enedwith rim Eln ngilus5initii in ltMrshllsyrbEfpegga 53ndin regimen is ttehdmg the talk Tha nksgiV 8r phone compinies ConVentionatthe 15 licldmll Ross COIdWOllSingers tO Have Unusual Talk By Tape Recording Goldwater Lions Club had an un usual type of address at their meet ing in the Parish Hall on Oct 15 PLANNING INFLATION by 921mm 11 Caldwell made speech few days ago An Ottawa paper headed the story Caldwell Flays Gotemment on Controls Thats an unusual thing for Mr country table published on page of the budget brought down on April 10 provides statement of gross national expenditures fur 1939 andiw Gross National Dipeiditure trig tires in millions add six ciphers COI ell to do Much better would 1939 gures rst 1950 mums They hearda tape recording of it we been to say Come let brackem talk given by Roy Keating of Inter us reason together have Personal expenditure on can national headqudrten to zone meeting at Auroral Thespeech was ways thought that kind wor brought here on equipment provid turned away wrath but for some sumer goods and services $3061 $11810 Government expend reason Mr Caldwell was not at in on goods and services m4 ed by Ed Walker Midland Lions his best in his recent effort Still 2333 Gross home New Club eve seconds Wm 50 men all plant equipment and fmmpanymg all 1m good points Heres Wishing him housing Jummi Change Dildllgndauilreetfhgr folymmngotthg but Wk in inventories 332713805 Ex This T1 Sam Cadcsky Bill McArthur Del an 339 31 port of goods and services 31451 things Mr Caldwell advocates $4173 Import of goods and 3035 will tend to make conditions worse services 328 $4 82 RESL Dosigxtyhnonrswiglson Hugh Blair an or wee recent issue of The Economist mentions these four factors which intensify the tendency to ination Three of them are on the agenda of Mr Coldwells normal platform as to the fourth doubt if he would accept it dual error of estimate Sill 7Gross National expenditure at market prices 16 $5598 317 701 ONE in Constant 1035 39 Dollars $5523 $9982 Mr Caldwell tells us that fra tioning is now by the purse Thatl Mr Keatings address was based on measurements and outlined the many ways in which Lionism could live up to its ideals in the most ef fective manner President Earl Mr Walker for bringing his repro Dabble thanked Redistributive taxation has rhetorical statementdts diffi dunk equipment slipped the source of savmg cult to conceive how the person The draw was made for mo The growth of state planning with the smallest purse can live ushels apples and winners were has Pm the comml 0er owner Rerb Stevens and Gordon Cooper policy into the hands of men whose glance at his record in spending Tickets will be sold on other occupational temptation must shows that we had pretty air draw or mung apples ways be to take the Optimistic standard of living and were also plans were made move the View and to hand out more claims able to invest substantial sum clubs hing equipment from the to wealth than the economv can thus increasing our future capa omng0 Han and Sum wukly in fact redeem City to Produce games in the near future in the Full employment has enorm Mr Coldwell is normally pes mun house ousl stren thened the bargaining simist If he were in power for powlir of thee unions few months he would feel better RngTPmmp Slgtmpef towflons The breakdown of free trade Our view of life depends on the High BERT Hgfbnsmven 13 and the gold standard has removed angle of vision but Mr Caldwell puzzle involving Smngs am but restraints 6311151 17 is if wlgejfmfc alllgrgzinx tNons on strilckbwitth holes inui1t oone wont ebos er prize in We are like to have Inflation IOminutc time limit MILDRED BAKER AND ALMAJEAN Christa in the Broadway musical Song of with us for some time and like 3er 3311th 6159 303m PATTERSON members of the Ross Cald Norway in its Melody Fair production at it or not you and Land Mr Coltl Lrsnetnce 001r Tgvberhlllgies in we Singers who Wm appear musical Dufferm Park during the past summer Her well will have to live With it for Th d1 th program Autumn Symphony following numerous radio appearances during the me at 19851 Even Mr 301d OCT 7H0y United Church cu LCI ave HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS wcu cant Shoo it away Mean anniveary Wm be held Sunday winners of the calf club competi turkey supper In