For Parent Only Avoid Polio Panic By Nancy Cleaver some transplant tdl tulle root ieti in and liliiillLll ported in the press and on radio Iolio is LLitbcl mitts puenis are apt to feel terrified 71 discarded and the iii the Enealltlliie gr Illl lite ro lillllll if Ilsliiillli III ii Jmm pup havkd Intii liilititfii Ira IIJII wipmv is needed if If an it= Ilti lx Llililll that light II it gt enlil and blues give IgtIlllLU and 1e lii Ml tuni lli delicate markuqu iii am Ill Itd viV moi Ll nibiziation should lie 12211 IIll other ll it IIlr they can he lill lhone you llltI Ilitlll onel lne id lillilltl mi lllt Iii pmziv plant should be dug limiig mm ml III cietil only In bepteinbii lIll should be shaken off and left exposed for fewl that they will will bit of from the inlllxzi Iiieii tile olttii IlllIlIIll ftiII llt Illl Awe Iiltliw llihliN ll Ilhll the nest iiIuclazit paint in tilllllli iiclteii nu must ea ml jlh mm mt in Innlud iouable woman as compared withI Im that Sir proupt IIIlilll oi Ill In Im md mlmuyllfl those worn by the younger set tllttlttt may ii the child tile tilt ml Scarlet gold urccii and bush NI gtI1IH mm 14M IIHII IHllidlrl HI vamm blue with varier of clear insl YOUV tJOlA RAH METRE Thva nm WW II Op in IIIIIIIII should liliVi by OF BRAND LONUNILEAG 11 to UK It coitus hail ILIIIIhIllSIlttI lllt tlii to ice pnilt lots or Ws IlltSl WOMAN to qualify fora place on the Canadian BIs mm mm polio which are llll lioubttlll ilniul NEW TIRES ON YOUR CAR GOODYEARS 00 all decayed or broken roots should iitllll If Illl doctor be cut off and the cut surface dust ley 11111 Lieut Mary Maclcunan is shown above This is the eoliicl diagiimi te inav ier form lumbar iltltitllfl to nizike lui III slllllilill disinfectant the happiest moment of my life brighteyed sharpshooting sure rustm lite doctors lliiec rhino should be removed hc Miss Mary Maelennan Charlottetown school teacher said on 135$nthpi Iiieiziiilwmli illilil run planting lrziviiis villi fa arrival in Montreal to take her place with the Canadian Bisley team which left for England June 131h First Canadian wom iiie IIII IltItI hospital or take over Illti moved to an isolation taken by ambulance to litttlicilli centre for treatment The Canadian lioundation fr lolioinyelitis supplies tnpitalim Iioii therapy trenlnnnls medical are planted with two in soil over the eyes Deeper pillltlill often failure to bloom In districts where there is latle snow the plants should be miilehed with IeaVes straw or other services and after care where lilistt Hump Mimi ISl Illiniirtvl are not provided by the Municipal WWW hwwmu hum Hf IWml mm mmnw tllllll and freezing of the gloom Many of the large aiiailian cities have chapters of this irritantHUI It is comforting to know that half of the children contraelui polio make complete ltfthlF One attack gives person the immunity against further attacks In small percentage of there is partial crippling sometimes the disease is fatal Because flies are suspected as possible carriers garbage must be wrapped and covered Ilies IlepII away from food and hands must be well washed before meals The best protection against polio if it has reached epidemic proportions Illlllll an to achieve the ambition of representing Canada in the most fainous of all international rifle shooting events Miss Mac lciimifitpui1itied for her place by placing tenth in the Bisley aggregate zitthe annual meeting of the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association last year There are 17 other shooting mem bers on the team MRs GEORGE MARSHALL WIFE OF FAMOUS us GENERAL GUEST OF HONOR AT EX AUGUST ll Mrs leolge Mar shall will accompany her husband General Marshall Secretary of Defence when he comes to Toronto to officially open the CNE on Aug 24 Mrs Marshall will be guest of honor at the womensdivision lun it III lllbtfv YOU CAN vouu GETA BIG TRADEIN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD TIRES WHEN YOU BUY NEW SURE WISH COULD LAFFORD NEW iii the water too long or get chill See that they change into vlry chillies as soon as they leave the water Adults as well as youngsters con tract polio The above suggestions are useful for grown ups too The wav to prevent panic is to follow sensible precautions to avoid this disease which has not yet been conquered by modern medicine il5 nid opening of the Womens Building and the Design for Living Show in the Coliseum Katherine lupper Brown Maish all is the Generals second wife having married him in 1930 His first wife and childhood sweetheart Elizabeth Carter Coles died three TIRES Big TradeIn Allowance New And Simple Method To Knit is to keep children at home in tho cheon on Opflllllt lay and is cx years uni11mg mld