Barrie Examiner, 11 Oct 1951, p. 1

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THE TOWN OF BARRIE AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE Since 1864 Mulesuch loll THR TBERll 191 87th YegrNo mm 0C Head Table atBanquet of South Simcoe Softball League cum Noam of and cumin and Audit Cumu Circulation gyms Win New Headlights Meet Generole awa 91 isWgAPPTOVal Players Ana Fans tour of Eastern Canada by winning at Ottawa Auditorium last night 91 over St Charles Eastvlews consid ered the best of the Bytown junior crop Our correspondent George Storey reported by phone at an early hour this morning that the Ottawans did not measure up as opponents in the same class as Three Rivers Reds who beat Bar rie 53 on Thanksgiving night at Shawlnlgan Falls or Quebec Cita dcls who trimmed the Flych 61 in Qucbcc City on Tuesday Last night at Ottawa the Bash views were only in the game on their home ice for the first period By RONALD DAVIES Barrie Examiner Staff Writer Floodlights installed at the lnclosure of Barrie Fair Grounds on Essa Road are ready to bring to Barrie night ball Two experimental contests have been played under the lights and all reports state that they proved very good few minor adjustments are necessary and will be made before the start of the 1952 season Power has now been shut off and the lights will be inactive until next April Playing the first night game un dcr permanent lights in Barrie was Stcwurts and Minesing on Sept 26 when they transferred their inter Further Remand Whan Whiteside For Trial Oct 24 Burt What and Donald Whltcsidc were further rc mandcd definitely to Oct 24 when frown Attorney Thompson KC reported that he had interviewed Dr Horton of Thornton who staf ed that Aubrey Londry should YMCA got into the act and pro duced $3500 to help finance the installation of lights Representatives of the YMCA met HEAD TABLE GUESTS at the annual banquet of South Simcoe Softball League last evening at Churchill commun ity hall included Ronald Allan Churchill league presid ent Jack Hughes Gilford presidentelect for 1952 Percy Reynolds Bond Read past Churchill Gordon Kneeshaw Fennells Captain Gets president Jack Constable Fennells Harold Sheppard Examinar Photo and Encrovlm general Incense of First Co operative Packers of Ontario Limited presents Copaco Tro phy emblematic of Simcoe County senior softball champ ionship to Gordon Kneeshaw captain of winning Fennells club which defeated Barries CGE in three game final series Presentation was madeilast night at Churchill at annual ban Quel of South Simcoe Softball League South Siche SoftballgLeogue Present Trophies at Banquet The beautifully remodelled Churchill community hall was ll cd last night for the annual ban quet of theSouth Simcoe Soft ball League Retiring president RonaldAllan Churchill presided Feature of the program was pre sentation of trophies and awards TheCopaco Trophy for County of Simcoe champiiishlpwaspresentr toot District Memorial Hospltal Unit next Tuesdayhfieifncmni and will ms general manager of Flushesopera tive Packers of Ontario Limited tonGordOn Kneeshawp team cap fainmefslaennellswhewon thefi in postseason series wrth Barrie CGE The Memorial Trophy donated in 1927 by the late MitChell MPP was presented to PercyRey holds Bond Head league past president to the Cbokstown team for nishingrst in schedule play and was accepted by the team cap tain Lloyd Hughes The Hon Earl Rowe Trophy donatedrby the present MP for speqks Here Tuesday DufferinSimcoe in 1935 was also captured by Cookstown who de feated Fennells in hectic play off series This was presented by Jack Hughes Fennells incoming president of the league and ac cepted for Cookstowfi by team manager FrankBroley rriarold Sheppard Lefroy dona ted 699W1I99h1tlli11511 and resort fawifirrpcfsonf6iiht first wliinerfaiiy CouscTJTCtks town who had the best batting average for the season The mostuvaluable player trophy donated by Bradings was award ed to Lloyd Hughes Cookstown star infielder and presented on behalf of the league by Jack Conv stable Churchill The principal speaker was Mr Morrison who gave an enlighten ing talk on the origin of baseball over 100 years ago in the United States and its development into softball Retiring president Ron Allan and preSidenteleci Jack Hughes made appropriatuzemarks Reeve Cliff Lockhartof Innisl gave an interesting informal talk as he reminisced entire history of baseball and softball in South Sim ooe including his own career as pitcher and umpire The Reeve pointed tiltthat soft ball was developed by United States army officers who wanted to play basaball in the winter in their arm ouries so they shortened the bases and produced larger ball which did not have as much distance OnFGuordDuty For nspctit made bathe Barrie Po cottage sixplense Reserve Personnel IorontdeoyuLVlsit Members of the 345th Anti Tank Regiment RCA from owen Souiid Mealord Orifiia and VBairle will be in Toronto Saturday for llguaid duty dur ing the yisit of Princess Eliza both and the Duke of ailin burglu 73 about fen 75c auspices to Tickets 25c Exumlncr Photo and Engraving Lefroy donor of new trophy for best batting average Morrison MBE general manager of First Cooper atlve Packers of Ontario Limited Walls managing