Real ll BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY OCTOBER 19 I951 111115 FOR 5515 WHITE PORCELAIN coal and wood range with hot water from Also small Quebec heater Cali 5095 after pm 7841 10R ADIETCOIUMNS ADLETS MAY BE TELEPHONED TO OFFICE CASH RATE 2c Award minimum 50 Following Consecutive Insertions Ike word minimum 35c MUST BE PAID WITII ORDER BOX NUMBERS or replies directed to this office 25c extra COMING EVENTS LOCALS 3c word minimum 75c Following Consecutive Insertions 2c word minimum 50c IN MEMORIAM CARI OF THANKS IN APPRECIATION 26 word minimum 750 ENGAGEMENT NOTICES 750 500 GALLON OIL Tank reason ably priced for quick sale Can be seen at 48 Nelson St off Codring ton East End of Barrie 763841 SHED 20x45 located on Highway 26 west of Midliurst Reforestry Apply to Harold Caldwell Shaiin Bay RR phone Oro 31 784p USED SKATES bought sold and exchanged Childrens sizes are in great demand Apply Golds Shoe Repair Clappcrton St 777115pWF GUIIA PERCIIA Rubbers Rubber Boots and four buckle overshoes for men and boys They wear lou ger Allen Hayfield St 78492p ELECTRIC WASHING Machine large rollers perfect condition family size Call at 58 Nelson St East end of Barrie off CodringtOn St 784p Rates and type styles for semidisplayclassifieds may be obtained through The Examiner advertising department NOTIfThc Ilrnc Summer will not assume responsibility for any error in cdnvtnumgnts taken over the telephone nor for errors in cow unless notified alter the rst insertion Deadlines for COpySlllrdll 530 phi Itll Mondayissue rluosday 530 in for Wednesday issue rlhursday 530 pm for Friday issue ar Profits With Pen LIVESTOCK FOR JERSEY COW tomer RR Barrie Lot Con l2 SHEILAND FONT months old ELECTRIC RANGE burners real pet Trimble Cooks 3c word muumum 15C 3011 elements good tittiorking conv town 984p ition 515 ly ayes side Following Consecutive Insertions 2c word minimum 50c mmuce 150 Ezabmh 51 784 YOUNG BOAR Tamworth Apply Batters 45rd PUREBRED YORKSHIRE Boar months old Robert Cowan Stroud phone 15rll TAMWORTH HOG weight about 325 lbs Kenneth Robinson Cooksl town phone 27r4 BOAR PART BERK part Tam Serviccable age John Iomporou ski Thornton RR BRED YORKSHIRE Sows second Phone 3038 after pm Hing Trulson Con 11 SALE years Nick Kon H41 Cookstown phone 9841 98384p 94141 984b In Highway ll 984p mile east kcanine DUAL PURPOSE snortl orii shire rain lambs Phone 02 Mine sing Cow registered Shrop 98286p IIOLSlEIN AND Durham Cows milking Holstein heifer car trail er and single and double plows vvrr Howard Gill Midhurst phonei woonmrpItNiNo Lathe wrirculnr 3044 084p saw copper pipe out sildc keg2 copper nails glass 35 DODGE COUPE in good rei Cks square grease gun pair also work horse 2furrow Ilii RELIABLE WOMAN for niglrLMAROON BICYCLE phone 4945 Phone 5328 784p leinational tractor plow $35 StuQ work CNR Restaurant Allandalc Ili4h evenings 7414b 1950 WESTINGHOUSE Refrigera ltlFldIZ 22 Mossberg Repeater pcr tor cubic foot also Kaufman CLERK MALE OR Female Applylfeet condition Phone 3751 784p bedroom 511110 80111 in excellent in person Johnstons Hardware condition Apply basement apart Allandale 1111351 RAILS IOli SALE Apply Cecil Inenl 115 Clapperlon Si 734p Ward Minesing phone 731 78486p LADYS BOX STYLE Mouton coat Tth 14 good as new Phone 802r13 GREEN WINTER COAT trimmed sixinch yoke Black Persian Lamb box style size 1618 Price $20 or best offer Also 3000 watt Hotpoint Am HOUSEKEEPER iii village home four children Apply Mrs Angus Cameron Craighurst 183841 GOOD SALESMAN wanted to 78384p Water Heater Phone 3090 74141 make few calls in the evening rmmW WWW Leads supplied Box 46 Barrio SHOWCASE COUNTER lovely EVERLASTING Flowers for Win Examiner 134g51 plywood finish Best offer Call ter Bouquets Creelman knitting EXPERIENCED 2484 784p gtabclhine