Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1951, p. 13

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EVEREI Census Shows mnilugnlfnii we rm mum want in SEPT 3Mr and Mrs William 33 ms value of vriien reactohm SEPT 3Miss Kayloap spent Mr White however has no Jenkins and yam11y Toan spam The code dealing with loner1255 comma and prohibition as few days with call Dean Melton gquarrel with the census figures the weekend with Ben Ferris and Thomas is spending m5 week 5H9 points out that as result of gmlgh be amend 401 C0111 lrene munity rafes Such attain should ers employment of paid ticket the prolonged shutdown of Midland Vernon BCl lim Truck school childrens parade The first Mm Hrs Clute Tommo ry minor amide occurred on days evems include drawing Mr and Mrs Morley Wallwm Mr and Mrs Ken Doyle and Esmpyards last year number of ldve tertain rules maximum Mam Slftl NDllh Coldwater last match for heavy team calf club TQEOBtO spam couple days Lighten Tole spent the week lanlihrs mOVed fropl Mlqland H9 MN wrek when 1937 Ford coach commiiom actor come and their parentrsl home here end Wm Mrs ammung preliminary gures or me 195 rfecls that population figures had driven by CharlesOaktey of North ports competitions Mr and MYS William Wilkinson Mr and Mrs Horace Storey lnsus Indicate sharp droi my Tm9d 10 Slum River was in collision with l946 on Sept the 233 freeor3n mowred the USA 101 the wee Lindsay were weekend visitors lpopJlillO Mldlmd lwmn me Tnm5 was taken June Mr Whites population figpres Muculy OM40 ml we by and running races will interest the end Mel Tinney of Coldwater tr Oak major in the gain and also egg Miss Muriel Wilkinson returned 35 0m the highwy lured will be the livestock show from Toronto after spending few from Johnstons garage and and horse shows holidays thought the way was clear when Mr and Mrs William Kiernan the Pcnetung bus Went by He foil The ms mgm the be and Sharron accompanied by Mfr concert by the popular Midland su thr truck in time and hit Boys Band and on the last mgm land Mrs Cecllljenkms are spam ing few days in the USA its right side glancing blow th Norther winclv was extensively gznxglswlul WI dance Calvin Haddock and Elwood Wil son spent couple ol days at the in4emsrnallllim Assnd only Other popumuon gure ioribeing prepared in connectlo with enthraet lsedb Dom ye reea interiman Firescapea Gales Railings Etc ESTIMATES FREE 9d and frank our Bureau of Statistics is the census son in the loss of their soninlaw mm or Elmvah Show 739 not quite completed He constdcrs Loveless Aurora ill probable however that they We welcome Mrs Young and According to Dominion Bureauiappmxunute thvcensusroll dland had only 6949 w4i son to this vicinity Mrs Young is SallSliCs Mi the new teacher at Bethesda pmple in June an increase of only in 149 in the tenrear period since tlw LORLESS HEB Mr and Mrs Sloan wore Toronto on Sunday l9 census Colorblindness is believed to be itransmitted from ginndfathcr to 17 ulcastu St W37 damaged Among the new isp ays is year hvbu September Fall Fairs will be large exhibit by Dunlops Ewozeogiszngwiio Toromo at Mr and Mrs Paddington and With the advent of September 310m Moonstone their parental homes were Mm daughter have moved into Mr This is decrease of from thcgrnndson the mole line of annual fall fairs in the district will large prize list has been pre Florence Katy and Miss Sig Pledgers cottage 7260 total tabulated by Midland family 11 mp agllaCUlylddltllltg the com pared mduding many spec1315 and Adair n3 Wm 0mm 1311 15 50m an outstanding portion of the fair and followed by Goldwaters will be given we 10 the exhibits Death of Mrs John Goth urumn air on Sept 10 and ii the Scholars from Wm We are very sorry to report the at llldlllIlt 030 onlch llthand ghouls in The district in dam of Mrs John 101131 who caleblale EstabllShlng Of an Klng FUI In Baffle at Elllabelll im on Fair then takes School