Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1951, p. 22

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Bazaar and Tea Plans for an October bazaar and tea were discussed at the Septem ber meeting of the Womans As socialion of Minesing United Church held at the home of Mrs Irvin Johnston Nineteen ladies were present for the monthly meet ing with the business portion and opening exercises in charge of the president It was also decided at the meet ing that the WA would bring used clothing to the next meeting to do nate to overseas bales Orders vcre Hot Chocolate Fudge Sundae 23c LUNCH AT BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy 22 ELIZABETH sr macaw me ft manna mason sin mi Mi nesing WA Plan October taken for cards Mrs Johnston convener con ducted missionary program Mrs McDowell read the scripture lesson on the vine and branches and Mrs Young led in prayer Beilby read synopsts of the third chap ter of the study book and Mrs Muir read the fourth Chapter The readings were prepared by Mrs 11 Tracy The story of teachers first Christmas in Japan entertained the members After the closing hymn and pray er tea was served Wllil Mrs Bartholomew and Mrs Parry act ing as hostesses BUSY CLERGYMEN Many people today have the mis taken belief that the total cffort of minister of the cloth is that spent on officiating at lugs weddings and funerals and the Weekly church service lo days minister of God regardless of his creed is on call 24 hours day to serve the sick the injurcd and the troubled CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES LTB HALL HIGH 81 Sunday Morning 11 am ALI ARE WELCOME ANNIVERSARY ANGUS UNIJED CHURCH Sunday September 30 1951 1100 AMREV FRASER 730 pmREV DR HUNNISSETT with his orchestra and NOTED BOY SOPRANO SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR St Georges Anglican Church ALLANDALE 830 am and 1100 am and pm Rector REV NEWTONSMITH Organist MRS SHAW cf Burton Avenue United Church Rev Clements BA Mr Dempsey Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1951 11 amMORNING WORSHIP Holly Worship Service3 pm Standard Time 7Organisti and Chairmaster Full Gospel Tabernacle 20 Mulcaster Street Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada PASTOR WARRINER Minister SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1951 10 amSunday School 11 amMorning worship 1807 pmEvangelistic Service REV LEWIS MA BD Minister Lloyd WTufford EMBERVs c6itier St Baptist Church 11 imMORNINGsrRrICE Independent HTGMIICHEEI rMinlste SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1951 Till mMORNING WORSHIP pmBIBLE SCHOOL pmGOSPEL SERVICE Mon pmYouth HaVen CSBC Mon pinSenior Service Wed pmPrayer Fellowship Visitors Cordially Invited zwFz EsSo Rood Presbyterian Church SUNDAYSEPTEMBER 30 1951 Minister REV MUIR BA OiganisL Mr FRANK DUTCHER Sunday School and Congregational Rally Day Sunday School meets with the Church at 11 am pmlTHE MINISTER 830pm Young Feoplesjocietvy ThOTSoIvorion Army so COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly Worship SUNDAY SEPTEMZBERSO 1951 WELCOME SERVICES For 11 ameHoliness Meeting 230 partSunday school 00 pmiSa1vation Meeting Iii Sept 28 PUBLIC WELCOME TO NEW orrroaas Sunday after MRS IIETHERINGTON MAJ MRS nammmorON THE CHURCH SCHOOL Senior Depts ginners Depts pmEVENING SERVICE Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister KEFFER ARCT Organist and Chairmaster SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1951 118mRALLY DAY SERVICE All Department of The Church School will meet with the congre gation IN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Come to Church REV rawBEWELL BA Organist and ChoiTmaEfcr AWARREN MacLEAN SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1951 11 amMORNING WORSHIP Sacrament Sunday of the Lords Supper and of Baptism pmEVENING WORSIIIP The Great Heart Grid In the beginning