goold condition winder zmvasser fast ins need cs one of best made selling necessity Lowest price FLSSEIVRCULATING Home used 335 31 J00 51 01 Phone 2513 highest commission Easy terms SW50 KOOd lzjhgalg 78487pF Make $150 weekly Write Box 30 Orlllia Ontario 18284b 3000 WATT HOTPOINT Water PORCELAIN RANGE closet and tx tank oil or coal or wood new GIRL WANTED part tune or DP B0 43 Baffle EX condition reasonable or will trade stiadyl cimploymerlivt 581110 high 7349 as part payment on good boat or Sc 00 iication list abl to outboard motor Phone 4943 drive or willing to learn 13021241 EEECTRIC IRQNER Alumni 747th Barrie Examine l8284p SJInIIIXILStIII ntw condition no Awmr 744 GUN 3030 Winchester Carbine MANTO HANDLE local dealer ship in this district for Sales and Service business Car necessary $50 22 Mossberg single shot peep and open sights $12 Both guns in rst class condition Mal GIRLSWWHTIE SKATES size also Jacket Heater size 40 Phone Write Ditrict Manager 466 Boli 3987i 7434 lory 73 Burton Ave phone 5759 var SL Peterbpro Ont l8l85b 25 BAGS ENGLISH Cement 78384p alpli Robertson Stroud TRUCK DRIVERS temperate and 18r15 $3323 LADYS DARK GREY Winter coat reliable References required genume gFCy fOX 00112 SIZC 14 Steady employment to successful SOD FOR excavating or rading W911 three mes 19 Prlcer $15 applicants Apply Hare to contractor Apply oberts WCR baby carriage rubber First Cooperativc Packers of On phone 3960 783841 195 $51 155 E558 ROM Phon tario Ltd l8384b 2528 784p BARN 36 x86 16 posts In No COOKWARE SALESMAN cxpeim condition Apply Peacock ADDING MACHINES and type ienced only Two supervisors posl Shanty Bay RR 783tfh writers new and used sales and rentals Royal typewriter agent for Simcoe County Simcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto St Barrie phone 4824 784891 SPACE HEATER Coleman 011 heater size 444 perfect condi tion beautiful condition buttery draft control very reasonable Phone 2884 or call 58 Nelson off Codrington St 78384p GOOD USED Tradein recondi tioned vacuum cleaners All makes $19 and up Free home demon stration Write Vacuum Cleaner Salesand Service 386 Water St Peterboro Ont 78385b TYPEWRITERS office machines portables adding machines cash registers sales and service Gosney 17 Frances St Barrie Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona tions available soon Sell Stain less Steel Lowest price lowest terms in Canada Highest commis sion bonuses etc Write PO Box 30 Orillia Ontario l8486b HONEST RELIABLE man wfth business ability for permanent sales and service position High earnings Car essential Married preferred Write Sales Manager Eilter ueen Baglessw Vacuum Cleaner Peterboro Ont 18385b WANTED Reliable man as Dealer in Barrie Experience not necess ary ne opportunity to step into old protable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years Big profits Products furnished on credit Write Raw eighs Dept MLJ128163 Mon CLARE JEWEL Electric Stove burner heavy wiring in good con dition Phone 3016 78384b BABEE TENDA apartment size complete With padded seat and apron Phone 4797 784b COLEMAN SPACE Heater large Size Apply Jack Lee 101 Mulcas ter 81 phone 3391 784b GIRLS SUITS size14 and 16 brown gabardine coat white cook stove Apply 147 Essa Road 784b GENDRON FOLDING Baby Car riage With snow runners Apply 112 Cook St or phone 4852 784p My No vi aw maqu 11u TELEVISION SET completely inv stalled demonstrator model Com treal l84b 91918 $325 Phone 3609 Barrvie representative 780tbe 84b HUNTERS CAMPING outt POSITIONS WANTED GlnglGUIPE Umforgl red 90s tentlike new 9x12 with 4ft Xi izazfgigm1hlrtv pleated walls stove pipes and elbows EXPERIENCED Practical Nurse yea one 2945 folding table and chairs ridge 7849 pole and uprights and coal oil ELECTRIC Refrigerator Beach 13mm PM 3260 