87th YeorfiNo I69 Fred Grant Reminisce BOATING ON BARRlE BAY ONE OF FORMER PLEASURES Picnic Days Under the spreading maple tree tin wellfilled baskets stand Containing chicken pies and things all bearing mothers brand And way off in the distance strolif the lovers hand in hand lDick battles with bumblebee iiitlf Bob with youthful zest Falls from lofty maple tree and father and the rest Begin to eat the hiiich upon tutJ ly hornets nest The gentle rainstorm rolls around and when the day is lan They hoineward wend their weary way and turn inside the gate And crawl in bed and Wonder how many bugs they ate lContinued from last week 11 will hardly be necessary to waste the writers or your readers time by digging up extensive his tory regarding early beating on Barrie Bay or Lake Simcoe The Simeoe launched at Iiolland Landing in 1832 was probably the pioneer steamer on the lake other early steamers being the Peter Robinson Beaver Mor rison which was burned in Bar rie Bay in 1868 the 11111 Burton blown up by explosion in the same neighborhood about ten years later the Emily May later Lady of lltlill GRANT the Lake whose huIll for years was ill view at Belle Ewart Couchich ing of llama Sir John Colboriie Morning Queen of the Isles Conqueror Carriella Queen Kendrick Geneva Burke Victoria Enterprise Long ford Orillia later the Islay the Lillie and the Otoiiabee The Lady of the Lake Enter prise and lslay were the three boats with which the majority of your readers like the writer prob ablyhiidctheir experiences The for mer went out of commission in the late seventies The Enterprise was converted into steamer from schooner the Sultana or Sun shine of Rama think which used to haul stone from the quarries near Rama or that district and land herwcargo at the wharf at the foot of Berczy St near Grahams tan nery And the writer can remember those big sIabs of stone beingwlift derrick from boat to dock while he and his comrades were fishing alongside for sunfish which were plentiful then Those supplies of stone were for either extensions to the gaolor court house or more probably for the collegiate institute on Blake Street which was burned down many years later as that building was erected about 1876 Where that dock stood Eiselands boathouse was afterwards operated but the writer year ago after an absence of thirty years could find only few weatherbeaten broken logsremaining of what used to form that landing platform Lochier Johnston was the popular commander of the Enterprise while the May brothers were re spectively captain and mate of the Lady of the Lake There was also Capt Hugh McKay and Capt Mac donald Capt Lyon was in comgt imand of the Enterprise think Thitnrtai liege of Elite flame Examiner BARRIIIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY AUGUST 30 I951 As several townships til the County of Sini icoe have celebrated 100 years of incorpora tion recently we have been asked what about would appear that this municip ality will attain its centenary either in 19525 or 1954 The exact year is ill some doubt at the moment but can be cleared up definitely llllte easily by the town clerk looking into ftlie old records Fred Grant says Barrie will be 100 years old in 1953 although it would seem from An drew Iluiiters llistory of Simcoe County that the year 1054 might be correct There may be some argument but we can settle that in plenty of time The point is it Barrie is to have centen nial in two or three years time some thought should be given immediately to the inattefof planning celebration or old home week or something suitable to the occasion These af fairs are not arranged overnight but actual ly require many months of organization Town Council or the Chamber of Commerce should start looking into the subject before this year is out Barrie was incorporated as town but iii cluded with the Township of Vespra by proc lamation of September 27 1850 the act be inglraiiied to more into effect at the com Barrie Probably in the mind of evein ordinary boy who had his extst ence in Barrie those many ago the greatest attraction for himI as regards boating was the annual Sunday School picnic Now right here in order to pre misconception writer is an uncompromising bigot always specifying Methodist Church centre of his religious activities asl youngster he wishes to state that his connection with that denomin ation was entirely through force of circumstances and the guiding re straint of parental control in con trast with favorites are played Turn to page fourteen please years vent any that Collier Street later years when Critical This is the vital time of the year for the farmer The weather oflate August and car ly September makes the difference between good crops and poor ones So far they look good Since the Dominion