God Young Peoples Service CHURCH SCHOOL Rally Day for all Classos Onward Christian Soldiers Marchingas to war 11 amBegiriuers and Primary caution AlllSTlltll rum $195k 131 18m Leadin Christmas greeting Christenx Friendly Welcome Awaits You 22 Pg Collier St United Church 794anJuniorwIntermediate and 11 amNursery Primary and Be rZf pmPUBL1C WORSHIP St Andrews Presbyterian pmANNIVERSARY SERVICE Central United Church 230 pmJuiiior and Intermediate Cometo Gods House onIIis Day Wlliiam Anderson CHI1 FSA WIII auditm iSiiiiCOcMuskoka Life UnderwriIi gets Amputation and their guests at ithc annual dinner 111 St Josephs Alldiluflllfli Barrie on Tuesday Oct tinuipcgboru and raised Mn iAudcrson came east to finish high IBE FSA ANDERSON school and as scholarship man entered the Mathematics and Phys Eics course at the University of To ronto Whilc still attending uni vcrsity he joined North American 11111 Assurance Company as an ifitllllllllll student and entered the Iulltime service of the company lupou graduation in 1926 Ho contplclcd his actuarial quali fictitious as Fellow of the Actuar iial Society of America and was Funeral Service Held For Dr John Gourloy Funeral services for the late Dr John Gourlay Barrie dental sur geon were held on Thursday Sept 20 1951 at pm at the Jen uett Funeral Home Dr Gourlay died suddenly at his late resid cnct 182 Elizabeth St Barrie on Tuesday Sept 18 following an al tack of coronarythrombosis The service was conducted by Rev Lewis of Collier Strcct United Church Pallbearers were Hugh Sumner Stephenson John Craig Dr Bruce Johnston Macklam and William Par kcr Interment was in Barrie Un ion Cemetery Among the many floral tributes were those sent by the Barrie Lions Club and the Ladies Aux iliary to the Barrie Lions Club Collier Street United Church Group DrOf the United Church the Bar rio Dental Society the National Refining Co and the Class of 26 of the Faculty of Dentistry Univ crsity of Toronto Relatives and friends came from Leroy NY Boston New York Port Colbomc Toronto Hamilton Oakvillc and Beamsvillc for the rvnatiye of Glasgow Sc land 1315 COUHEVTWKS Obituary th CROWN HILL UNITEDCHURGH an HUGH MACTAGGART Minister 11 amRALLX DAY SERVICE Special Speaker Rev Veals MA EDGAR DALSTON 730 pmEVENING WORSHIP STRANGERS WELCOMED EVERYBODY WELCOME Speaker REV 11 norho the meriiberi of thcicompauy in 1923 appornted iiiilulll bliin ST JAMES ANNIVERSARY STRPUD The Rev John Hughes of Trinity Church Thornton will conduct the services and preach Lefroy Church Schhol as usual at 1l45 am Lefroy Church Service Canceued FIRST BAPTIST Rev 11 luck on CALEB alums BABth BASS scams Damn Mitts of Toronto GoldaiMedaligt Toronto Exhibition 1951 71pimeffarrioirs Broken Down he Friendly=Chiirch Executive to Address SimcoeMuskoka Underwriters made an executixe officer of hisL In 1939 he was general mari ager iii 1945 gentrat manager and in 1946 was elected to his companysl board of directors He 1S also aI VICepresideut of the General Accil dent Assurance Company of Canada= and director of the Scottish Cari adian Assuraticc Corporation Mr Anderson has remitred great SerVice to 1hr 11 insurance busi ness particularly in committee work With the Canadian Life 111 surarice Officers Association of which he is past presidcnt the Canadiun Association of Actuaries and the Life Insurance Agency Management Assocuitiou lie is at so plth president of the Life Iri surancc Institute of Canada and of the Actuaries lulr and now vicepresident of the Sucicty of Actuaries Appointed directorgeiicral of the National Housing AdlllllllSlllIIlf1 in 1945 with temporary lcavof events got off to good start with lElraiior Oucns winning thegop with jump of 17 feet and 11 inch Stubblngs absence from his company Mr Au derson spent seven months in 0t tawa during the period sition from war to peace ing life insurance executives and as an active student of