Chicken Price 59 Dominion In Ionic Dominion Stores ad of WM 0d 11 teal error occurred in the meat leperuncut notion in which null routing chick on were listed as no pound The correct price should have been 59c mnnannammnmnocromii1951 BORN Appearing in Recital Here Tuesday Aguggiggfgggg ggrggggoggfx 1951 to Mr and Mrs IL ll Am em Mincsing son DALEYAt he Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Octobe 10 Mrs John Romnson 01 may 1951 to Mr and Mrs Be hard is visiting her mother Mrs Comp Daley Camp Borden son km Jens worsley St MAt St ha 3330 Tom not 7I ABS Jack Dibble RCN Halifax 1951 to Mr and Mrs Robert who has just returned from sev McAdam tillth Grace Hutchin eral cruises this summer 10 Eng soni 190 lndian Road Crescent 13nd Ireland and Scotland ls Tommo son RObert 393 home on leave visitinghis par moon METCALFEM me Roya uicI exits Mr and Mrs Albert Bent toria Hospital Barrie on Oct its 1951 to Mr and Mrs Melvm Mr and Mrs Gordon Brunton Mctcalfc 15 553 Rd daugh Bellevillc spent few days here icr SMITHM St Jams Gem this week VlSllillg relatives and 112 St Jihn NB on friends Ssgfzilnfbpr 30 151510 Mr and Mrs Ivan Clcmmcns and Mrs Mrs Smith lnce June Mc Jack Clemmcns were in Toronto lnnis daughter thlcnc 503 on Thursday for brief visit llllimli with Mr and Mrs Gordon Ear icy who are at the Royal York Hotel at present bllt will leave shortly for their home in Monc McCONKEY Suddenly at his ton Mrs Farley had spent home 121 Toronto St Barrie on week here and Mr Earlcy who tcdncsduv Oct 17 1951 George bx has been with the Eaton COI 0y on cy covc us band of lrcnc Gardner in his or some ymrs 85 Tom the city for the weekend 02nd eni Rcstint at Lloyd Sleckliy Ftiiicial Pilomc Bariic Mr and Mrs Bruce Neshll until Saturday noon then at 113 Owen 81 returned on Satur ullici St United Church where day Oct 13 from very pleasant Slltitt will DC llLld Saturday motor trip and vacation Leaving Canadas latest patriotic sang My Homeland of the Maple may nowybe purchased at Dixies Smoke Shop Barrie BilSip CROSSING EliSURFACE The CNR crosstg at Essa Road was rtesurfaced on Wednesday For part of the day the Essa Road traffic was detoured via Iiffin and Baldwin streets MINOR CAR CRASH At 750 pm Tuesday two cars collided at the corner of Owen and Duniop Sis Only minOr property damage resulted with no personal injury Barrie police investigated ow Copy was blurred and tile compositor mistook one figure Unfortunately it was set in the evening and it was not possi ble to get proof to the store manager for checking The Examiner rcgreta this error and trusts it has not unduly incon venienced the public or Domin ion Stores Obituary ICN Express Agent Dies at Stratford FormerlyI at Barrie Oct 20 at pm Interment 24 th EANNE PENGELLY brilliant Canadian soprano who will ert Lp ty crosse 10 WW Mh Rainbow Bridge and went south by because of broken cov Harry Powell express agent for the Canadian National Rail ways at Stratford for over 20 years died in that city on Tuesday Oct 16 be heard in musical program under the auspices of the W0 gasket will be open in mens Canadian Club of Barrie on Tuesday evening Oct 23 cilllfllviittlll pm until 5w The recital will be held in the auditorium of the Barrie Dis MACHIVSIIddomy Bank on is en to nonmembers Tuesday Oct in 1951 Percival mt couegmte Insutute Muchin bclovcd husband of ES The artist Will be accompanied by DaVld OUChterlony and tollc Bclangcr anti ticzir father of will include on her program group of songs by Canadian Dcnisc zintl ltlnicttc in his 28111 composers dedicated to her compositions by Handel Bach Gounod and Benjamin Britten and two Puccini arias Canadian Club members from Midland and Orlilia have been invited to attend along with local members who now er case or post