784 good condition Veryteasoneblep WESTINGHOUSE Ref erator Phone 3845 between and pm cu ft delux Tngdefjg wafzr 784 house range Westinghouse cab new available Phone 4967 2841 mPRACTICALWiNURSEC available References if required Phone 5700 284p 017 all Corrigan RR No Cookstown phone 73rll 984p 20 STARTED PIGS calves for vetiling IHC 1020 Tractor suit able for repairs farm wagon steel wheels purebred Holstein heifer calf McCallum Cooks town 27r23 9841 ELECTRIFY YOUR Treadle Sew ing Machine Motor and control $2650 delivered Sewing mach incs and vacuum cleaners repair ed Satisfaction guaranteed Ship or phone Bert Sager Fourth Cons Orillia 9818411 COMPLETE FEED and Concen trates financed for all livestock and poultry from baby to market You just pay whenever you say Bar rie Farm Supply The Home of Ike and Mike Market Square Barrie Phone 2982 96797pMF MiscrEAusous WILL CLEAN Offices every day Mrs Pitrenko 11 Campbell Ave 58411 WASHING DONE every Monday Mrs Pitrcnko 11 Campbell St Allandalc 5846 TRANSPORTATION to Toronto daily Monday through Friday Leave Barrie 730 am leave To ronto pm Phone 3352 5838411 CHIMNEYS AND Furnaces clean ed Get prepared for cold weath cr Have your chimneys and fur nace cleaned Call Barrie 3405 58487p MANURE FOR SALE also decomt posed manure for lawn dressings loam and uantity of wood Ap ply Bill Muir phone 5087 after it pm 58284p MIMEOGRAPHING and public stenography Let Mrs Jane Ben nett or Mr Alvip Thompsonhelp you with your secretarial work Barrie Business College phone 4824 58489p FLOOR SANDERS for rent lati est model dustless and simple to operate We have everything needed to make new floors from old Call Boyds Paint and Wall paper phone 5206 5301fb ATTENTION FARMERS We will be pleased to pick up dead or crip pled animals and pay highest pres vailing prices For immediate ser vice telephone collect Barrie 3617 Gordon Young Limited 511115pMF TNVITATION no fall friends and customers of the late Harry Lev1t Ba rop Rho are taking over the aym asm Barrie Examiner 284p gffysafgff Dailifgjfefcjg Bradford St right door 78384p children wAigrfED Bglilautdchmin jus ai 7849 BECpRDdOR CHINA Cabinet de him rVe rom oan jo on arm cora or rapes rayon curtains Experienced dairyman Apply Gus ifesgsoegblcgngi electric washing machine tubs De Kelyner RR NO 2v Stroua tion Howard Cole Cookstown and Stand quspread matChing Phone 12r21 284851 4434541 rugs chintz slip cover lamps all turquoise blue also hall tree Phone 3340 784b GENERAL ELECTRIC Washing Machine Quaker oil burner new Singer sewing machine Westing house mantel radio continental WANTED Cleve Loop Camp Borden TIDIOEOUngn green or wine 7338413 00 2391 84 KROEHLER 3PIECE sectional CHEAPUpright piano fair con dition $25 Sgt Watt 28 USED FURNITURE of an kinds Chestereld suite only used 0ne single bed electric fan electric Wanted Apply Box 89 0111113 year verygood condition Phone 19kllgt ft BX cable 9911 63 phone 4482 Orillia 4139 784b ms 434149 379881 CIIRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine ft to ft high Phone 2868 71 Donald 38486b AGED horses wanted for minkfeedW Lockhart Cun dies phone 4396 377102pr OR RYE Baled Straw ApplyCGazley 11R Thornton phone Sitdud I5r12 384p PINE Christmas trees 1500101000 Write Coe allege St Toronto 343841 in HEAD CATTLEpanted for feed Lots of hay cut 11311020 Luck Minesing 06 382B4pMF BUY Willys Jeep in condi casonabIE maliu 1y to Box H41 FOOT DEEP Fish and Chlp frier stainless steel electric pota to peeler potato chipper Phone 3208 7841 WEBSTER SPRAY GUN and motor complete with extra cupand tips New condition Phone 3492 Satur day 784p GRAVELPII also well matched pair of deer hounds Apply DwmnellRR No Barrie Dal ston 784p USED TIRES 650x17 550x17600x 19 550x19 475x19 500x20 few oth ersizes Apply 112 Cook St Phone 