Bureau of Statistics recently estimated Canada would have re cord wheat crop of 582000000 bushels crop conditions have been generally good 011 the Last years crop was 427000000 From Examiner Files 50 Years Ago Sports of the Week It is no wonder sport does not thrive this town The people are so little appreciative of the efforts of the young men of this town serves them right for Barrie being behind other places Take Lacrossv for instance the club here worked against all kinds of difficulties and were only saved from being in the hole by the gate strangers to town Town offered not the slightest en couragement to the home team the material worthy Now Cookstown and Brad ford arc to play draw this after The game will be good one and there will be big crowd but the Barrie club is to get nothing out of it It was they who negotiated to bring them here and offered them big percentage The last word the BLC received was that rangements had been made with the town The town not only gives the grounds to outsiders in preference to the town team but gratis three constables while the hotelkeepers pay up some Thats the town for you Barrie Market Hogs are up It was hardly expected that $700 per cwt would be exceeded for live hogs but they are than that large figure The demand is much greaterand $712 to $715 per cwt is obtainable for live hogs on the market now Beef and mut ton are down in price the former being $550 to $650 and mutton$6 per cwt Spring lambs are still 311 per cwt The produce market last Satur day underwent very little change few weeks Butter and the same price former at 15 to 17 the latter at 10 cents Around Barrie Labor Day Mon day The Old Boys are coming home on the 261h Last Thurs Examiner Feature Article that am New Yorkers View of Moto Trip North Through Barrie To Resorts on Georgian Bay Ienetang leiietanguishene is called locally is centre of cruising actiyity The beautiful wellshelter used extensively yaelztsineii as base for fuel pro variety of are avail Prairies bushels Brit Alberta needs good weather to bring the crops to maturity and so does Saskatche wan which has had plenty of moisture Re cent rains delayed the harvesting in Maui toba Even if the weather is favorable there are big obstacles to be overcome and early frost has already appeared in lowlying areas around Prince Albert Theres shortage of harvest labor particularly in Alberta and serious shortage of transport for moving grain to CanadaStraditional European mar kets 0m Reached Conodion Arthritis Rheumatism Society Hope For Holt Million 74 Sparks St Ottawa August 22 1951 To the Editor of the Examiner Dear Sir receipts from The Town as the North Channel The following article appear ed in the Stimlay August is sue of The New York Times and is being rcprintcd in the belief will be of interest to The writer New York newspapersman gives his views north from Toronto to Georgian Bay through Barrie to Wasaga Beach and other Georgian Bay resort centres By HARRY MALM Penetanguishene OntMotorists going west thisrsummer can cut in at Buffalo and avoiding some of the large cities south of the Great Lakes travel through some unusual vacation country before continuing by road or by water to return to the United States Michigan peninsula or Minnesota Entering Canada at Buffalo over the Peace Bridge it isless than hundred miles over super high way the Queen Elizabeth Way to Toronto En route which was praise and yachting been that it ed buy local readers repairs accommodations able at Penetang and Midland with rates from $175 to $0 day Around the lenetang region are some of the most attractive summer homes and cottages in the Georgian Bay conn Reservations must be made well in advance of time of year leases are being negotiated for next summer The final campaign tally has not yet been made by the Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society because the campaign in several districts has been deferred until the autumn At the present date however we are hopeful of reaching half mil lion dollars While thisis still short of our original objective of $850000 we feel that the 1951 campaign has been very real success It could not of course have been successful which visions and hotel of the motor trip cottages supplies tli season this inCanada who is not concerned about the skyhigh c05t of living no one who is not affected We are chiefly interested not in the causes of inflation we leave that to economists but in itseffects upon our own pocket books and standard of living Since the retailer is the man with we deal wehavea tendency these days to regard him as something of pirate out to fleece us We forget he is just as perturbed about those high prices as we are When the whole taxes and prices are high saler raises his prices all the retailers