editor of The Barrie Examiner also Mrs Allan Mrs Hugh es Mrs Sheppard and Mrs Kneeshaw ABEirth Mr and Mrs Henry Allantlerbeek Enjoy Vacation Trip to Europe Mr and Mrs HeinyVandcrbeck 79 Toronto 51 Barrie arc recently home from visit with relatives in Holland the first for the former Since 1938 and for Mrs Vander bcck since 1934 Mr Vanderbeek came to Barrie from New York in 1940 after 25 years in the tanning industry and is plant manager with Clarke and Clarke Leathers They sailed from New York on Aug by the SS Ryndam on her maiden trip pleasant voyage sighted few vessels but were on tertained by school of dolphins touched at Southampton and Le Havre en route and landed at Rot terdam Aug 10 They were met by most of their relatives at the big port and then went to summer place Wyh aan Zce village by the sea where they had spent their summers years ago and where the family had gone for the past 50 years The local band came out to greet them as they did for their parents 25 years ago They spent 10 days there and another 10 with Mr Vanderbeeks sister whose husband is Dr Hamminga of Wad dinzveen farming district Spent part of the time with brother at Blaricum one of H01 lands beauty spots 15 milesfrom Amsterdam After five days in Paris they were given send off by all of the fam ily leaving Rotterdam On Sept 15 had another calm voyage on the same liner andreached New York Saturday nights at Club 19 Ad mission IEtiles 50c gentlemen 75C Dancing every Friday Beeton Community Hall Debonnaires Orchestra pm to am 61fbe Modern and Old lyme dancing every Friday night at Pine Crest Admission 50c Dancing 930 to Lunch bar 7412f Play Lena Rivers by Ivy Jun ior Farmers in Stroud Commun ity Hall Friday Oct 12 at 830 pm Auspices yUnited WA Ad mission 40 and 25 cents 8081b Brentwood community is hold ing progressive euchre in aid of our boys in Korea in New Lowell Hall Friday Oct 12 81b Rummage sale in Trinity Parish HallSaturday Oct 13 at am Auspices WA Afternoon branch 76811 Rummage saleCollier St Uni ted Church under auspices of Group of the WA Saturday October 13 Doors open at am 78BIb Rummage sale St Georges Par ish Hall Allandale on Saturday Oct 13 Doors open at am Auspices Evening Guild 81p Grenfel United Church hot lur key suppcr Wednesday Oct 17 Supper 530 to followed by play Maid of Money byGrenfel Com munity Centre Adults $150child up St JohnhsAnglioamChurch fowl supper and concert Tovvn Hall aCookstowmj Wednesday Oct 17 Supper from 530 to pm Adults $1225 children 65c 81b Autumn TeafBake sale Bazaar Wolielo 5C1ass Central United Church Wednesdangct 17 3106 pmFilfn shown 330 Dance at Baxter Friday 0d 19 to the music of rPaxtonS CKBB Hayloft Party Dancing from 930 to 130 Rummage 1773de 1e saturday0ct 20 Canadian Legion Auxiliary Qwen stSaturday Nov 17 36 pm Tickets 25c sale iiiSunday school mom nesdayDec cents or 19Ble lhc demolished buildings in Rol terdam have been cleaned up but not rebuilt Building materials are very scarce and even the sandhllls where they played as kiddies have disappeared Mr VillldClbCCk re ported Particularly depressing were the former homcs in the Jewish sec tions whcrc fourfifths of the resid ents were removed by the Ger mans The houses have been partly wrecked by those taking the lumb er etc and some have been de molished as dangerous Ownership is difficult to establish even though many papers were left with local lawyers After the Germans had left Hol land thc country suffered blow With the loss of the Dutch East Indies not only because of the loss of foodstuffs but because many thousands left the present Indo nesia returned to Holland some partly native through intermar riage and all needing support Living costs seemed reasonable to the Canadian visitors but high to the Dutch people ITS YOUR FAIR Success of rural communitys agricultural fair depends on the support of its every citizen To make successful fair does not de pend on the number of exhibits but on the number of exhibitors It is much better to have 100 people show one itemthan one individual to dis play dozen Altona Man Echo Burton Avenue Evening Auxil iary Rummage Sale has been post ommcwnmwlu Rummage Sale Oddfellows Temple Saturday Oct 20 auspi ces St MarysAltar Society 808 Song Recital by Ithe brilliant Canadian soprano Jeanne Pen gelly Tuesday Oct 23 BDCI Aud itorium Open meeting of Wom ens Canadian ClubJAdmission 50 195152 Canadian Club membership card Membership cards Rare not transferable 81b Fowl supper at Allenwood United Church Tuesday Oct 23 under auspices WA Supper served from to pm followed by program of solos quartet numbers and or gan selections byMidland artists the first 01va match Friday night when they held the visiting Flych to 21 lead Barrie increased the margin to 41 by the end of the second frame and tallied five in the last period without reply Ken Collins scored three for Bar ric Chuck Wood had two goals and Mo assists Allen Skip lcal scored one goal and assisted tin three Fred Ilctscli Don McKen ncy and Don Savage had singletons Garry Moore assisted by Fred Robinson got the Ottawa tally About 1000 fans were on hand ihcrc was too much competition with the Royal party in Ottawa yes lcrday Flyers stayed at Carleton flacc last night no doubt crowded out of