Have it repaired by an expert DEPT MANAGER ALF rowan Fast or Slow RECHARGING Exide Batteries State Highway 301 to Baltimore and on to Daytona where they enjoy ed the Florida attractions The rc turn was by North Carolina Stan ley Drive and again Virginia which seemed to offer the most attraction mg VICTORIAN ORDER nurse provides care for man my Natural Brdi children convalescing from illnesses or 111 in their homes and the beauty of the mummns The annual campaign for funds of the Barrie branch com llaving relatives in Buffalo they returned the same way for another menced Monday and canvassers will be calling at homes for pleasant stopover visit donations to carry on this worthy work In Barrie about Mm Hugh Wallacet wm 70 per cent of the VON nurses work is comprised of bedside He was also agent at Waterloo Parkdalc and Barrie during his service coming here in November 1927 when the local office was placed on salaried basis Prior to this it was handled on com DONNELLYln loving memory number 350 the largest membersmp the 0111135 hlsmrl or our ten illlitl DcWitt Don Canadian Club trcisurer entertain mission by the late Harry Jamic The Canadian singer who is giving recital at Eaton Alld holly who passctl twuy Oct 20 ed at her home 122 Mary St in care son 1941 honor of the Hon HISIOp Mr Powell was here for about ilorlum early in Novembert mmng he Barrie appearance Only it thought true and tender AUTO ELECTRIC New Zealands high commissioner ard acted and sang Shes Lady Mrs one year was succeeded by Will is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Scott who now reside Just to SllOW lwo still rgmgrgbcr Canada following his address with Bruce playing the pm of the at Churchill Invmg remem by iam Pomfret who had bar until The concert begins at 830 pm fmnlly 84p aslffatflavMotlleaisgiL HOSleSS for 1940 whom he wentt Bglleville Mum GORDON1n Iovin memm of laaaaaaaaaha lmy dcar lllleilildgJOSCph Cross Exeghigengfqbai rstly wail Diffftedngitlgmgg Tea gaimngJe$d 33 Buneld St Burk Gordon Who passed away ch Kcmic clubSecretary assisted tho One of gthe many coiliments made cessoi Scaton Ellis has been 19 1949 IIIv or oenn Gone from us but leaving mcm h5t955 wast 11th lioolbtahti Harrie students Central lChurch tWomntns Astslp agent Since that time WW 01 can 01 elation to an all umn ca Death can never aka away good time was had by home or Mrs Ray Bishop perry svsssssQssbsbsstssss et Memories that will always linger Dam DISTRICT consular St Inst Wednesday afternoon The Loyal order of Moose While upon this earth we stay Szidly missed and lovingly rc By Nancy CleuVel membcrcd by his wife Nellie 84p October 24 United Nations Day and the illustrations in this book GORDON4n loving memory of xc man no This is our dear brother Joseph Cross focuses the attention of the W01 ep Gordon who passed away 00m on the UN its purpose its hiS splendid addition to any family her 19 1949 Girls junior and senior volleyball spacious rooms of the Bishop home teams have been formed and piac were lovely with autumn decora ticcs have begun under the dirco tions and owers and the tda ta tion of Miss KiSSiCk blc was decorated with oral centh and candles and covered with 1100 cloth ANNUAL BOX SOCIAL ancl DANCE will be held in Reccnt rugby scores are as fol of men that the defence of peace must be constructed It is of vital GORDONIn loving memory of importance that the ideals of the our dear son and brother JOS secretary Sylvia Fisher treasurer must parade in the appointed finery Anne Baker At the last meeting The new ladies of the school this mg werelhms drgec sauce Joan and Sylvia Fisher told the year had to appear in felthats with Mrs Sont rs mer II Iation IS there United Nations flag loryi aChievemenlS and pmb library We think of him in