Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1951, p. 18

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Irvin Berlins Me Madame Marrying and Dltntt Ocarina Otlics and hunt ll song for lie Today an ills fear of the Imi l0 bt tile Love Itll ilu play MENS ODD lROUSERS In large selection of colors and materials FLAN 1118 iAItARlllNlIS WORSIIIDS VIHITS writing genius is once again displayed to night on Curtain Time at 730 as Dinah Shore Broadway cnt ale heard in Cali llroiiiimtuir Squari The Day original 730 News 800 Tune Signal 800 Sports Roundup 11 45 Early Bird 900 News 105 Hymn Time laid In two mythical countries Llciitcnburg and the USA and that character of Mrs Sally Admnsf ployctl by Dinah Shore in no way any ptirOil alllc or titmi the program says With Paul Lucas Iltlxtl p0 and Oth Incllibci of tuc Uillflilfii cash llll nnltc by limo interhiiter is and his Jlltliil Lullain llutc fraturts Hill Jz Madame this ttlllil ill 730 Ill CRUD man SPORTSCASTER DAVI wnlour IN AMION bi in action at Barrie Sccrl ilbOVL Arum luring one of the excitingl garlic 13 season Dave Wright brings you liptodntc on happeni ings in 1110 world of sport three fillies in arn 1210 and 615 11 The ptltlx activities ill the munty rcccnc top ottcntion from illave on his sportscnsts ovcr Killl ax do the local tournaments games nicets andancnts What the Fltl are up 1015 the current interest and mini Dave will he do ing at itLlrl one sportsmst day right from the Arcna broadcast booth Perhaps the most popular type of radio 110Llilll In tho 1111 show Kllils Iidsic Mcth Money with Wendy 12111 has primn nocx minim Many faithful listeners for czich progiatn in the hopes of wild in many 11gt donn entries llili51 thc jackpot or at lcnst one of tic nuichandisc awards licard every lucsday lhnrsdny and Saturday morning at 930 Music Menus Money givcs cvcly 1111c chance at winning 00 Illf 1A lucst tonight on Supper Scrcn 11lt 11 371 tl liilll llt iinla ll lowsis iiilltt1 ruled whatever Qone hc is singing with lll own titlxllinltt brand of n1 chantnicnt thtlicr ilc is cuntt5 llll the 1I1Illllllilg lion iiovi anui of Mozarts opcrn Iltlllfl ltt Itlllll Ihc gallant tic ilccquc of South Pacific or singing toV nights scicnudc Just Kiss Apartd 1n lllllilis to the ninltcr at hand maluiiticcnt voice thrilling lrl iiity and rciuznlzably iinprcsgtivc tlilillltt Footloose and turns to the air Sunday afternoon lnncy Free rc 915 Bing Sings 930 Peggy Brwks Show 945 Rambling with Ralph 1000 News 1010 Morning Matinee 1100 News 1105 its Great Life 1120 Morning Matinee Cont FRIDAY RM 1210 Sports Digest 1215 Market Report 1230 llme Signal 1230 News 1245 Regional 1250 Bulletin Board 100 Farm Features the Air 200 News 205 As You Like It 300 Holiday in Rhythm 330 News 335 Barbara Wheeler 400 Club 1230 445 Hidden Town 500 Club 1230 tcont 515 Barry and Betty 530 News 540 Movie MerryGoRound 550 Prelude to Dinner Supper Serenade 600 Cauntytllour until 700 615 Sports 030 News 650 Bulletin Board 700 Exhibition Notebook 715 Manhunt Wayne King Show 80511911y and Betty Show 320 Interlude 830 Joyce Evcrctt Sings 1145 Stardust Serenade 1030 News 1040 Organ interlude 1045111 1110 Chapel Temp Time 0103 Sign off SATURDAY AM 055 Sign On 700 Musical Clock 735 Farm Market Report 740 Weather Report 50 News 00 Time Signal E1200 Luncheon Engagement until Weather Report 130 Coilingwood Newspaper of 1100 News Headlines Weather both words and music there ilowever once they get gOI WORLDS WORST QUARTET What they do to popular sogg is out of this world and should be kept nonsense for all concerned ilcnding left to right ircgor cornedinncasiuerProduccr llcaville announcerproduccr Barrie Squadron 102 Stuart Kenncy master of ceremonies Art Mc EDENVALE SEPT 3Mr and Mrs Mc Nabb are enjoying trip throngir Western Canada Our school reopened on Tuesday with Mrs Partridge as teacher Womans Association will meet at Mrs Dickinsons iucsdnlu Sept 11 September