock pm To 233 NOTICE To crispness THE FOLLOWING HORSES Grey Percheron All new human cm Mare 11 years Grey Percheron 4M In the nutter of the bankruptcy of George Wilson of the at 55 McDonald 51 RELIABLE WOMAN for Illgiitl work CNR Restaurant tlilxlliiti$ chcrnl different sizes Sonic CLERK MALE OR lllllllt Allillv tradeins and some surplus rcnt 1031 DODGE If not called forum 30 days will be sold for debts tn curred ikiitlllllallS Image 147 Burton Ave pliOIlc Barrie 4306 in person Johnstons lilllllil ills Prompt repair SCIVILC op UN 10 yer mitched andale l8lliib evil 1951Emmu Bate aged 88 years JAMES VIC late of the Barrle 1946 nod beloved wife of the late Charles 30km cowr ears Town of Ratio in Country of Town Barrie in he county Simcoe Province tonal0 oar $12981 Ifgfglmzill Billfltld Sl 32m cl newmumr immucdlhls sum Edward Swait and lovin moth 01 Brigg 35 sumac Tailor deceased who died rylng on business as Wilsons Dressmaker Supplies Leads SUPlllltll BOX 45 Billllc 733 by ClimlCi lllllllllg llufariajfgmli 10 yrs Med May Grey Cow ggmmaggtdug gggwggd Examiner llll85ll BABY CARRIAGE in good conai 96 lggglgdlgylw 5387 gall Dummy Mj Arthur Forster yrs tired Sept 29 Grey Cow mg myyqpmed to the under Notice Is hereby given that George Wilson made on assign MARRIED MAN FEES wblgk mm phone 3436 785b 11 Int or Robert and Roy Swan of Top yrs HOSP bred Oct White much the Exam mm on the day of ouch 195 and me rst meen Accommodation for unnll tamiin lUSKllAI COAT it 22 30 Es Mls Dav1d Hgmfogd ifzii Iresthl m3 at boll Mm 30 0m of creditors will be held on the 30th do of October 1951 if $100 per month fucl garden Box vim Bu Hi Cllbl 130 Willlam SlSler 01 11 foot Gre egregsng Ysv ca ber 1061 mm md Wmdm Belle Paleboro ll And further take notice that oclock wth the office or Drury the 0mm Receiver it aftgzustigchwlitiilst gegmddtllztiebm the Courthouse in the Town of Barrie in the Province of Ontario 11 tEXhe assets amoi the parties em Barrie Examiner 1lii86p 785p Mrs Robert Finley of Barrie and Mrs William Graham of Mimtco Ont Resting at the Tlull Fun springing Red heifer risin yrs bred Jan Hereford belle ing yrs bred Jan Hereford ris LARGEL FURNISHED Bedroom Phone 4926 l35b DOMESTIC HELP No heavy RAILS FOR SALE Apply Cecil Work EXCLlltnl VlllitS Apply MIS Ward Mincsing phone 731 heifer risin rs bred an Paull1M12lagen Mg $1me Mlhgll 78486p IFURNISHgll BEDFOON cggllml Elilnllmlndnrldvl 13233 3V3 Hereford lielleryrisirig pi brill glgmghgggmhgglnvghsagg 312 43 Collier Street MacLaren Ch 01 rs Town in 0111 ll oration illl plcciict lOIiO i1 24 46131 185p MANs BLACK Clotlt Overcoat 3425 lrasp fllyiallifmmmscam Mem Eliingiilg leneiiii Kills iii ml ll muce BARRIE Ontario TRUSTEE size in40 nearly new 520 Phone old steers risin yrs old DATED at Barrie this 9th day of FURNISHED Bedsitting room and kitchenette suitable for working girl Phone 2019 l85p ROOMED HOUSE hot and cold water miles from Barrie near RELIABLE PARTY wanted at 4526 78587p once to cut Up to 1000 cords of rws wood and logs Shares or contract SHOIGUN Remington pum ac Apply for appointment Box 26 llllll 12guuge Apply 15 yroyc Barrie Examiner 185p St alloy pm 7851 MAN TO HANDLE local dealer BARN 36x86 16 pests ill No October AD 1951 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE calves HARNESS Set heavy harness Baffler onlalloi Solicitors for the Executot ii get heavy