Drop 1950 by five Pieases Cornell run seam manna methods coldwael Storinaached launch Safely Saivaged VV Trends in Musical IV Hum Theme leVpollmg Of Speaker for Medonle Election on Dec Goldwaber tax rate for my struck at 68 mum mms me my sher aired less than 18 year When council new W131 meet on 01 V11 Baffle DlSlrlCl Collegian Bylaws passed at Medonte Council this month Included one to 11 It was source of gratification to Reeve Andrew Dunlop institute concert band told mem mum 0132 0mm my killed in the gammy borders am here of the King Edward Home fixing polling places for municipal elections Only Meditate and School Association at their will be eligible for fox bounty andCouncll as well as the clerktreasurer Chester Martin meelln Monday etenlllg Nomlnations for municipal offices will be at Moonstone Hall to be able to drop the rate substantially from the 63mlil gure for 1950 When mom muncmlteSJN being forced to The band conductor pointed out ing at pm D66 With the 619611011 on Dec 10 Polling places that music was considered as SubaDiv 030 Poll Clerk Place of mi increase their rates Although reduction was put in fare 8153335 Bank loans $1850000 to effect number of improverlBank interest $43513 Fire depart course in schools in the United lGarnet Reid Lloyd Jamieson Hmsdale lockup States as it is not in Canada 2John Barr Cliff Crowe Parish Hall Mount StIImll There he added it is cmlsldtmd 3Leonard Booth Howard punlop Hilton Boards residence asset as 4AWaiter Rix Frank Casbman Warmlnster Orange Hall ments have been carried out in ment debenture $56156 Street light as mUCh cultural Coldwater durin 1h ear date in 115000 Cm mam who other courses on the curriculum frRobert Moon Grant Robertson Moonstone Community no He told the parents and teach 6li Moifltt Art Robertson RUSSGll Orr le and some minor undertakings are debenture 834170 county levy 7Wzlltcr Damion Merv Russell William Taylors residence planned before the expiry or 1951 $216500 $4123996 total ers present at the meeting that Th Clerk sad his guns ex Revenues the was summation between BMJuscph Walker George Wyley Goldwater courthouse pendnures and revenues on WhiCh Bank balance Dec 1950$3874 intelligence and musical aptitude 977Richurd MacDonald Iierman TICW William Lang residence Music should not be considered 10 Jesse Shellswell Lorne McKay Lorne McKays residence the budget was based included forecast for the period October to December 20 Arrears oftdxes 3610893 Cur rent taxes $1437126 Tax penalties $12000 Tay school levy $28708 Medonte school levy $108280 Road grant $114215 County of Simcoe county link $15400 County of Simcoe 25 $16900 Fire depart ment grant $115400 Relief grant $45600 Munlclpal subsidy $7523 Street lighting rebate $25000 Dog taxes $14000 Licenses $27000 Bank loans 51100000 Snow removal subsidy $5395 Rent of school build ing 381000 Government grants re as an escape Music teachers as class said Mr Fisher are those amended bylaw raises an inn WM 10 mUSic arid Pupils like ReqUIfemenlS for once rates necemary before ll music if they are given the proper tcnsc may be procured and de oppdrlunily Insurance PUbIIC mands that such insurance must be The speaker spoke orl present kept in force during the license trends in musical education com Vehcles Rased period paring the status of instrumental motor truck for public hire music in Canada with that in 1111 bylaw was introducpd and pass cab or bus mug now carry public United Slates He pointed out to to amend bylaw 1667 of the liability or $20000 and $40000 and mill we were lagging ConSid Town of Barrie re insurance on property damage liability of $2000 ably behind our mlgllbmS in this vehicles for public hire The Detort license can be procured aspect stressing the importance of instruction in piano for all Fire Department Mr Martin iexplalned various factors which affected the budget 95 compared with last year The paramount item which made the re duction in rate possible was that covering the fire department mlll rate of mills for this purpose was set up last year where as this year there is none as expenditure was more than offset by thesub CALL Till EXAMINER POI PRINTINGPHONE M14 not from Mozarts Symphony in sldy This included 81mm mo $2333 biog till otgilesiggi students as basis for instruction ggifrzdis onz stw giefiggusz totdl in vocall and instrumental music Mimi Mb Iilingswn 501 1i lFOlllbllllSl With l9 band aye partmcnt debentures however Arrears faxes hld bee WM DUES gins gsEEZLQUIJVL the Song of the Eastern tar board and should be trained in The home and school choir now tied down since szh but still Street Lighting Down amounted to about $3000 To assist Street