meeting of mens institute at Mrs fellows Thursday Sept call An industry in Simcoe Ollil ty There Will be an exchange of slips and each member is requesth to bring hat decorated with vcgei tables to sell 4lt Newton Robinson SEPT 4Miss Helen Lecson Ot tawa was home for the weekend Miss Olive Morrison Toronto spent the weekend at Frank Hougir tons Roy Brooks St Cntharines was home for the weekend Miss Betty Carter Buffalo is holidaying with Mrs Russell Rowe Mr and Mrs Lorne West and son Toronto were at Lloyd Coborns Saturday Congratulations to Mr and Illli Rowe on the birth of son in Toronto Mrs Bently of Winnipeg is visit ing her sister Mrs Glen Allcn Mrs Doyle Mrs Leeson and Helen spent Sunday with Mr and West Bradford The Fearsome Foursome ng theres plenty of gbod fun and Don Gordon at the console Frank ldrivrrs The financial assistance that came in was most encouraging land the fund will remain open for Esomc time to enable everyone to 3contrilnitellhc filnd headquarters 11s at lhd Royal Bank in Barrie Ron Hardy commanding Of ficcr of the squadron wishes to lthnnk most sincerely all those who nssistcdso readily in the collecting sorting packing and storing of the donations those who mndc the con tributions of cash furniture cloth ing food and other borne appli ances To everyone who have help Mrs Rowes Slst Birthday Mrs Rowe Sr celebrated crnl relatives and friends called her 91st birthday last Thursday chl PrdiitslmmPoultry WHEN THEY ARE FED FUNCTIONAL FEEDS RAISE FULLY NOUR ISHED BIRDSFOR MORE EGGS BETTER EGGS BY FEEDING BIa tcbford FilllheBasket EGG MASH AND PELLETS Birds Relish Polish For Sale By BROWN 00 Barrie IRA WILSON lookstown OLIVER IVILSON Mineslnx 11 BELL Utopia Flour MIII CALL THE EXAMINER FOR ed the Hammer family thanks froln the Air Cadets Inbidcntnily it is learned thllt Fred Hammer starts to work fori Ihc Barrie Examiner tomorrow His brother Bob worked at the printing trade in ih Examiner plont until he joined the Navy last spring Feed Cooker All Air CadetsPlease Note The first parade of the year will to wish her many happy rcturns PRINTING IIIONE 2414 men it Jacket for Livestock zmoifl JI or tlhiwluJLfsiri Wm tandem Ferguson cently be hcld tomorrow evening at 730 in Barrie Armoury Get the uni forms pressed up shine the but tons and boots get the hair cut wcrc away again on tKllil at 415 Joy and Mary 800 Sports Roundup llillt series of visits to many1 45 Early Bird CROSSLAND SEPT 3Mr and Mrs James Wilson and loin Mr and Mrs Patterson Adjnla spcnt Sunday with Mr and Mrs Russel McEl waln Mrs Potts and Mrs Sam Allen visited friends at Badjeros Fever sham McIntyre and Port an lnt week Miss Nancy Wright is holidaying with the Misses Frccmnn Elmvnlc Mutt Hopkins and Miss Agncsl Hopkins Toronto spent the 1101ing with Mr and Mrs RussclMcEl wnin Miss Barbara Strnth Snurin IlOlI idaycd with her cousin Miss Wreatha Stratil Graham Strath Jack Glcensid es Billy Robertson Jim Archer and Douglas Wright left for thc Wcst Aug 27 VCOngralulations to Mr and Mrs JohnyArcher on the arrival of son Mrs Lester Calgary is visiting her sister Mrs William Strath Holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs Barnes were Miss Alice Barnes and Jolln Barnes Preston Mr and Mrs John Cooper and family Gait Mr Harris Sr Mr and Mrs Ted Harris and family Hamilton vis ited the Archerfamily during the holiday EXHIBITION NOTE BOOK WITH JIM WARD LAC FREDIIAMMER Exhibition Notebook has return Tuesday 101128 the Hammer lcd to CKBB with Jim Ward re porting on the goings on at thc EX lntcrvicws with officials and visi llois at the Big Fair with Gordon Sinclair Jims special series takes yonbcliind the scenes to make thc story of thc CNE cvcn more fascinating The time seven this cvcning and for the rest of this wcclt for Exhibition Nollbook 111g places that put new light 915 Radio Bandswnd 1000 News 110 0111 Wellinglon SinicOc County Womens institutcl 1105 Bills Chuck Wagon cont 