4052 78204pMF BOYS 3PIECE Winter Suit navy size 6X invery good condition Phone 5091 or 207 Bradford 81 upstairs 77841 MANSTNAVY Blue Wintercoat arm 19 siiek38 new ladys brown tweed represep sole winter coat size 3840 Apply 32 Lacy pilone 4849 anytme Centre st 744 8484p LADYls LIGHT Blue Coat with moutoritrim worn one season size 14 in Very good condition $25 Phone 5242 7340 STOVE Beach 4bur opgoodoven in good Phone 3345 betweean 704p FARMS FOR SALE $8700CASH $6000 for quick sale farm 100 acres clay loam 70 acres worked spring year round creek lots ofwood hydro in all build Ings pasture for 75 head of cat tle this is an ideal pig farm bank barn 40x70 feet with stab ling for 40 cows horses steel roofed pig pen 300x20 feet with feed room cookers and feed wa gon 60 acres double fenced for hogs machine shop 10room brick house in good repair with attached garage Included with farm 140 tonsthis years hay team horses registered cow years tractor corn binder grainfbinder discs Location of this farm miles southwest of Barrie miles off highway 14 mile from school Good open road in winter CHICKS CHICKS AVAILABLE commencing Now1 Order now For HOP qual ity buy Hunters Chicks Hunters Bray chicksstill available For plows harrows and many others Poultry Farm Stroud 248283 ASK us remain and prices Of NovemberDecember delivery on iiSIesspreletisly carried orbyr 58384p Accommodation Wanted WANTED34 unfurnished rooms in Barrie or district by couple No children Phone 5205 Il84p 23 FURNISHED ROOMS wanted by wife and child of soldier now serving in Korea Phone 2373 Il84b WANTED TO RENTSmall house or 4r00med heated apartment Write Box 25 Barrie Examiner 1184p SMALL FURNISHED Apartment wanted heated by elderly couple Central location preferred Phone 2313 1184p YOUNG COUPLE with family ur gently require small house or 10wer duplex to rent unfurnished Phone 3327 118384p FURNISHED OR Unfurnished apartment wanted by young couple with own business in Barrie Box Barrie Examiner Il78tfb Pooler hatched large size laying well $275 each Tom enny Shanty Bay Phone Barrie 8412148384p tity Highest price paid Harry Levitt Trading 33 Collier St phcne 2301 Watch forfurther an nouncerrient 1483841 to lay also 100 Light Sussex months old for sale Apply Brifce Sanfordb C011 Inms west No 11 Highway 1484 ll cedar Perth15 def nowAgent ti sir newtonmopinson 14445 so Early Winter llmoresq Spel pulle ogderti 1215 Copeland 82 any ac cial Irltevclell it Hybrids and Light Sussex still lay Apply Fiirnk Green Stroud phone 17r14 04841 nies Thrxlhe El BARRED ROCK Bullets early BOx40 Barrie liter 158 Te gt dc ached brick house redecorated tatIi harness usw 11913411 eghglortsng rpm endcli MODERN STQ 37m mm house tm p16 at ea met ted in Village WANTEDLive poultry any quaf 100 BR AND NHPulletsstarted ij carbons YEAR OLD for EatS New Hampshires and Barred Rock AUTOMOBILES mom SALE Rmumlml cug CHWS Mo 148 wcahm IP33 hay 630 col on one 1H7 RUBBER FIRED We on 0130 Renfrew Cream Separa or nearly Reconditioned dz Guaranteed COLLINGWOOD District High nggfm zggl way 26 Unusually attractive year new Phone 010m 39849 funeral 3director taici or livery 23 rfiggfetmdm mveg omvm 233K301 plow nanow mm it liTlrig rooin imepneryou mm mm mm smmy National Motors can V9 gracious on modem Bay RR phone 0m 31 39841 KERR AND income Low taxes Box 43 Barrie JOHN Mod CORINTHIAN LODGES LIMITED ER 1H rubber in good condition pply AF AM DODGE DESOIO DISTRIBUTOR Rudolph Rawn Stayner phone Used CarDWISmn ROOMED BRICK Veneer in exv 52814 3984b Brawn W1 38801111110 cellent location Oak doors Spiece both hotwater heating laund tubs Insulated and recreatio loom Reasonably riced Contact Gordon Dyer alesman repre senting Boyd Realtor 48 Worsley St phone 3288 16841 Collier St United Church at 145 pan on Saturday Oct 20 to