Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1951, p. 28

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strand lemma SEPT 24 Congratulations in Mrs William Gwdfclluw who eele brates her 85th birthday anniveh sary Sept 28 Autumn Zlhzinkoifering of the United WMS and WA in the 55 room Tuesday afternoon Oct The speaker will beIMrs ll llob inson lftrt$ldttil of Simcoc Presbyterial and the member of Holly WA will be gtltal Mis Murrell Winnipeg and her daughter Mrs Donald Alex ander Toronto visited their LtttH ins Miss Florence Nightingale Mn William Young Mrs llaiold Wall ace and other ltliillt lztgtt vttk Congratulations to Mi Webb and McLeod Barrie who were married in Stroud United Church on Sutuidny Sept 22 by icv Morris Mrs NtllS and tlntiglittis cute and Leta Fredericton NB by Lloyd Cumming Mrs Good fcllow Ella Kclcey Glenn Smith and Lorraine Constable Promo tion of pupils from the various tliiiiifw aa uilttiltltd 93 In EXAMINER THURSDAY am 1951 child shall lead them presented Sonicc at St Joints All llilgtvtlt vltltt tu ilcltl lin the ina at St Jame when are spending month with the for to pen vetu receited into full met parents Mr and Mrs communion in Christian Church by Small here Mr and Mrs leake nation and presented and faltlll Whitby 311d Mi and their letters of transfer front oth Mrs Patterson and family er eongregatium Tlltht received were Sunday thiton with Mr and by mm were Mr and Mrs Elmer Mrs Small Recent hiltiis included Mr liuit Mr and Mrs Elwood Pagan All Ronald lox from St Pauls nuitm Iilftittl mm litl daughter thurrh Midland Those pro sslnu Mn Ltti 1111501th Mr and Mrs their faith were Robert Alvin Itione and Keith Ivy Mr and Webb Mm Merit Ellen Webb Mr 12 Westbrwk and family To Kenneth Wright Mr and Mrs tonto and llill Nichitzon Toronto it llitrrias lnltcd Mission Band Lloyd Webb Mr and Mrs Wall ace ll Wright Mr and Mrs Wil fred John Cooper Ronald Fox The lisgtion Band Ilill in the Fellowship our United hiirch gtLllUUl room on During clwwmip hour after Sept 15 with 19 children Shiiley and Kay John Smith Paul Campbell tiring and Teddy itiotlftllou took part ill lite tttlll service The inn book ttltttl thing on waith iii the bOLlill hall the new eontnuinicants were presented with copies of the Revised Standard VerxitiiLof the New Ttnlilllltlil and Art Exhibit Craft Weekend On Fall Agenda The Simcoe County Arts and ft Association is busy with or= ganizational plans for the fall and winter Within the last two weeks hree of its committees and the xccuiivc council have met in or ier to plan for coming cvvnts At meeting of the council held on Sept 20 reports from these var ious committees were prominent on the agenda The first propct of the season will be an arts and crafts weekend it lilkctlcw Lodge Sparrow Lake for quilts Mix Nelson report ed for the Tweedsmulr History Committee Owing to plowing match being on regular meeting day Oct lit at the farm of Gordon ltix it was decided to have nicel tn Sept 29 and 30 luppetry weaving and painting and sketch itng instruction will be featured at lthu weeitend Through the courtesy and co operation of the community pro lgmnis branch of the department of feducation the leadership of George puppetry group Mr Meritn puppetecr of note will teach the making of string puppets including iiitriintttes Miss Althea Edgar of will instruct the weavers Special unphasis will be placed on the use Mcrten has been obtained for thcl the Canadian Handicrafts Guildi Zof yarns and new weaving tech fotirhtddle looms which will be prnvidId for this purpose Gordon SCouling art ingtructor from Mac lonuld College Guelph will gch fleadtrship in painting and sketch tug The arts and crafts weekend is iopcit to anyone interested in gain ing instruction in the areas men =tioned and is not limited to meni tiers of the association it is ex lpcctcd that number of teachers Ewill find these workshops and niquts can be tried out on small at THORNTON wiiifliniruiifilbiil ifwiiiwtiii 71 1W Corbett Cookstown Mrs sm zfTnily Chunh vwom Dunn Allison and Mervyn Cor ans Association will meet on Wed bett Toronto visited last week at Lowc3t nesday Oct at Mrs liengu Corbett rys Mr and Mrs Ted Wallace andsfmi my mum at daughters Jean Helen