WINNERS OF fur coats in the Count the Sheep contest recently conducted in The Examiner by the Arthur King Fur Company are pictured above after being presented with their prizes Tuesday morning at the Rosette Shoppe in Barrie From left to right are Mayor Mrs Marjorie Hamilton and Miss Jane Hinds who picked the winning letters in the contest from the viewpoint Of cor rectness and originality Mrs Saund ers 31 Centre St Barrie winner of the first prize of Persian lamb paw Borre air Continued from page one Brethet Son lottenhain Skin ner captured three firsts four sec ends and two thirds Glaspell Bownianville with his flock of Ilainpsliires gained five firsts four seconds and two thirds and fourths winning over the flock of Wilmott Milton Mark Son with five firsts three seconds two thirds and tvilo fourths took the honors in the Dorset horn ed class winning over flocks of Kettle Son Bracebridge and Charles Lane of Little Bri tain Boyd Ayres flock of Cheviots won that class with five firsts four seconds and two thirds and four ths Walton Kcttleby was second with his flock Heavy Horses At Fair good entry list of heavy horses was on show in various classes at Barrie Fair Tuesday drawing an look and caused much comment llowever throughout the show the opinion of the judges was drawn towards the good quality of anim als shown Possibly drawing most of the comment were the six teams of Percherons entered in the harness class The entries paraded on the track before the grandstand drew the remark from one wellknown horseman nevcr have six finer teams been at this show And again in the Percheron class mares and geldings three years and over the judging was close Judge Doug Palmer of Schomberg required extra scrutiny to place the horses so close were they Remarked the judge after leng thy examination It is the largest entry have judged this Fall in cluding Lindsay Fair from which have just come They are very closely placed In the Clydesdale class judge Alvin Taylor of Grand Valley singled out Vince Bakers winning excellent crowd of spectators Two classes in particular raised the eyes of the judges for second EirescdpeskGatos Boilings Etc 17 Mulcaster St The Winners of theml JACKsoNM 136MARYST DUCK SEASON OPENS OCT We Can Supply You With All Your Hunting Needs URRYS 36 BAYFIELD ST lt1 STEEL FOR SALE BARRIEWELDINGaMACHI Custom DoorChdmpioniii foal of 1951 with the comment very good colt good colt all the way throu RieATEB TR Graham Spillman represntative of Arthur King Furs Toronto who presented the winners with their coats Mrs William McAuley 271 Elizabeth St prize black Persian lamb coat and Mrs Agnes MacDonald 61 High St Barrie win ner of the third prize coney coat The winner of the fourth prize grey natural kidskin cape was Mrs Wall win Midhurst Reforestation The correct number of sheep in the con coat Harry test guessed by all the winners was 195 Itory Photo by Joe Waterer Barrie Barrie winner of the second Stiff competition was also evict ent in the four horse tandem class with several ties resulting Clydesdales Mare or gelding three years and over Wilsons Beaverstock Farm Cannington Twoyear old filly or gelding Ken Wray Schoniberg Yearling foul of 1951 and brood mare with foal Vince Baker Woodville Percherons Mare or gelding three years Alex Fletcher Stayner list and 2nd Shea Manilla 3rd and 4th Bill Hughes Stroud Two year old Spencer Thornton Yearling Shea Foal Shea Alex Fletcher Spen cer Brood mare Alex Fletcher Spencer Shea Agricultural Open Mare or gelding three years Vince Baker lst and 3rd Wil sons Beaverstock Farms t2nd and 4th George Wright Elmvale Yearling George Wright Vince Baker Foal George Wright fist and 3rd Campbell and Son Stroud Brood mare George Wright Campbell and Son Belgians Mare or gelding Keith Sander son Ilst and 5th Shanty Bay Graham Barrie 2nd 3rd and 4th Yearling Bot Stroud Elm vale lst and 2nd Foal Bob Stroud Harness Class attached to suitable wagon Team Of Clydesdales more or gelding Wilsons Beaverstock Farm fist and 2nd OKeefes Toronto team of Percherons mare or gelding Alex Fletcher Shea 2nd and 4th Bill Hughes Spencer 5th and 6thTeam of light draft marq or gelding Vince Baker Wilsons Farm OKeefes George Wright Ken Wray Campbell and Son Marbell Farms Barrie Team rKeitliSanderQLlQ 2nd and 3rd Beaeock Bar rie FourHorsedem hitch any Dial 3744 Rgaii Door Commander Sedan V8120HP EngineHelm ered in Barrie withlicense $280300 051Mobilgas Economy Run SEETHEMAT STUIIEIIAKER SALES AuniEERvICE PIIONE 3654 NICO Dliverodi inharri with license $234000 drafttype Wilsons BeEvEsTock Farm Ciaham and Keith Sanderson tied OKeefes Alex Fletcher and Bill Hughes tied Beacock and George Wright tied Shea Sixhorse tandem hitch any draft type Wilsons Beaverstock Farms OKeefes Shea was thirds one first Seizelbw 0m 51 311d Leords but very good