social legis lation he has also national recognition as an expert bridge player Bridge is inngame which he really enjoyed and in this he is joined by Mrs Andersouvho is even better known in the bridge world When the parliamentary joint of tran By noun GROAT Field Day Highlights Idl Friday morning the girls step and jump in the senior division The intcrmediatcs proved to Del strong in all their events in the afternoon interesting team competition was displayed such as the shuttle relay The School champions according to the ntunber of potnts acquired are Midget Susan Jones and Gail Junior Ruth Danger field Intermediate Kay Crosbie and Carol MacDonald Senior loau Millar The girls liavcliopcs of bringing home the Thompson Cup on Saturday In the iiiasculiuc division many exciting events took place Peter Ilivcr came first in the junior high jumping group making mark of four foot six inches Grant Wal lace displayed his agility in making Accepted as one of Canadas lead lolin Lackic earned intei new record of five feet four and half inches for the intermediates also chalked up height of five feet four and half inches for the senior titlc Laurie Spencer showed his sprint lug qualities in the dashes and Jim 1ikiiig again won the mile The champions are as follows Len Kirk Juvenile 11 pts Tom Iopplctou Jr 16 pts Laurie committee on OldAgc Sccurityspmwor Intermediate 18 pm was holding its hearings last year John Lackie 50mm 24 pm Mr Anderson testified as an in dividual and also participated in the Track Mcct On Saturday preparation Of certain of the briefsl The famous and wellknown presented to the coimuitlce there on June 23 1903 lie was the son of Mr and Mrs Robert Gourlay now of Toronto who sur vive him along with his widow the former Clara Casey dough ter Patricia Ann both of Barrie and sister Mrs Hugh Sumner Mary of Toronto The deceased came to Canada to Hamilton with his parents at the age of two He lived in Hamilton for 15 years before moving to To ronto where he resided from 1921 to 1942 He served with the Can adian Dental Corps from 1942 to 1945 coming to the war in 1945 Dr Gourlay was member of Collier St United Church and be longed to the Barrie Lions Club Funeral Service Held For Thomas Fraser Funeral services were held Tues day Sept 11 1951 for the late Thomas Fraser Oro Station who died suddenly at the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Sunday wear black strides Sept in his 715i year resident of Oro Station fdr the past four years the deceased had spent the greater part of his life in Edmonton Alta He was the son of the latcMr and Mrs James Fraser of Guthrie Surviving are two sisters Mrs George Smith Jane of Orillia and Mrs Norris Webb Blanche of Barrie and four brothers Roy of East Oro and James Gordon and Frederick of Guthrie The funeral serviceat Doolittle ral Home was conducted Presbtyerian Church Pallbearers were Elmer Uncles Thomas Craw ford Glen Richardson Bert Gra ham Daniel McArthur and John 1Woodroww1ntermentwasinKan Cemetery Oro ISRAELI 10 NS SCOUTING track and field meet is to be held Saturday in Midland The students Barrie following Mtvchfhebf OroTSlatiOh Israeli became the Slst member country of the world Scouting or ganization at the 13th meeting of the International Scout Conference in Austria in August The sessions were attended by Canadas Deputy ChiefScout Jackson Dodds CBE andMajGen Spry CBE 81 AT ST JAMES SERVICES CHURCH CLAPPERTON AT WORSLEY STREET on no Minister 17IIIhLgj Anniversary Bi HARRIS pronto Hillof the Lord 5v DSO Chief Executive Commission FRaanSunday Neil McCombie who will be travelling by bus and have not yet bought their tickets liad better do so to have the ad vantage of being sure of seat We are all looking forward to Satur day when the teams anticipate bringing both the Iudhopc and Thompson cups home to Barrie for the year The Boys Athletic Society execu tive for 