AN INDEFINDENI Sewing THE TOWN or BARRIE AND COUNTY or SIMCOE Since l864 Mcil scat Two who were nominated Vu Lefroy and Charles 87th YeorTNo 69 THE YOUTH of Barrics local were on the spot for their Red niiiig and water safety tests held at Minets Point Aug 28 total of 24 passed in respec tive junior intermediate and senior classes Canadian Red Cross examiner Whyte of Shanty Bay and playground direc or Dalton Nesbitt Barrie shown on the ex treme left watch local boy complete one of his tests Those who won Red Cross pins crests and certificates presented by the local NEWSPAPER lNNlSFlL MAY HAVE volt Playground Youths Pass Swimming Tests playgrounds Cross swim Jim Pratt Bill Mrs bara Burdctte branch are asiollows Juniors Reg Forb es Laurie Barron Arnold Neil Ken Barnes Ireland Jcaii Bloomfield Laura McClellan Georgeaiine Aitchison Patsy Pratt and Bar Jean Elrick Stewart Dawson Senior Pat Tomliiison Mary Harris Roger Tomlinson Harry Dale Ted Mills Greg Tomlinson Tim Hook and Peter Straetsman BARRl ONTARi Examiner Out On Tuesday Next Week Ernest Goheen Stroud Man Monday being IAITIURDAy and holiday The Barrie Exam Allltllltt Stuiltll yrxtcriiziy tailed lncr plant and office will hi to uncovrr any liucc of Ernest lo Cloud all day hccii 32yearold Stiond lttlililil Tilt regular Monday edition who vanished lllisltiltltllly Tues ill be published on Tuch day night and will contain all the usual lie was last sciii at about uii Futures plus the news of the weekend Of special interest will be feature story on the clusing of the Barrie playgrounds along uith pictures The Examiner also will give complete coverage to the Kids Karnlval on Labor Day after llUOIl liiesday sitting 11 his truck With his dog on the edge of lioiisrcouis Beach four miles cast of Slroud On Wednesday morning lllt truck was hit llltlt The dog was iii it but loliccn could not be found roubont litlonging to turn was missing from the short limisfrl Township lHJllCt scourcd n1 ruby islands hit Wednesday portcd that provincial litilltt would nations Slated for Sept 24 25 26 foragi crop plots on the grounds Willi several added fttlttlltS and thc largest prize list in its history thr Barric Agricultural Societys 1051 Fall Fair will open Monday Sept 24 and will continue through lucsdriy and Wednesday vcr $7000 in cash awards willl be offered exhibitors as well as some hundreds of dollars worth of ribbons trophies and special prizes lhcro crop ferl per acre lllt llllt days of the fair it Wardle Norm Raycraft Aim Under general iiiiprovcniciils this year licsidciit Vern llambly lists good covering of top soil on the outfield of the ball diamond and thc floodlighis being installed for night ball and other features such as iiigiit horse shows etc Plans are completed for the crec tioii of the horse barn Iitixl20 feel one riiore llllll in the program of for harmcrs of the Intermediate Mary Sinclair sistrinco from ttltlltli the WI arm and Barrie service clubs The junior fair pt vlnc TXRlllan min ml ml work and other competitions FOR DEPUTY AND COUNCIL Ry RiS Following the special nomina tion meeting yesterday in Strond Hall for the ownship of lnnisfil it looks as if there might be an elec lion for deputy iCCVe and one coun for deputy and five for council ehavc until nine oclock this evening to quality or withdraw The death of Deputy Reeve BruceCowaiiieft Vacancy for which there were three nomina tions yesterdayCouncillor Charles Sproule Stroud Allan Todd Henry Thornton Thelatter withdrew at the meeting Those nominated for council wereJohn Hunter Stroud Har old Sheppard Lefioy Boss Cowan Barrie lawyer who is summer resident at Tollendal Lloyd Cumming Stroud William Gibbins Stroud There was small attendance at the nomination meeting but the speeches were lively suggestion was made that those nominated draw lots for the vacant seat on council but that was not agreeable There was some confusion at the start When one oclock came there were only few names in and the clerk had proclaimed the nomin tlons closed However it was stat ed that there was some misunder Turkey4=a emergc week The turkey farmer shot the wolfabout oclock Monday afternoon When hiredman on the farm Cutting hay in nearby field spotted the animal and phoned in to the owners withra single shot from his 32 Special He killed Itiieaanimai oilectsWolfJounty standing as to where the meeting wasto be held Among those not present at the time was Lloyd Cumming who pulled over 500 votes last election and for several hours was believed to be elected Charles Sproule regretted that this nomination to replace