lighting is down one mill in Selling lax monies Paid bEfOle its use Group instruction in music composed of about 20 mixed the end lhe Jam lhe demand PM by Vin Fl makes the best pupils for private voices under the direction of Mrs THE 26 FOOT LAUNCH owned by but by putting in to Delaney Boat Lines instruction he claimed and the John Dubslm 51ml Your selections by reason of municipal rebate In creased assessment was responsible for one mill reduction for the pub lic school Grants areup one mill converse was also true Private 10 start off the evenings program instruction is necessary for high They were heard in Dear Land class group instruction of Home Passing By Iallis date for payment was set at Nov 15 Penalties for delay in payment becomeeffective Dec 15 Gray assessment commissioner Toronto the cause of trouble was removed and the which went ashore on the beach near Sar rudder straightened due to increased aid to the library le Some Repairs mantis coal yard the gale of Oct was Th Th CO or wa mm anon 05 rs The county me Up one to If wealher Dermllsr Sidewalk 19 launched again on Saturdaymorning and In the above picture group of untdentl duced by Mrs Gordon Roach and Gordon Roach accompanied the thanked by James Poppleton choir at the piano meet additional cost for this pur driven to Orlllia for storage fied spectators are seen examining the boat me $23520 which 18 r5 mm 81mm SOTO Id ortions of road on Gm st actually represents slightly more muse repaired Bad luck still hovered 1n the offing when as it lay washed up on the beach on the wrmasggr d23fg 09235lli3fgepii man mm There ls reduction Council considered the advisabil arope became tangled around the prOpeller day Of the storm on trends in musical education for the school sweaters which the several band members wood members had purchased for the in me vmage rate covering gem a1 government due credit or ltymofdonterllig 1nl0af1tlgrt39net ml Ed W1 8180811 munlClpl 95 welfareV dc artmem of public af win quinfe compose of alloy 1C cams mg 00 arrears 01 taxes fairs and pat the time of ack Cameron ute Joan Fisher French recently won the interschool Wmnm horn Sylvia Fisher bassoon Jcr track and field trophy President Henncbry pre The ry Stubblngs clarinet and Bruce decided to ask Fire Chief William Breakdown of Rate nowlcdgment to express npprecizl lion of the society and stuff for the Expert to vide help in case of fires It wasCAS by Mrs Stewart joint com mittee of board rind staff are work ing on plan for personnel prac tices and policies which it is hoped will soon be ready for presentation to the board of directors for their approval Later at the board meeting it was decided to cooperate with com mittee of county council and for ward certain comments andi sug smooth difficulties in the path of Coldwater obtaining its present equipment with assistance from an Ontario government subsidy All of Council attended the meet ing with the exception of Morris Douglas who was detained at his home due to illness in the family Wake Island about 2000 miles from Hawaii onlthe directeroutc to Breakdown for the rate is as fol Beam to hung in Cmme anons lows wnh the corresponding The Clerk explamed that whep leadership given by his department poppleton oboeV played me mm Sldcd over the October meeting SQUARE 3mm amount for 1950 given in brackets the Pumper W85 rSt Purchased ll Witha very limited staff Mr Beau HIIcresil Village rate mins County was with the understanding the montVs department was able to con mm mms Fire department type obtained would only be eld lmue series of Workshops and Clifford pm MAV BpaedV mm pubuc works mm locally However change in 130 cy operate number of staff institutes professor of education and psycho 35 Roads and bridges mills now favored cooperative effort be The regular meeting of the board during the past year Mr Beau gy the Ontario College 01 25 SiTSEl lighting mills twen munlClPalllleS Cheeklng of directors of the Childrens Aid mm and all members 05 NEW Education is to be speaker at an public schooi 14 mpg 15 High fires Society of Simcoe County was pre have been mOSl helpfl l0 115 $9 0an meeting or the Hillcresl school area mills Welfare The Clerk said Hon George Dun ceded by special supper meeting clely and it was felt that it was evx Home and School Association to mills Grants mills De bar had taken hand personally to of the personnel committee chaired dent that the dePfTlment W35 CVn mormw evening deavoring tbprovrdc progressrvc The general public is cordially bentures Continuation school mills Public school mills Fire department mills leadersmp mvrtcd to attend the meeting Mrs Lawrence McNabb Pene lang and Mrs Dorothy