can do is pass along the increase Oftehe absorbs as much of it as he can and still keep solvent The wholesaler too is in similar spot since by the time the goods reach him the producer the manufacturer and al cash There no one to Canada while Ship Service Port McNicoll Bay port of the Canadian Pacific Great Lakes This season there are two 3800ton Keewatin and the which operate from Port McNicoll to Sault Ste Marie and to Port Arthur and Fort Wil liam wunilike superior miniature ocean liners built espec ially for the Great Lakes serVice Passenger fare between Port Mc Nicoll and Sault Ste Marie is $1340 with $14 additional portation and industry support the Georgian without you so generously gave Therefore on behalf of the Society would like to express to you otir most sincere appreciation for your valued assistance during the cam paign Without your help and that of many other publicIspirited citi zens associated with Radio and Advertising business the campaign would never have re ceived the acceptance that it did Early in the New Year you will receive detailed report of expen ditures from the Society meantime am sure you will be glad to know that at least seven new arthritisiclinics will be opened and at least fourteen new mobile units launched The Society has also even hi her Steamship serv1ce by either the steamers Assiniboia whom These are Press if time per one can stop at Burlington for few minutes to visit the Joseph Brant Museum the home of the Mohawk chief Joseph Brant or Thayendancgea From Toronto north there is an excellent highway No 11 familiarlyknown in Canada as new super high way is under construction from T0 mits from the las eggs sold for car trans 119 hours boat travel Service on through Lake Superior to FortWilliam and Port Arthur is available for $27 with an addition for car transportation boat travel In the to Barrie at $25 Yonge Street hours Meals and primaly SeclionIIZRoges towl4 Barrie Will be Having Centennial Soon menccment of 1851 Under the act 13 and 14 Viet chap 64 Barrie was classed along with others as town without any municipal org unization According to Hunters History At the beginning of 1854 Barrie sent representa tive separately from Vespra to the County Council Jonathan Lane being its first reeve But its municipal organization became then only that of village and remained so until 1871 when it became town in the ordin ary sense of the wde as used today with Robert Simpson as the first mayor Allandale became incorporated as village in June 1891 at which time it had 984 in habitants The community which had al ways bcen separate from what was known as Barrie across the bay had requested vil lage status as early as January 1883 but County Council had not acted 011 it then be cause the petition was not authenticated Soules was the first reevc from Allan dale to enter County Council in 1891 However Allandale became united with Barrie on January 1897 Even today we have many people in Ontario who ask if A1 landale is separate and then are much sur prised to learn that we have all been in one town for over 50 years Period Apart from the lrcight car shortage the shipping shortage has been troubling Can adian officials On August Canada had about 160000000 bushels in store not count ing the new wheat crop The stored wheat is almost 70000000 bushels more than at the same time last year and includes 33000 000 bushels at the Lakehead double the amount there year ago Eastern and Pacific coast ports can handle lot more grain than they have been getting Suggestions for speeding up the movement include diversion of lake shipping from coal and iron ore to grain or appointment of transport controller to divert lake and rail transport where it is most needed From Calgary have come predictions of critical shortage of harvest labor Alberta has requested total of 1200 workers from the east in view of the fastripening crop and the danger of early frost All mall the picture lends color to the old farm adage that its not good crop until the money is in the bank restrictions of one kind and another do not go over big with Canadians After the war the government removed controls The re sult was rise in the cost of living in Canada that took our breath away Through its policy of high taxation and through too little effort to curb government expenditures the federal government has not helped the situation While prices were lbw during the war the public paid high taxes but could purchase necessities at relatively low cost due subsidies and ceilings Now both The whole mess is particularly tough 0117 many Canadians 77 those on salaries which havent increased in step with increased liv ingiicosts and increased indirect taxes the pensioners the small business men whose turnover is up but whose profit