the late Bruce Cowan had been necessary However he said that if there was an election he would be candi date for that office VTillSWEiS his reason for resigning member of council He stated that there was nothing in the business of the year so far that he felt needed any discussion or explanation If you feel that my ability warrants return to council as deputy reeve will be in the field declared Mr Sproule Charles Henry announced that he was not intending to stand for office Over threequarters of the business for the year had al ready been donc and the cost of an election of nearly $400 might better be spent on roads or something else and the people of my district do not feel that we should have an election at this time as the last Monday in November will be the official nomination day Mr Henry said am not working for anyone but feel that as Mr Cum ming had close fourth last time he stipuld be permitted to take the Seat without an election am not and would be glad to offer that if rw deaiawithzeachupnoblem asai Remand Two progress Among thr addcd features to the CANADA THURSDAY AUGUST 30 l95l Without any success and it was rc in lailctl in to direct dragging up Added Features at Barrie Fair planted ltl 1030 are many new yarntics claimed to pay divi itltti in the extra yicld of forage Also expected to draw much in tcrcrt is thc liarrir iumor Fair to lil lllltl at the fair grounds during sponsored by the Agricultural So tll in tlliptlillltlll with the iun Barrie district illltl the Ontario and Dominion dc parlmenls of agriculture with as lhc Siiiicoc County branches of the will have live Sloth field and garden crops girls Many entries arc expected ill the lllltl and vegetable shows at the fair as well as in classes for hay Clip Tantra Examine Authorised as Second Cilu lull the Poet om Department Ottaw Famil yOl iBarrie Bakery Gutted by Fire Early Tuesday St Clair linker it ill Slillld St liailt was gutted by fiic early lucnlay morning 11m is tiinutcd by owner iacl St Clair lt bctwccn 581300 and $10000 ilic bakery Ltllllpltltlll and fix tures were fully iiisnrcd but Mr St tiair vctcran of gt1 ycais service With thc iitAStJ during World War 11 estimates that lir= also lost at lcasl stool worth of stock in tin llltt The fire is liclicvcd lo 1itt startl cd about 2150 urn litll Mr St iair and his two limiipcrs in the middle of their nights bak causc of the fire is undctcriniiicd When the bakers returned from their cvcnmg snack they found tiic building mass of liftllttn neigh side lr who spoitcd the blaze at the rcar of the building from her bedroom wriidow called ihc llltl brigade Firemen were just hooking up their hosc when the owner rc lnrncd from downtown iily thc walls of the block building lillitiili intact The roof was damaged by iirc as were all the baking ctiliipiiictil and fix tures ciinciil In tltllltlilllttll for the coming holiday iccitcnd lr St Clair had fair this year seen in the prize In list which is completely issued ExtShinnramlutilgngivliliilgu shun bottliitl 11 iillll amount of stock now an the saddle and hum hm Wont or the iwo days will for the bakcry including sonic $500 Landry Assault 61215508 also extra classes in thcbl 1m 8mm Home Show The 13 or $000 worth of flour Slin worth pony division hnm Classes 10 be judged are of cellophane bags bought the day The regional shows the York lydcsdales lercherons and Bel bcfore the the sales books and Donald Whiteside and liurt Whan appeared yesterday in shire Swine Hereford and Gncrn glans agricultural Iopeiii harness $300 rd incline the Barrie magistrates court on Scy cattle and the Siincoe County wagon roadster haekney ponies Weekcud balling All were destroy two charges each assault with Parish Jersey Show will give the hunters performance breeding Cd in 1h saddie and specials There will horse races on the citizens of the district an oppor tunity to see the top quality of the breeds Of vital interest to every farm er attcnding the fair will be the in nt to rob while armed and sit oting with intent to maim on Aug 21 in Essa Township They were remanded for trial on Sept They were arrested early Saturday morning near Cooks town by provincial police from Barrie following an attack on Aubrey Londry Thornton butcher in which two shots were fired at Mrs Londry narrowly missing her as she rushed to her husbands aid Mr Landry is confined to To ronto General Hospital with critical head injuries teriioon industrialistDies in Toronto Joseph Rogers from Barrie who rose to promin ence in United States business and industrial circles died Monday in