TIIOIIIDOII United Church past season have included Stage 00 Buck FARM STOCK AND While he proposes to feed lb mm Oct 21 at 11 am and 730 pm 33sz ftgengffmrf 0n wedmday eveningr 001 24 supper ingham Theatre 311d Ford Thea9 IMPLEMENTS hIIPTiSrME Hr H15 remedy 15 SUbSIdlze Rev Morris Stroud will have imp wards 3V be mad commences at oclock and the musical Last Spring over Radio Shanon CBL the gohmrtlr13r1 Price EOOdS What Wm be charge of the services The choir ram will begin at 830 pm up ow result of this process It is in are preparing Special music Evey dCB Ross Caldwell school CIIOII assisted by the Phone 2577 Barri Lorenzo caswe Ian condlet boy Soprano CBC Opera Company were heard on three tended to reduce prices Let us look at that moment The pen plc of Canada have high pili chasing powerlower prices will increase demand Mr Coldwcll cannot solve aproblem by attack ing it at the wrong end one welcome Several from Holly motored to Toronto on Oct 13 to see Their Royal Highnesscs EVERETT artist and Stuart Rogers tenor soloist will assist the choral group of 30 voices in var ied program which Includes Malottes ar rangement of The Lords Prayer and tunes from five Broadway musicals South an Opera Their conduc Barrie District Has 9001 Birthday Goldwaters Eldest Since the death recently of Wil in Th Chocolate Soldier Show ButMr Coldwell IS the leader re 80 Ad liam Gill Lorenzo Caswcll 15 Cold Gun amen Of party It draws Support Slum or Mr and in waters oldest citizen Mr Caswell boat and Annie GEt ur Caldwell of Crown Hill OCT I6A presentation shower was held at Mr and Mrs Adairs on Tuesday Oct 16 for the iewlywcds Mr and Mrs Harry Robbins who were presented with others Bonnie Brooks versatile young star of stage and radio will offer two humorous monOIOgues Bonnie played the part of from the farmers and to some ey tent from labor The farmers haw done very well in the last few years as the following price com marked his 90th birthday on Oct 17 He continues to keep active and is usually down town every day and also generally walks daily ons Show These are Toronto P3 to the nearby farm home of his WC and W091 alum beautiful Chm all hind son Garnet somewhat in mm mm handPamedme lug was Mr Caswcll was born in the Cold Canada The Changes have been spent in dancmg and playing cards which was enjoyed by all water reSIdence now occupied by rOVInCI quite substanial especially in IIVP stock Price per pound in cents March 193537 and in brackets July 3i Levi Armitagc He was lumber man for many years and operated mill near the junction of Cold water River and Matchedash Bay Robert Knowlton is busily en gaged building foundation for his new home in Everett west of the park HelaL Four Days at Chatham out the provincecompeted for the 1951 Mm R0 Lakmg returned to To north of the Village After retiring Thirtyhve members of Barne Good Steers 58 33370 Hogs ronto afteyr spending couple of fr meer busmess he Per Presbytery Young People were trophy with Barrie Presbytery 131 dressed Toronto 1180c days at her home here ated 111mm Shepparde North atmong the 450 at the 18m annual placing third River farm for number of years Last Sunday evening at Essa YPPS convention in First Presby terian Church Chatham Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday 36750 Lambs 880c 36c Eggs 2275c 69c These are typical samples Have Mrs George Atkinson whohas been patient in Alliston hospital Road Church the four members who attended the convention told Mr Caswell attends the United Church regularly and has served on returned home on Monday after no doubt about itthe price in noon feeling much improved Goldwater councrl Oct and of their experiences to the rest of crease on percentage basis l3 Mr and Mrs Hiram wanwin 18 Mrs Caswell passed away In 1942 St Andrews and Essa Road the YPS igmup The Barric Presbytery Fall Rally with members of all YPS groups in the Presbytery attending will be held in Midland Presbyterian Church Monday Oct 22 with pro gram starting at 815 pm and son William was killed in ac tion in the First Great War Mr Caswell has six sons and two daughters living They are Milford of Atlin BC hotel operator John of North Bay with the CPR Vane of Kirkland Lake and Lorne of Huntsville both in the construction business Garnet who farms on the outskirts of ColdwateltLantIlLyall Caswell with