Barrie Examiner, 1 Oct 1951, p. 8

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THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY Llathosphere is the name of the and hydroephere of in the are National Park there are 110 Mi of trees solid earth water Obituary Rosidod Here 50 Years Mrs Shoirlock Dies lifelong County Mrs Sydney Shcirlock died at her home Barrie on Sunday Sept 23 1951 in her 70th year owed an attack of coronary throm basis resident of Barrie for over 50 years Mrs Shelrlock was born in Oro on April 17 1882 or Mary Euphcmia Graham she was the daughter of the late James Graham and Hannah Caldwell She resided in Oro for 18 years before coming to Barrie The deceased was member of the Presbyterian Church Surviving are her husband Syd ncy Shcirlock of Barrie bro of Barrie Eliabth Guthrie and Margaret and Pearl of Toronto The funeral service at the Lloyd and Stcckley Funeral Barrie on Tuesday Sept 25 at pm was conducted by Rev Jamcs Iallbcarcrs were James Cameron Alex Graham and Roy Emms mtnt was in Guthrie Cemetery tributcs Masonic Shanahan BM 99 the volume or nail almost doubles but the ser resldent of Simcoe 11 Owen St Prepared by the Directorate of Public Relations National dwm on Defence HQ Ottawa In the Navy of the Navys greatest morale boosters Wherever RCN ships sailin Korean itcrrancan South Pacific or West Indian waterswit is the responsibil ity of the Fleet Mail Office to keep those letters going to the ships typical llect that at the HMC Dockyard at Hall any small town nearly 20 Week in August vice nevcrTaIE In the words of the executive officer of the battle ship USS Wisconsin service given us is unequalled Despite the extreme care of the mail often piles up because of shortsightcdncss or care Iessneg on the part of the sender Much of the mail cruises arrives insufficient means that it must chant ship which will carry it to its destination Postmaster Sumner Nickerson If people would only stop and think Im sure the situation would soon be corrected It must carry sufficient postage to take it to its final des tinationnot just to our post of fice lie urges also that all letters and weighed before being mailedand that they be sent air mail which ensures them getting to their destination 1within days of being mailed Serving ill the FMO under Mr experienced sortcrs and dispatchers and one No one realizes better than this staff how much letters mean to sailor away from homohow precious and vital acornmodity they are in his life In the Army Even heavy Canadian mortar and artillery barrage failed to stop one Korean from fields While on heavy patrol across River recently SgtMaj Kerry Dunphy Company 2nd Battalion Patricias Canadian Light Infantry spotted an enemy mortar fire con trol post set up in small hut Dunphy of Carleton Place Ont mortar down alld killing some The mail The form Letters arc one FMO staff Med for ships on the post office postage with which Mail Office is await mer l9 24 25 26 27 As usy Graham handles fax post office bags of mail day As well more than 3000 registered letters and all regular naval correspondence pass through the small red brick build Likc any civilian post office the FMO has banking facilities money order and stamp sales all rcgulatcd by the Office Normal Canadian postal scrviccs bring letters for service personnel from all over the Dominion to the FMO Twice daily calls at the main post office in llali fax and brings the bundles to the Here the staff sorts tile and shore cs aftcr the ships George three then and sisters worries about it he said Home ing the cuircnt sales drop following the April budget is now costing the Government $8000000 and the growers $4000000 Shown are front row left to right Per rctt sccrctarytrcasurer Francis Gregory chair man of the Board Mr Sim Raymond Anderson MP for Norfolk County Grant Mitchell Back row left to right if Bailey Lloyd Grant and Kimball The story of the Committees incisive presentation at Ottawa was told on front pages of newspapers throughout Canada and on the national radio THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT regards cig arettes as neCessity rather than luxury lion Abbott told the Taxation Committee of the FlueCured Tobacco Marketing Association of Out ario in Ottawa The Committee representing 4000 tobacco farmers who grow 93 of Canadas flue cured crop met Mr Abbott and David Sim dc puty minister of national revenue to dclnandla tax cut to make possible consumer price of 