ym 1aman Barrie Visitor Describes Royal Henley Regatta Joseph Orchard of Rodney Street Barrie Journcycd to Port llalhousie to attend the 69th annual Royal Canadian Henley Regatta held under the lithilltt of the Can udian Association of Amateur Ouisnicii lweniynine rowing clubs were represented in the fourday regatta seven of them Canadian and the ieinaimicr from south of the bord cl the final day on the calm siiiilit water of the 11 mile course the Barrie visitor reports that total of 230 oarsinen manned the shells in the various events run oft from to Fi ill There was plenty of eVItIeiltt throughout the iaccs of genuine spirit of good spurtsinanship among the Anteri fans and Canadians The St Catharines Rowing Club which takes the lead in sponsoring rowing among hiin school students have large club house for their shells at Port llalliousie the most closely contested races of the afternoon for the 83001 Calder Memorial Cup four American and one Canadian high school eiglits competed When the St Catharines An AIRWAY gtvcs you that trimfeppcaranm Its the correct type of mumpsccommrc able Experdy tted AIR WAYSmgical Supportsn WcCally Cdmpiete Stock Of Iadies Health Supports and SUpporting Brassieres Experienced Lady Fitter To Serve You BY APPOINTMENT ONLY WHITIYS 9Steree Essa mi Dial 2823 Goon PARKING DELIVER THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST 195115 In one of Canaan Limited BARBIE Phone 4803 Day yorNight crew rowed over the line 10 feet ii rent the 4000 bchIhlUlS in tin grandstand rose as one and gran hem great cheer The interest was equally great when Jack Guest Jr Turunto promising young sculler won the championship Singles event by row ing ti powerful stroke finish ing fresh and strong During the running of the races brass band favored the lurgi crowd with smcrai numbers Added interest was created by the presence of Diamond Sculls Winners of other years Jack Guest St Joe Wright and Bobby Pearce the oarsman who has never been defeated in his long career Mr Orchard expresses the hope that interest may soon be revived in Barrie in what was once one of our major sports MingisIDonn Cottagers Hold Big Field Day The Minets Point Property Own cis Association held their annual field day on Sunday August The largest crowd ever to take part entered races and novelty Boys under 10 Babette Kcycs John Bob Lubin Boys under 13 Bob Lubin Boys Ballantync Tubby Girls under 10 Vina Doe Ann Irucnian Girls under 13 Astrid Cliristenson Margo Seymour Girls open Astrid Christensen Margaret Ballantyne Winners in the land races for children were Boys nine and under Sands Douglas Brown and under Martin Kcycs Bob Lubin Girls nine and under Mary Louise Bennett Carol Rich ardson Girls 12 and under Rosc iiiaiy Anderson Dorothy Everett Girls 15 and under Joan Docl Margaret Ballantyne Winners in the novelty races held in the afternoon wen Balloon race boys Gcrry Grib blc Balloon race girls Vina Duel Clothespin race ladies Florence Robin Mrs Spence Irene Bevis Jean Feltis Ladics shoe race Joan Duel Florence Robin Mens sack race Kenneth Dun can Robert Gow Threelegged race Mr and Mrs Ginsberg Pie eating boys Tommy Mcdhurst Martin Schnier Cakeeating girls Donna Elliot Elaine Gross Pea nut race Martin Schnier Richmond Mens committee race Richmond Draw winners for the day were as follows Mr Ornstein occasional chair JEBILEVCIIIS pillow cases Mr Bob ettc luncheon set Mr Ornstein cup and saucer Harris Mr White and Mr Erich breeches Boys and girls five years of age and under who were entered in big field of 25 or more were each given ball The children seven years of agemm were given bataballs Hot dogs and colddrhiks were provided for the children and there was ice cream for all BAlflER Mr and MrSTnA Anderson and daughter Alma of Manister Michi gan spent the past week with Mi and Mrs Ferguson Mr and Mrs Dyte of Delhi were weekend guests ofMr and Mrs George McKnight Rev Seaton and Mrs Seat on and son Graham of Sarnia call John Martin open Scarle David Boys 12 SQUAR PUMPKINS PRETORIASouth Africa June 25CPA Transvaal farmer is try ing to grow square pumpkins Their present bulky roundneSS worries him because of the room they take up in square crates He hopes to events provided on daylong pro gram Winners of the horseshoe pitchlt iiig contest were Richmond Mr Scott Jack Doel and Joe Doe Winners in the swimming races which commenced at 11 am were as follows dayand goingout dresses YOUJIVIIITIIH achieve neat fourcornered veg etable by putting square wooden box over thepumpkin before it is fully grown thus moulding it into trim cube RY ANV EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 You will recall the many many dollars you saved at Town Talk Shops last dollarsaving sale Hundreds of misses and ladies found lust what they needed to complement their wardrobe at great savw mg No price will be out of your reach if you were not fortunate enou to take advantage of our last offering do take the opportunity offered ygu at this one We know that all our past customers erI be back Co and shop while there is lots to choose from me early le WEEKS IIIIII 60 InfantsOutstanding Value This years brand new Coney Coats dyed rabbit smartly styled cuffs and CIllC collars Made to give the wearer ap earSiicam fort and warmth these coats are real buy You must see these values They will not be repeated 001 30 Fur CoatsReg $15950 On Sale $1190 30 Fur Coats Reg $189500n sat $14200 1HURRYTO isLEc THESE VALUES DRESS incurs 15 VSHORTIES and FULL LENGTIIe cc COATS and early fall full length coats in many sizes and chlors Town Talk has far you multitude of fine dresses to choose from in all shades nd sizes AFrom inexpensive cottons to 9v price to suit You 400 DRESSES Reg irjomssa to $3298 Now from $379 tons50 5PORTswEAg+ ul Sharties Reg$l950 IO$3750 Now as low as $1499 ee Now $2366 ta $4488 Ly kFiillngthCdts551$3950t6i65 eSLACKSwy SKIRTSea SHORTS BLOUSES LINGERIE Tier yogi personal WardIrObe ware stocked with ofblip braSSIeres panties etc host aslow as as low as 15159 $i47q gsiirsitReg$298ia$49s Now $198tp$379 HOSE 51 gas is denier Reg$i95naw$i59 gt Slow 15 SW Quality sportstear garments rat tru1yvvbargrainlpricesi Eachitern onSaIeis definite moneysaving buy 13 ELIZABETH sr BARRIEj PHONE92826 Come inand browse Around You are welcome Come in and Browse Around Youiare welcome To TALK sHor CONVENIENT WAYS to SHOP BUDGET cAsH LAYAWAY PLANlVJCHARGEI