Miss Evelyn Creed Wed in Emmanuel CoHege Chapel Miss Evelyn Marie Creed daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Wilton Creed of Barrie was married on Friday August 1931 at five oclock in the afternoon in iiiniiaanucl College Chapel at the Lnirersity of Toronto to James Moriay Davidson son of Mrs Davidson and the late MZ Ditllltilii of loiotito Ilev PA Iliucil of Central Iiiited Iziiiclr Bani litIIttIIIlt t1 llze cric liuis Wedding iniic was played by lli Ross Johnson organist who ac coziipanied the soloist Miss Don altla Kaigis Roth friends of the bride and groom I1tll in mairzage by her father the Dlttlt wore strapless gown of Iii1t tulle titer blue tulle with white corded silk unilerskirt lhe guttii was piped with ihite velvit and styled Vith liiitiifitit skirt and tulle Jtifhtl buttoned to the waist with lone sleeves Her 1illctll viil was caught to LIHtIil of fine veiling and she car lIlli an airaiigeinent of Amazon Iilits and bluetinted honvardia IIei attendant was Miss Margaret Davidson of loronto sister of the groom who wore gown of grey tulle over pale pink corded silk styled thi same the gown worn by the bride IIer tulle jacket had sliogt sleeves Norman llavidsmi of Toronto was grooiiisniaii for his brother andl William Landon and Keith Motton both of Toronto acted as ushers At the reception which followed at Prince Arthur House the mother of the bride received with the hilt at party Wearing navygblue sheer vith navy accessories white glovesl and cotsage of Johanna Hill roses Assisting the grooms mother was wearing grey with pink accessories and Corsage of Butterfly roses The bride and groom left on wedding trip to the KZlWlIiIhii Lakes the bride travelling in pale yellow suit Willi navy blue acces sories Ontoftown guests at the wed ding came from Stratford London and Nestleton WW Fresh Peach Sundae 250 LUNCH AT Lili annoys Ice Cream JonesRodgers Nuptials are Held At Trinity Church The mariiage of Miss Lillian Mar garet Rodgers daughter of Mr and Mrs Rodgers RR Hawke stone formerly of Barrie to Iroop cr Robert Jones RCAC Camp Borden son of Mr and Mrs Charles Hubert Jones of Toronto took piace oil Saturday August 1931 seven oclock in the even ing in Trinity Anglican Church Barrie Rey formed the ceremony Wedding music was played by the church organist Mrs Roberts of Orillia liven in marriage by her father the bride wore ballerinalength gown of orchid French sheer over matching taffeta with cape of the same material She wort mauve shoes and carried white prayer book with corsaiu of white gar denias Her attendant washer sister Miss Chiistena Rodgers of Orillia who wore hallerinaIength gown of turquoise nylon niarqnisette over taffeta of the same shade Her cor sage was of yellow roses with an orchid centre Irooper 11 Murphy of the RCAC was groonisnian and Charles Rodg ers of Toronto and Howard Mc Kevcr of Barrie acted as ushers Ar reception followed at theRLTAC mens canteen Receiving the guests with the bridal party the mother of the bride was wearing grey silk crepe with brown accessories and Corsage of red roses Ihe grooms mother was wearing rose beige French lace over mushroom satin with corsage of pink roses The bride and groom left on wedding trip to northern points the bride travelling in flowered silk jersey dress with white acces sories On their return they will be making their home in Barrie at Post Office Square Outoftown guests at the wed ding came from Toronto Orillia and Minesing Muriel Joan Rawn Becomes Bride OI Lamb The marriage of Miss Muriel Joan Rawn daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Rawn of Wyebridgc to Phillip Henry Lamb son of Mrs Wilbert Lamb and the late Mr Lamb of Midland took place in St Andrews Presbyterian Church Wyebridgc on Saturday July 21 1951 at two oclock in the after noon the ceremony You Truly and Perfect Love Given in marriage by her father the bride wore gown of white sa tinTmftnefyokeandmcdatiivm ek gt St Georges