peeled to lake llI in the officil cactus buses trains theatres Mrs Marshall is described as gra cious sensitive and capable and is credited with having helped her husband immensely during the war by keeping an efficient quiethouse Her son Allen oneof three child Believe it or not after all these years there is actually new way of knitting sock This new and much simpler ine tliod calls for knitting the sock in children are in contact with others who may seem well but who may be carriers Doctors warn EIGIN ll HARRIS 101 ELIZABETH 5T parents allowing their children to become against Exciting Style PHONE 2872 invoifiatiguedequl thus lower their two swam parts mm Stitching mg killed on the Amp bond SHELI SERVICE ghoilzlmlt wilmnmg 91 them together It will be demon head while mving as second we and ML smiled daily at the ENE lieutenant with the IISIirst Ar mored Divisidn The Marshalls favorite home is their country place fiveacre est ate known as Dodoiia Manor in 0leesburc Virginia It was built by nephew of George Washington in 1754 and is constructed of white handmadebricks vie wooden lintels and tin roof4 And liercs news for the men Several wool executives who vol unteered as guinea pigs reported the new socks in short length every bit as comfortable as their old ones with the added comfort of not falling down nsrmimmywvmemod is the brainchild ofdcsigner Mrs Iarvisi AllcnrwhOintheAast warrose in the womens naval ser vice to become LieutenantCom mander in charge of all Wrens on the west coast She now breeds pokingese and grows flowers in Iliglrlandr Creek outside Toronto Brieflythc method is this The leg and instep are knitted in One piece but vertically instead of hor izontally and with two nedles The ribbed panel for the back of the leg heel and sole are also knitted on two needles The sole is then joined to the instep piece and the toe is knitted on three needles Color and interesting designs can be introduced Without usinglbob hinsor tying ends as in the mak ing of diamond socks Leftover wool can be used in the instep piece and color patterns are sim ple for beginners often afraid to attempt fancy designs Using her new method Mrs All en has designed two patterns es peciallyor the CNE calling them Grandstand and Midway Grandstand is ribbed stitch giving cable effect to suggest the rows of seats in the grandstand while Midway is done in squares suggesting the many concessions in the midway Three demonstrators will be available all day each day of the Big Fair to explain step by step of the new method dren should not be allowed to stay and enjoy gardening together when President Truman recalled the Gen era to become Secretary of De fense Earlier General Marshall served as Secretary of State and Titls SfAmhassadoH The daughternfa minister Mrs Marshall has written book To gether the annals of an Army wife COMPETITION MYTH There is belief that unrestricted competition inbusiness will result in the production of more goods at lower price Itis myth fable falsehood In any industry per fect competition if it were allow unrestrictcd ruthlessness would re sult in the strongest competitor driving all others out of business the resulting monopoly would harm not help the public Castlegar BC Castle News Handsome this twosome Sim ple sewing tool Dress ishenew sheath sundress with gently ared skirt Buttoned pockets and straps are high fashion And that shrug bolero tops everything youown Betty Hamilton Entertained at Trousseau Tea ed at trouswou 1m in honor of Hwy summer and early so Whip 14 yup warnd dividing whcniac her daughter lleiiy whose marf lumll when polio cases are re piectllllfis in 12 Finis ice in 1313 riage to Henry Davis Nimdid in dug up up place on Saturday August 35 Margaret Lougheed and Miss lillw beth loiteoiis of Diuidas Brighter Color For TeenAgers any gathering in Britain this es1 Ilere they had planned to retire edto worklong enough and with II In LONDON Aug 10 livtil year there has been not iceable difference in the choice of colors worn by the mature fash from the greys sofl greens Itlilti and navy of their older sisters The clear and bright colors suit young people bill it is not oftenl realized that such choice as they now have did not exist in llritain until lliitish Color Council began its service of colors for childrens wear in ISHAI nor was there inacti incry in existence which Wtilllll ensure coordiualion of color Today color charts for childrens wear go to leading suppliers throughout Britain Colors for Children 1952 were sent to memv beis in March to leave plenty of time for dyers manutacturers de signers markeis up wholesalers and retailers to incorporate the colors in their 1952 ranges Colors on wool show trend