harness FOWL About 100 black austra 82 88bM heifer rising yr steers rising yl calves under yr youn CARD 0F THANKS OSBORNThc family of the late Mr Osborn wish to school and village bus and train exprero their sincere thanks and shl in this district for Sales and condition Apply Peacock service Available Nov 15 Box mien la $Evice busincSS CZlI llCCCSSGlY Sllallli Bay RR 783th Barrie Examiner 1585 Epfyfgdlonf loththeukends am IMPLLMENTg Intemanonal Write DllTlCt Manager 456 BOli ofylsvatlifuandmflorfilpl ffmgcyyilstwmiuN toBtbpJoctf var St Peterboro OnLVIBBilvsb CXgnSdlthclkiSTeglggloeat mslrzae ItuIENiighLSOEr Gexflnlllossnzalivoalrxsl Utes extended during their recent core im wcay 66115 elfgrdislcls 831 An excellent DAIRY and BEEF feed Available at car COOKWARE SALESMAN e1301 Siie Phone 4939 585 il are tile hyonc shed and bereavement 85 9W3 MvH Hay Teddel Deerlng need only Two supervisrspow b3 miles lilorth of name REYNOLDSWe Wish to extend Mower Steel Land Roper MR pr es season on car mm on our Siding may time available soon Sell Stain SEESSYESRNDSALVE forusure Write Watkins 2996 Danforth hazitfetlelhawnlss on llrlgfgsas Eglatlo TDiggter gtFurrow Interna only 1953 SleEI LOWSl prFev low Wart Remove lfgllus le cress Ave Tommo 158587p messages of sympathy and beau tom15 Eln narrqw bat NOTICE is hereb iveir that terms in Canada Highest commls eaves n0 scars ton arrow fur one 66 00 Sion bonuses etc wme PO BOX L35 tlful oral offerings received from row walking Plow single fur the list of lands now liable to be at on 30 Orillia Ontario l8486b PROPERTY SALE the many friends and nelgthrs row Walking Plow Woods Elec sold for arrears of taxes in the Delivered mm$6800 per ton PIECE NOTIAWA Birch Kauf the 1055 Of dear hUSband and tric Chopper International elec County of Simcde has been pre HONEST RELIABLE man with man bedroom suite Apply base father MFS Reylwlds and tric Cream Separator 2000 lb PEFBd and Was published in all business ability for permanent merit suite 115 Clappcrton St LOTS 66X150 In Cundles 118 family 85p scalos Set Sloop Sleighsi Sulky advertisement September 14 1951 ew more cars to arrive soon Slightly lower price on 735 trict water supplied hydro close In The ontai gigging givlceessegilllloniwmAid to School Phone 4600 or 3375 Daggdcractu ilslel iig r0 allze straight car loads preferred Write Sales Manager 31 toned ivory 15471 Box and Pipes rolls 50 Snow advggtllesserrlentsavgn lite geerlmlnsngv Filter cheenp tBatgless Ovacuum good condition $honleesezrvifmgl TWO LOTS 663167 Win sell as Fecllfae 4g vVZeIdti iostsst offlco or will be mailed upon and ceaner or 010 IngaBab Sing 78587p one lot Apply 20 Alfred St my of Fuemptureoo ove quan making application for same In 164351 default of pa ment of taxes as We are in the market now for good quantities of qmmy gum litany other articles too numerous shown on sai list on or before to mention Tuesday January 1952 at the Market price today Oats 751 3115 Mixed grain $4300 at mill SEVERAL LENGTHS of used cop per pipe also an of WHY PAY RENT modest down sheet metal ah 305 ghone payment Will make you owner of luuch booth on grounds hour of two oclock In theer Bags and pickup can be provided If you have Clover seed or WANTED BY Dutchman just or 2766 78586b home We can assist you In WOOdlqw Eye Ezlr mofglsurf ettrllohvng to be Shall at that tlme In the rived from Holland job on