1200 Luncheon Engagemem um home on the Camp Borden Road parts of lIlt arca planned to bringl 00 Netvs THE STORE FOR HEN on ncighborinlt towns onll villages 930 Musk Means Money 1005 Bills Chuck Wagon 081 Baffle IMuscIIm which Is situalcd on Wor 1130 The Story Book HM 11 ill 11 63111165 you the backgrounds of interesti 05 SillUldaY Morning serenade Elkabdh SIn at V5 IlligtSlliliii tlicy take you to tilt 945 Hmong Mus Shep 1100 News SW 51 in Burris SATURDAY RM YOU CANT BEAT FOR VALUE Om Digest was destroyed by fire Everything 1215 arket Repelt tin thc homc vcnt up in smoke 102 1230 Time Signal llarric Squadron offered to set up 1230 News the cnicrltcncy lclicf committee to gelolilnleeighef GPO assist the Hummers inthcir rc ueln oar 100 Agricultural Representative grilling Hdminfr pne 115 western Hit Parade cnlm cauts pitched in and helped the other boys In their 130 Saturday Special H5 Report mm Amsmn Town work of collection Citizens from all ovcr the district offcrcd cloth Hall Illercs tun Inuslc cash pll 200 News 1111 food furniture kitchenware Its In storc fut Otltdiludbtfllcrs Satinng Specml ifcontd Vlwumm family mum need to when Double or Nothing returns fl lgftwsd got back to normal The went Ila to tilt an on Monday St pt 10 pm con out originally over CKBB as Ralph Snclgrovc and The Examiners ovcr EKBB lliat madcap Fcnr Ch 1230 smnc Foursome The Worlds Kw walls started the wheels Worst Quartet v111 again shutter 51 turning for immediate aid while tho air waves With their zany chat 53 the squadron was getting organ17 lttr 11nd lilYPalOCllfSo ATP95 cd With the Officers members of 11001 PFCSCHl 010 0f 111519 the civilian committee who repre ipnccd and most intcrestng radio County Hour um 700 sell sponsorr Bruno Junior 41014 01001de to be hedld an Cbambcr of Commerce and the cadets thcmsclvcs along with some iwlicrc with Stu Kcnney as mns 65 of the committee wives the col lcctcd items were sorted and pack ltcr Of ceremonies Don Gordon at Bulletin 138314 lithewconsolwwouttaArrMcGregor 00 Exhibition Notebook gspcciolizing in handing out good 715 Don Messer and his Islanders Cd in Ad lmoncv and bad jokes Frank Den 730 Tlllnlbl Tim all Barri limliiilet 91201318011223 crs were then moved to the storage space proVidcdby innisfil Packers ville rounds out the ensemble as 745 Report from palliamml in 800 News located not far from where the family lived Many cars trucks announcer and writer Art and 805 Samrday Cavalcade and other Vehicles were donated by Frank incidentally may be recall 10 30 News ed as the former comedy team of 1040 Organ Interlude lOcal pcople to assist the cadets in and Mrs Doughty and family mt milk or C11Cimbl and Toronto spent the holiday weekend 05 15 43 Hidden Town Club 1230 cont Stars the We News Movie MerryGoRound 50 Prelude to Dinner Supper Serenade 1W3 The Livestock Feed Cooker is offered in three convenient sizes to suit the individual requirements of the user The capacities are 10 gallons 20 gallons and 36gallons of cooked feed Voriitliin Devotions 1100 grain service from Carriu me SUNDAY RM 1200 Echoes 30 News 1240 ProgramwBulletins Interlude 00 Your Weekly Editor 15 The ivtagic of the Waltz 30 Hit Parade 200 Sunday Hymn Time 230 Back to the Bible Hour SoleAgent in Simcoe County 101 CyFeed Cookers MONDAY PQM 1270 Sign ag 11 ngh St Barrie llet EDISON 1230 Time Signal 1230 Newscast 1245Regional Weather Report 1gglllletin Board arm Features 30 Silver Threads 130 Old Fashioned Hymn Sing 00 News 145 Record Album lonsthtrllwig Is Bent 200 Newscast 30 00 Agggmrbriaollildiir Iglifhhm 30 CbapelChimes 30 Newscast ME 545 Songsby Dennis Day 35 Kitchen Kapers 600 News 200 Club 23 Woodhousc Hawkins name 1100 News Headlines Weather now associated with radio advetz 1103 gempwogime tismg They are jointly responsi 1E great number were supplied with this favorite radio quiz Double Sign 011 wlth Mr and Mrs William McGln or Nothing Tune in to CKBB CW5 ims