attend the funeral of the late Bro MConkey Masonic service at grave ALLIS CHALMERS Tractor model WC Excellent condition new tires Twelve hundred dollars Write Box 45 Barrie Examiner 898411 1950 CASE TRACTOR Model like new 40x60 barn and five room house Apply to Stuart Mac 1155 Bay St Toronto RA 1922 Open till 10 pm 8486b 1029 PONTIAC SEDAN Cheap 13441 lNCOME PROPERTY rooms 1948 AUSTIN COACH Rood um rmme up and down we 10m ditiiialg 112358 Vincent rig183 mg common 775 phone 472 cd very reasonable price pOSs tv1 13434 ession to suit Five roomsvery WATERWELLWDHUIM has been Mdern possegon NOV Four our only business for three gen 193 MODEL 103 1400d 000 ew 90539590 one crations Quotations and advicg on condition Aply Bugre Tam month have others Contact Awni Co Clare Henry Elnck Realtors Barr request Wright and Son 829 1684p Hulomarlo Sh COHIOEWOOd 01 om 1930 MODEL AIvORD sedan good 3mm SChOOI Building FPS110M IUnmn Condition Ken ROOM BRICK Veneer Bungalow BOLEN GARDEN Tractor hip iielli Robinson Cookstown phone in excellent school area hot water with low and cultivator neail 27 1344p 32Eganlie32lem2 new Also 1020 McCormick Deer 111E 30101 On 81091 in 016011801 TIIORNBURY ONTARIO 331535ngAfbfdggssBgRbgg 32km OtilmrJholrgeng 15in COHdIllm Grin09 3105 FUN905 SEALED TENDERS addrnssed m1er and enginephone Thom Regressaamzl douusrsga gniplglgmji BDetiiigrsmam gsuayllleld to the undersigned and marked son 832r33 134284p Estate Broker 15 Qwen 51 Phone an me Tender for Thornbury DISMCI 3944b High School Building will be 1950 liltirzECThSEDANt goodl cgn irecelizctllsduntilomtgcloczlgupI119 ditlon as eater 0g igfts $9000 CASHmaW sale lowly 2y at linearaltl lightldphone 2797 o3r grill mpm brick home modem good Town11P INNS goggle ggggflfgIEDISUM GEN at LDona St Lena awry pulp up VOTERS LISTS I95 storey brick stone andglofk 1940 INTERNATIONAL Panel 3311 won folrt Sill bigger $1 Notice isnhierebyh llivetl thgt onry Hi School Building con ion truck or will trade for 39 or prone is ideal for duplex with Tillie VCTID lamb OI taming our classrooms Gymnas 40 can 51mph Edgar p0 veng me expense If you are 0ch 155 ct an at iumAuditorium Home Economics phone 848r33 Barrie l384p wresth in his type property 16 ifftd ahfay 10831 Room General Sho General Scl LEAVING COUNTRY F01 quick see this one OBoyle Broker bergrc1951 trlie list of Ilopeisbii Sign $33133 OfllggerTeiiIChgsg sale 1940 Chcv Coach Cash $490 1183319501le H3 Luceyvglone entitled to vote in thesuld munl Room and Lavatories b0 90 511 Watlv 28 any 84 Pamy the Mumcpnl 519 Each tender must be accompan 015 and that such list remain ied by 10 Bid Bond payable Cleve Loop Camp Borden 138384p 1934 PLYMOUTH 1936 Dodge 1931 Durant rearcnds 1934 Master Chev axles Ford Transmission gen erators carburetors starters heat ers etc Apply 112 Cook St Phone 4852 138284pMF there for inspection And hereby call upon an v01 to the order of the Owner in the event of the tenderer refusing to em to take immediate DTOCGEdanS enter into contract on the basis to halve any 011F015 01 omisslonscf his tender if called upon to do corrected according to law the lastso If awarded the contract the day for appeal being the 24111 daYlbidder shall furnish 50 Guar PROPERTY FOR RENT ROOM Apartment blocks from post office Phone 2314 1584p FURNISHED ROOM Gentleman preferred Phone 5542 after pm of October 1951 antee Bond in such form and with Dated this 13111 lily Of October such Bonding Company as may be 1584p 1951 satisfactory to the Owner guaran in OLDS COACH $100 42 Chev ALLAN Clerk Flu 69 33 pl th 991118 the Completlon 0f NS 6011 me an ymou FURNISHED ROOM downrlown 83 84b Townsmp 0f Innsm 31 Coach $250 35 Ford Coach $200 28 Chev Sedan $60 44 Interna tional Pickup $595 41 Ford 2ton stake $250 Cars bought and sold Used parts tires