Smillic PEN RN of Barrie formerly Dor othy Poulin Victorian Order nurse in Collingwood were appointed to fill staff vacancies in the Barrie and Midland offices Their duties commenced Oct 15 The directors report showed which commences at 815 pm at lllllcrcst Public School This will be the first regular program of the season for the new associa tion and the newlyelected ec lltivc will be in charge Mr Pitt graduate of Col bia University is recognized in Toronto as foremost expert on Expenditures General government $307123 Fire department $61835 Insurance $38930 Public works $170728 Roads $313702 Public school main tenance $356600 High school main tenance $82142 Public school de benture $56156 High school deben HongKongls only one square mile gestlons which might be helpfulto very busy month Of the 16 chm child psychology He is coming to lure $714376 Grants $95000 W91 in area the committee of counclf1 Preparing dren admitted to care only four Barrie this week to address the brief Smeissw owthem Pm had to be pmcedm pay careElght luncmon at me centre Slmcoe VinClal Municrpal Committee ot0n Chndren were admitted for supCVV teachersV convention on Friday lane The plovmmal committee was meant esmblished th visron and completion of adoption when his theme Wm be How to or services and four other children um Child for Life purpose of studying and reporting upon therclationship of the two levels of government and their re spective functions and responsibil ities The provincial grading analysis of the Childrens Aid Society of Sim coe County was received for the fiscal year ending March 31 1951 The society was faced with the difficulties of staff turnover and the managing director attempting to carry dual role The board superintendent and staff were therefore congratulated on the fact High Quallty FarmTested that through their combined ef wele wards of other societies who had moved into Simcoe County with their foster parents and will now be under the supervision of the Childrens Aid Society social work codringtOn Home er here Fortytwo children were discharged during the past month Twentyytwo of these went back to Frlday the Own parents The excepilofl The organization meeting of the any large number meluggd chll Home and School Association of dre frm large mm Codrington Public School will take had been care forfonlf Show place in the school auditorium Fri tlme The family Situallon had day evening Oct 19 at oclock glued 361i to the pomtWhere Parents and friends of Codrington they wereable to return Elghteen pupils are cordially invited to at of the children were discharged tend from care with the completion of M115 Harvey of Toronto adoption services Two wards reached their mjarity during the district orgamzel Wlll conduct the election and installation of of forts they succeeded in retaining their standing at relatively the same position in ahigh level of WWW category The grading analysis month and were diSCharged mm Th 741 amph831zedgtthewmmwgoodip0imsIYETWMmwwwgnhwhwwWW flgggiwpwma gt mmvhhAim re ug CIY in the societys organization and Light refreshments and Get Your Requirementsyllroinr iffy btdthseryiee edits clients 77 ihiidrbiiif mhourwill followthe meeting gt 777 1e same ime it pointed There will be an opportunity for Thelly 0f ONTO ill BOliVia CCll anyone at the meeting who wishes out the way to improvement and as guide to assist the society longrange plansSornel13 were stressed lle 0f great tin milling area to join theamoclaomtngpagfhejp stands ll all altitudepfnooo 9381 annual membership fees Those do ing so will become the charter in nekt threeor fourJdoard meetings TRY AN EXAMINER WANT itius in the Indian Ocean is planted The board 01 directors felt that members of the association and there twaSmuch food focthought AUSSIE MOUNTAIN thir names will be recorded on its 900 alrlEd mthls report and that Momt Kosciusko in New South chmrep it merited the close Study and at Wales highest peak in Australia tfnglln They made Plans for reaches an elevation of 8328 feet SUGAR SOURCE Su ylng part of it at each of the About 80 per cent of the culti vable area of the Island of Maur The Secretary was asked to write ljert IBeaumont director of child PHONE IdBARBIE in sugar cane Canada Savings Bonds are an investment for everyone You can buy them on an instalment plan Consider eeeee these attractive features Higher interest return in creased limit on individual purchases and the privilege of redemption of full face value of any time Get yours today nun em my 1V VV er by gtV lift no3 vii mi 3ae33ret3=ti uthlnrtgii5la We tenmu up mini lot My 30 Vx Your BNVS Maddie isee man to =kn0WL Inif heisHArlIoncock Barrie