Barrie Examiner, 11 Oct 1951, p. 11

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jnofVilSehynng loin By 308 On this page appears an adver tisement sponsored by members of Barrie and District Insurance As sociation They desire to call to the public attention that this is Fire Prevention Week Togetherl with the cold weather with us again The Canadian Underwriter heads astory this month 60 Ways To Prevent Fires This story accom panied with pictures gives many instances of fires started in the manner which they recommend to With the Board of Underwritersqu prevemion and the various re departments Fire Prevention Week has become national cleanup campaign to endeavor to encourage people everywhere to take precautions to stop tires from getting started When the cold north breeze comes along after the balmy wea ther everyone feels the cold and immediately little tire is started whether in the kitchen stove fire place or furnace But wait was that chimney cleaned or the pipes taken down during the summer well if not then there is chanCe that all is not Well With the old heating system We remembered that last winter fires were diffi cult and we knew that the sys tem needed clcnnout but like the leaky roof it did not need It in the summer and here we are TRUE SPORTSMAN KNOWS that game regulations are made to protect his hunting interests check the bug limits and remember these few hints Hold your fire until the bird is within range use good retriever if possible but at any raieidwoyour best to recover crippled birds Above all counI woundedbirdsinyourl bag whether you recover them or conserves for tomorrow Wholidoyrmir vouns 10 Horror Y9 19 cultures THE CARlIIIG BREWERIES LIMITED wnmoo oiliqu Csmr They list the various rooms of the home and give precautions that should be taken there One in every four res in Can ada the article claims is started from matches and careless smok ing habits faulty electrical ap paratus heating and cooking stoves etc kerosene careless ness The article goes on to point out that smoking in bed causes number of fires and 305 are caused from careless use of fires and matches Rural people who will be visit ing the plow match this week will have an opportunity to see vari ous types of re prevention and equipment for fire ghting Much of this is so costly that it is be yond the reach of most rural lo calities An answer to this how ever is the portable pump We have had letter from manufacturer of one of these who claims that their pump weighing 47 pounds and developing no will throw 18000 gallons per hour over 3storey building from sup ply up to 20 feet deep It can be obtiined with hose and ttings in cluding fog type nozzles for less than $900 Now community of 90 families could have this pro tection at $10 each and with water available could feel amply pro tcctchy volunteer use However the best way to pre vent rcs is to stop them before they start Let us all just look around and sec if right under our nose we have not something that might easily be start for re year or so ago small cottage in local village burned during the time when no one had been at home for some hours It was found that cord had been add cd to portable lamp and stretch ed across the room with small staples The insulation on this had broken at one of these staples and then the cord simply became like the element of stove and the light insulation on it Which was dry from continuous heating was the feeder which started the re to the ceiling family was homeless Had they been sleeping they might have perished as the fire would have shut off the only exit Your insurance agent will glad ly help you in making re pre vention check Your hydro engin eers will also give any advice needed and anyone can clean stove pipes THORNTON OCT QTommy McAllister pro prietor of Hillcrest service station has along with Mrs McAllister returned from weeks holiday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Osbornc Toronto were recent visitors at Mrs Josh Terrys Relatives from here attended the funeral of Mrs Albert Scythes at Weston last Wednesday Miss Mary Boake Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Boakes Mrs Pomeroy Toronto who is well known here will be one of the speakers at the WA con rtthnatTrinity Church here Oct 16 Mrs Pomeroy will repre sent Fairlawn United Church Mrs Wilbert Dickinson is staying with her mother at Avening for weekiv 777 We Plans are still going forward for theUnited Churchanniversary on Oct 20 and turkey supper Oct 24 Ross Caldwell was in the village on Thanksgiving Day making final on ftmeraldirectorsiwcoriventionmm Hamilton the early part of the week Womens Institute will meet at Mrs Art Blacks on Thursday Oct 18 Roll call