silence lows Oct lOAlliston Srs 12 Bar lems But teaching boys and girls In the preamble of the Constitu And on repeat his mm By MomA GROAT ric Srs 10 Oct 12Collingwood MFS JOIY WA DTGSitiem do about the United Nations cannot be lion of UNESCO Unitcd Nations What wpuld we EM heal ms Le Cercle mamas Jrs Barrie Jrs 39 ecL 15A1 received the many guestSrassmeq osep onum crowded into one day It must be Educationf SHOWN and CUR131 V0102 The executive of Le Cercle pram listen IllSI 5I Barrie JrSI 37 by the hostess Mrs Bishop Continuous DTOCCSS Which bmh Orgamzatom are these pmmid see 13 Sim agam cais recently formed club is as Barrle bers and parents try to make words or Amee smce wars begm rLlillmgly iielmembemj by 515d follCWS president Frances liobins The big 100 for eVery girl In the dmmg mom tea was orma orence race an the UN 31 the younger gene mens mmds the mmds Lillian 84p VicepreSIdent Barbara Perkins comes whey when she 133 big 15631682302532 on Saturday Oct 20 830 pm owned by the officials in your vil iage or town or city which will be UmtEd Natlons Should become real as actsgboigfrfimf pass club of their visit to Quebec veils pyjama tops ski over Mrs MCLeanl Mrs James flown on UN Day There should tocus and chum We dream of you dear loved one leans 010 nylon and 103 91 one MS MCMulkln MYS G7 Wm The draw for the boat refrigerator radio beand there are two Canadian made sever arges And see your smiling face Hard Times Party short sex and different shoe grovei Mrs 011 maw and MYS Partridge and the numerous other prizes will be made the ri contributor to the UN and is asses And know that are hap $31133 ibis anag Whgy tnot 59d 32961 981 0f UN XDMES In our Fat crs ychosen lacy make few inquiries and encour We hfwe mg Stake World sadly Ti 5595 and 10V Ely re the town fathers in their organization and we need to be membered by Mother Dad and more alert as to how UN money is LeW15 04p hardtimes dance was held in party was held after the initiation the BDCI gym last Friday evening day for all the girls Initiation each under auspices of the Key Club year is presented by theGirls Ath CALL THE EXAMINER FOE Dancing commenced at 830 with letic Society PRINTINGPHONE 2414 Mssss ssssss QQ QQQQQQs GOOD ORCHESTRA VIN ATTENDANCE Q55QQQNQHQQQQQ plans to make this special date Sig the gym decorated very approx nificant Egggliigeegt aprilcllblyivthprttsesteggwaecu WATTIEIn lovmg memory of ately for the occasion depicting the Children love flags and every as financial backing is necessary gclgl5eytlei94gh Passed harness of the times Ragged news canadian boy and gm Should know What are you domg as can The World may Change from year UN ag HI bl baCkground adian and we world citizen to sup t9 year it carries the official emblem of the port the United Nations Association And friends from day to day United Nations in white which ap But never will the one loved in Canada Are you talking about From memory pass away pears on both sides of the flag UN actVT ead th paper replica of this ag in blue papers 10 Lee Mimi on hemradi MEEyer remembeicd by daughtir shirts etc Baled hay was placed throughout the gym and around the papers hung from wires strung across the room and the entrance was anIarchway formed with mattress The walls were decor ated with overalls underwear and white may be obtained from in our home Crcle the UN Headquarters in Ottawa A16 you melmber of the UN gfgggd and master of ceremonies The UN design of polar world Association in Canada The UN is The lights were dimmed and surrounded by laurel wreath re not their organizationit is dancers who were mostly dressed in plaid shirts and patched jeans began their night of gaiety The this flag because at least six ditfer group in your areaor if there is cere thanks and