pair passod away at her home in Lisle on Friday Aug 31 awnem mass We are anxnous to have every man and woman participate In this Interesting contest platc Sept 13 15 largo new arm for fair ground has bccn cleand and will bt nvuil Organiullons Resume Meetings was observed in Toronto Tuesday Coldwoter residents have been 011 with interment at Mount Pleasant mm parknm Coldwumn and joylng visits to their summer cemetery To her husband and fam many mm inmrmwmms haw homes to the Exhibition and lo ily we extend our deepest sym been carried out including the fine 91mg togS TAN lurking in Wthy costn aso uguswen tuw bildgc ovu tht stream it llu best jenmir of the season was Death or Edwatd any We are very sorry to report the tutruncc to the rink New nlfrac lions such as the tractor driving cuved dvnlb of Edward Benton Who P359 contcst for junior farmers will he Already preparations 31 lNin vod away his homo in Mansfield strong drawing curd made to swing from the leisurely Sunday 90m WC extend The fair at Coldwulcr gels under 0390 or summer 10 busy all deepestsympmhy 10 his widow and way on Monday the Hill with Program Tends Womens institutes are gelling notices out for resumption of their L050 Baseball Proust meetings here and at other branch was reported early last Wlfk es large number are making that Everett Maple Leafs protest plans to enter exhibits at the fail cd the ball game with Alliston and and directors and committees are ll Vllllld hm be Played again devoting spare moments from me Later reports are that the protest harvest lo attending to final dutics W413 l05l and win valuable prize Arthur King Fur Show will be in BarrieMonday Tuesday Wednesday Sept 242526 vq quality connected with the Huronia Fair Even AA mimnacd SCI 10 and ll Ilto boscbnll gnmci at Stroud last he reopemng SCh01v Sept Thursday by Everett Athletic Asso has brought parents and their chil motion was 31 for Stroud ending drcn back home from holidays the series of games with Everett The Lions Club will resume rcg Stroud will now play Alliston in ular fortnightly dinner meetings the South Simcoc finals thismonlh and other organizations which are to Step up their activities include the Board of Trade Library Board Masonic and 9mm bag SEPT 3Mr Plumtrec of Janet lhe M310 and LPEIO AUXilimY villc spent the weekend wilh his Sunday schools Will rcopcn with wife and baby economy my days Mr and Mrs Douglas spent any weather Records Taken several days with friends in Toron to for Fifty Years For the first time in nearly 50 rilnglzlsvrgdzlthhg yearslames Lazonby missed tak rcnleundfamily Hamilton over mg daily weather records from the the weekend instruments on his back hwy Bob Downer St Cathorincs spent coldwater He has been recoilmg the weekend with his parents medical treatment at Toronto Gen Mr and MN Eaklcy Toronto eral Hoswtal and is 11ka good viSiled the formcrs parents Sun progress In the meantime Mrs day Lmonby who has assisted him and Mrs Withers and Jim Mug his work kept the whom up my spcnt the weekend with friends ate in the Kitchener and the USA Each month form is sent in to Mrs McWalters is spending the Toronto office of the Metcom few holidays with friends in God logical Bureau giving the high and eyich low temperatures and rainfall for Eric Drinkwinc and friends Tor Coldwatcr daily The Lazonbys onto are holidaying with Mr and father and son have maintained Mrs Charles Hounsomc weather records for Coldwatcr According to the local records borne out by the memory of older SEPT lRcccnt visitors were residents of Goldwater the wea Mr and Mrs George Gilchrist Tor ther has changed great deal in the last lewdecddes August this onto en route to Sundridge Mr and Mrs Clarence Johnston and year and last have been cooler than family Orillia Bill Copel Owen most years on the average Long PeFiOdS of heat in the summol Sound returning from Temagimi months are no longer received Mr and Mrs