Serving THE TOWN Of IAIRII AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE Since 1864 87th YearNo 85 VON Campaign Chairman to Speak CKBB 725 Tonight 4wmlt VICTOR KNIGHT chairman of the present campaign for the Victorian Order of Nurses Barrie branch will speak this evening at 725 over radio station CKBB on behalf of the drillc for funds ooooo The rim Column fly KEN WALLS Wasnt that lovely weekend We have had remarkable weather for this time of year Since the cold and Wei Thanksgiving the days have been generally sunny and warm as Nature clothes the autumn scene in radiant splendor This must be lndian summer and it would seem that the arrival of Their Royal Highnesses coincided with the change of temperature to match the warmth of their wel come friend of ours had telephone call from Tokyo last Thursday morning from Canadian officer in the UN Forces He had dew days leave and flew to Japan He said the weather that day was bright and warm same as in Barrie It would appear bygthecohvcrsa lion The call was quite clear our informant said just as if you re talking long distahcem few mi es apart instead of thousands Our daughter just into collegiate was getting rigged out in the most outlandish costume last Friday night for the freshie initiation Daddy she asked did you have initiation when you went to high school From behind the even ing paper we growled something about certainly not we didnt have time for any blankety blank fool ishness then We went there to learn something Ys but what about when you went to university Well that ended the conversation as we retreated further into the rape and embarrassed silence Now we must at this time apolog ize for something which appeared in this paper acouple of daysbe flire the first outoftown hockey um and for which we take re game inStCaiharlnes and inserted sentence to the effect that Barrie fans could listen 10 Rexrstimers But we were given to understandat that time that there would not be broadcast by CKBB which of course there was We certainly hadn intention of slighting our local atiop After all who plants to listen to the foghorn of Niagara Turn to page six please Centrei5imco Teacher Mommau HNMWWCMUI Should Avoid Burooucracy of Speaker This Ls ii great country we have in our Canada declared Jack Crean Toronto industrialist and executive member of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce addressing Barrie Kiwanis Club Oct 15 at Community House Let us make sure we keep it great That means we must never let the individual become submerg ed in our democratic system We must avoid bureaucracy as much as possible How can we possibly reward iustly the enterprise and ability of individualsif we take away all the fruits of their labor by punitive taxation Mr Crcan was introduced by If ll Netileton pAst president of Kl wants and member of the Ontario advisory board of the Chamber of Commerce He was thanked by Fisher past president of the Barrie Chamber Among the guests were past pres idents and directors of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce who were introduced by secretarymanager Welham and they included Leishman Dick Steele Coutts Cable and consider able number of Kiwaniuns who are presently active in of work here The speaker stated at the outset that all seriousthinking people are concerned with the trend in the western world at the present time On the one hand we have self reliance with its ingenuity and iii dlvidual initiative and on the other side we have the continuing de mands for security which must be based on the abllltyof the country as whole togive it and this is something which seems to get lost in sight by many planners Mr Creansald that elected re presentatlvesio the various branch es of our governmental system have difflCuit job His 10 easy to dangle the carrot he said but so hard to make people realize What the costand result will be of giv ing it away Mm The speaker head of the firm which manufactures wellknown brand of hats gave an enlightening pictureof the Chamber of Com merce movement its objectives its work its multiple achievements It has he declared fundamentally grass roo movement where over 150 of the members come from c61lllhdbf5300 or less Its directors in various local cham bers have not the same problem 35 councillors that of getting elected Head office of the Canadian Chamber acts as clearing house for information garnered by local branchm It brings wealth of ex perience to the task and its em phasis is on thecoordinating job it does for all local boards At the annual meeting each year there come up hundreds of resolu tions from local chambers and every step taken to see that there shallbe no smothering Shortly af ter selected deputation waitron the federalcablnet and always re ceives sympathetic hearing Mr Crean gave hnumber of instances where Canadian Chamber of Com mercl briefs hdbeeh presented to the government and had later re sulted improgressive legislation But remember this We are not lobby be emphasized He ex plained some of the work of the 3331 or whlcnh is iiiinberfirii official talking sort of over the back fence TliCanadlan Chant ber of Commerce was great on ganization he pointed out and the teamwork betweenthe local cham bers and head office was of in estlmable value to all business large andrsmall