Anglican Church ALLAN DALE ltector any NEWTONSMITH Organist MRS GSHAW SUNDAY AUGUST 12 1951 830 amHOLY COMMUNION 1100 amMORNING PRAYER Preacher MR WORFOLT Toronto Ontario Sunday 11 am Minister in charge REV BEWELL OrganistLloyd Tufford No Evening Service 20Mu1caster Street Affiliated with Pentecostal liAssembliescf Canada PASTORC WARRINER Minister supplankuciusr 12 195i 10 amSunday School HamilMorning worship Measage or Life 130 panEvangelistic Service flirtisrgnilfriirii SUNDAY AUGUST 12 1951 in rummm no CHUMatm am Sunday Come to Gods House on HisDay Full Gospel Tabernacle 330 prn Radio Broadcast Friendly Welcome Awaits You ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN AND FIRST BAPTIST 1N CHURCH SUNDAY AUGUST 12 1951 11 am and pm REV JAMES FERGUSON Keffer Organist Come to Church Collier I=== UNION ERVICES AUGUST COLLIER ST UNITED Amgmn UNITED vreoNGREGATI9N at COLLIER 751 UNITED Independent SUNDAY AUGUST 12 1951 a94mBibieschcor 11 am andJ pm Guest Speaker Mr Ernest CIHeal Toronto Wed pm+Midweek Service land Mission Visitors Cordially Welcome Burten Avenue United and at 1115 am It Minister REVG MUIR Organist and Choice Essa Road Strand Service930 am Holly Sunday School1430pm Holly Church Service230 pm The Salvation Army co comma sr SUNDAY AUGUST 12 1951 amHOLINESS MEETING 230 pithSUNDAY SCHOOL Haughton per Dr Barr performed Weddingmusie rrwasplaycdvbyvi Mrs Kenneth Hounsomc who ac companied the soloist Miss Elaine Preston in the singing of Love UNION SERVICES ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN St Baptist Church REV MITCHELL Minister Sun Aug tilK Gray CMna In East Road Presbyterian UNIQNSERVICES BURTON AVE UhiTEDCHUiicu The Home of Friendly Worship SrCaptain and Mrs Strachan plmSALVATION MEETING Guest Speakers Major and Mrs Phillipa Cincinnati Ohio USA Cut Golden Wedding Cake IIR AND MRS THOMAS IAYS of 41 Dalton St are pic tuzrd cutting wedding cake at an at home reception for their friends and neighbors held in Trinity Parish Hall on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary Last Sat urday evening they were honored by 46 relatives ata faintly dinner in the hall followed by Mrs Mays have made their party at their home Mr and home in Barrie for almost 40 tars They have 10 children 23 grandchildren and two gr iatgrandchildren trim fitted bodice and full skirt Ihe slcetts ended with lace point it the wrist Her fulllength vcil was fastened to matching cap with orange blossoms and she car ried cascade bouquet of red roses Her attendant was her sisterin law Mrs Angus Rawn who was gowncd in pink corded taffeta fash ioned with hustle back and heitha collar She wore match ing cap headdress and mitts and carried cascade bouquet of pink carnations The flower girl Miss Margaret arrntheis was gowned in blue corded taffeta styled with bertha collar and full skirt She wore matching cap headdress and car ried noscgay of mixed flowers groomsman and the Allard Reynolds of Waverley Ralph Rawn nephew bride was ringbearer of tltc brides parents with the bridal partv thcvmorh white of pink carnations sisterinlaw blue net with and corsage Ihc grooms Stroud Lefroy UNITED CHURCHES PURE RELIGION AND UNDEEILED Be Ye Doers Of The Word ST JAMES Second Confirmation Class in Parsonage Monday at 845 pm TRINITY CHURCH 12th Sunday after Trinity amHoiy Communion 11 am Holy Communion and Sermon Preacher for the Day THE REV LLOYD DELANEY BA Turkey Farms on Highway 409 pm on yoUr district Revival Hour broadcasts Christian people sfBarrie attend rervices that the district shall expe docs not start new churches but organization dedicated to Spiritual edit wedding with vital interest pastor through town and citywide AND BIBLE DELIVERANCE Delivery Barrie Ontario Lawrence Lamb of Wyevale was ushers were George Russell of New Lowell and of the reception followed at the home Receiving of the bride was wearing Queens accessories Mrs Florence Lamb who assisted was wearing flowered nylon with white