Robert Capel who Harry Marlin wenknown mer were married in Durham on Aug Chant here Who has been in 3016 25 Mrs Capel was formerly Miss water about 60 years says the sum patricia Kressl enroute to Temag mersurremorliketheyrused to be imi all with Mr andMIsJMGil when he first arrived You could Christ Mr and Mrs Ross Campbell depend mOSl 0f JUlY and August who were returning to Toronto being yery hot years ago from their cottage at Lake Bernard Mr Lazonby now 79 Was an out 3033 Mrs wright and standing athlete in his youth and Mlsg Chmf Hamluon sick has always enjoyed rugged good Galilee Dixte lNllh Mrigtnd health Recently he has not been Alex Camgxben Iglssc 113 well but it was only through the Barne at heorge imp persuasion of close friend of the FAG very eavy r3120 2332 family DrWallacrGrahamrcne aillvtliglm tltheh of Canadasforemost medical ex min perts in the field of arthritis that 11 MrnLozo by to have PT EndMiSTJoe Man lIIh ning visited the ONE last Friday gt Visitors with Mr and Mrs Rob IrtBoyesrwereziDrrBannistenlort eiiandeeolrge Laidler rrrpastf idrit ofOntarioHistorical So ciety Mr and Mrs Robert Hewson and family Toronto Miss Jean Robinson Toronto was twoidgy guest at Lou Neillys last week ohorahhfn stayed with the La zonbys for period when he was completing his studies and Mr Lai goriby helpedround WallaceHGra 70 LUXURIOUS BLACK DYEDPER SIAN LAMBPAW STUNNINGLY STYLED tytrnnperror university graduate and personal friend Mr LaZOnby assisted inhis track days was Toronto dentist Dr Campbell who visited Mr Lazonbyin the hospital Mr MPS My MLLE WeheadLToronton wide fame for the 45 annual canoe guest this week of Mr and Mrs trips they took in Muskoka waters Paul Russell ceasing the practice only last Sylvia and Edith Kell are visit August They raise beautiful ing their aunt Mrs McKenzie flowers and shrubs and keep law New Toronto more Itixuriantthan any carpet Miss Margaret Neilly has accept Briefs itioHste daught Was pom to Mr and Prince oWa1es School Barrie HMrspJohn Marshallof Goldwater at Soldiers Memorial Hospital Orillia on Wednesday August 29 1951 Among the district ministers con ducting morning deVotionsfon Or lia radio station were Rev BLACK PERSIAN LAMB DYED SIDES RICHLY STYLED gta GLAMOROUSCONEY Decision of the Dyed Rabbm Ju5lge is final Au entriesbe come the pro perty of Arth uTKlg FursT 1th fromMS to 9mSeptlt Rev Dick began ramman Wseriesg on Septi2rjbased onqthe firs chapter of the prbphet Isaiah at his circuit of ChriStian Fellow ship Chapels at Mount Stephen and All nl must be tid dressedto Gon test Dept GRACEFUL GREY NATURAL KIDSKIN CAPE Hamshire Eillfegn s3r4l1231fevlllte Roscoesmsppel Pelltier of Goldwater Anglican CALL mp EXAMINER F03 Ban1e Church who will be in charge rutNTmGrnonnzm This is simply Contest of Skill and Appliance All youneed to do isto count every sheep in this advertisement beaus jj tifjul fur coatmaybe yoursiABSOLUTELYFREE lts easy under jskIn Its lot of fun too Count every sheep youisee stint right gt gt noun dont miss this grand opportunity to acquire gorgeous furtcOat FREE the BlACK uhd GRAYileUlRRELS more closely related than youdimogine Contrarylto mdst belief they are not different speciesbut rather color phases of the semen OnlMderOlh COWS may CW llllhe Same lqmlYi You HAVE MANY choices TO WIN GRAND pmzr rvmyoue IS norm txcriirsilrtortrs OFTHIS5TORE 0R THrsncwspgpm AND THE wuss ALL You HAVE 1000 cog WE uulnalural facts istpresented by SHEEP you THIS ADVERTISEMENT lnlemsllmu PRIZES WILL as AWARDED ON menus0s conkscr COUNT NE nuzss AND ORIGINALITY or HA YOUR Em Pl mu NAME AND ADDRESS on PLAIN sum or MPER WITH You lhis series of unus Carlingsinorderiopromoleukeene ldlf roledionnce 120 400 Inh Lzgrneltyzsn wdm keememsponed dormant Aurwuo MAIL on BRING your Answer To cumsfotu wroNca runs as law plies closesiuesuemMum 1lRIIlllGS wICAIIIKOIDIWIMIS umun

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