35 cents for package of 200 cigarettes Tile present tax is now no less than 25 cents The Committees brief cited figures to show that Ferguson Skinner Cameron Graham Duncan Andrew Inter Canadia st Cool parcels be received lcmplc Miss superintendent and the student nurses at the Roy al Victoria lioSpital Barrie and the graduate nursing staff Execu tive Staff llcpt Social Scr vice members and friends in the Civil Service Association Affiliat Association Nursing Staff New Toronto llos Bayvicw Chapter Order of the Eastern Star Guth ric Presbyterian Church the staff of Barrio Taxi and the Barrie Fire Brigade lielativcs and friends calnc from Timmins Woodstock Toronto and Oshawa for the funeral Floral from the litlcn were navy truck Bunciliittpilnen while you wait Nickcrson four Dockyard mail for the ships tablishmcnts and distribution cruises is given first preference Another looks driver Mail in his possession alld laid the char Clnss Alumnae responsibility of thc FMO is the speedy dispatch of scr Thc postage amount Driving Charge Dismissed vital of careless llarold Sclignlzln back to July was dismissed when citfence counsel Mr llayncs clicl ted the fact that the Crown had not established definitely that the accused was driving the car at the accident on Con lnnislil at the intersection of Coun ty Road 20 rates on to more than vice mail this alone $2500 each month In addition driving dating charge against Magistrates Court Notes WEDNESDAY SEPT 20 Heres loan service so fast that it sometimes Demanded For Sentence takes only 20 minutes to complete Icon Charged with buying quantity of foodstuffs the property of the Department of National knowing it to be stolen Mcaford farmcrflshcrman Perks pleaded guilty and was re mandcd for sentence charge of having beer in his car he was fined $20 with costs of $450 Character cvidcncc given by the Mayor of Meaford and the Reeve of St Vincent Twp showed this was his first offcncc returning number of soldiers in Barrie res taurant offered to drch them part way home to Sunnidale Corners but went back to Camp Borden and there was offered the goods including butter lard tinned milk wicncrsj beef which he ppid $15 Later RCMP Cpl Pctcrgaveiich found themcurc leg Finance Miliislei Abbott Slates Future lobacco Taxation Policy Not lo Be Based on luxury Idea ented interview with the members of the parliamentary press gallery in the lounge of the gallery Repre sentatives of the Dominions lead ing papers and news services were present and received copies of the formal presentation and verbal explanation of its 19 points and eight appendices to normal demands the FMO also extends its amazing ly complete ships of all nations thn the har 001 is full as it was during Navy charge of Awaiting trial on assault upon Aubrey Londry Thornton butcher on Friday Aug 24 Burt Whan and Donald White side were again remanded toent The additional week is to allow Whitcsidc time to secure legal aid Whan is defended by Norman Bor ins KC Toronto planting In his services to visiting Friendly loans are the answar to many budget problem Defence Tobacco DISpIay At Barrie Foir An exhibit of fiuccurcd tobacco among the display of grain seeds and vegetables interested number of visitors to the fair The exhibit was entered by Octave Dorion and displayed tobacco grown on the 8th of Essa Township Dorion district Hugh Acting of Princess the lmJiII mm You can get up to $1000 and loans are life insured for your familys protection at no extra cost to you On second intoxication Convictions Thcrc were two convictions for bcingintoxicatcd ill public place one with fine of $15 plus costs of $250 and the other of $10 with costs of $250 Charge of Theft Charged with theft of $000 from Clarence McLean Alliston in Oro on Sept 20 Nelson Harris Allan dale and Mrs Medhurst Highway 90 were remanded for week to Oct so that the latter may sc al aid Bail was allowed Charge Dismissed YOU can pay from Wide cnoncc OI plans Giving judgment on charge of with amounts and terms to meet your needs dangerous driving against Maurice Gruyaert New Lowell following an accident at Camp Borden on May 10 Magistrate Foster dismissed summary of the trial he pointed out that there was no indication of wanton recklessness Tried at Stayner convicted and brought to Barrie for sentence Ernest Tuck charged with mali cious damage to threshing mach ine was fined $200 with costs companion of that area implicated with him is much younger man and was all owed