Toronto General Hospital the day before his 7lst birthday For many years he was president of the Ad dressograph Multigraph Corp and since his retirement was chairman of the board of that concern Stricken by heart attack in his old Red Bird Bicycle Cpl discrediting the ability of those had 5C the other candidates offering their services but we all feel in our part of the township that an elec tion is not necessary Dayton Ohio headquarters Allan Todd nominated for deputy ternational Business Machines um reevc was not present Em 1gersomiasat bgiiorggglwfdg Corp of which he became vice Gibbins nominated for president Then in 1926 he be Cleveland where he resided when worsening of his condition de cided doctors to place him in hos hospital in Toronto instead He was admitted to the General on Aug 13 Interment will take place Friday afternoon at Barrie Union Ceme tery Son of Barrie banker and dCSCendant of one of the first set tlersinthc Barrie district Mr Rogers began at the age of 16 business career in which the prin council said want to express my sympathies to the family of the late Bruce Cowan am not seeking office however at the present time have not much to do and could give some time to this work have had considerable experience in public life in another province the Addressograph the of Cleveland with Corp setting in that city itAis any value to Innisl where havivestedialriydifs interests am not criticizing those elected but if go in thchouncil will crease in taxes but can assure TwaiNew girlie cationfor hundreds of Barrie boys play bminentpart7Kkthd time his family was living in Kala mazoo Mich and after completing fouryear high school course there in half that time he went to work as bicycle repairman In the evening he was parttime salesman and his ability was so phenomenal he was soon outselling the regular salesmen ciplc of good salesmanship was tryFf 353000000 comes up Weare situated geo graphically in very splendid pos ition as part or nearly half of the taxes come from people who live here only three months of the year dont know the reason for the in several yacht clubs you if placed on the council will know the why and the wherefore Only at noon today ratcpayer came and persuaded me to come to this meeting am going to stand for election without fear or favor donLthirik it will be necessary to go out and canvas If you want my ing importance From selling bi colm Johnson second day of the fair with the frecforall road race and pony race on the final af Joseph Regers Barrie Native Canadian he was sales manager here for the Mr Rogers turned to selling cash reg isters with the National Cash Reg ister Co By the time he was 25 he post of general sales manager for that firm at its After 15 years with National Cash Register he moved to the In came president and part owner of International Corp in Chicago Four years later he piloted the firm to merger American Multigraph headquarters forthe new concern In 1946 he retired as president and general manageriof the com pany It was reported then that the firm was doing monthly business Througoriffsialtaeiiihe he retained strong attachment to his native land and spent many of his summers in Ontario He was keen fisherman and hunter and as lover of boats was member of He leaves his widow the former Virginia Rogers two daughters Mrs Virginia Rog ers Davis of 255 Dunvegan Road From that time on his mastery of Toronto and Miss Jane Egertori selling and its methods led Mr Rogersof Clevelandfand two step Rogers to positions of evenincreas sons Edward Johnson and Mal both of Cleve be The owner is not considering rc lncry The left only bread bakci the bakery on Sonhia St five years INADEQUATE AGREEMENT Anthony Eden gt time foreign secretary said UP wider and more general Ch cycles both in the US and Canada land Turn to page eight vplease Schools0pen Tuesday will mean school open ing and the end of the summer va Danclng Wednesday Friday and Saturday nights at Club 79 Ad mission ladies 50c gentlemen 75 48tfb Dancing every Friday night Beeton Community Hall to the Debonnaires Orchestra pm to ram 61rth Dance at Baxter Friday Sept to the music of Paxtons CKBB Hayloft Party Dancing from 930 to sing charge for Sunday and girls and their teachers At the four public schools of the town St Marys Separate School and the Barrie District Collegiate Institute registrations will take place Tuesday morning and after noon following the holiday Week iid One school in town will not see charge Potato Day Thursday Sept at pm ED PATTERSON an owner of the Vespra Turkey Farm on the 7th