appreciation to entilllfsammdbyktheimem DILIUIILASSOCiallOII in your district those Who 311394 in any Way during the re which destroyed presents One world in peace and YOUR organization Are you pull ML and MrsI RI Hammer and honor There is no lettering on ing your weight with the UN family wish to express their sin winners of the potato dance were Mary Lou Johns and Ron Keast ber nations of the UN There is no how about getting one started their home andfoxdonationsof EligLestlrgmple of the evening rreligtmisrsymelSHChvaSthFCrOSS The dream of world brotherhood he wL Wm ii and money in the building of was Carol Beaver and Ross Mor on this flag because men of many practical terms must succeed in new ho es Ian CKBB Whether its fh fu faiths adhere to the ideal of the this century if we are to escape dis 84p rowI spot dance was won by trimmed COGI Of the tailored former student Don Elliott and his partner Entertainment was pro videdgygDon Wiley egg his Digg Iu Worm murlgWO cloth youll wear it this season next season and on and on with constant pride in its superb toilor UN Th UN The UN flag was adopted in 1947 zitietibe Seurc ygfsegvni whsdllg express with sincere grafifde WW that year simultaneously at the 74 FLEUR DE Mr and Mrs 4531 Fur3 IilHEV John Dams who was attired Ass9mhiy Bmldmg at Sutherland and famll Wish cas Flushing Meadows and over the BITTDCTS black Jacket bow ue huge new groupfor topquamly choce white hat and heavy beard to sing ccpt Secretariat Building at Lake Suc and appreciation the any kind nesses extended to thgn in their Luely Old Sim EaTvgmggghllggfiggogfdg Wheel Enlerlaln recent bereavement 34p Doug Stewart and Bruce Half this ag It is aw from itsown staff The or US an ma aa gt co owe in Isp ay1 ladies of the Inner Wheel of in treating it with dignity mustbe the Barrie Rotary Clubentertairied followell in flying the UN ag It their husbands families and friends cannot be used for commercial pur at turkey dinner in Guthrie Com poses or to promme the sake of any munity Ban on Wednesday even nrticle ing The president of the Inner The United Nations acting to Wheel Mrs Jack Mitchinson pre For BUSiness tether to preserve freedom is the sided at the dinner introducing the One hope Of libertyloving demo speaker of the evening Miss Dor cractic countries Fathers and othy Kidd head of the Barrie Dis miners and teenagers Who Soon met negate Immune FrenCh de SChQOI Elvili be citizens should all be fam artment iliar with the Charter of the Unit Miss Kidd told the members and Ide Nations andwith the general 01 the guests of her Summer travels ganizatlonalplan of the UN abroad in Great Britain and on the They Should knew something continent Her visit included about the formation of the General stopover in England and Scotland Assemblmhetsecurity councimhe for the Festival of Britain and canomic and Social Council the from there Shetravelled on to Bel Trusteeship Council and thelnter gium France and Germany In gnational Court of Justice These are Paris she visited with friends she Sinprincipalbodies in the UN had made during her recent year 01 amp Iihely Should also be ac studyatthe Sorbonne andshe tra ualniedhwith ltheIvtaiitgijs cggnliig veiled With them onthe continent ex Gone The speaker wasthanked orrherIr Commission on Hu interesting European Vtraylel com Thework of the mentaty bymatlat Eldon Greer Harlandcultural QAH 11 IWLENGAGEMENT57 7631PiiiqsiibtsinectiyIdflrcleahicggyovr vAmgggghmy3i mi WW Mrwemeand elatemie gr ywulassureyqu Ofpro 1m Bannemmm Mm pevYvcrnelWiles Wexhave lhereqUiPmenIt Mra16110GBamierman we Iota YOUI Clothes tofsuit your tastes ofigpod groommg 90d delivery2 or Entertaining tor Seattle to StewartFiank undithqtqllimporidhtriknow howmtofclry clean Hiagetotake placeNovember