farm ammg your purchase Homes from N058 aan Throat Speltlallst Orlllla 15 Council Chamber Court House grain to sell bring sample to Conp Experienced dairyman Apply Gus SACRIFICEcamel hair coatv Size to 10 rooms some newt 520ml onti W111 be on holidays OCt 27 CleEkSCha ailg ter Aosst Hand Bartlet Ontario Proceed to sen by De Kelyne RR No Show 1416 gentlemans brown winter not so new Inspectour listings to Nov 13 85b 35 05 er be 103486 public auction the said lands to Phone nrzi r28483p coat Size40 Both perfect condi Contact Henry Elrlck Realtors 35 pay such arrears together With 11011 phone 3748 evenings 7851 Barrie 1685p RENOVATIONS T0 BUILDING Slim mag reasurer ice GUTrA PERCHA Rubbersv RUbbEF In the Endayl OCL 19 Issue Of BootS and our buckle overshoes The Examiner it was stated that COLEMAN Treasurer PROPERTY FOR House Bafff Slmcoe Busrness Opportunities 11th day of October 1951 renovations were being made to theoutside of thePushkollf build ing at 3133 Collier St at cost of $1200 The building in question belongs to the Harry Levit estate for men and b0 The SWFUMITME of all kinds wear on anted Apply Box 89 Orillia or ger Allen Bayeid St Mo phone4taa0rillia 79=86p grad921 EHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine LARGE WINGHAM Clip er wood LOSTBlack and tan bound in Avlclnitylof Angus or Grenfei Phone 4829 Revvard 17851 $3000 room house on acre lot short distance Trom lrange cars 0d ft to ft high Phone 28b8 C03 ll LOSTRed cow3 ears oldslra 11 Donald St 373443 igglgnlialingllghalwgstseg at les ed from property in F1003 mgplffeTslgcw 90 lie Efe mam nghway $1500 ppy 12 Con Inmsm one mlle east of one ennis arrie Barrett Shanty Bay 78587 PORCELAIN RANGE closet and tankflotll61coolor wood new condition reasonable or will trade as part payment on good boat or outboard motor Phone 4943 777tfb ADDING MACHINES andtype convert the building into dwell ing and in the future store at No 31 ATTEND KEY CLUB CHARTER NIGHTAT COLLINGWOOD Mr and Mrs Fred Smith Mr and Mrs Roy Christie Mr and Mrs LADY CALLS paying best pri ces for antique china silver crys talornarneulsjewelryetc Little Antique Shoppe 116 Dilnlop St phone 3141 3851171 AGENTS WANTED St Pauls Reward 178485p LOSTStrayed from Lot 29 Con Vespra short nosed Yorkshire sow due to farrow Oct 30 Any one knowing its whereabouts please notify Ivan Orr phone 844r41 1785b $4500 New room house full size basement on large lot close to Barrie $73000 $1200 down takes ve room house with plenty of ground close to Barrie ONTARIOELECTIONS BIESSOForonthls egssyNthe Famiyle wgy Over writers new arid used sales and Business ounies MCDUffeev Lelgllton Clarke $3700 New room house full 1000 dealers all Over Canada 135 entals Royal eri pp and wipipf Bfarrie Collegiate Size basement mod Exec WW gm MMdwmw i7 Wines Eff gigapgaon UbbersmattEWTclrmr Barrg vmwmwm ltY GlVe Yourseu chate 10 glacmnes 66 Tommi St Barne complete to start business Includ mght 0f the commgwool DiStriCt Twig hllollmlziltlllliofi one 4824 784ng ing 12 boomsl 4540 bad Couegiate Key Ciub lastwednes $8700 Call in and ask about treal 485l37b1mGOOD USED Tradein recondi Wllth front ciliunter sodafountaln day Also attending were Walter ve room modern house now mDDEdVacuumdeanepkmkmakes fmlfggg Stella rrrpaSlluteggglnorv vunderconmctlonewaltzonly 11 if WW EASY MONEY FOR YOU Earn t$119 and up Free home demon quipment