HOW have benefitted by being WI member The speak er will be Mrs Barbard Wheeler of CKBB Recentvisitors included Mr and Mrs Hi Langdon Clifford at iompson CROWN HILL OCT aMrs Howard Everett Saskatoon and Mr and Mrs Hyl lard Chappell Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mrs Chap pcll Mr and Mrs Sharpe Tor onto visited Mr and Mrs Drury over the holiday weekend Ross Caldwell Willowdale School spent the holiday with his parents Mr and Mrs Cald well Mr and Mrs James Rix attend ed the funeral of Walker in East Palestine Ohio on Saturday Miss Jessie Weir Toronto was the guest of Mrs Norman luck over the weekend Candlelight Service Glenoro Junior Farmers spon sored Thanksgiving candlelight service on Monday Oct in Crown Hill United Church Rev Mactaggart was the speaker The choir was composed of Junior Farmer members assisted by Mrs Tuck as soloist who sang Be Thou Nigh Marian and Mar garet Gough also gave duct Evening Prayer Joe McLean president of the Juniors presented the special announcements The collection was in aid of the Crip plcd Childrens Fund The church was beautifully decorated with colored boughs fruit and candles Womans Association The WA met at Mrs Greens on Oct with good attendance The president Mrs Drury opened the meeting with hymn and prayer followed by business and treasurcrs report There was lengthy discussion concerning the Christmas bazaar to bc lich early in November with announce ment at later date Various ways of making talent money were dis cussed dainty lunch was serv gtd by the hostess lt9 GRENFEL OCT iiLook in Coming Events for particulars of the Grcnfcl Un ilcd Church hot turkey supper and play Maid of Money by Grcnfcl Community Centre Wednesday Oct 17 WA met at Mrs Wilbur Waltons Oct with 15 present and the president in charge Mrs Parr took the devotional Plans were completed for the fowl supper An interesting letter was read from former pastor and wife Rev and Mrs Bunt now at Tcmiskam ing Quebec Mrs Clifford Harris was appointed leader for SS Mis sion Band for another year Next meeting at Mrs Donnellys Mrs Young and Mrs Charles Grant Mincsing will be in charge of devotional Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be observed in Grcnfcl Unit ed Church Sunday Oct 14 Mr and Mrs Dobson and Ken attended the HicklingEwing wedding at Kpx Presbyterian Church Oakville Oct Mr and Mrs Gordon Patton Mr and Mrs Kenneth Coburn David and Sandra Cookstown spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Everard Harris McKenzies Mrs Watson Niagara Falls at Mrs Spencers Miss Till Guelph at Mrs Greenes Mrs Somers Mr and Mrs Orval Somers Toronto at Mrs Hunters and Mrs McQuays Mrs Reynolds Toronto at Mrs Lennoxs Miss Genevieve Jamieson To ronto spent the holiday weekend with Mr and Mrs Jamieson Rev Dann St Georges on the Hill Islington will preach at both senicesin Si Judes Anglican Church Sunday Oct l4 at 11 am and pm Surprise Birthday Party surprise birthday party was heldgaty Allan iretons Saturday evening in honor of Mrs lretons father William Sharpe Friends Were preseritdromThbrnton Bar rie Toronto and Hamilton Trinity WA This months meeting was held attendances by Mrs HughefndlVIfs Mccu cheon lesson thoughts Business proved long session owing to de tailed plans for the convention Oct 16 and fowl supper Oct 24 committee was appointed to de corate the church for the anniver sary Oct 21 As pleasant break between business lunch was serv ed by the hostess News of OCT GMr and Mrs Mani ning spent the weekend wrlh theiri son and dauglxtcrinlaw Mr and Mrs Rex Manning Tbronto Archie Drysdale and Malcolm Wil liam Lawson and little son Toi Elmvalc her sister Miss Jean Philipps who passed away Friday evening Miss Kleona Quesrielle Toronto is spzlldlflg the holidays with her mother Mrs Qucsnelle Miss Betty Beardsall gspent laSt week with her daugh ter Mrs Bowman Allen KNOCK OCT oMrs Dunning Toronto Mrs Alex Morrison and family and Mrs Scott visrted MrsRayi Webb recently Mr and Mrs Bowman Allen anal Mrs Dunning Toronto spent Fri day With Mr and Mrs Dunning Spa me at Pefferlaw ronto ent Sunday with Mr undl tcknd Hlll her parents Mr and Mr and Jrny Slay Mrs George Drysdale Miss Ruth Lord Toronto spent few days wrth her parents Mr and Mrs Lord Mr and Mrs Albert Bevan andi Weston Mr ands Cecil Bevan and Judy spent the weekend with Mrs Burtis Graham Mrs Raymond McFadden andl Shirley Barrio spent the weekendl with Mr and Mrs McFaddenl and other relatives Mr and Mrs Bertram andl Mr and Mrs Stewart and little Brenda Barrie spent Sunday withi Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pearson Mr and Mrs James Ncul spentl the weekend with Mrs Rance Mrs Maurice Whetham is spendv ing week with friends in ToV