heaters and glass lnstructions to Bidders Tender Forms Drawings and Specications may be obtained from CRAIG 8c MADILL Architects 20 St Clair Avenue West Toronto Ontario Phone evenings 5341 l584p LARGE FURNISHED light house keeping room Adults Phone 5703 apartment Township of Flos TENDERS FOR also mans bicycle $20 West End 151119 on the leavin of deposit cheque gills cm wreCkmg 153 FURNISHED ROOM SdNow thTMotngtents payable Architects in the Br kf Ph 331512 dendtelrs dart eThas 013 Is1 ith mum TwentyFive $2500 ea Oplona on 355 0m Dollars The cheque will be re 5031341 Clerk Elmvale will be received turned on the return of drawings and other documents not later linen one week after closing of ten er Drawings ecications and In until 12 oclock noon on Saturday October 27 1951 for Snow RemOV al from the Township roads dur ing theseason Dec 15 1951 to March 15 1952 PROPERTY FOR SALE BRICK HOUSE very central IO FURNISHED BEDROOM central location Girl preferred 123 Mary St 1584p cation Phone 2314 16849 structions to idders may be seen FURNISHED ROOMS With hot Please state clearly type of CHOICE BUILDING L015 for 531 and cold water Aduus Apply128 eqmpmem and rate hour gliiltilig gigggiisgeflIOAIBEyTglggtil on Napier St Down payment bal Henry St 15384 marked cheque or $200 must Town or the office of the Arch accompany each tender The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted gton St 1684p itects Craig Madill 20 st c1a1r Ave West Toronto Ontario at the home of the undersigned ance monthly 154 Codrin LARGE ROOMS furnished or unfurnished central Adults only or ROOMED COTTAGE all mod Phone 2864 15849 JOHN ROBERTSON em conveniences very large lot WARM FURNISHED Road Superintendent uhllgfsdiidzvlgn ta gfrxogjldeligg mile north Of town limits Ap room 8485b BB Phelpston Out pp by the Architect and in accordance With the conditions set forth in the Instructions to Bidders The Lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted Mrs MAY HARVEY SecretaryTreasurer Thornbury District High School Board 8184b Thornbury Ont continuous hot water Reasonable Phone 2308 l58384p 2ROOMS partly furnished also Quebec stove for sale reasonable Phone 3667 l584p FURNISHED ROOM Central lo cation Gentleman preferred $35 month Phone 2618 1584p FURNISHED ROOM where wom an would sit with children while mother works Phone 4459 1584p ply Box 44 Barrie Examiner 16841 ACRESMIDHURST room stucco good soil JgK Marshall Representative Coutts Real Estate Broker 15 Owen St Phone 2377 Ill84D LOT NICE AND Deep withfruit trees Level water power sewer in Reasonable if sold this Fall Call at 58 Nelson 51 off Codringr NOTICE TO CREDITORSl AND OTHERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur suant to The Trustee Act that all Creditors nd other having claims against the Estate of LENA Mc DONALDlate of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Spinster deceased who died on the 18th day of May 1951 areTe ton St were PROPERTY FOR SALE rt 13 vVHITE EUCCO storey and one FARM HOUSE 195 from Ba eclaim tgellhe ugilleigigngl half sixmomed house large living 79 mile mm 27 Hghwal or before the 15th day of Novem 31190988 OBPOIIIIMHOS ber 1951 after which date the Executor will distribute the assets of the Estate having regardonly Write Box 38 Barrie Examiner 1584p NICELY FURNISHED Room suit room with fireplace extra large modern tile kitchen 16 block from IIillcrest School Owner occupied $3000 room house on acre lot short distance from ve room house with Plenty 01 to the laims of which the then Phone 5071 1667tbe aplsilggrs bgllgoul6nleltg shall hacvemqtice and will xot be 1135 on main Highwayl500 VILLAGE OF Midhurst white 154 responsible for any others stucco house garage and good Mar STEWART ESTEN Barrie 8500 New room house fun den land near school and