for darker hiics than for some years For teentigers the ranges include several colors that have proved good sellers in the wom ens vear rangesAAlbniiy blue peony red Firth blue and Man chu brown come in this category The knitwear range shows three of the now popular baby colors rose green and primrose with useful mixtures junior grey oat meal and senior grey with bright colors and sortie dark tones holly green nigger brown and ink blue which are found particularly use ful in color blending Both pastel and lighter colors are included in the ranges for silk and rayon and cotton JETPROIELLED FIGHTER The Supermaimc Swift new British jet propelled fighter has just completed its first test and will be produced for the RAF Built and designed by VickcrsArm strongs the Swift is driven by one of the most powerful engines in the worldthe Rolls Royce Avon axial turbowjelljWAA yoli niorLcup Contest KSIorch to iSpecial Coins Are erstivaI Souvenir Mrs Darid Hamilton cilivlfiillbl LONDON Au iCPI Alis orig the most attractive souvenirs vixlors are 14 Iljisi TKEIIVIII UT tonecrown pe The tea table which was Lllliltd Royal Mint to mink ell lthe crown is Worth 12 times their face value IllTHE BARBIE EXAMINER TIIIRSDAY Ii llc from the by the occasion live shillingSI Illl film to in 4rd Ilgfllillftulllfytlailinilkifil the Illtllt It Is Mil limns xrqilhnud With Elwin an by Im fiblx distase and in 11 In chuiic3rdcn No shades and pink tapers was EJlci he Him31 Mothers and fathers kizow that number of other nullified lint fate of ltquS With with MINI UVH by Mfr 551 DIAHII mm Mum panic is no real help in facing any ions illnesses Tia innuendo per make good division and mother of the groomelect and WWIIi will probably be amulth Iloattun parents attitude to aid ts mushy me In tmx lfli iie planted Mrs Henry ftgott Mrs heirioouis of the future Willi It gtiiklits Is just in watching to may lit IIlIll Ia 1211 Iii nu it iii he more attract5 thklmi FUN Illlltr EMF1 1931 Festival havng many weeks hfldfts germs uorage needed teen days one hulh mother of the bridelobe wasi MI 113 media If What are the syiptonagt tsliiclii so LampL like portign of drawing room hostess NW will he in WW II is much better to know some IWJltl MIN 1i ifll wimp ti liitnely filled with 13 Mrs Poland was in charge 1013 to thing about the syiriptoim of in than ith 3min oft12 it gi1tlll in his garden of of the gifts and Mrs llanulton wastu It mm 19 Dank15 III Ills ilUtIUi 1m it ls well to remember assisted in serving by youngIIIIh mu 5mg Irwllifitely If polio Silitlecltll and HIP1 llmhI littlliv lli gimp 14 haunt1 innit eitl not friends of her daughter Miss Mary ieoitii Vv Ill Jllllw IV Davis Miss Anna ligott Missu 15 mm brought abouti days way rowniui into the uienftalumct raises the The result More tender lighter tei biscuits wasted on baking failures when Calumet You Cant Blame It on the heat when your corns or callilses bother you llettcr blame it on the fact that youvo 1L grcllicnt in Mill JAY Corn and al lus Ilastcrs It took 10 years of scientific research by BlueJay to develop IIiciiyliion And now theyve perfected it lo the point where it works 311 faster and is effective in 05 of the casei test ed can vouch for its effectivelt ness too having been long time sutferer from lllrllvllllffl discovered its ohmic Now rely on IlIiicJliy Iorii IIasters with lluiuIinin to keep my feet for ever Inippyl neglected to reniovo them with ivoinler ful It In It at that new wonderimrkiiig lfl whatever ou The 11131 Lina IRrants tI ill the LNE Coliseum MONTREALcher again will worry on bike Now that Ive discoveryd the foolproot to bake wnli CA LII And Calumet does my lilldgcl Iilolll AUGUST 23 1951 TENNIS BACK or ping pong ts back it 21 Itaon In film 3nd ft the afitllall Tuqu ipauiships will be held iwmavmumxw fir Ihe Woods Inn SHANTY BAY DINNER PARTIES by reservation EXCELLENT CUISINE Pleasant accommodation for guests by day or week LOVELY IAKESIIORIZ LOCATION MATION SERVICE INFOR lil ISAIIING bake days are happy days in our house Whether Im Tanking Ira biscuits cake or flatly muffins ending Calumet you know is the hiking powder with the doubleactioii first in the mixtng bowl aliuiiet sees nie through to happy Raises the bitter or dougr lieu Inu it is popped Initture againhigher iiidhigln perfectly risen cakes IllllIlllll and too money Iselll Course Your Youngsters keep you on llll run these vacation divs But you Ill tili take time In pile IIIl in special Ieswit Ilt it for tempt ing ixciliiig des serts can lie vliip ed up in Informs tIIl IICIIt IIIIY IllIIIlCRHuiil at It than 2c NlIlllgll lleies it won deifiil one for Ihe young uns JUNIOR SAIIIBOATS lpackage Oranrc or Lemon Joli0 Clips hot water or