Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1951, p. 16

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lGTBE BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST I951 tiesng as copied irom an old lieiicl tapestry There Ls soon going to be money 1r pull Iriaking for Womens Ins lllli brainhes When she officially IlIllrrl Srlllttii County Quit Sometime or weekend or din mg the three or four weeks that follow we suggth that you hop in oiii ear and teigtout to the ltlidhuist Forest Station to see one of lire nicest Ifowrr bordeis in the Ili district Lilllil II rlill tlrrr liar at Midland last week Adarnsor twlilt lgtlIiis to Miss nnr Iti of the WI the Lliilxltls ii oi Iris Imlm bra at Queens Park announcinl nppole the ce to Spiiizg that over $3000 in pims would we water iark lireie Inuitlists LITIIIILIlVil lrcl year for the best ipiiis petic itii View the fillltllrtl inmltiird It Institute member perennial but Iii1 some lat feet lirst pr Ire of Sill each will be gin Ideep which ltrltllts around the earth or it not districts in On lrneua to 400 fret lia lio rio and will be Judged at the ers are at illtll best ning the district annuals lIavh contention next fw wicks rrra null award pites of $15 SIU Ir Several of the pioneer lciit and hi to rIr aim llilll Is and Li lI triiet from each area Ill coins exhibit at the lossorontro tIIiri nral orer the weekend were gt0 out fireh fur the $100 Sill and provd dated that mast of lllr Irliitailiris1Ili1ll prizes had nerer ttli 1rlilllili like lllilli SHHUW mug mdmhvs before What particularly drew our gym hmd 5m mmmlmm my attention In the handicraft hrzi Hummy TIM an Mm iilllltll entries we gtl at the third ian Tunkm Wll Mil lhe North Ilrver branchs masterv Jung In hm mm have Fall Fair made from dul esting legend that they had lowly1H4 Ml Ad 101va OF worn by Mrs William lllarn riilrllra would have had little troule hlr dlmiv my DWlmbT 1867 tlus year in topping any other orig And Tven more interesting was the ml rm In pmviim fact that they Iiad been made by Iier father Alexander Iluthven It Will native of Glasgow uxrlrary this year Ilitl of the lslrlckmes IMUIII at the clubs lug carnival at Young tiltt Krillllttrl Wallwrrr lir arrIra grounds The ladies were of London lIngland lIn charge ot the novelty hootli on An antique dealer would liavelall three tillil1rl nights and rais been in his glory at the exhibit tled 5230 for welfare work with the saw one beautiful old Tlrillglririplilittlll and their draw on aldoll ppm in display with the severallcovered with ltTSl hills Wrnner pieces of tamin heirloom chin of the doll was Miss Dorothy rrant CIhe heavy old platter had frnnloi lllli lIssa ltoad Miss xrants design in brown against white name was drawn lu Mrs 10 oiigiually belonged to Mrs Little kins immediately following the car mother of Mrs John Kidd Airldraw Friday Vtlmltt III Cllilltlf John Kidd passed it on to Mrs the doll draw was Mrs Earl ov Kidd 0f Stayner the present owncg working with the finance convencr who loaned it to the pioneer show Mrs Jack Table The Ironstone plate liowever trk rl 100 lt Stilhireiiztoiinritlier lpjltilllrli disdliryIWJISlmcoe under glass and no wonderi was YPU Servrce Held At Springwater the Lions managed at reputed to be 200 years old Frocri England it was the property of Mrs Reid and was in almost as good condition as the lay it wast bought Around the edge of thet plate and in the centre was deh Rev lolin Hunter recently in czrte lesign depicting ancient batramd mum in ljllngu1md tles of mediaeval times as far as and 50 Rm mfs wunf we could make out Part of the leg rmomo was lh Cpmm all end written around the design was we animal Chlmh fmwce 11111 tapisscrie de la Reine Mathildc flu IIESbylmy 20le implc which seemed to indicate that the bum Slmngwdlm pmk as Sunday evening About 200 young purple and friends made up thei congregation Bob Holt Stayiier vicepresid ent opened the service in the ab sence of the president Marjorie Cook Barrie He also lcdythe off ertury prayer ImScfnuTc Stewart Donnelly owed by prayer by bcrt Strand Les Cowper ITEtographT Lefroy foll Velma Hub llymns led by Mincsing Glee Clul