grganyilktlgnlgideg 4145 Early Bnd Mr and Mrs Lymand and Mr Doublc Or Nothing 93 Llllrehr H011 901 1000 This is riv1y Story 931 Biyriigmsiiiige and Mist Lgheev 930 Peggy Brooks Show gt7 1040 Quiet Corner 10 00 BEDWARMERMWlt ews 1005 Morning Matinee be warmedor cooled to thejesltl on Your Dlal News temperature is being manufactured 1120 Morning Matinee cont by Dutch firms Since 1944 the Quebec Coloniza tionDepartmemgbasgaeed43496 Setter famiTSEon Timers farmlands bio for the smooth production Of SUNDAY AM Monday Sept 10 for fun with 100News Culloughr North Bay weekendcd 1030 News 945 Rambling with Ralph waterfilled mattress that may 105 itsa Great Life new not aYour gift will be cherished every minute of the day when you choose b5q Newb 50 Bulletin Board Gmelth 595 2mm 00 Exhibition Notebook beautiful selection priced for every 15 Spotme Review tad CVCFY PMSC 30Curta1n Time 800 News 805 Heres Health 815 Interlude 845 Stardust Serenade 1015 Canada at Work 1030 News 1040 Organ Interlude Ltglln the Chapel 1100 News Headlines Welthor Temp Time 1103 Sign off ZDFRJQALLAM 00 Musical Clock 15 News 730 Far Markefellorf 740 Want er Report 615 Sports 015 Report from Town Hall 45 Hidden Town 630 Dinner Music 00 Club 1230 cont EWSuday Prom 15 Barry andBetty 800 The Band Stand 30 NWscast 830 Faith KlebecVSings vi 40 Movie McrryGORou 550 Prelude to Dinner 55 Supper Serenade 900 News 910 Three Suns 930511111193 Stal 1000 Green Pastures 1015 Hawaiian Harmonies 1030 News 1040 Sammy Kayes dreams DIAMONDMEROIIANTS iieteisiyOur chanceito hovea late moaelacar and yet We money Trade in your old Ser Sunday enade Temp Time 1103 Sign Off 1100 News Headlines Weather llouSkilinyiGirls 4001 101911 01111199 FAllcars and trucks are on display at our used car lot carOn one of the outstanding valueslisted here We pay you top tradein prices 93 Elizabeth 51 in the that grer CAIFIIAway Io $chpol aHAVETHOSEROOMSPAPERED 50 CHEVROLET DELUXE sonar An rExeellentCar MONDAY AM 0515191011 Musical Clock Gain silo 10 lbs1lelv Pen gt 95 News Thousands who never could gain weight before now have shapely attractive figures No more may limbs ugly hollows They thank Ostrex Itv uts shonbyletsogkllnny because litlttwddllackal run you mproveu appe zealouao tonal Weather Report 10311011051109 vnubetter Dontiefirgettlngloofnl stop when you gain gure you 011 Introductory gt or yetacquainted size only 1ml lry Ostrex Tunic 50 Nvvs 00 Time Signal Tab eta foraow poolnds loveiyisllrveanew pep 51 9059004 Roundup mvmomm HUSEDIRUCKS 150 OLDSMOBILE COAOIIg 1949 maliciousglen Fleetllne Style 110be 3490LDSMOBILE SEDAN 1996GM9 31T9C uOne ownerA4ISllape Chais Ly 193911 ennui2 49 cnavnOLnrrLllnmNE COACII ton One gwner LowMlleage Farm Market Report 48VCHEVROLEISEDAN llvPONllACFIASSCOUPE SPECIAL 48 OLDSMOBIpE COACH 1949 CHEVROLET 12 Automatic Drive AI Shape lTo Pickuu Deluxe 48 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN 040 Original mileage PONTIAC 0011011 solved and the loan repaid in an orderly manner When family Ready to goBARGlIIN BUY AT BARGAIN borrows under these circumstances itis simplyrenting money 31 MODELA FORD COACH fan terms it can afford At HFQ you may borrow $50 $250 $500 gt family slum borrow only when 1m the but Wqu to money problem or exahrple to pay old debts Medical expenses rakes fuel cation car or Ironic repairs Loan for tlme reasons are not indonary for In may is not used to buy goods in shaft supply or increase indebtedness sowmo MON noums At llFCHOusehotd Financewe believe familysllould borrow only when by careful planningthemoney problem Can be re mm Add NeWBenuty indoorg to matchNatures Art Outdoors Youll enjoy choOsing from sUNwonrllv MASTERPIECE SUNTESTED LANcAsrlllA Idle no leaA not gt Mitch Woddwork 0011 vvalls with Tarzan or more on your signature without belrdble security boll 11111111100 um out IIioussllolorlunuoi MlltlwItS gloom uu ganglion 5529

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