in anada He urg ed continuing support for the Bar rie Chamber of Commerce Institute Annu arrir Extortion BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY OCTOBER 22 l95l Conservatives and liberals TWil llllllllll BllllllE Stolen Truck Recovered on New Highway Police on Friday recovered the 1050 light truck of George Fred ericks Thornton ditched on the new highway in lnnlsill Town ship Tlie truck had hit con crete culvert and was badly dam aged The truck was stolcnsome time about midnight Thursday Keys had been left in the ignition MINESING COUPLE HURT AT SARNIA IN AUTO CRASH Two Minesing residents are In Sarnia General Hospital following Sunday afternoon car crash at an intersection near that city In hospital are Miles 81 broken leg lacerations and shock and his wife 68 broken arm and shock The couple were passengers in car driven by Mrs Art Boyd Barrie their daughter who suff ered shaking up but was allow ed to go home Also in the car was Mrs Boyds sister Mrs Alex Smith of Sarnia The foursome were out fdr an afternoon drive during weekend visit They had driven to Sarnla accompanied by Mr Boyd who wasynot in the car at the time of the accident DEEP IS ARCTIC Depths of over 2000 fathoms haVe been registered in various parts of the Arctic Ocean leatherMust RespeclrtPelsonalilyC lllESll Barrie Boy Scout Association Will Hold Annual Oct 24 The political pot is beginning to boil locally after slow simmer Both the Progressive of Slmcoe Centre riding have Conservatives and the Liberals called nomination meetings on the same night same hour same town but of course at dif ferent sites Prog Cons meet at Oddfelio ws Halt Barrie pm on Tues day Oct 23 Liberals meet at Htllcrest School pm on Tuesday Oct 23 Both have the same objective to select candidate for the Ontario elections of Thursday Nov 22 Progressive Comervuves There is no doubt about the Pro gressive Conservative meeting lit the IOOF Hall so far as candidate is concerned George Johnston of Minesing who has represented the riding in the provincial legislature since 1943 winning three elections since then is certain to be nom inated again by acclamation it is ted although several other Ames may be put forward The main speaker for the Con servative meeting will be the Hon George Douccit Minister of Highways In view of the great highway construction now proceed ing here the big fourlatter from Toronto to Barrie and the Barrie Bypass his remarks should be of special interest Heads Teachers GEORGE amour is presl dent of the Barrie Boy Scout As sociation whose annual meeting will be held Wedncday Oct 24at Collier St United Church recrea tion room where dinner will be served by the WA at 630 pm The speaker will be William Courrier of Ottawa deputy chief executive commissioner of the Boy Scout Association of Canada assist ant to MajorGeneral Daniel Spry Reports of the past year will be presented business discussed and officers elected for 1952 Di Individual Child Pill lells Centre Simcoe ConvenIiOn teacher must believe in democratic principles andmust haveJalth in the personal worth and capabilities of every child in her classroom Pitt professor at the Ontario Col lege of Education tolddlstrict teachers here Friday Mr Pitt Jwas speaker at the 67th annual convention of the Centre Simcoe Teachers Institute held at Hillcrest Public School in Barrie Around 145 teachers of the in spectoratewere present at the con vention Visitors included group giftgagheijs from Shelburne who attended along with Lovell of Orangeville school inspector for Dufferin County mg sessmn in noon banquet was held in Trin ity Paryh Hallaud the afternoon program iiiiuded t0ur of new In nisfil Township schools and Cod rington Public School in Barrie The professor of education used negative approach in pointing out to the teachers the chief goals of education He suggested that they ask themselves what things they al as educators might do whichlwould SMITH of Barrie princi pal of Hormrliubliechool was eleuted 195152 president of the Centre Slmcoe Teachers Insti tute at the 57th annual convention held here Friday Mr Smith will succeed Hooton president for 195051 Other members of the in coming executive elected at the convention are Miss Marion Webb of Stroud who succeeds Mr Smith in the office of vicepresident Winston Law of Barrie who was reelected secretarytreasurer and Inspector Scott The executive will also include one representative to be elected from each township organization most damage thboys and girls en trusted to them Crippling The Child am convinced that the mast who does not have faith in the per sonal worth and in the capabilities of every child in her classroom Democracy has faith in the ability of every man to inch forward the common good No matter what the individuais color creed education or lack of it clothes grammatical errors personal groomingoi what Turn to page two please ConVentionW nitric Dancing Wednesday Friday and Saturday nights at Club 79 Ad mission ladies 50c gentlemen 75c 48tfb Song Recital by Jeanne Pen gelly brilliant Canadian soprano Tuesday Oct 23 830 pm sharp EDCI auditorium Presented by Womens Canadian Club of Bar rie Admission 50 cents to non members of Canadian Clubs stud ents 25 cents Memberships still available at Vdoorf$2 for sason Outstanding speakers for season