with special music were For the What Friend We Hrrvc in Jcsusand Am Coming Lord Minesing Glee Club also sang Prayer of Thankmwiand Walk by my Side Two mem bers Ruth McLean and Allan Mc Nabb sang as duet Garden Members ofWSimcoe Presbytery YPU executive took part in the service Wedding Groups Child Studies 65 ELIZABETH ST Phonye 5440 Red Cross Tests assemble weekly lEsRTri was readbT pp1 In The Married in Holly Church lltTUltlali FOLLOWING their wedding in Holly United hureh are Mr and Mrs Gordon Arthur Dyer The bride is lthe former Dorothy Evelyn Boyd daughter of Mr and Mrs 15 Boyd of Barrie and her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Dyer of Barrie in Barrie For Swimmers August I3 to I7 More than 400 children of rural Simcoe County frqu age six to III are studying and prasticing swim ming and water safety The chil dren the large majority of whom come from the farms and villages in classes of 30 to me at points as widely separated as liILriisfil Park and Waubaushene Studies and activitiesare provided for beginners and other children right up to those practicing life saving Red Cross tests for the various groups will be carried on at Camp Borden llillsdale and Waubaushcne during the week of Aug l3l7 Children from Bradford Stroud Thornton Mount St Louis Vasey and Elmvale are discovering that swimmin is easy and plenty of fol Ev yone learns to float first IdeornprIETWtheyAsttearn ing the crawl swimming on the back the breast stroke diving and swimming under waterevery skill an accmnplishmentf The students of the water are dis LL Benllty 0f ThemEalth covering THEY waTeT szrreiytsexc1t big too Helping others in diffi culty with the rise of poles boards oars clothing t0velTahrdng buoys makes for lots of fun Help ing oneself by swimming with the current or treadingwater undress ing invdecp vater inflating pair of trousers or shirt for buoyancy the buses as the youngswirnmers head for home after the swim ses sions The more advanced swimmers are improving their swimming and practicing endurance The life saving course includes the improve ment of strokes and practice of the GivevYour Rooms Fresh New lookl Renewing iust one ore two upholstered pieces freshen the appear once of the entire roomtAnd for fashion right materialsprUs meticulous craftsman hip see us today err Phonef4314 34Bayfield St 51 312 many means of rescue as well as artificial respiration Largest class of the week is from Highway No ll taking in points from Bradford to Stroud This group which meets at Innisfil Park on Wednesdays has 135 registered The CookstownThornton group meets at Innisfil Park too on Tues days Both groups are benefitting from the new raft anchored in deep water for the more advanced swim mers Newest classlis the Midland Lit 10 Lake group from The Fort Vasey and Waverley areas Several if this group have advanced from Tadpoles are beginners minnows are floaters tadpole to minnows and fish are swimmers The Hillsdale class held in the SUNWORTHY SUNTESTED CMASTERPIECE LAIICIIsrRIA Coreilnrf Look ThemOver qul Paperrhg Kits With instruction book 15 Nov In my DECAL TRANSFERS BORDERS Brushes StickFFast Paste GyprocJoint Filler and Tape Patching Plaster etc IPAINTS AND warm th BARRIE TENT AWNING Co liloiiiengirisigeifigirIii herewill be trying for the Junior Some of the WORLDS FINEST in design and coloring THE inclInter FLOGLAZE AND COLORIZER WE SPECIALIzE IN PICTURE FRAMING 82an St Free Local Delivery PICTURES MIRRORS Phone 3270 mixu In Muskoka and points north the couple are making their home make mll5tmgi Conversatlon Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Jim Elliottwefpt and Mrs Thomas Mrs Spence and Mr Following wedding trip tol lhnto bv Snilllis Studio lliirrle ThreeWomen Nlade Life Members Of Central WA special meeting of the Womans Association of Central United Church was held at the home of the president Mrs Jory with large number in attendance After the devotional period which was taken by Mrs Pearce and the president short business discussion was held Mrs Jory called on Mrs Myrtle McKenzie of Orillia president of Simcoe Pres bytery to take part Mrs Partridge and Mrs Mc Lean receivcd