suspended scntcn bay costs called his own demolished the post fleeing Chinese soldiers Just as He had been from Toronto met If you have real need for money try this fast and friendly BudgetRepair service concession Simcoc County entered number of photographs of tobacco at its various stagcsoii growth and harvesting Also on ex hibit was stick of curcd tobaccoi plant with the top still on and topped and suckcrcd plant was congratulating himself on job well dollopa lonc Korean strolled out of his hut and began planting in his ficldwhilc shells screamed overhead had case Through tea pickles stretcher bearer with the 2nd Battalion Princess Patricias Can adian Light Infantry plain about Korean rain any more During heavy patrol across the Chinese began into Pat wont com FINANCE COMPANY LTD sunlliti Ill lllllUSlRlIt itiiiltlii tlllllllllll ill The Wilson Building SQUARE lmjin River lobbing mortar bombs positions one landing at the bear efs feet titre several others trailed to Rain had soaked into an enemyammunition dump andrcnd ercd the bombs useless Lougheed Hostess Will Knock on with Gifts Greetinlorwe from Friendly Business Neighbors and Your Civic and Social Welfaro Leaders On the occasion of The Birth of Baby Sixteenth Birthdays EngagementAnnouncomenu Change of residence Argjvallof Newcomers to fbono Erin McNabb my md cc but muSt cranial our on explode grams necessary for tooling and carving the leather into handbags wallets briefecascs fete but he one thing arouse interestno one wanted to spend the many hours necessary to handtool even key case offered to buy one from Charlie if he would make it for thcmbut theyd rather fish However Charlie wasnt beaten He managed to Coax one ofthe navigators into making ladiest handbag The handbag was finally pped home to an every wAif LGTegmr IBJIIE 10 cents PHONE 5533 listknown home romedyto use is ICKS VApoRuarr II In the Air Force How to pass the long daylight hours when weather is too poor for flying its one of the big problems for the boys flying all summer in the far north on theq RCAFs photo survey program One of the flyers of 408 Photo Flying Officer Charlebois of Ottawa he had the prob RIENU DAN st memoir tOANS 3315 SrtltthWAlOANSJS 7135 lacked couldnt OTTAWA Sept 24 SpeciallThc committee of the Fluc Curcd Tobacco Marketing Associa tion of Ontario won from Finance Minister Abbott here today the significant admission that fu turctobacco taxation policy will not be based on the idea that tobacco is itixury They taxation YouCan Cut Work and Waste You Can Enioy Heatingluxury YU Ce Cut Fuel Costs hmzallthcs gadygsntpgcswand morewhicn you insist on only the iiicfafrictiiiditioningequipmentFthWurliyvwrlttf Squadron Charlie thought llcwsmcn In reply to direct question put to the minister gallery finished and shi Veteran press em solved nap by fiends iris tha F5 that handbag turned green with wliiter heati to install perso feblin Should now be regardad 35 get were to be brought down in babyerbudgct at the Jorthcoming Octoberesession Ottawa daily papers carried front page stories of the taxation com mittees activities during the day Press photographers highlighted each appearance of the committee as it made its various presentations ofthc point on excess tobacco taxation The committee was introduced to both Mr Abbott and Mr Sim by Raymond Anderson MP for Nor folk County and the committee spent some time with Mr Ander son in his House of Commons quar ters discussing future activities in the drive for tobacco tax reduc tion At the conclusion of the days work Mr GregOry stated obvious that the fight has justb We are satisfied that we have brought this vital problem right to the doorstep of the government and we have had wonderful support from the press of the nations cap ital It is up tofusv now to keep this matter before the Biiiiiivsivssctmci nav CLASSESBaddursarirannnnfc New Studentsmay Register any MannyMorning up North sa immediately Editl The next load or hormonalcity been dropped at the northern de tachment when crowd of eager airmen beagn hammering punchingsewing coloring and pol ishing leather handbags From then on Charlie had all the customers he needed The moral Never underestimate the power of woman Among FESSIONA WWW ACCOUNTANTS ARMSTRONG MacLAREN C0 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 43 Collier Sta Barrie 67 Yonge St Toronto Resident Partner MacLAREN BColil CA BADGLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Barrio necessity