A11 itures 53nd wal and Dr Car119Clemene To $2500 down early POSSESSlOD If sra lOIl Write Vacuum Cleaner ronto Kiwanis lieutenantgovernor highest commission selling Name on Christmas cards and Everyday cald assortments wonderful val ues over forty items including 25 card Christmas feature assortment Beloved Authors stories assortment Velvetone and SfarBrite metallic assortments Canadian scenes Christmas carol Mountain scene pictures and cards personal and religious cards gift wrappings diriig dongt dbills popular dcorugs an amma umorous car dies Christmas books and cutouts Cundles Ont phone Barrie 9049 also Everyday assortments Write 985b catalogue and samples NQW REGISTERED YORKSHIRE Boar gglengimtligncaoggmpilinyYIJXE serviceable age excellent quality 118 FR srArcade Toronto 47688bAM 7225 Ck5tvn 333 GRADE DUAL PURPOSE Short horn Cow registered Shrop CHIMNEYS AND Furnaces clean shire rain lambs Phone 62 Miller dGet prepared for cold weath Smg 982859 Have your chimneys and fur naceizcleaned Call Barrie 3405 EamgGngggl Eggtgglf 53437p vath Con Lot 22 Vespra Phone MANURE FORSALE also decom 314 after 97351 nut in excellent condition Apply to Sam Russ 161 Hurontario St Collingwood Ont 29850 FARM EQUIPMENT HORSE DRAWN Hoover Potato Digger in working condition Phone 815F21 39851 committee of 135 Battery officers 1949 ALLIS CHALMERS Tractor mess when the annual meeting of Al condition Phone 5680 after associate members was held at Bar 630 Pm 3975th rie Armoury Thursday night Ma FURROW ALLIS Chaimers Tfac jor Clark addressed the meet tor plow $35 Campbell ing It was announced that the an Shanty Bay phone Gm 910 398511 nual regimental meeting dinner and dance of the 45th AntiTank 1950 FORD TRACTOR in new con mien have reasons far selling Regiment RCA would be held in Hea Barrie on Nov Associate mess Apply Merv Bent ey 1333235872 members would be invited to the dance with their wives Plans were discussedfor other functions dur ing the ComingWlnteITi boos STOCK synthe sideshow are use nw1au nytu Iggy Notice of Revitalon of Voters ISIS ghgarmiyg2gll In Urban Polling fSilbdivisions basement oil heated beautiful mm NOTICE OFSITTINGS or THE REVIISING OFFICER IN THE Sales and Service 386 Water St Peterboro Ont 78385b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SHROPSHIRE AND Oxford Ewes Apply to Alford Mine smg 985p ITAMWOIRTII Pigs six ioweeks old registered stock Lew Graves of No division ELECTED T0 HOUSE COMMITTEE OFFICERS MESS Badgley MBE chairman Ray Livingston Garrick George Dangerfield and Ralph Snel grove were elected to the house $10500 New room rug brick nouse modern bath fullr size basement With heated recreation Electoralllisirid of imcoe Centre fgg $2553 basement my large Public Notice is hereby given pursuant tosootion 74 or The Voters Lists Act 1951 of therevision of the voters lists for all polling subdivisionsin the Town of Barrie inthe Electoraeristrlct of Simcoe Centre $10300 Rug Brick roOmsp kitchen llvmg and dinin room anduyobedmoms4u1sizeuAf44Ema5 basoment hot water heated AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thatalttlngs Will be held by the revising officer atthe times and Terms piecesset forth in the schedule hereinafter set out Any persons qualified to vote at the pending llm lle LeKlBlBlVe Assembly and Whose name libs been omitted from or incorrectly entered 1950 CASE TRACTOR Model