195152 consists of Jim Ag new as president John Lackie as vicepresident and Millet Salter Secretary The organization of many clubs has begun including the Camera Club the Glee club Key Club lSCF and the Library Club School Yells The Junior Cheerleaders present cd their school yells in the junior assembly on Tuesday few of the tllCClS have been changed butthc majority stay the same witlr dif ferent but interesting routine add ed The girls are sporting short white Bloated skirts black or white sweaters red socks and white shoes Three boys in the cheering squad We will be looking for our color ful team to cheer the Tudhope Cup competitors on to fifth consecu tive victory on Saturday Mrs McKinnon Hostess to LWNlS For First Meeting The Womens Missionary SOcity Church held its first meeting of the Fall season at the home of Mrs McKinnon 48 Drury Lane on Wednesday Sept 19 at pm The ee was presided over by the 1HiiMcCawFMha extended cordial welcome to all members and visitors present During the devotional period conducted by the president the scripture lesson was read by Mrs Ferguson and prayer was offer edrrby Mrs Biggar duetby Mrs McKinnon and Mrs Marshall was much appreciated Following short business per iodthe study book was taken by Mrs Cameron who intro duced the chapters dealing with the work in India and British Guiana At the close of the meeting tess wYEBRtooE SEPT 24Mr and Mrs Ellery spent few days with their daugh ter Mrs TownesMr Townes and familyElmvale spent the weekend with the form ers father Rev Holden Mr and Mrs Carruthers and family Mr and MrsCharles Houn somg end in Niagara Fallsand dIEtTict student from Knox COIlege Toronto had charge of theservice in the Presbyterian ter Mattawa spent few days with Mr and Mrs William Charles and Mr and Mrs Fred Blair and Mr and Mrs George Russell New Lowell visit ALLANDAmAiiOWAIiu iing dairy creameriesf orwwsem Andrews Bresbylerien cup of tea was served by the hos Mrs Peters and family Orillia ahdNorma spent the week Church Sunday in the absence of the pastor gt Mr and Mrs Blair and laughs Mrs 13 Armstrong Collingwoodp ed Mr and Mrs rouzsr usnvz Alberta has nearly 9000000 acres of forest reserves Germany by Friedrich Yrocbel who regarded children as plants ret quiring consrant attention CANADIAN CREAM Canada has about 1200 produc AIENTS LOVE HIM Kindergartens were founded Kandhi means grocer in Marl Quebec Province has about 11 hatma Gandhis native language 1000 square miles covert1 by water WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR 20th Anniversary in business in the town of Barrie Twenty happy years in which we have striveh to give our customers the best in merchandise and courteous service Yes twen ty years ago on October lst we opened for business and now were having party to celebrate Every one is welcome Drop in and help us make our party success During our birthday we are giving away to our guests MANY VALUABLE PRIZES SPECIAL BIRTHDAY VALUES AND Shot or OUR BIG CAKE GARNERS MENS WEAR and SPORTING 60008 56 ELIZABETH ST PHONE 4542 ANN PAGE OVEN FRESH BAKERY PRODUCTS ESTA 41 lgaga grad VITAMIN ENRICHED OR REGULAR WHITE WHOLE WHEAT or fcnciccovwaearfxm SLICED 24ozioar1 5c upsucro 24ozloa114c Sugar coouuts pigz1c 2402 loaf New Pack Choice Wmons Fancy Strawberry PectinAddcdy 2402iar44t Breakfast Garcia 206an11 ours is 1935 AnnUngraded pans 22035 Special Sliced Inn 101 CHOICE chocolate MYEBCE Ch 3ruild at ugea5 Aystrai Choice concurs Austral Choice ABS Yo 0611 Beekist No White HGNEY Y9rk3rand Fancy CaliforniaTokny Swdet New Crop No GRHPES Waxed andWisliod No 1sweei citations zlbsz9 3Ibs29c Capavodpofd cello be mam WastredCoreiqs No 3115517 280 tin 35 2802 tin 41202 glass 20oz tinssc cannot 53g ems 43c uncritrwgiromopmggu BEANS 15302 tins Macintosh Rcdfdscttoaisk VWaliliy Gothask TRIMMED nnsmc rhouurztiu

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