Ottawa by dignitaries in for the Royal visit and the rcopcning of parliament The locals should be home this afternoon to prepare for be sufficiently recovered by then to appear in connection with the trial This was de cldcd at yesterdays court in Barrie by Magistrate Foster Judgment and further hear ing in the case against Mr and Mrs yrus Shortt were definitely set for Nov 14 when the Crown will be able to se curc one witness who is in the west and has been ill Dairy Products Provide Needed Energy Supplies IOllONIOlluring thc wmtcr months people use more energy than in summer doing the ordin ary things of everyday life ac cording to the Dairy Foods Service Bureau merchandising branch of the Dairy Farmers of Canada The average person in Canada carries greater weight of clothing during winter Outside footing is more difficult and insecure causing greater expenditure of energy in the simple task of walking Winter chores about the house with most pdoplc call for more strenuous cf fort particularly if snow and ice removal are part of these chores These all add up to the need for greater store of energy in winter at Barrie Arena against Waterloo Hurricanes and their Saturday vis it to Garden City Arena St Catfi arincs COMPULSORY SAVINGS it seems clear now that the cf fccts of the deflationaiy policy put into effect last February have been overestimated We still regret that plan of compulsory savings was not put into force Such plan would have had the desired effect of siphoning of some of the ex ccss purchasing power Dauphln Man Herald Press Directors Announce TrlWeekly Examiner Publication Days ow onday Wednesday Friday The president and directors of The Barrie Examiner Limited proudly announce that commencing next week this newspap er will become triWeekly publication with editions on Mon day Wednesday and Friday This decision was reached after long research and deliberation The fact is that Barrie has grown to city status in popula tion it not in name It is fairly generaly known that the popu lation must be over 13000 in town alone and whentheenU figures are released they may be more than that We have found that under the present system of twice weekly Monday and Thtirsday production is very unwieldy Thursday for instance is often running into four sections and even three sections makes it difficult to get out an uptodahe newsy paper However it is planned under the new Monday Wednesday Friday publication dates to provide much betterbalanced newspaper Size of of each issue will be closer to standard and all regular featurecolumnsandpageswilll139 Same for every edition muclf bttr scrvlcechadermlget tnrnew morecomplete advertisers will have the benefit of further lieLcoycrage Today The Barrie Examiners circulation haswreaEHETan alltime peak Press run is over 8400 and the paper reaches no intopractically every home in our town and trading territory We trust that our readers will appreciate this constructive progress for we are endeavoring to further servethe commun ity as its growing status well deserves Barrie CitizensRevisit Homeland Proceedstovvards new organ for church Admission adults $125 children undei 12 65c North Slmcoe Junior Farmers Association are holding turkey dinner andpublic speaking com petitiOn Guthrie Community Hall Wednesday Oct 24 at 630 pm Semiformal dance will follow Crows Orchestra dancing 91 Din ner$150 Dance ladies 50c gents advance sale 75c at fhedoor $1 81b 7983bT Thornton United Church Turkey Supper 5lto8 pmWednesday 0ct24 Program Autumn Sym phony presented by Ross Cald wells Singers Admission $1150 and 50c Junior Guild Halloween tea and talentfsale to be held in Trinity Parish Hall on Wednesday Oct 24 from 36 pm Rummage sale St Andrews Presbyterian lecture room corner of OwenandWorsley streets Sat urday Oct 279 am Rummage Sale St Georges Parish Hall Allandale Saturday Nov Bazaar St George day Nov 16 in thej arish Hall Allandale Afternoontea and bazaar aprons 1st 8185bT Barrie mediate league playoff contest to the fair grounds at the request of the Barrie Floodlight Commission Second contest was the senior all star game Oct Members of all four clubs expressed their ap proval of the lights with the ex ception of in blind spot to the rear of second base in centre field This blind spot commission member stated can be eliminated by the proper focussing of several flood lights General comment was to the cf fecl that the lights were veryav orable better than expected and certainly better than anything in this district Future intentions are to add more lights about the park and focus into the diamond from the outfield While those lights are recommend cd for softball baseball could be played under them it was stated Addition of outfield lights would make this even more feasible it was the commissions hope to have the lights installed and in op eration by July so that they might be put to use this past season both for local teams and for tourna ments However supply difficplties forced delay Cost of provision and installation came to $4500 Six Banks of Lights Lights consist of six banks pre focussed containing total of 24 lights each of 1500 watts making total wattage of 36000 The ser vice wiring is of heavy type so that more lights may be added and