like new 40x60 barnandve room house Apply to Stuart Mac donald 115 St Vincent St Bar rie phone 3357 3984813 37300 room house three 1a LetMrs Jane Ben gr mlAlvin Thompsonheip 059d manure for lawn dressmgsl 13 called On attend at thetimes and lacesheleundel men 0f and quantity Wd AP Sgwdrgedggggngivistgglggerld gingnlly KEIslllesgnfltlilngthggg 23 ROUND FOR SALE Apply George glidenldihrdoas four lions down fguintfsoaolfhlvrgs his halite nrollgd uponthe voters lists be used at the said P1 35 Mimi PM 5037 rafter poultry from baby to market You eralions Quotations and advice ell Andrewsvamme mom374 icome can bmshug good in lptnis hill 11 beenoproileriy flied withreterence to names wronnlllly entered H513 just pay whenever you Say Bar requeSt Wright and Son 629 3885p houg$2000 30w mm 15 electing Eggggwggmg wlvwea their95mm moosaPmNG and publlv Film Supply The110m WWW SC1mgwdrmz 19F and Mike market sq re 3963 IO ES mmFullyeullillpedrestaur voterslitsta for thlerleetmci DlllWllLbG open for publicginspcctlon at incomes of the no ant showmg good turnover close to mam Highway in Town near Barrle Terms IIl health reason for selling 310800 Billiard unkind ibuil Thursday We would be pleased in with ll rm9mpalt to hate your patronageand can 9ng Store 011 heated Barrie Phone2982 96797ip DELAVAL MILKER complete titmy ur Secretarial Work with motor and attachments for ie Bus 655 COllegewiloggg ten cows alfo Cutis 5c6an elf tric milk coo er new man CHICKS AVAILABLE commggg ago Sell reasonable or exruange 135 for ten yNov Order now For ROPq for grain or livestock Perry 811d 53119 Itylbuy Hunters Chicks Hunters Adams 33 Barrie 39485 new 00 ham Poultry Fm sitcud 2482851 RMICKD Tr to 1th W4 Me eermg ac arantee or ea 1988011 01 gal dwan ORDER THOSE Early WEte in excellent condition on new 13x g3 livestbikerefmlmf stalling Chlk5wrm Gnmmes bpe 24tires McCormick Deertng trace shed wanen Brown 76tfb 031 10W Pme 011 Pun rder5 tor onsteel Ford Ferguson Trac woanooaoy out 31 Estate of the Now is the time to buyytiur retellEdmWrHaihm earlmmd tor in Al conditioonarsO lNCk 1ateAlice Fisher 31 InnisfllSt summer cottamat lower fall 67 or mom and my 0c cut down acmlse Graves Barrie sale or household furni silver to SudeVISIOIlS In 01 hick Availablww late NW Bros Ferguson implement Deal ture and effects Sale at Cali bet andDecemllCLPllrmeBzgigr ers305BaycldSt North 381 Terms cash Slessor uc gt Wile Gm 99 4132961 grie phoneme 398511 tloncer 8385x Rut gistrstion andzltevisin at 90th 3m 9i Thursday Oct 25 s=J Halbert Lot1lCon Elisa Sale of farm stock implements and household oilda COMFORTABLE ROOM suit two mmjng Officer looated at BopmT24Duniopstreetpartlevhetween thelionrs allots111 end 1130 emfands pm and 430 pulsand from pm toi980pm on Wednesday the ythvduygof October of Liliane 5pm on and after Monday Etndjdaym Ontology millia Community Stile Your Community Sale Barn situatedzlz miles south of Orillia on No 11 Highway at Forest Home is pre pared to serve you each andgevery 2y also be inspectedstithe office or the Claim shoutinloloolitynioiwoentho ltoitri to 1effects Tegms iaShiOthihgsEo am in thieaktast tional remove ml 36 Or a6 tailedanti Ogle hrletilin 155209 plzellb HIM Chas Full Alglggg eerr Commtiuit Auction Bale iii Bar mgwmy rie Fair rounds 130 pm every strainer Friday afternoon Undermanage

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