line of Vespra Township stands beside the large brush wolf he shot Monday afternoon when it attacked his turkeys Mr Patterson will collect $25 wolf bounty when he brings theskin of the animal into the countytreasurerfs office this rifle hitting it in the heart from dince of 100 yards This is Mr Pattersons second wolf years The other wolf was else tonthejiamn unty in the past two oiwhiw attacking turkeys niiuininoi Photo and Eniravlnii 130 36tbe Autumn tea and bake sale to be held at the home ofMrs Rodgers 122lSunnidale Road Pro ceeds in aidofhospital Auspiccs of Womens Auxiliary to the Ki wanisClub Wednesday Sept 12 Tea 25 cents From to =6 pm 6971th The Womens Canadian Club of Barriewish to extend an invitation to all former members torenew their membership for the 195152 season Membership cards maybe obtained frdm any member of the executive New members are mel comed Membership fee $2 for sea son An interesting and education a1 program has been arranged Opening meeting Tuesday Sept 18 830 pm Library Hall Speaker Mrs Helen Tucker Port Credit Topic As Woman Thinketh For further information call secretary Mrs TArthur McKenzie 2680 69b program of panel discussion storage etc the flood of children coming to its doors this year What Was form erly Victoria Schoolr will be send ing most of its pupils to thenew Cedrihgton School which willbe open for pupils Tuesday and will haVe its official opening ceremon ies during the third week of Sep tember Another new school building will be opening at the beginning of the 1951 Fall term The new StMarys Separate School will accommodate the overflow of pupils from the old building Hillcrest King Edward arid Prince of Wales public schools open Tuesday BDCI pupils will be his vantage position on their return to school to watch contruction getting un der way on the new westside ad dition which Will eventually use their gymnasium and cafeteri well as classrooms landscape gardening ham Flemings Aug 3031 and RobinsonHardware 678 sponsoring the Sept 14 830 pm in the is Admission 26c 81 United Church services on Mine Sept will be held at the usual hours Minesing 1030 am Edenvale at 12 AntenlVlills at 2pm and Mid hurst at 730 pm The pastor and Homellmprove merit Demonstration on the farm of Heber Irwin Hornings Mills on demonstrations tests inspection The ladies wil lenjoyi John Wealls illustrated lectur Womens Hospital Aid Penny Sale tickets may be deposited in Gra The Alliston Womens Institute is Leslie Bell Singers Memorial Arena Tickets now on Sale at Pattons Moons and Lat imers stores and from any Insti tute member Admission $100 Lis ten to CKBB Barrie on Tues Thurs and Sat at 1250 pm 6973b Barrie Horticultural imd Town Improvement Society will hold flower show Wednesday Sept in the Market Building Mulcaster 49701 in 6913 Full of on 69b Sept Sept 69b New lemon Class Weeklies of Canada WNA one Audit Iuruu of Crnuialronn Kclii Bartlett and Tony laiiiiiski were downtown having cup of coffcc ing The oven was shut down and boi Mrs llorcrs of it lark opciiinghis bakery businch niitil next summer at the earliest as it would takehim at least two months at the present time to repair the damage to his building and much in Barrie where there were 11 at one time the war veteran opened his bakery after his discharge from the army in which he had served as baker and cook for six years He operated his wholesale and retail business in Allandale for about year and half before building He wishes to express his appre ciation to his clients as he closes down his business thanking them for their patronage over the past Britains war in Chicago Monday that the Atlantic Pact is inadeduate to protect the western world from Communism Eden called for something much which takes account of the demands of every front estimates resources fandiallocatesw them according to tional harmony CHECKING RESULTS of the Canadian Red Cross swimming and water safety tests held atMinets PointiAug28 for local play ground registrants are left to right Dalton NeSbitt piavgrounfidirector Jean Samsel MONDAY AND THURSDAY 5c single copy 20 PagesThree Sections 11 Homeless When family of nine children and rie Tire RazesHouse And Contents their parents were left home less Tuesday when fire destroyed the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Hammer on Highway No 90 few miles wast of Bar Nobody was in the house at the time of the fire about 230 mined llzc honr IUllt11 runn dwelling burned to the ground lwithin hall an hour aftci fix fire started on the top floor No attempt as made to No the blari as lllt lltitlw