if canned peach halves Dissolve JellO in hot water Iurn into sherbet glasses Chill Cut peaches in boatshaped pieces Cut small triangles of colored paper for sails Insert toothpick throuin sail and min each peach slice to hold sail erect When JellO is thick enough to hold Lip peach boats arrange one in Centre of each JoliO lake Chill until firm Serves Most Men Consider Thenuelves Connoiucurs Food and there are very flIl$ V011 Cllfl and get up to 50 more jam or Results are always so sure if vou follow exactly the easy instructions In the booklet under the label if in My question is more often COFFEE Its cOerc that can fly toyou for neverin several have had coffee failure Red tically makes itselflv Because it its always good no matter how hurried you may jellies arc delicacies be mans eyes asplukle throuin Vs tune to do down his favorite fruit LIQUID PICCIIN Jams and jellies are more flavor ful more full of color with erto Liquid Iecliii lie few who dont feel that homemade jams and yond compare So to keep your the winter now is the using CIIIRIO the fiuit when fully ripe411 its truecolored flavorful best And with Terlo youll save 23 the time of the former long boil method jelly from the same amount of fruit cli bottle of eilo recommend heart yenrs of using it Rose Coffee prac qualify coffee4 be when youire making it like caller can rlltillI01 faithful good tastethats wliy Red Rose is my choice And yr llll find that that same Red Rose quality makes Roll Ro=e ler lII in taste tool Andbecause Red Rose Tea is yew feteit Izivei Its flavour goes fLIOlIg long wavl smlicpunid or 104 PRIZES of allerejs liow you enter Miraciting Bensons and founder for shireI Simply print your name and OddressTOIThTypIain sheet of paper Mail lhistogether with label or reasonable facsimile from package of Bensons Corn Starch or Candda Corn THE BENSONS and CANADA CORN STARCH CONTEST STATION MONTREAL QUE Be Certain that your entry has sufficient postage THATS ALL YOU DONOW HERES WHAT HAPPENS Thigxmmg contest closes October 31 195i AI this time I04 entries iwill be drOWnLaf random from the mailreced all the contest address These 104 people will be notifed by moil and asked to submit letter zine Rev Donald MacKinnon is visiting Prince Edward Island ac companiedby his daughter Their visit follows closely on the heels of the clan chief Mrs Flora MacLeod of MacLeod ago but thought you were satis fled with the tea Id been getting What did you say Well thought was satised till we had some Mother Parkerl at Claras last week And then you tasted dif Inrence 0h goish yes It quality and This pattern easy to use sim ple to sew is tested for Has complete illustrated instructions Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS 35c in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER gt Send Order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Examiner Pat tem Dept 60 FrontrSt West To ronto Ont BOOM IN RADIO EXPORTS gt British radio exports for the first six months of 1950 were valuedat $3000000039A per cent more than for the Corresponding period of last year Yes no wonder they say its Ontarios fastest selling Tea MOTHER PARKERS TEA COMPANY looking for something welt whatdo youthink waremm will find ii Quick as a0 wink CHARLOTTETGWN CF 7The Pattern 460 sues 12 14 163 AND THE WIFE SAID the Clan 18 20 40 Size 16sundress 414 wellof coursefvvenifglit havf yar amc changed to Mother Parkers hing flavour are right out of this world Bensons Corn Starch awarded as follows nowi Monlmil giving three reasons whrthey prefer anti ion PRiiEs ii staining YES 104 lUCKY PEOPLE WILL SHARE THIS GIANT JACKPOI or $2000 MAKE SURE you GET YOUR ENTRIES IN QUICKIY SEND As MANY As YOU llKELETIERS WILl TIE DRAwN AT RANDOM THE MORE ENTRIES vou SUBMITTHE GREATER ARE YOURsCHANCES OF WINNING ACT usingGonodoGornSlor Then based on the merit of these replies the 104 prizes will be IISTprizezs500 ZNPIIIIZez525IlI9 3iiprizedl 5001 1T4TIiiiizezllljlllbd of IT THE cANAoA ESTAch COMPANY If no label oi cartonvls enclosed III Prize will bo$5000 and who quonl prixoo$5901ho onlo It boon to all Canadians except um ployou and their families of The Conndo Starch Company and lit zdvonlslng ngoncy Judges decision will hillndliAll entries become the property of The Canada Starch Com pany Prize winnorswlll be notified by mall 90 nd after the close of the content 9mplolo list of prlu wlnnon will be available upon ro quul at the clan of the conlo THE CONTEST TOR EVERT BODY BECAUSE ITS IASY AND IVIIIY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY IN WIN EIITER Iiow Aiib ENTER OFIIN LIMITED Toronto National Exhn On Septeuibcr This Is Good CoIee lelflI kind is it The answer to that than IIotRlll Illlbl