forthe average smoker The taxa PR tion committee met Fin ance Minister Abbott and deputy minister bf national revenue David Sim in separate conference to urge thereduction of tobacco taxation to point where it would be pos sible to offer the consumer pack age of 20 cigarettes for 35 cents The minister promised consider ation of the brief and compliment ed the committee on the presenta tion it had made out in its elabor ate documentation of the case for reduced taxation He said that the result of recent added xation on declining sales both the national treasu growers income would be under He promised little hope however that any top level government decision would be made until the next budget pos sibly in March or April In thecourse of day filled with activity in the interests of tobacco the taxatiort committee presented its case to the national cutting flash bulbs LEGAL BOYS SEAGRAM at ROWE Solicitors Public Conveyance MONEY T0 LOIN Office 13 Owen 5th Ionic Brunch Jofflce now COWAN COWAN solicitors Continual Hours 10 am Monday to Friday Ross Comm COWAN BUILDING Collier st GLADSTO MONEY T0 LOAN 91 Dunlap 5h Barrio DONAL MacLABEN KO star Solicitor Tcmnlo Iuitdm HEBER 5mm Successor to DUNCAN MCCUAIG Kn Barrister Solicitor Etc Itou Block marri farm vicw Ia riots Nourioo 011 SHORAM Elmvalcts we responses to RCAF re cruiting ads there usually are few that tickle the funnybone of officers at Air Force headquarters But one that came in the other day from young mop pet had them rolling in the aisles The letter resulted from an adver tisement which showed thEDiu tinguished Flying Cross and gave details on the meritoriousaerial combat service required to win it The youngsters scrawled letter read Dear Sir Please send me Dis tingdished Flying Cross or tell me how much they cost If bOXtopS are deeded telljme lbowmanywan BOYS LICEN 38 Dunlap BtlTolonhMHI INCOME TAX SERVICE They have the satisfactionctnd long life that you need built into them tr New selecll to pm lorristers HERBERT HARRIS Certified Public Accountant 1orouto and Barrio Barrie Office Wilson Building Post Office Salim Telephone 3397 its effect on 1y and the and Barrio Ont NE 0mm poor installation can waste your heat in the basement or unevenly divided in your let price cuts fool you furn ace is lasting part of your home if properly installed constant review Resident Manager IE NEEPHAM CPA SAMUEL ROSE chart Accountant Collier strut mur and Sohotor It is rooms Don Phone 1115 gun Phone 4949 Wlnzcnmlmnlrsotto co Chartered Accountnth Trustees Etc Irock Buildingzoo lattjb Ioronu MUSIC Lass growers preced drwha kin Phone 2119 mm IW VETERINARY DB human Veterinarian and Simeon Elmvale Ontario Vt Phone Etmvalo an Ex DRO FLEMING VETERINABIAN and SURGEON Iglhio St your Fairvolllm Friend Hi WNJM TEACHgg or PIANO SINGING THEORY Pupils prepared forjenihlns fiintr Swill SETS TE Ir en ti Modern Methods studio ANGUS ROSS lmtwction In Piano and cor Pglaon Iflair $31152nger one er en uo Donia It WARREN MttcLEAN EMT Instructions In Piano and voice 183 Owenst Iarrie osrrorArHr gt WILSON MTEOEATIIIC ANDAlTHIITII CLINIC mst IuiLomo Iiiiuur STAFFe LEDWIN wiLsou tsu nannies In moment no WHEN orith Bonsai Come intoday Let us show you the complete line of dependable AntillesImperial furnaCesWint fer airconditiong units and boilm ers radford st Phone 4824 Barrio Tel 5115 Barrio Phone 7454 DB CSPEARIN ARIAN andeROEON lien Phone 4285 IN Stool PHONE 4428 NIGHT CLASSESWitt Biffth MONDAY OCTOBER Register beforeopening night if possible shorthand tows pin Typing to Btmkkeepiilg to 10 pm Takeainy one $500 Any two$750 All three $900 per month 01115505 will be held on Mondays and Thursdays An intensive seven months course Examinations ivillbc held for certificates Refrsher speed groups in Typing and Sho lplyou Select heating equipmet best suitedth Your needs Sat US NOWWINTER WILL soon BE Hear rHrlnssrin Well he Ajrzrn it often HARRIS Zeitqu Lilo Undorwrihr Person1 and Family Rims Bronnmmtnl md mm Analysts Clone Cornerti Grenadier Man Partnersth PanI rietorshtp Inmruco IIFIII DLY DISCUSSIONOF YOUR LIFE INIURANGI room 4114 arr21o Representtilg London girls INSURANCE and Solo Pr ETRY NII rthand JL JaseBConl Businesswducators Association of Canada 491511 REGISTERS ltntttls Sales Service Member of the ACHINES To wADDInM on anoint uoiinsrmc it licensedDrums whatnottat Whit Rldlth CK ndlDui3 ll Vf TYPEWRITEBS NlIlltiaster Slie 7f 5K

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