Toronto Elevators at Waterdown Mrs William Harvie Young Peoplersocieties Barrie were represented by five members Don Home now studying in To ronto and member of St An drews was present as were Joyce Pearsall Jim Lamont Barry Grant and Bob Hooper of Essa Road The convention weekend was held under the theme For Me to Live in Christand Dr Ritchie Bell of Montreal errModerator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada enormous Are the farmers monv bpolists They are not Did they combine in any way to force up prices No No country threat ened by war succeeded in avoid ing ination War means an in crease in the circulation of money decrease in thedomestic supply of commodities So prices rise especially farm products They are subject to sharp price changes turned home after spending few days with their daughter Mrs Miller Sheridan Mr and Mrs Harry Jenkins re turned home after spending few days in Quebec Mrs Harry Wilson returned home from Toronto after spending few days with her daughter Mrs AI bert Gibbs WW Everett United Church will hold Poultry Wanted HIGHEST PRICES PAID Our Truck Will Call the mu ave one In the annual fowl supper on riday port of Canada Packers Limited New Coldwater With Whom he 3511195 was theme speaker Dr Bell gave for the year ending March 28 last and Mrs Egan Kathleen three addresses during SaturdaYS is 77 ALLISTON Bend Oregon IVY genda The convention missionary rally was under the direction of Rev Total sales amounted to $356000 000 Net protsafter paying bonus of $1800000 to the workers VASEY preparatian Mrs Nathan Romney is visiting Worshipand song services were and laying aSIde an inventory re OCT IllMr and Mrs George Malco1m Ransom of Fort Erie re NIXONS serve of $1000000 amounted HaWker Challie R0bm5ni ML all esh temn WMS turned miSSionary from China Dur $4126013 Figure It out if you Mrs JackNixon motored to DeVIls OCT 16T131e Womens Mission mg the convention 10 discussion are IntereSted It reecmd G1 on Sunday Societ of the Fresh terian groups about various topics of mm on sales or my or Mr and Mgsyert 681 cit mesa no young interest provideda on every $100 of pro ucs so hurst visite an is or Wealth informonon Christian PROTECT YOUR with seven members and two vis eeeeee WW Prevaumghlgh prices are due to ley Edwards sunday itors Mrs Carruthers took charge hfe occasions in Benjamin Brittens Lets Make and former member of the BDCI concert band is the son of Mr and Mrs Vernon The Ross Caldwell Singers attended Earl Hale Collegiate is teacher at Glen Park School in Toronto give you safe winter driving of Thornton AucriONSAies mef orfllh Coma we Your HUNTING D00 Community Sale Barn situated 55 SC on mllcrsoulh of Grill on No 11 Highway at Forest tune is pre SINGING imam also hens 31 Will hold till pared to serve you elach and levery Thursday We woud be pew mas Phonexm to have your patronage and can it guarantee you more money for your livestock either fat or unfln ggizgmr FAWN ished Warren Brown 16th New Lmw P60 Wednesday0ct31 Estate of the 4m late Alice Fisher 31 lnnisl St Barrie sale of household furnis lure and effects Sale at Km Teer cash Slessor tic lioneer 8385 Thursday Oct 25 Halbert Lot 11 Con Essa Sale of farm stock implements and household effects Terms cash Nothing to be removed until settled for Sale at pm Chas Foster Auction cm 8385 WANTED Car and truck salesman Write stating experience BRICKLAYERS Wanted Immediately for con tinuous work on protected job that will carry on through the winter 40 hour week at Union Rate $180 per hour Apply in person to the Sup erintendent ROBERT SON LTD RCAF Technical Training School iimp Bord en Ont to BOX BARRIE EXAMINER YOUR LOCAL FUBRIEB MILBURN 299 Elizabeth St Phone 311m Repairs Remodelling Relining Storage and Cleaning Small repairs while you wilt ll 181m Ulltlt0lUtlO CAR SALESMAN WANTED IMMEDIATELY NEw AND USED CARS AND TRUCKS Excellent Opportunity For Hard Worker DANGERIIELD MOTORS 05 COLLIER ST BARRIE DIAL 2487 l000f00 tor Mr Caldwell 21 former Collegiate Institute student and their young conductor THERE IS MONEY In Raising South American CHINCHILlAS The Worlds Finest Fur Stonehouse 111 adding on Ave Toronto 12 Ontario 30 100 Hg Radio Repairs and Appliance Service Guaranteed prompt repairs to all makes of Electrical Appliances and Radios Wiring Repairs Authorized