their life member ship pins and Mrs Beattie WISE honored with life membership Her daughter gave her the pin and Mrs Partridge presented the cer tificatc Mrs Ray Bishop soloist sang two numbers In the Garden of Tomor row and Shall Not Pass Again This Way accompanied by Miss lieneKnappV=LLks get any legaladvice to state when he was required to call for rromin whrch pots ations in the Inatter of replacement thong for the late Deputy owarr the council away ill it seems prud clil that steps be taken at once to Soon as possible him off his feet INNISFII Forthwllh In the chapter of the municipal tact dealing with electrons and per rniember of the council forthith is used as follows Sub the replacement of the word rrliriig to eet to section Hit and Hi new lelrctron shall be held FORTHWITH lwhere th vacancy except at the lullltc of controller occurs from any cause the held the head of council or if When new election is to re is absent or unable to act thel llk If mm unmh level above the general camp and act one of the members of election Aeeordrng to our dictionary this ueans at once or immediately With this stated in the act we can ldisplay of ways in which this could see Iio justification for the state nent of the reeve that he could not Reeve Bruce With another member of fill at least one of the vacancies as Visit Councillor Constable We called on George Constable this week at the clinic in Toronto in which he is receiving treatment We were pleased to find him in very fine spirit and although he had been up and dressed he had gone back to bed for rest He states that after much Xraying and ex lniination they have been admin istering medicine recently that has completely removed the continuous pain in the back and hips that he had suffered from and which put wont be at the next council meeting he said but feel sure will be there by the fol lowing one He has lost consider able weight brrt seems happy about that His room was filled with flowers mostly gladioli large bouquet of these was brought from theWo had been made by the older boys mm rm If 11 11 group under the leadership of Miss ml 101 Fern llampel assisted by Miss Bev PARENTS DAY CLOSES ANGUS AY CAMPS on AND PAINSWICK The day camps sponsored at larrrswick by the Womens instituch and at Angus by the Wumens Aux rliary of the larradrarr Legion clos ed their silterssful eightday pct rod on July The camps were supervised by tile Srmeoe Countyi recreation Stlrtr The Painsmck do camp kd held at White Oaks Beach made available to the group through the kindness of Mrs Shank Here the parents arrived early in the afternoon to see what the camp was like and to View the camp Mlc made by three groups of camp LIS The first one was on the upper erley Westman The boys in this group were particularly keen on outdoor cookery rind had quite be done to best advantage There was circle fire with cross bar perched on two forked sticks on and kettles could be number of smaller fires and tin can stoves for individual cooking and frying The boys had made variety of gadgets to sim plify their housekeeping such as cup tree whisk broom made of twigs leantos to protect their wood etc They had made table by lashing branches together and in one corner of their site Iiad erected beautiful little tent made of leaves The girls camp site was neat and well marked fenced off with large stones Nature museums were on display here and large circle fire The girls in this group were led by Miss Joan Sarjeant and Miss Julie McKenzie of Barrie and were especially interested in collecting all forms of flora and fauna shells from the beach etc They also en joyed folk dancing and singing The younger boys camp site was located just behind the big tent They had fireplace leantos and leaf tent also Miss Shirley Odd of Barrie was the leader of this group and found that the boys were especially fond of hikes and games mens lnstitrrte at Churchill grown in the garden of Mr Reive While we were there Mr and Mrs Robert King from the 5th Line came in The rain had pre vented work at home they said so they look run down to Toronto Mr King arranged that he would do some combining that George