and Mar ian of Thornbury visited at Judes Anglican Church Sunl day Sept 30 at 10 am hl gun1 an JI CI 803k SundayI Mr and Mr George McDonald cut at ML Macbeth and Mn Mac cut the weekend in Toronto and but hem and WI AI SI D039 ogiattendcd the wedding of the form Ncwmarket visited at Halis me berts last Tuesday has been carried out in the villv STI JOHNS mm Cp To age llhl recently The Andrew Cor Considerable real estate business HIGHEST SPIRES bett property and the Robert Cunl Coleman Oil COR FUlltttit lrcpair Rte copper sheathing of St iiingliam property both on BtirriclAndrws PreSbymrlan ChurCh ALLANDALE HARDWARE workmen erected scaffold 150 St and the Fred Nixon propertyttect above the ground 5L AWLI ESSA RD PHONE 29 on Stoddart St have been sold Mrs William Johnston has beenl Liberal Tradetn Allowance iron is the second highest steeple Ewe Terms Aummc in the city exceeded only by the spire of St Patricks Church which is 18 feet high Rally Day was observed in the United Church Sunday School withi fine attendance of boys girls and lcliuscs helpful and title sting both illillmlI Effective Sunday September 30 were welcomed by the congregzi ing on Oct 11 one week earlichglll their work and leisure time IsfuICmmlg FVlms for turkcyl Copies of new song book WM 1110 Speaker in to be MayOrl Fmle mum on llllh mild ll 11 lllld entitled Songs of the Gospel MitiWiic llatuilton of lliirric Also gtv rlrz tItu nittint it hr 00 wtrv dedicated for use in the the Institute is to serve the bunlminauxngfu cysmzrbl 11 lilllkltllhlt intcling itlloliip hour program To the quct for the plowing man mice of the association Mrs loster FREE COMBING cha man of this coin Egbert WA Lilo of Gilli and in iittritorv of omntunitv Hall The mectiitt linith as itallv Day Lzllillmrd II II II the late lloy inldon lLt The as lktti over by Historical Rei meetin of WI an on 11115 303 II L113 Hfnhllmn Nun xtnff of the Church School were tenrch committee Mrs NelsoninmluI Wqu er SHT bIplCmb lf SS $3 87 land lill en llltiltlttl Ill tinned tum Hub md Mr hiblt mid in id 1h Munmmt Emu 35 held ave STAN ARD TM 55 my nit515133mlm 11 lllccrention Hall ltl Stuyner on No Room of the church Mrs Btratt Machincless Wave ling lloIv Contifcllow Sunday Scliooi Ml Hamil Umnb mmumty It and Affiliated groups such Ming Marjorie Holt read tltei $350 to $500 FSlltllllllnilllll illl5ltlltl and the VDIDinkuv mm 190mm buck Over It centutllas the Barrie Art Club the Orillia ptttre and Doris Matthews thcl Jul1lLommunity Arts and Crafts sson Thought An inVitation to Wan inuudvd Ith IT tire and itlloitdllii clubs spoke of progress as shown in the ac llllt avc briefly about their work Mervin lltl of ladies present 20 of who 401 4II mm mus Iv II uoup and the lloneywood Sketch attend lllSl hssa WA mulmi 5250 10 3300 tlit Junior choir iittl the Yl Bouuxlrml mm 113pm HIT boarding in harmful cosltlub are spurring their lilClllelSIllVltS Grahams on Sept 26 II II II ion oyt uuimig re er tnys we comu OS tilltilttl tutettstinu slot II 10 Palm L101 PIC llltb 01 accepltd The 118111th in CAMERON to TH 91 501I mix in trinity other nections of the it ililillll bazaar Oct 60 maple Ave Phone 4301 MM mm IM ltov loodftllow chairman and NV llid government are thii Imllm GRAYCOAC LINES kmfllcouiitv will also contribute llltllt on was vcr inter bhmmm ml LlM hm poke of his own experiences in of the senior citizens Edna 17 Th may IF ll Si ll ii ind Jlti p0 Ak XhlblL ltsting and helpful as Mrs ono==aoi=o=====o=oc===o=ao Wily 055 010 18 VC talk on NI wulI and upmsmd the 59m best wish and poem on lllt Quilt and Rut lair Commit Miitqulb of Stroud ga tioit Mrs Marquis has been need for hurch consciuusucm in Grandmothers Mrs Herbertlarrrxgrgtiji1 flit1mg81305563 the Church School In the plt Beclby gave splendid talk on the cicnt Ofdllllalionh BL grain Mrs llinter irittt sang motto lriendsliipisa strong hand Munmd Mln mph hm vmkd numb the work of the Womens Associa he ftr fr in different setons of for several years and those pres solo Jesus LN all the World to in the dark when necded sayingll the countv and from inunv parts cut enjoyed hearing her Doris Me and the YlU quartet sang true flitlidSlilp is tiol born tit til omcst Hart lliiiit Own Way Lord moment