Spiritual Awakening and DelivuanceCainpUga COMMENCING NEXT SUNDAYAUG 1173 Services Sunday 300 and 830 pm Daily Mon thru Fri 745 rim In REVIVAL PORTABLE TABERNACLE The Revival Portable Tabernacle steel building is assembled at Cundles north of Bayeld Street and Spiritiial Awakening and Bible Deliverance campaign NOTE HEAR NATIONAL SPIRITUAL AWAKENING MOVEMENT by Way bf MOMENTS WITH G0 daily at 815 am and THE REVIVAL HOUR Sundays at which every church and pastor shall be benefited Kindly note that NSAM coast to coast Its motto CHRISTIANS AWAKEI SPIRITUAL AWAKENING MUST COME TO CANADA NATIONAL SPIRITUAL AWAKENING MOVEMENT Headquarters Mniling Address Box 222 Kitchener office 92 Church Street Kitchener local mailing address General Photo by Henry Roche Barrie Church Services Under the Pines At Cawaja Beach Services under the pines at Ca waja Beach on the Georgian Bay are increasing in interest and at tendance Last Sunday near the hour of 113nm large number of summer residents gathered at the meeting place The minister for the morning was the Rev Professor Kenneth Caus laiid of Emmanuel College who with his family is at his summer home at the beach Text for the sermon was And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not St John verse The gathering felt it privilege to hear the gifted preacher DiCausland has had the pleas iire of visit from his sister and his nephew during July fromtheir Tephcw isit diVinity student accessories and corsage of pink carnations The bride and groom lcft on wedding trip to Ottawa Quebec and Northern Ontario the bride travel whitc accessories and tomato red hortie coat home at Wyebridge HAWKESTONE AUG 7Mr and Mrs Cecil Hut chison Harold and Olean Prophet and Mr and Mrs Roy Gray took trip to Ottawa and back via Algon quin Park Andy Miscner Port Colbornc week Ernestine Gardiner in Toronto Thorndaic and London Priddle and Mr Priddle nd family in Burks Falls directly north of Vespra 27 for the GREATER VBARRIE Station for NSAM programs CHVC NIAGARA FALLS ONTARIO 1600 Kilo The originate in theRevival Port able Tabernacle daily programs originate in studio in cabin trailer on campaigngrounds SPIRITUAL AWAKENING pantry REV DUNCAN McINTYRE Founder General Director Radio and Field Evangelist MRS FRANCES McINTYjRE Vocalist Instrumentalist and Piano Accordionist REV GEORGE KENDELL Campaign Manager Editor of NSAMs official organ The Canadian Revivalist Pianist Solovoir and pray for these Interdenominatlonal rienceu visitation from the Lord through is an Interdenominationai Fundamental Awakening and Bible Deliverance in Cun to aid the efforts of every Fundamental campaigns and daily radio ministry from Ontario home in the city of EdiiibtirgliHis lltimlflBICblttenyIODShNEILWith On their return Mr and Mrs Lamb are making their visited Mr and Mrs Roy Gray this Misses Barbara and Sharon Gray spent the weekend visiting MlSS Miss Loreen Johnstone and Miss Anne Johnstone are holidaying in Mrs Howarth Fort Frances is visiting her mother Mrs Charles Mrs LW Leighhas returned home after visiting her daughter Rev aners Hugh Shannon are Bowling on the Green AUG 2Sixtecn rinks of ladies doubles took part in tournament here Tuesday afternoon last TIM greens were good and the weather perfect Winners were as follows high for three WinsMrs Ham mond and Mrs Tough Tottenliam second Mrs Rayner and Mrs Bury Allandale hiin for two Mrs Claridge and Mrs Palmer Tottcn ham high for one winMrs Wai keni SP and Mrs Walkem Jr Tottenham Mr and Mrs Harry Rinn spent Wednesday last with Mr and Mrs Mel McKnight Toronto Mrs Kclman and children visited friends in Orangeville Thursday KNOCK and Mrs Ed Gibbons were Mr and Mrs Lloyd McNeil and family of ilornby and Mr and Mrs James Bokath of Toronto Mrs Ray Webb and daughter Carol spent few days with the formers parents Mr and Mrs Scott Elnigrove Weekend visitors with Mrs Joan Pope were her husband Paul from Key Junction Mr and Mrs Os truin and Mr and Mrs Ostrum and