was worried about George thinks he will get home in few days if everything continues as he thinks and there is no recurrence of the back pains The neighbors have been grand was one of the George passed along Ron Davies in Hospital The Examiner will undergo Lunch was served by Mrs Partridge and Mrs McLean tea hostesses followed by social hour AUG GMrs Wilson has been Young and family Mrs Beecham Toronto is guest of Mrs Walter Allan and Kathleen Mrs Corner Sr June of Lakeview ceeds amounted to $3855 ily Gordon Grose is guest of M1 and Mrs Grose with Mr and Mrs Douglas Reid Teddy Corner Dorothy Fisher of Toronto spen Corner Red Cross butTona One swimme v77 Many of the Waubausheneboy of their lives aroundhewater trying for theirjunior this summer atron there this year from 12 to 16 years of age The swimming and water safety program is under the direction oi Miss Louise Colley recreation dir Instruc tor is George Woods Of Barrie as ector for Simcoe County 515th by George Benton OThe goal or every Canadian famil possible and save for future needs mLEERoxW The ladies ofthe WA held Verv successfuLbaking sale on the lawn of Mrs Harry Stewarts home Pro Mrand Mrs Elzinga of New Jer sey spent few days with the lat ters sister Mrs Jim Reid and fam Mr and Mrs Stephen Nagy and baby Ronald ofATorQnto are visiting and Norman Young spent few days at the SPYP camp at Midland last week Mrs Russell Fisher Mr and Mrs Fred Fisher of Pefferlaw and MISs Sunday with Mr and Mrs Frank will be trying his senior test this and girls who spend good part intermed class for boysand girls is in oper Members of it are all senior swimmers ranging You can help control the rising cost of living buying onlyjthose things you really need vpenses educationor to meet similar emergencies The repayment of these should be to get out of debt as soon as loans is just as deatioer as regular Eightyve percent of HFC loans are made to pay old bills taxes or house payments for repairs medical ex lnnisfil Ron MINESING AUG6MltissRuthOrchardno Rochester MisslAnne Orchard visiting with her daughter Mrs wistgldan3gjrgfc1331 Parkers last week day Toronto visited at Dustos Thursday bury visited the formers siste Mrs Harry Foyston weeks in Toronto Mel Thompson Hamilton newed acquaintance here last wee joyed trip through Algonqu week Louise Swain tion irr Barrie ing at Glenn Beilbys Tracy onSunday Beryl Parke Toronto was eekendJisitor at her home Ogt RECORD CROWD Decoration Day services June service Helptrontrol the cost of living by spending wisely savings plan Emilies help themselves nancially Iron man you um III Lemma consunui Boon HOUSEHOLD FINANCE zoEIIuboIII Sh second oor prion 5529 IARRII out OEIILIA IMNGII SI Mluluop mood luv ohm am 181 To MOI CREDIT comments that Ron Davies of the news staff of an appendeetomy today in the Royal VictoriaEHospitaliBestawishesrfromv Rev HeslipfMrs Heslip Mn and Mm ank ROSS and and Cecelia of Madoc who are holi family have been visiting Mr and daring at wasaga BeaChi Visned friends and relatives hereon Tucs MrsLB Dotile Mrs JohnTDoblc andIBarbaiia of Sunderland Mr Erb of Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack and Mrs MeIVSmith and Lorraine Nichol Mr and Mrs Harden and of Uxbridge and MISS Olive Doble Mr and Mrs Oscar Chappel Sudl Mr and Mrs Al York and child ren Toronto were weekend visitors at Maguires Miss Maguire returned with them after several re Mranders Sam McDowell and Betty with party of friends en Park and Haliburton County last who made her home at McDowells for thepast couple ofryears has taken posi Mr and Mrs Bruce Armstrong andbaby Toronto have been visit Mr and Mrs Oliver Tracymc lingwood visited Fred and Edith Mr and Mrs Bob Parker and late and seniorRed Cross awards family Barrie were Sunday vis The first lifesaving itors at Parkers crowd estimated as the larg est ever assembled in Creemore Union Cemetery gathered at the Rev Charles Saunders Wasrchair man with Rev Eagle and Rev John Kerr assisting in the RFC managers are dualiod to help After tour of the camp sites had been completed the youngsters prepared for their swimming per iod They demonstrated how they lined up in