btit is exemplied iii time9133lmiyikl1glbif rum mliuFogglam Mguhcws good cup of ltii and wonderful if need There is tlwnysii dreamvblh gt rugs was excellent The num iVtd lovely lunch friendship tint lu itll of Hl1l 5ltl by lllt of the DIVIIH or Imus and rugs so was teachers and office under the llltiltlSlllp MISS ollcy and Missl II Ilttman lIOlVlbI Mis TLllth arIiI liieetion of the rctary Jack Fern llumpcl of Barrie were out than 11 lh NO muwm ML Bum 011mm 01mm ii ant lt mom utve Bradford Marquis rounded of very pleas hand to isSisl the committee in mm mm the dam ant and inspirational evening charge iilh the grandmothers con mm 1L wagon will an en ll Next Sunday is St lamcs nnni tests and to juduv the fashion show urn lll bilanec in the llCiiStllt ll and the Sunday followmg After the parade of costtimcsb0u1 spent the weekend with Mrs Thorn as Olicariic Mrs Porvis nee Agnes Olicatnci rcttirncd to 0t lilWil having spent week with her mother Mrs Downer Duntroott visited Miss Esther Downer last week Mr and Mrs Orval Carr and fitmin spent Sunday in Toronto thiiir There were many Thank Fox and Mrs Simpkin Widcsl ur number or armies were SOId Mr 1313111Slltlnd25 Fraser WS IYou cards and letters for cards smile Mrs Simpkin larg FOHOWiIlithe QUlllnd R113 Filllv md me limit and flowers received by the est waist Mrs Ferris smallestllht SSOCillionI 85 1151de by the Mr and Mrs Alex Mayblfy II sick and bereaved also letter 00 Mrs Lucas Mrs BrolenyIndian Nalloml Exhlblllon and amly Tommo and Mr and it thanks from George Constable for larg st foot Mrs Small smatplloronto to demonstrate the art of Mrs Arnold Rogers Bond Head cooperation in the Centennial The est foot Mrs 11 Hughes neatcstllill milking in 1110 Ellilds arts were Sunday guests of Mr and president thande all those who birthday Small calEst and crafts section in the womens Mrs Brollcy World Wide Communion Duy 10mm were presented in prize MISI CIlpl 15 IllhfI winnm Grundnmumrs 0v II IIIlliltlllIIUI lit lllltlil ttc us omens Institute MFSI WI JI GWMCHUWI MFSI WII MISS Maude llowo conven 1959 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN RADIO Womens institute was in Stroud Leonard Mrs Fox Mrs booth whim displayed cmth 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL CLUB COUPE lt Community Hall on Sept 20 with Reid Ncwext grandmother Mrs uls md nub rm MIL 1949 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN RADIO 1947 FORD COACH 101 ladies present The president ll Hughes Grandmother of1m3prleCdI or flInlImfSlitf tMrSI WI WI cande was the most Children MYSI Whjch MrSIthose it to calm to lit an ant 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1942 PONTIAC COACH 1941 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 1941 HUDSON SEDAN 1940 DODGE COUPE 1939 DODGE COUPE 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1936 FORD COACPII 1935PLYMOUTH SEDAN worked 3mm with the oat for wedding mmiv snry MrSI LIlbuildinu Mrs Llcw Beaver and Watson Downcrand MissI Estlicr Centennial also those wliohclpcd Black coming farthest Mts Bar 9113 Clam Ciivztnagh were the dc DowIncr attended the antilVClSly itp garden party in July and ion Toronto most attractive dress 1511310r5 Mrs BCWCI ITPOIud WNW at Dummlm sunday FINA INCOME FOR WHEN YOU Rilllll You security costs so littli when you build your raroment income around Canadian Government Annuity Its fun to face future this way and easy too Theres no mudlcal urination Paymentstara low Toronloy Sundlh and contract wont lam If you mix committee of flower show in Aug before 1900 Mrs Marquis that the interest was so keen that Mr and Mrs Bellamy vis vust Mrs Earl Wice reported on intent attractive dress after 1900 lllQJISPCM onethird 01 1011 time thd Hamilton SundBY the response and number of on erSI 12 Webster best costume with quilting and twothirds answering Mr and Mrs Thomas Workman tries for these ventures and awe hoois Mrs Revuolds bet lemons Dom the cm Wm the weekend KiChCM Mr and Mrs Charlie Mooney 05105505 31 ONE Betty and Mary Louise visited in The Simcoe County Arts and financial report On unanimous bustle Mrs Gibbins bunt lmotion the committee was reap wedding dress Miss Helen Coch 1950 DODGE TON EXPRESS 1949 DODGE TON STAKE 11 11 ll 11 