sons Toronto Mr and Mrs Bowman Allen Morley and Grant Mrs Thomas Bowman Six Selby Bowman Mr and Mrs Oscar Bowman and family attended the Davies reunion at Crecmore on Sunday All will be glad to hear Pope Sr is home from the hospitai and we hope feeling much better daily Mr and Mrs Allan Wicc Toron to spent few days at Bruce Wices as also did Miss Verna Wicc Stroud Mr and Mrs Howard Pope and children spent Sunday in Toronto with the iattcrs parents Mr and Mrs Stroud and Mr St fieathers of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bernard Pope Mrs McCoriston is in Toronto hospital where she is receiving treatment for one eye We all wish herthe very best Mr and Mrs Parker Kclccy and Ella attended the LovelaceJone wedding in Orillia on Saturday The Sewing Circle meeting will be held at Mrs Popes Aug 15 Roll call good neighborly deed Mr and Mrs McDonald and family Kitchener are visiting the latters brothers Earl and Hero Shannon Mr and Mrs Allan McFadden and family Toronto visited at Herb Shannons on Sunday Mr and Mrs George Rice and little boys Richmond Hill are viSit ing Mr and Mrs Wes Hogg Mr and Mrs Harry Kclccy accom panied Mr and Mrs Albert Dawson on motor trip to Sault Ste Marie lectures my holidaying among friends and rela tives at Queensville and Toronto Mr and Mrs Cook are here from the West visiting her parents Mr and Mrs William Smith Mr and Mrs Douglas Wilson T9rcigt9spcnt the weekend with No church service in the United Church August 12 or August 19 Mr and Mrs Bill Scott Jr vis ford and Mount Forest last week Mr and Mrs John Anderson and weekend with Mr and Mrs Anderson visitor in the village day in the village recently spending week in Muskoka spent few days witbher brother Mr Jack and family Mr and Mrs weekend at their homes in the vil iage HOLLY sister Mrs Redfern Threshing wheat is keeping th the haying settled 1y Quebec for the weekend August erland of Campbellville ebration atEverett Monday Lodghecd ONE DAY ONLY August 1271951 at the ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE 35 Collier St Barrie by Christians gathered in His Name at Grace Gospel Hall Barrie Order of Meetings Breaking of Bread 1030 can Ministry of the Word 239 pm Gospel Meeting 730 pm Prayer Meeting Saturday night at pm in Grace Gospel Hall 37 Mary St News of loftedlam WW lColdwater Mr and MTS Id8 AUG 6Siinday visitors at Mr Mrs Howard Prophet andBillf ited friends and relatives at Mea tWInS Susan and Sallyspent the John Fellows former CNR agent for number of years was recent Mrs Kendrick Orillia spent Mrs Leo Wilson and sons are Mr and Mrs Barnsley Toronto Crawford Leigh and daughter and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Leigh of TorontoL spent the AUG2lMervin Dyer London spent the wekend Withhisbroth ers Morly and Elmer Dyer and his farmers busy now that they have Mr and Mrs Robson and Mrs Robson Barrie called on Mr and Mrs CharlgaCampbell recent Dalton Slessor accompanied Coachman of Barrie to Richmond Reta Campbell Ottawa spent the weekend with Mnand Mrs Charles Campbell also attended the Camp bell reunion at Innisfil Park on We all enioyed the Sunday ser viceconducted by Rev Mr Suth Mr and Mrs Bulfner and family attended the Centennial cel Milton Lougheed Toronto has been visiting his mother Mrs CONFERENCE Mr and Mrs Ivan Harris daugh lter Jean and son Merle of Acton iare holidaying with Mr and Mr Harvey Simpson Mr and Mrs Jack Dunston and family spent the Weekend with friends in North Bay lottenhain Legion are having an old boys reunion monster carni val and draw early in September Mrs Bruce Tough is helping on the office staff of lottenhaui Creamery during the summer months The Presbyterian YOUYIg Peoples Association of the circuit will con duct services at the three churches Tottentiam Betton and Schoinberg next Sunday in the absence of Rev Duke Mrs Fred Evans and Joan of Kingston have been visiting here with the formers sisterinlaw Mrs Waddling Mrs James McKnight