chu ch OR UNFURNISHED moms 8490bF Solic1tors for Executor sue basement on large lot close tartarassassinated beg ms rages are to Bama WWW in gm ame viiimwi ber PHD 802141 1F84 Exafrli 1$84p 3000 12 $00 down takes or 11d ancient Simlar h6use on Elizabeth St $12 gem Esruoglm Igglly $39 FCIMTIOCkr 38mfNe5 room hOllSer fun es 5er basementmodm marer Coutts Real Estate Broker 15 Owen St Phone 2377 16841 NEW FIVE ROOM modern bun bath on large lot in Town of Barrie Terms The undersigned has received instructions from HALBERT COTTAGE ROOMS furnished electricity Less than miles from Camp Borden Apply Box 31 Bar 68100 call in and ask about galow on Mary St Tiled oors in fie Examiner 1541341 bathroom and kitchen med Sink ve room met13m house now ipiece bath laundry tubs oak ACCOMMODATION for congen to Iblgglli iaciium under construction at only oors large basement Apply 11 ial and reliable couple Bedroom $2500 down early possession Park51de Drive Barrie 1684p lounge and community kitchen TH $8500 New room house full size basement withlaundry tub he 3843 154841 Everything furnished Pho ROOM STOREY Brick just at lk Psm ft II THE FOLLOWING miletce0 ballfurggggoggraggrfarge ROOMll NEW House hirthiDIOCI HORSES Grey Percheron 335 wrrsautilul Wm r3 MarShaut Representa 00s conveniences Mare 11 years Grey Pemhergl $10500 New room brick house attached garagefull size basement oil heated beautiful replace in fronfErOom Terms $10600 New room ru brick house modern bath ful size basement With heated recreation room air condition furnace Ierms Horse 10 years matched CATTLE Holstein Cow7 years bred Sept 26 Black Cow 11 ayrs oredilylay 26 Part Jersey Cow 10 yrs bred May Grey Cow yrs bred Sept 29Grey Cow yrs fresh bred Oct White Cow yrs fre3h calf at 2001 Hereford heifer rising 343115 calf at that Greysheifer risin yrs springing ARed heifer frisi yrs bred Jan Hereford hei er rls ing yrs bred Jah8 Hereford from Barrie near N0 90 High 1y Box 37 Barri five Coutts Broker 15 Owen St Phon Real Estate 2377 16841 CENTRAL ROOM store brick veneer oak oors throuhl out divided cellar recreation room laundry etc Marshall Representative Coutts Real Estate Broker 15 Owen ShPhone 2377 16841 500 FULL PRICE mo way App Exam iner 1584x UNFURNISIIED ROOMS priV ate bathNo children Abstainer working or quiet couple preferred doors from bus stop 96 Camber land St Barrie WIS841 NEW INTERConnected Or sep arate offices almost ready for oc cupation Cither space available $13000 Beautiful rbom hOuse 34 bm Also workshop Apply Cowan uiet locatiOn in Touln ofBar 310 short distance out of Town heifer mm yrsbretl Jan 30 ull cellar hardwoodoors c1059 Bundmg Phone 4521 4tbe Hereford half i51n33yr9Vbrei In tluillrriiif bafmentxm large Feb 24 Blue heifer risin yrs ringing heifersrisin yrs 0d 23 steers risin 12 yrsold beiferrismg lyn steers rising yr calves undertlIyir young FURNISHED on tuniurnished rooms with bath ground floor quieti lady or con la or will rent to school Marshall Repre sentative Coutts Real Es tateiBroker 15 Owen St Phone bedsitting ro ght ltous 523771 167849 DFORDST Ovorlookinglakeh mg to bus e53 gm ab met $10300 Rug Brick rooms kitchen livingand dining room and two bedrooms full size basement but waterheated after also Wednesday afternoon and Stinda 187 Bradfdrd 81 Phone 3038 115733341 ull equippe TritACTIVD GRQOM Stucco as ivi omeabout20years old hard oars hotair heatingrjlre garage located on good convenient to downtown Mickie Realtor 51Claps StPhOne 3551 164141 DTRAME eatingpinsth oors garage Lot yllxllOLOn Ute Contactsliredl es resselntin excellent summer biisirijess has fourvmdmsrdoyn zirxss ipigiefbhith re nipped copl atot lln planetarium 17110 015 Disc Fertillzgi WE BUY ANY Quantity of live poultr top price paid We call within the county Spe to 156 Titfin rifle