lie parti tin Ayrshires and in the same clan Muir of Shanty Bay had one King two Osborn Son reserve by Boulder Bridge Thea Tory TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY 27 1051 both front the Burns Regional Guernsey The YorkASimcoe GuernSey Club held its Regional Golds Barrie Fair afternoon for the first time in his farm Foremost of Ll Valors Black Dimpic from the some farm mn WU thirds rang Nrwinarkc wimp memmned me ltenl0r yearn ding IlrlIrr class with the reniaiksccoiid of good quality typy of the Ayn ishirr breed with Guernsey Wednesday nczup III the reserve two thirds Dairy Cattle Jerilay of llawkisione was lap cXIlibllut til the Aliiilc cldss inajtn honor with lboth CIlxflpo11 Ayrshire hall and exhibitor rijkJchld J1Lchnuytnfliairie tun also main exhibitor and took Ii serve champion female Show at EARLY INVENTOI As long ago as the in century three Seconds and one third and the zilkhfltiild philosopher Hero tlll1llilttl crude form of steam turbine Bridge Utility andi Builder Bridge llira also won grand champion female and lkclxt respetliuly Thea Boulder learson of the Illilt gained Iitne firsts Ontario department of agriculture stated The show was outstand iingas good show as will be seen spcciJI no at any fall fair this year Jnuimmulbd19ihstst show by it exhibitors In 25 classesWEii of the entries were shown at the CNE and are due Winter Fair and the championship show at Markham Gerald Walker of King told The Examiner that the show was excellent with general im pwvcment In type of cattle shown The heifer class was eXCeptionally 300d he stated Junior champion bull was Osborne Sons of Kcttleby Wil lomac Miner CycIOp reserve going to Burns Constellation Secretary Bridge captured phy for the best udderLd Ringiielu Boulder addition Jernicy siciiiids fourth iii Ayrshircs iatl Nil uimiiiig tine it lLI tii ix bringing Farms entry three good win lflaic lfcmale and premier Wins in the various show sections eights firstsn five seconds and four thirds Jacki four firsts Wctc Burns for the Royal Iiolstcins Were poorly exhibited both by lIl Ililik senio Allislot seconds 1With only two Hillier Jermcy three Ilclfcl calf wzrs judge of Holstein four Hanna seconds Fraser Iiilcc thirds firsts rosslasidt two Ernest and thirds one second MacQuarric lilford Allan Balsdon Son two Seconds and thirds Henry Borden on first four seconds small showing pointed out with 1he iTN APPRECIATION We wish to extend our sincerest thanks to the people of Barrie and District for the very warm welcome received upon the oc casion of our opening in Barrie xi ilh onr Ken Wilson Ct and JUdgc and two two IIISIS years or one second and third William lIozire Aurora judgi Ayrshire King show noting if you are physically fit with the you can become member of Kingfield from King Hannas Brookmill Rom ulus Onward champion bull and grand champio bull awards with each case going to Allan Balsdon Eric Ridge Hanna is from Kleinburg and Bals don from Sharon in the female class Jack Frasers Fraserdnle Merry Concord won junior champion with reserve going to Ernest Crosslands Crossland lmperators Queen from Newmarket Senior champion female was won by Boulder Bridge Utility No 102 Barrie Squadron Royal Canadian AIR CADETS For those boys who liecona member of the Air iilitst1ierc is meteorology citizenship leader ship iilii and airnianshlp Air Forei isstii uniforms oe supplied livery boy is eligible for trip to an air foic station llililli the summer there is two week mutiny to sanitiie camp at an air force station Each year an Air tadet Silltiititrlllp is awarded lo the top cadet and this includes flight Zitiinzng Join lIH Air Cadets titltiIi foi toiiioiio captured Sonic the reserve in ltttztilfl Ill Kltlllitly Ilitidlnfi BI Sons Harvester hope that our business relationship will remain the same in the years to come and that we lIII be able to serve you satisfactor Queen from SignedMR WIGGINS Prop AIR MANN Mgr WIGGINS FURS Sc better Recruiting Sept 24 to let Mon Nights at Armories Iindorsed by RCAF Minister of Association Service Iuhs and other organizations and Business Opens on Bayfield Sireet RAY llVIN STON DRUG STORE Located Next to the New Loblaw Supermarket at BAYFIELD ST BARRIE OFFICIAL OPENING Another W90 TOILET SOAP SPECIAL OPENING PRICE FACE POWDER $300 VALUE LIPSTICK FREE MonEMat LDBURI SHAVE CEAM BIG 10 oz SIZE SKIN CREAM SAVE 13 AT THIS SPECIAL PRICE Io 25c 200 It mil SHAVE CREAM WITH =Corux Blades SAVE 20c HALO SHAMPOO WITH SOAP SPECIAL gt OFFER WILDROOT SHAMPOO SPECIAL OPENING Pm CREAM OIL REGULAR VALUE iorii +st 707 spegiaiindip 48 roddcoist direct from theistoire from 245pmgtio3pInOvr leBB Come in and beyonvthe oirwilh WendyBarry Photo Finishing 24Houir Service 4c HotWcTiT Bollls BIG BIG SAVINGS REGULAR $139 Contact Prints Larger Prints Enlarg 99 meant Specials