iayoirtsidc lhc llaiitc1 fllv protection Ioiic and the near est largo water supply was pnnipl fit the solduix tllll illtlgt away The family xvi1c unable to saw airy of their llHliMllUitl ltltFtgtlllllgti lhtrc wa partial insurance on both lb ducliing anti contents Fund Set 7p flllttt clothing and liiillH hold cficcts fund cl up iml iiicriiatcly after tlic fire by lllt Barrie Air Ladit Squadron lflil assisted by Ulllttl lllslllltlttl and thc civilian committee made up of the squadron sponsors the llairio luiiior hambcr of oinnicrccu Chairman lltlicut Ronald Hardy of the squadron is The scimill Hitltsl boy of tin family Frid ill xtllltil iir cadet Bathing liilrlrcn li ltaninioi win bathing lhc yonngcr lllltllili of thc famin iiii ithc backyard of the home riicii the fire fltlllll At lioinc kcrc Judy Sandra tillryan llillic Hi SlitWN and Sliciry ililllllcl Howard who walt cclcbrating first lllh birthday on the day the laml iiy ironic bniiicd down and licdi were ill liilllit whilc Barbara 11 was at neighbors honic Bob 17 the oldest son of the family in the lloyal Canadian Boy Knocked Off Bicycle by Truck IMay Lose Hand Fourtccnycarold Bernard Liber ty son of Mr and Mrs Joscph Liberty who live mile south of Wonder Valley was rushed to Tor onto General Hospital Tuesday night where doctors hope to save his left hand and wrist badly mangled iii traffic accident The boy was riding home from Wonder Valley on his bicycle on Highway No 11 three miles north ofBairie about 630 pm when he was clipped by truck and knocked down The truck did not stop passing motorist Kctter of Toronto picked him up and brought him to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie Dr Turn bull of Barrie attended the injured boy before he was removed to Toronto Police said they believed the truck driver still unidentified did not knew he hit the boy window oclock Tuesday afternoon The cause of the blaze is undetci Naty training it oinwalli Si iinycaiohi Judy saw the iokc coining out of the lithlul and littrtlllt liylciiil tzyizig to gc into lllt houw Tl ilanimci oxalic no attempt to lllll thr iaziiw to salvage any of tlic contents fmriiig the younger rlnl Hllltllltlll somei drcii might follow her iiciglibor icorgc Mclrriirgt at rhogtchoiiie Mrs iiamnar piwcritly staying called thr liaiin liw licpailiiiciit but as one of the trucks wm Lniucr ltlitill at locii garage the fire relis were unable to leave town liaci they gone out lhcrr would have bccii no placi ncar the home to pninp watcrfrorn tXttlll the truck Not Very long after the call out to llic llamnicr home the brigade called to lilt at the cast end of Barrie Had they no sacred llll first call statcs lilcf it 11 lllll ilairic would have iicrii liiltilll fiir plttlftlltill After the fire started group of aiiip Borden army personnel driving by in truck stopped and tried to enter the blazing house but were unablc to gct past the fire The father of the family lit pcntci employed at the Sillltttt Lumber Co was working at ill time of thc firc The family had been livmg in the litt about ycar and half bcfoic that time they lived in But llt and near Dalston Neighbors Help Family At present the children of the family are staying at the home of neighbors and relatives Three of the children are with Mrs Harn mers brother Harry Hobbs at his home on the 14th concession while Barbara is at the home of another brother llarry Hobbs Collier St neighbor Mrs Robert Hallctl is looking after the baby andin Turn to page four please TO Fresh Caught Fish Gift to RVH From Fisherman The Royal Victoria Hospital rc ccivcd surprise gift Wednesday afternoon when visiting Tororilo fisherman and his son presented the hospital superintendent Miss Helen Shanahan with 10 fresh caught lake trout Duncan Adamson of gAdair Rd East York and his son Dong who are holidaying with their family at cabins owned by VicCiosson at Oro Beach went out early Work ncsday morning at ocloek and returned at 11 am with the to fish Mr Adamson felt he had caught all his family needed the day before and phoned the hospi tal to donate them as gift to the patients and staff need Eden now Deputy Con One of the trout was lit seivative leader in the British pounder parliament said the United Na An ardent fisherman Mr Adam son tries to come up in Cm to fish eck Red Cross SWimming Result local Red sentative tions is the only way to interna Whyte Red Cross examiner mend Barrie recreatkin committee every weekend from the city Pat Tomlinson Ann Stafford Mrs Collie Cross representative Mrs W1W Mrs II Flora Peacock iiixminui PhotohlldIn use