twos before going in the water and kept wary eye on their buddy while swimming This activity was one of the most pop ular at the day camp and Miss Odd also the swimming instructor re ported good progress in all swim ming classes Latvian Prominent In Newfoundland Job Sl JOHNS Ntld June 25 Itii ciusclklill trio of Lat vian refugee is sparkng New of their camp songs while the older fdundlands dew her girls Served cookies and cold drinks mm 5ng which had been bevelled flirt Heading the program as direc Painswick Irunrcns Institute gumhl U1 WWW dwelop Angus Closing mem is Dr Alfred Valdnranis At the Angus day camp the par Ills tigtllirlri director is Arnold ents were particularly llllpltsSud Graudrns and his Secretary Alga by an outstanding display of artsilxtkue and crafts attractively arranged in All three became refugees as the lodge at the community park Iiresult of the Second World War Paper bag puppets murals leatlsei rater they made therrway to prints scratch sketches and mod tanada and later came together cl of the seed plant were part of in Newfoundland this interesting exhibit Slilti taking over their work Early in the afternoon the young here they have been in the fore sters demonstrated games and took front in establishing cement part in races and stunts which= mill and two gypsum plants at Rlcntly amused the parents The Ilurnlwrmount near the paper everyone adjourned to the lodge town of Corner Brook on the west for moving pictures supplied magi in tin planning stage are through the cooperation of the we um new Industries frlnr extension service of the On tario Agricultural College at Guelph The film which proved most interesting was one on bees called The City of Wax This was probably due to the fact that the children had had several sessions with the insect ranger Hugh Mc Phee of Angus during the previous week One of the boys who had up to that date settled on having career in the navy when Iie grew up was heard wondering aloud whether it wouldnt be more fun to be naturalist Refreshments were served at the end of the afternoon and the err thusiasm of children and parents alike brought the day camp to close with three cheers for the leaders Bruce Edgar of Baxter and Mrs Dorothy Glenn of llarrie EBENEZER Womens Missionary Society AUG OEbenezer WMS root at Mrs Fred Archers with 13 mem bers and visitors present Mrs Ernest Dales president was in th chair The meeting opened Willi call to worship llymn 358 348 11nd 3163 were sung Mrs Ernest who will accept applications aces iaw read tie Scri lure lesson Romans 12111 Mrs Gldrdon Kncc or lose CCILlficates on be shaw read piece explaining the half Of the Company Scripture lesson Mrs Edwin Victoria 8r Grey Til2 INTEREST On Guaranteed Investment Certificates Amounts of $10000 and up are accepted for investment for terms of to 10 years Unconditionally Guaranteed Enquire from MESSRS HENRY 81 ELRICK Owen St Barrie Kneeshaw gave the Christian Stew ardship reading Mrs John Knee shaw gave reading from the Missionary Monthly Miss Aileen Gardener showed map of Japan and read an article concerning that country Mrs Doug Kneeshaw gave chapter from the study book The minutes were read and approved and business discussed After the benediction the hostess served delicious lunch The next meeting Owen Sound Later on in the afternoon dc folk dances was given by the girls Then the young sterssat in circle and sang some monstration of will be held at Mrs Doug Knce Assets exceed $38000000 shaws when the ladies will do quilt This quilt will be for sale SM in 17 deluxe Wstinghous lent budget terms onrcsAIIAL SuprDeLuerr Why take an unknown bdigoin brand when corn SOPEIHREEZER GOVERED MEATKEEPER yo urnsroma IIIIIIIIDRIIWER FOR ERUIIs VEGETABLES ome ApplianceShop 24 ELIZABETH sr Eastman you canown genuine super am at this sensationally low price FULL CU FT CAPACITY l7 and complete modern super deluxe features tIIIou out See and corn or nothing to touch itat anywhere iieor this price hem Liberoltrodojin and convenrj LOY norm DAIRYMIDWREIIEIIAga sroRIcE coIIIIEIIIEIII sIoRIIOR lPhone 5577 BARBIE Trust Company

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