include Michael Bark way Mrs Anne Stewart Higham LtGen Mihal Tokarzewski and others 84b Baseball banquet and dance in Stroud Community Hall Tuesday Oct 23 Turkey supper at 630 Dance at 930 Admission $125 Dance only 50 cents Tickets available at Youngs Stroud or from sponsors Redmen Earl Club 8385bWM arranged Also invited to speak here on Tuesday night are lion Earl Rowe Newton Robinson MP for Dufferin Simcoe Julian Fergusan Col llngwood MP for Simcoe North Rev Downer Duntroon MPP George JShnston riding which has called the nom Morrison Penetang president Charles Evans KC Bradford vicepresident Mrs Marjorie llam ilion Barrie secretarytreasurer Liberal Meeting The Liberal nomination meeting will be held on Tuesday Oct 23 at pm at the new IIillcrest School on Toronto Si An outstanding speaker is coming from Ottawa in the person of Beliidickson Im Gill Ml Ola WNA Ind Audit law Sim lllllMEElINiiS ll llIlilHl all 23 Executive for the Slmcoe Centrcr inatiotl meeting are William Hp MP for KenoraRainy River and Parliamentary Assistant to the Min ister of Transport William Moore Bcnidickson BA LLB was born in 191i at Dau nhin Manitoba son of Christian Benidickson and Gertrude Moore thus of Icelandic and Canadian origin He was educated at the public and high schools of Dau phin and the University of Mani toba Winnipeg where he gradu ated in Law He is married to the former Agnes McCausiand Rich ardson of Winnipeg He is mem ber of the law firm of Benidick son McLennan and Brett of Ken ora Mr Benidickson served in th war with theRCAF and attained the rank of wing commander Turn to page threeplease MONDAY and FRIDAYf 5c copy 12 Pages Two Sectiolis HAMMER FAMILY Housepls WELL ON WAY TO COMPLETION for DufferinSimcoc Dr Mc Pliee MPP for Simcoe East andi Minesinlg wamahW Shot by 22 Now in Hospital Mrs Wally Luck of Minesing was rushed to Toronto General HOSpital early Sunday morning after she was struck in the fore head by bullet accidentally red from 22 rifle Mrs Lucks condition was rei ported Sunday night as critical Police state that Mrs Luck was showing the rie to two friends and while doing so the rifle dis charged the bullet striking her frong close range Victim of Beating iansAdolfsen 57 Toronto is recovering from severe cuts and bruises to his head and sprained shoulder and thumb following beating near Wasaga Beach early Examlner Photo and Engraving WHEN FIRE DESTROYED their home on No 90 highway late in August Mr and Mrs Robert Hammoriandmthieir107 children were left homeless and with only the clothing they wore Citizens immediately pitched in with clothing and aid in various ways The family was reestablished and new home is wellonthe way to completion on the fire site It is beingerectedwmalnlymbyvolunteerlabor1nthe top photo are shown Mr and Mrs Hammer and nine of their children They are left to right Fred 16 Barbara 12 Howard 11 Judy Sandra Brian Billy Stasse and Sherry Lynn Absent is Bob17 training with the RCN at Corri wallis Nova Scotla Centre shows the fire ruins and lower photo the new house The ClvilianCommlttee of the ie veslxrideywmornibn Adolfsen and his grandson ware dragged from their beds by four men who surprised them in the earlymorning hours the victims told police Adolfsen broke away once but was dragged back after running as far as nearby High way 26 Howevr his grandson Walter Taskinen 17 eluded the attackers and ran to phone police Tasklnen suffered only minor bruises As result four men were bir rested near Wasaga Beach and charged with breaking and enter ing and assault Charged are Mel vin Bowers 58 and Jack Bowers 18 of RR Stayner John Rice 21 and Colin Patrick 17 of Coll ingwood Turn to page six please luvu Progressive Euchre Wednesday Oct24 in New Lowell Hall in aid of our boys in Korea by Bretitwood Community 85D Youth For Christ Bally Friday Octobr 26 Oddfellowsv Temple Collier St at pm 8885 Chilli Oct 24 WilliV members jnotei There is bowling on Wednesday 85b FOWISupper dance and draw in Gearln Hall Phelpston Wednes day Oct 24 Supper 6830 pm Patricks Churcb Lady Admission Dance 50c 8385bWM ulsons Hill Jr Institute party and dance Gilford Hall Friday Oct luck raw on quiltq Admission in costume 35c withoutcostume School age children free 84851 Watch for theinterior dcorating In aid pf St Pholdston and Our Lourdes Elmvale Mutton children 50c demonstration at the Roxy Thea Thursday Nov at Zipqn rizes Ausplces Collier Stz ed Church Womans Asoociltg ofv Prizes for costumes and babBDclgadels ROYCII Replionj CadafhcaWWa Off pool for aid after the fire and established depot at Barrio Armoury for donations The car struck the trailer cab almost in the leftcentre and was badly damaged Neilly was not injured The truck received slight damage PC Stubbs investigated CarTruck Crash Near Municipal Building Friday Friday morning about 1130 an accident Occurred almost in front of the municipal building on Coll ier street when Alien Neilly Gi1 ford driving late model car crossed Collier and collided with heavy semitrailer driven by Thompson Orillia Neilly had just come north on Mulcaster HARD TO BEAT Byron Trask 81yearold farmer of Little River had what be con sideredva real novelty in his gar dena large cabbage which bears instead of the singlehead nine big vheadsvall titer five inches in dia meter gt Digby NS Courier