is down dayauagEImyalesLiyicoliday hWl ll+l+5el31 vitab fen Venablediojfurthcrfitgre Mlle to be Wwernm has has Sirilinnglie And as it has beenzrecently or announced Thelslay is to be rebuilt it may be stated that as the Oiillia she Was built in that town in 18841885 by Captain Charles McInnes who the same year purchased Star vation Island in Lake Simcoe renamed it Strawberry Island built hotel there and made it summer resort In 1895 the rrwornwvartakendo Barrie Scotch and French annel will be worn this autumn The colors most used will be bright and dark red tan the light dark and French blues gray pink and dark and reseda green Buttons of steeI gilt and white and smoked pearl will be used on the new waists which are made with plain backs shoulder seams and tucked fronts with longwaisted and The writer hopes to have the slightly bloused effect The latest sleeve is at Bishop shape with n3 trifle more fullness in the top than thatbf last year The wristbands are madlargeenough to permit the hands to slip through The necktie nishis now seen on almost all waists particularly the mererdressy cut in two lengthened andnx wasrenamed The Islay and was operated all over the lake iintll she was burnedat Cou chiching Beach early in 1919 Captain Mclnnes died in 0111 Its in 1913 and was succeeded by his son Jack as commander of the boat pleasure at some not too distant date of trip once more at least in that steamer from Barrie to Oril lia iffor nothing else than to con trast general conditions between the present time and those of 1885211 most 40 years agoon thesame boat Wermtvme Again thanking you for your wholehearted support am Yours sincerely BENSON National Publicity Chairman ready lawmmfmw Highway 11 at Thornhill is the T0 ronto Ladies Golf and Tennis Club restricted to women golfers population bustling town at this time of year as it is the gateway to the Midland and Pcnetanguishene Highways27 and 12 From Barrie and on around Lake Simcoe runs the main highway to the northern lakeland regions of Muskoka Lake bf Bays and Nipissing Wtheirshare It is the old law of suppl work To get reduced prices in any commod ity either the supply mustbe increased or the demand decreased or both At present in thegaseofruany articles the supply is relan tivelys1iiall and the demand is great not only here but all over the world During thelast war the merit did notewogthy job of Controlling prices Thecontrolszwereenotpopular effect ive though they were and they cost the coun try plenty of money Controls subsidies an Editoifial Notes Pointthis week The Duke and thI GI Duchess of York pass through Bar CaVC rie on Oct 10th Capt caught maskinonge near the Al landale wharf the other day weighed lbs ozs The rst European shipment of goods from the new tannery wasmade on Sat urday last when twocases were sent to Liverpool Fall Fashions Separath waists of Cashmere albatross The steamships gian Bay port on Tuesdays and Sat urdays and return from Port Ar thur and Fort Tuesdays and Saturdays service is not too widely known but is becoming increasingly pop Most of the tourists disem bark at SaultSte Marie and travel south on US into Michigan and Wisconsin Highway 17 and demand at Lyon also on The boat Barrie 11000 is William regions via Gives Views re Cause bffPoliomyel its 60 Maple Ave Barrie Aug 27 1951 To the Editor of The Examin Dear Sir Ihave nlar Fort William Canadian Govern link in the trans continental Canadian highway goes onto Winnipeg andthe Canadian Rockies and US 61 along LakcSuperior into Duluth and Minneapolis Orilliarachaizminngittchity of 11000 25miles northeast of Barrie has made real effort to cater to the touilt1rade The Board of Trade Information Bureau furnishes as to cabins boats for hire and fishing guides Besides hotel accommodation in the town of Orillia with rates from $150 to $550 day there is muIn motor camp for tents viyella and From er WasagaBeachz Less than an hours drive is NottawIasaga Bay into Georgian Bay Here is Wasaga Beach themost popular of all Ontarios vacation re sorts It isrestimated that by Labor Day 45000 vacationists spenttwoweeks or more at this popular resort where lot can be had at minimum of expenSe The with large ex panse of gradually deepening wa ter Good playground facilities are available for dancing movies and night club env rtertainment for the adults The hotels are small with max imum of 30 rooms andrun on the American plan Rates arefrom$l8 to $35 week Todays exchange value of the Canadian dollar cents makes prices major attrac tion to tourists from the States Continuing along Wasaga Beach it is possible to drive for miles on sand road at the waters edge and then turn off to the resort towns of Midland and Penetanguishene port of call of most of the Great Lakes steamers andexcursion