ll 11 ll 11 1947 STUDEBAKER CHASSIS CAB HAROLD HILL LIMITED CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO ===oot===io=o====Ioiao=I==oi= ccivcd re quilt competition for 19 from Mrs Lewis dir lot of Institutes Mrs John Cowan Mrs Black undMts Earl Wicc were appointed com mittee They welcome suggestions Campbell letter was re Hugltcsgswcetcst lady Mrs White most complete costume Mrs Nelson humorous skit entitled Tali ing the Censustas interpreted by Mrs Nelson and Mrs Black ll Siutpkin was on handto lake lpltotos of the fashion show The committee sent three owering lplants to sick members Mrs tpbellrMtSTSplitlgwmd Mrs iParlon Rally Day service Sunday Sept pointed with the addition of Mrs ianc best bridesmaid dress MrIs 30 atticPresbyterianrChurc ssMartItaI Hunter ToronloL xpcnt few da last week with her cousin Goodfcllow Congrat in tothcbuscbull the Stroud Rcdmen in suc Crafts Association was again ask ed to provide six hostesses for the arts and crafts section at the CNE on Sept ll Mrs Kells of Colliiigwmxl Mrs Leach of Stayner Mrs Palmer of But Mrs Ferguson of Barrie Mrs Brownell of Midland and Miss Dora Purdon of Bowmanvillc act ed as hostesses on this Occasion IAInI item of importance onthc agenda plans for the associa tions first meeting of the fall soa soh Thor Hansen DanishCanl ncw BritishAmerican Oil Buildl ing will be the speaker Hr willl gdittnwnru nitro=crcsrgned 111 111 tcrior decoration schema inrrthc VI talk aboutthcway in whichicanr adian design and crafts were used place has not been determined as vot Mrs Licw Beaver of Barrie is president of the Simcoc County Arts and Crafts Association and chaired thisimectlng Miss Louise Collcy of the Slmoce CountyIle creation Service is executive sec retary initiators one Your monoyla guaranteed by tho Govmoat of Canada and YOU CANT OUillVE YOUR INCOME or my Canadian oatamnion Annuity My ruin our new Limit ll mu cost you mitt mum to r1 MOPNAm All mwdmmwmuhmmmgmmm Wow Wm summation Tho Dlioctor Canadian Government Annultiu Dapwlnmti of labour Ottawa Potion Fm Cunudlait Govmum Annuity can bring no Manny at law on Dutiofllrth9 TotaphonII ully winning the Davis Cup throughout the building and will outloi IwunhnandgmiswgngfIM for South Simcoc championship for illustrate his talk with colored TRqu ANADM Iliq4 the second ycat The boys deserve slides This meeting will be held mound lot of credit 104 PRIZES on Monday Oct 15 in Barrie The umdull Heres low ybuenter Mi enmity tensontsaadCanada Cornttarc Contest It8imjleLitd your name and address on any plain sheet of paper II II Mail this together with label or reasonable facsimile from package of Bens6ns Com Starch or Canada CornI Starch 19 THE arusous and CA CORN STARCH coutrsr STATION MONTREAL our gt rw would my life insurance Be certain tholyour entry has sufficient postage VI THATS ALL YOU DOngW HERES WHAT HAPPENS die3 noth to take care of This exciting contest closes October 31 l95lTAt this time 104 enlrier 4w II II willIbe drawn at random from the mail reCeived at the contest address III These 104 people will be notifed byiiiciii and asked to submit letter Igiving Ithree reasons why they prefer using Canada Com Starch or Bcnsons Corn Starch II Then based on the merit of these replies the 104 prize will be awatdcd as follows Viriztfllll initiator 5000 9510000 Thatsalliightaslong asIm onhamitobuy lhese things from what earnbutwhat if If nitlabel tllelIll Snailmin WeteilWIhemiand on 11111 each ut Prlxu will in 350com suhu my life msuran90llow10ng WWIdit last Want pviusI 3500111 comm it II VI HOW can Iange myIinBIuIlancc mImake littinti ti go ipamatng are tmiramit VIYEIS to4tUCKv reoris WILL SHAR54 rl jIt com asmafortunetgday kuep thingISIgoingtobuyfood andc hep tofpay for place to livoIai1dtoIook after allvtho othcrhoiischoldcxpenpcs autumn agency Juuu dulilin LONDON use GiANTJACKPOT or $2000 MAKE Itittmx II nullv ISIUIREIYOU GET YOUR ENTMES IN QUICKLY IPrixI wlnInon will notifioIIEY satin MANY AS you llKELETIERS Wtt oniishIAm II plngIIIIIIItItI II savour is $2311 til it Ctlto cockpit MOR ENTRIVESICYOU 508M THE GREATER CONTEST IIIVIIIYK ionv mus its mt was 111 I5 tuttiinitial tit limit CIVIITONIIIIIIHI

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