Toronto visited recently with Mrs Charles Bryan Mrs Oliver Pcttit has returned home from Toronto having undei gone serious operation in the Womens College Hospital Friends are glad to see her home again John Claridgc Sarnia vho with the Department of Highways was home for the holiday Mr and Mrs Jack Palmer and son Chris spent the weekend with the foriiiers parents Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer Mr and Mrs Vermin Wice and Lynn of Smithvillc spent the holi day with friciiris here Mrs Claridge has taken tho position of assistant to the postr master Wilmer Palmer succeeding Mrs Walter Forrest who is ill in Toronto General Hospital Mrs Anderson Toronto visited at the home of her son Alton Anv derson for the past week is Prices In Ellect Until Saturday Aug Milk or AlmondGiant BHIIS HERSHEY elveetac CHEESE KRAFT MonarchCheese BABY ROIIS Fancy2 2001 tins 21c 501 Granulated SUGAR V5 Ibs niiroiiiiiiisr Yuk HANDLED ironnrrnnmmpm 39 nomrmcrown ExlnLun MINCE BI Choice Sliced hflb pkg 33c JUICE GRAPETRUIT 4802 urine Fancy2 2001 tin 25c JUICE ORANGE 4802 tin29c SALADAnn Page Freih 8oziar25 093 Contents Only Fancy Red Sociayvgsiiii43 BIITTEII rcyiSUIimaH rriiiiiaiirrysW SPAGIIEIII 27 iic run ioiir 5i IHaod choc pr wring pkg 32 AePSuperlllight BUY wrrii caifripsnca Evanvcur TRJMMED TO GlViVol Mo WASTE lTHEsBEEF ISOANADAISFINESTLRED ANDBLUE BRANDS BEERRiIoMEdeiIIahkggg nnnnnrnsr mom race Mr and Mrs Smelt zian land sons and Stirling McCauley Ispent few days at Iilden Lake AUG 6Visitors with RW and Mrs ironside of Caracas South 15M W4 vaman during the Wall lAnicrica and Mrs Conan Toronto lwere Rev and Mrs Pellettcm smug Mr and Mrs can Recent Visitors With Mr and lney Toronto Principal and Mrsggrs Max Hrwm were 31 and Bell Rillsdale ers Wilfred Iirnrr and Miss Joan M155 Jaurl GttaVLS Barrie SEW of Toronto Mrs Buchanan of Sault the holiday weekend with Mr and Mai1 and Mrs Mam 5mm Mrs Baker Bay James Readinan was home from Weekend visitors With Mr and his boat in Toronto for few days Mrs Craig were Mr and Fraser Carr was home from ttrs Harry Shosenbury Mr and illia for holidays Airs Don Shosenbury and 2mg Mr and Mrs Lochte and Miss Maly Craig of Bright Betty of Buffalo visited Mr and Miss Betty Caston came home Mrs Ellerington on Saturday Tuesday front summer schiol In Mrs VanAtter of diuffaio Toronto spending some time with her ltdl My Jenn 335nm Bank wag home for few days Mr and Mrs Thomas Ellcriiigton are home from Toronto Mr Eller ington is improving slowly litter Mrs adcs Mr and Mrs Douglas Frasci St Catharinrs visited their relatives in the Village at the Weekend TMAMva PROVIDING EVERY KNOWN BENEFIT Prolorsionol service and merchandise of unquutioned quality Helpful personal attendance upontilio need of every family we serve The superior facilities of our modern funeral home prevido every possible comfort Our comprehensive pricerange mutt the need of all who call us Our membership in the ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE qualies us to sorvo wherever doth may occur in the coun try Protective knowninadvanco charges lt menu or Em4122 FUNBHRL in mm SERVING NATIONWID Lloyd Steckley or lorslriy St and Clappcrton St IIION 5553 BARRIE I3 El I3 El El 13 13 El El I3 El I3 El I313 EEEGOEEBGGE EGDBBGGBHEE BGEEEEBBEEBB Ilth Tender Crisp Pascal No 29 ELEMSTIILIIS Ib 45c Ann Page csh 8oliar29c 30oz bill 25 1601 laxach 223 Burlington StakedTNolmTgm mnWmMWws TOMATOES 19c Zisr15cf Fresh White No CIIIILIFLIIWEII California Red Mataga Sweet Luscious NATIVE YELLOW FLESH PEACHES BUY BASKET TODAY I4nn gradr SLICED 2iozioai14p unsiiip 24ozioar13c lb 33c Make Your Own Drink rIROSIIIDI ka9 5c AP gcial Blend span mumssc cUsroM GROUND BOKAR COFFEE garage Selected Slicing No IICIIMBEiiSa am IIIIIES 251 296 NOW AVAILABLE MILK BREAD WHITE or BROWN Shortening DOMESTIC Ell BAGS sofspi929c 1596 GradeA Choice iv roux uvnn ChoicaSIIccd or by the Place CHOICE BOLOGNA W45 ibSIc 1569c at QWIITY Meatsfj