it is hoped by the commission to provide the tops in baseball lighting by 1953 The lights will not only provide night ball in Barrie but will aid in the completion of twilight gam es where it is necessary to have supplementary ligbtpfor the final innings At present many ball gam es go unfinished because dusk set tles clown Help From AllandalcYlVlCA The matter of floodlights in Bar rie lias been contentious subject for some time with the matter of finances and site the main stumb ling blocks Last Spring Allandale Bclrned on Lake Sailors Are Rescued Great anxiety was alleviated late last night when two local ingn feared lost on LakeSlmcoe were located by George Wright off Fish twomasted sailboat for 12 hours yesterday but they managed to crommdongdislancefromWillow Beach near Suttonand when found Mr Morgan said they probably could have made the Bayfield St dock in another three or four hours anyway But Mr Lehmburg who has been residnF here for only year flatly stated that he was never so glad to see anyone in his life as when George Wright came up about midnight in his speedboat hooked on to the motorless yawl and tow ed the sailors home They were very cold and they were very hungry having had one loaf of bread between them all day Ibwas quite story they told Last Friday the two setoutfrom fine sailing day for pleasant journey across Lake Sim coc But when they got to Frank tin Beach near Jacksons Point they saw storm coming up and anchored the boat Thestorm came for sure and they were up all night asmthe rough sea kept pulling on the anchor At am Saturday the anchor rope broke and the boat was washed up on the beach Local residents came to the rescue and after four hors work the Sailors and their helpers nian aged 10 get the boat backi the 8183bT 81b WA Frl 81b fancy Work and bake tableauspl ces Canadian Legion Auxiliary 26 09810 Central WA tea bazaar and bake Wed 81b bruise nearby were ever more hOpelesS water at anchor butthe motor had beenrendgied useless with members of the Barrie Agri cultural Society and as result an operating commission was appoint ed Terms of the agreement stat ed that the YMCA would provide lights and the Agricultural Society would give playing field bleachers use of ticket gates and washrooms representative from each was selected for the commission with Arthur Pugh representing the YMCA and Squadron Leader George Rodgers the society James Boorman was appointed as representative of all ball clubs through his capacity as recreation chairman for Barrie town council Amby Rivett was appointed secret arytreasurer Commission Given Control At the first commission meeting Art Pugh was made chairman and two more commission members were added Brennan and Law The commission was given the sole operation and control of the field within the track with the Agricultural Society reserving the right to 10 nights of the season nonprofit concernb the commission stated that all profits would go back into the ball field as improve ments schedule subject to revision has been drawn up for use of the park Nights will be assigned in the Spring By terms of the schedule ball clubs using the park must guarantee the commission $10 with the next $25 of gate receiptsgoing to the ball cltibs Remaining pro ceeds will be split 60 to the clubs 40 to the commission Also under the terms of this agreement the commission is re sponsible for all finances and grounds However mission at great sum and consequ ently its main source of revenue will be provided by commission sponsored tournaments and exhibi tions Several problems have to be ov ercome so that the ball field will be available to both softball and baseball Biggest drawbacks are the distances from home plate to the backstop and the presence of mound necessary in baseball hindrance in softball To Solve Problems Both these problems have been tentatively ssolvedby fig commis sion and will be remedied broad ball season The present baseballwl backstop will be useddorbaseball with temporary portable back stop installed for softball As to the mound it isrvplanned to fill the infield in to gradual rise of llinchcs at the centre from valebasesandihomagnla ual rise will not interferewlth soft ball The commission will improve the outfieldandwfhe spclatbranconr modation By means of its long range improvement plan it hopes to provide Barrie with the finest ball field north of Toronto Future plans call for another practice diamond to the west of the present field dugouts etc for the players and all requirements of good ball stadium It is the plan of the commission to provide the best sports diamond for the comforts of players and fans alike By means of night ball they hopumpmvide LonVeniencei and better brand of ball in Bar rie In Barrie Oct l7f Morgan and Lehmberg wre of course bythisvtime wet and cold and hungry They got lodging 5t dry clothesTana food It became very stormy on Saturs day and they couldntvl move off and of course Sdndayand Monday as the worst gale in yearslashedLake Simcoe and Kempenfelt Bay Tuesday dawned much better so Morgan and Lehmberg decided to set out for hpmeby 3311 But af terthey got Started it bl this anange is not expected to net the commode inithisA

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