boats that make regular summer runs to the Thirty Thousand Islands and through which the gases have brok en is paralyzed If the carbon dioxide gases break through into the kidneys they will cause the kidneys to weep and rob the blood stream ofplasma all of which is vital to strong healthy body for the past 20 west goes down years been making study of in fantile paralysis Poliomyelitii by reading and by conversation witli victfmsof disease and have come to the following conclusion as to its cause According to the laws of nature our attention is called to the skin ofwthe body andits manifold func tioning of the sweatglands When the body becomes overheated and then gets into draught or when person takes bath or Swim at an impropertime of theday the stop ping pr checking of the sweat glands is causedI Nature demands that twoth of the impurities of the body con sisting of carbon dioxide and sweat be eliminated through the sweat glands of the skin If this elimin ation is stopped the carbon dioxide gases of the body continue to ac cumulate in the artery blood stream throughIwhich they pass to 2111 parts of the body carrying impurities with them and infecting all the bod ily parts When the sweat glands are stopped or checked the arteries cannot empty the blood int flesh of the skin where the gases should be exhausted through the smart glands Thtis pressure is created which rises beyond the resisting power of the nerves the softest tissues in the bodycausing semiparalytic con dition and high fever If this breaks downrthrough nerve the member then becomes completely paralyzed 01 destroyed At this stage the body begins to re itself bill the member4 from Barrie which opens We have received from one of our readers MILWH Lamb Trail British Columbia an variety Take wea interesting booklet entitled Trails half century 19011951 pubh Trail Goldeii Jubilee Society It pared booklet thataprgsents the Trail from itlearly days through to its pre from sentstate as progressive western cityI an long will have stitched BC by well pre history of Derlen information hotels shed 1e bathing is ideal the children and icipal lakeside and trailers North of Orillia crosses the Trent Canal system continuous passagc for pleasure craft from Lake Ontario up the Trent River and then through the Kawartha Lakes on acrbss Lake Simcoe and down the Severn River into Georgian Bay with canals link ing the natural bodies of water Iheinland passage is popular with boat owners on Lake Ontario as it provides short and cutoff to the summer cruising area in Georgian Bay is another far north islands the lmotorist barre Examiner IIA ClassrALNewspciper blished Every Monday fandIThursdoy Building Post Office Square Barrie 0ntarioiCaniida by IE EXAMINER LIMITED AWeeklies or Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associations Ontari NA and the Audit IIIBureau of Circulation Subscriber to GP some Chittick VicePresident Pu at The Wilson hard white THE BARR Member of Class Quehec Division of CW Walls President interesting Midland is the Gravenhurst hours drive north from Orillia Here the highway forks one branch to the left going through the MuskokaI Lakes and the other branch to the right continuing on Highvilay 11 to Lake of Bays the Muskoka and Lake of Bays regions contain many lakes and small streams where the largemouth bass brown trout and lake trout The Muskoka Lakes Navigation 11 daily trip of 6883 Avernae Net Paid ABC Circulation Six Months ending July 31 1951 Huntsville in the region Both angler finds cleml Mljazlu We canlt give you Vacationthls year JIIones but Well let you spend whole month working on nothing but resortaccountsq $3001yearly in Canada months By carrier delivery in town 35c month $400 year ourteenr 919355 gt Company makes Yours truly Turn to page CAMERON COVBI thatCanadians need to roll up theftsleeves and produce more They need to give fair days work for fair pay to work longer hours and produce more goods At the same time they need to decrease their purchase of goods and increase their savings Temporarily Can adas high standard if living may suffer Canadians do not need to lave this cost ofliving business toitheir government They can do semethingabout it themselves once they realize that the law of supply ahd de mand is at work ngLLL One thing about this Canada of ours is its ther for Instance If one had enough money he could duringthe past few weeks travel around the country and ex ce just about every sort of weather tropical heat to the icy cold of the Rivett SecretaryTreasurer AVERAGE paessf RUN 7800 COPIES Authorizedas second class mail by the Post Office Department Ottawa Subscriptions payable in advance by mail outside carrier zones $175 3months$l00 cents single copy $400 yearly outside snark months $200 months 8100