ronto Miss Sally Jordan Taper Altzi is spending couple of weeks with her parents Mr and Mrs George Jordan Mr and Mrs lllulhollund Bar rie and Miss Bctty Stcwurt To ronto were guests lust Week of Mr and Mrs Stewart Fcrgus Rowut Lilllt spent the lhnnksgiving with rclativvs here Mr and Mrs Russel llilutho and baby Sharon chinburg spent the vcckcnd with Mr and Mrs WalluCc Boll Cmgrnlulnlions to Mr and Mrs William Ritchie Saulin Strccl on the gift of luughtcr born Oct 1951 at St Andrews Hospital Mid land Sinccrc sympathy of the com munity goes out to Mrs Stubbs and fumin in the death of Current holidays oh jArcher family Toronto and Mr and Mrs purprise lion lLUllilIllIlllUn plates vlll memory uiliitionnl lho Sncrunicnt of the Lords Sup Vpcr was observed jsiltuto gulhcrcd at Mrs llounld Jacobs on lhulsdny lttlll lhlrs Verne Beardsall 25th Wedding Anniversary lbc brothers of William with their wives gave party to Mr and Mrs Altlltl on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary and presented tinm With silver tea service Lunch was served and happy ev enlng was spent by all Welcome to the Village Mrs George Usher and Miss Verona have taken up residence Ill the npnrtment owned by Clutc on Queen Street St Johns United llrspitt the rain Sunday morn ing llitlt was good attendance illcv Reynolds conducted the rvicc 0n bchalf of the congrega lIzlrl Elliott presented four for dedication of Charles Lennox lillillllll mcmbor and older who passed away early in the year Mr Reynolds thanked Mr and Mrs lltl Webster for their gift of two trays for Suurin WJ Munbtrs of Saurin Womens Iii thc home of mill members and four visitors lwo letters of apprecia tion were road from bcicnvcd fam ilies and olic for remembrance curd at time of illness Mrs leson district president in lot tor encouraged the members in the communion ClllZLIlS ner spent few days last week with Mr and Mrs We Hogg Thanksgiving visrtors Mr and Mrs Hogg and Mrs Cornell Toronto at Mr and Mrs Wl lioggs Mr and Mrs Charles Wicca iect Leaders meeting for girls homemaking club Will held at Waverley Oct l5 and to Mrs Howard Ritchie and Mrs French are leaders again this year $10 was voted to llillsdalc Swim Club Congratulations were given to the Supper Club and the Willing Weedcrs for prizes won at Elmvalc and Barrie fairs by the president Mrs ii Simpson Plans for tour to the Royal Winter Fair are Wcll undcr Vli and Nov ll IS the day chosen Roll call was an swered by short cut lll sewxng Mrs Howard Rlltlllt converter for1 home economics and health intro duced the main speaker Mrsl Burgess Elmvulc who spoke onl Life in the Sanitorium She said we must rcmcmbcr that patients are She told of their hobbies amusements and friends unrn IIEIIIOIIS it gt cousumrn Get relief from constipationinm geltlon Positive result from FRUIT ATIVES proven by tens of thousands FRUITATIVES contai work and udviscd trying new pro tracts of fruits and herba rmi mam mum mono our 11 Edna Allen Thanh Pm parentslrmdlrl3m Toronto Mr and Mrs Shear down and family Edgar Mr and William Adamson and Mar ilyn Oshawa and Mrs Good hand Barrie at Bruce Wiees You can drive with peace of mind when your car has the oilicial OK of our fucrorytraincd mechanics Tuneup special includes cleaning and adjustment of carburetor spark plugs and distributor ponts rcsct ting ignition timing compression check coil and condenser check battery chock electrical system check thorough check and conditioning of cooling system BE WISE WINTERIZE NOW Cbryro is Hadmmork ol the Chryslcr prorotion of Canada limitd DANGERFIELD MOTORS YOUR DODGE DESOTO DEALER 65 Collier Si BARRIE Phone 2487 National Fire Prevniion Week OCTOBER 7l3 Protect Your Home and Family Prevent Fires Certainly lnSUFOllce is your bSl PFOfection ogoinst financial Idss due to fire The income loved one prOvides can be supplemented to degree Ahomerozed can be rebuilt Bulo loved ones companionship old homes fomiliqriiycdn never be ereploced Only core and attention can stop losses such as these ssin Price ll 5de victor BEACOM Creemore die GVMSIMBKIN Snood ABOYD =1 if estassoitf THIS ADVERTISEMENT SPONSORED BY TIIEFOLLOWING MEMBERS OF gt Think of it newlow pressure lowpriced tire embodying all thefamous Dunlolfenturestof stability toad grip and sturdy consttuctio plus the cushioned comfort of low presaurciri rug pluran enurel new 7rib trend fpancrnfor rugged strength and igh mileage Now theres lowpriced Dunlop Tireto meet your every needf 60016 4ply 52320 67015 dply $2880 71015 ipiy $3260 nun an only My all tantrumn mi SIZE 6706 LY HENRY ELRCK 5ierVENSON f8 766 INSURANCE AGENCY rRAuIlt MAXWELL IWALTERI courts DUNN Allision ROSS HAND AlliSion

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