Repair Westinghbuse Hoover Philco FIFTYSEVEN more shopping days until Christmas But there are few er days left before winter ar rives Is your car ready to Service for Phillips SSS JIome Appliance 5110p 24 Elizabeth St Phone 5577 COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR THE HOME Check it today BRENNAN Drive In Today Auto Electric Service BARRIE ONTARIO CLEAR 27 only Spring railedsm worldwide military th Th dent Ca ereder Belle 25 JEh bliliigegpriggm conducted by various are groups AGAINST DEFICIENCIE face no Ryffg 53y 711mg 37 HOW ev products UEdward5 and Shawn gala entitled Balm E991 Davidson pastor of the church fathersogexesn me via visited relatives in1Midland0n Tuesday Sunday visitors with Mr and which the convention WaSlIFId conducted communion service Sunday morning Thanksgiving Now what about the cryof in guish going up from all Over the mans minerals and trace elements needed by newborn calves AVOID CALF PROBLEMS BY ASKING ABOUT PREVENTEX AT Scripture by Rev Geurg Matthew 2224 which was very in teresting Studychapter on Korea Mrs Harry Rummy were Mr and Id da by Mrs Carruthers Next meeting setVic was an on on MFS Brgwrllfe 35 Sharla at Mrsoeorge Carruthers evening the new provmcnal execu Caldwells Drug 510 gt Richmon M1 an IS tive was installed Opp Post Office Barrie OCT 17Mr5 Harris Tor Stevens Waubausliene Ivy visit Museum The executwe 15 headed by John October meeting Of the Womens Institute was departure from the Malcolm student at Knox College who is entering his second term as Miss Ruby Edwards spent the Weekend with Miss Maxine Drin nd Mrs onto was we at Mr McLean on Sunday Mollison retugned tgt his house kllevrirzvaggrgumney and Mtg gfufsfogtglhegitsthioffl $5114 it Pfs 195152 en gt en Toronto on 8y er Sp Ken Robinson VISIted Mrs William historical research the members titledI Illesbiis OCOhristrthe Living ing somethne withhis sister Mrs Jardine Mr and Mrs OBoyle and farm ily OshaWE visited Mr and Mrs fShortridge last unday William Bre et left last week it attcnd the federal agricultural college at Kemptville Mrs Harvey is sister in Port Credit Mr and Mrs John Broderick drove to Barrie and visited the museum All found the tour inter esting and educational The ladies journeyed to Mrs Meryyn Martins when thepresident Mrs Bant ing conducted short business ses sion committee was appointed to consult with theteacher Miss Wilkinson about the childrens an nualHalloweenrparty Lunch was serVed by the hostess assisted by FREE COMBING Hair Cuts Gold Wave 15350 to $750 Machineless Wave $350 to$500 Machine Wave $250 to $350 fW CAMERON Word was outlined by Rev John Fleck London Special music throughout the convention Wassup plied by Knox College Quartet To ronto On Saturday night afellowship banquet was held in the church basement The Elsie Thompson Trophy was awarded to the Pres bytery compiling the highest num ber or points throtighout the prev Faint Thrnnto recently returned from Vancouver Mr and Mrs Charlie Beatty vy ited Mr and Mrs Roy Dundas PortMcNicoll Sunday Mr and Mrs Orville McClung Wyebridge visited Mr and Mrs George McClay Sunday Mrand Mrs Manley Edwards isitlhg her ii Russe otored to Huntsville enta few days With friends In Mrs LorneGi1 in rs Herman Lll lym rampton sugaynd Mrs John Jones and Jennett Mrs GLPF Daliis andMrs mus year young peomes work 60 maple AvePhone4351 Mr and Watt Spent Overa dozen presbyteiies through fewdays last week with Ml8Ild MrsJ Hughes Churchill Heatam Newcombc WMS metat Mrs Ferg Sutheri George CarruthersiL Miss Amanda Lyons is holidaying with Mr and Mrs HermanJehnett Mr and Mrs IJennettspent the weekend with friends inTo Arlene visitedMr and Mrs Art Hobbs Edgaron Sunday Mr and MrsWorre11 anddam lily Midland Mr ahd Mrs Frank Rynex andFrankie Midland vis BY BALL Gleam visited Mr and Mrs Sendai Rhyal York Toronto this week EvlcrEDi Our complete lineof lumber nionns ybu can build the gliOufte you want Then you weir 119149 Tuition Mr CrawaId Mines Variddedicar and usfness 3x 4Is in we have pom plate stock Inf lumber Call us 33Ior3ycur lumber needs at With For prices and informa tionoall 2496 otherweiigknown makes Some slightly damaged in ship Vping Some slightly soiled from being unwrappedfor display purposes MARSHALI SIMMONS ARROW These sell regular from $2395 $0950 rgm short10 an aid BUDGET TERMS