Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1951, p. 18

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w7ewvJW IALWQ no Heailth Supports ind long time since weve heard articles of clothing from the stores vocalist sing out like Jeantstock with enclosed clippings from recent ads in The Examiner Ap parently titCause of the heat of the climate she preferred cotton in all articles and wrote ordering hirts and blouses and four cotton dresses from the Barrie store Miss Andrews writes We ari Presbyterian missionaries in British Guiana and have subscription to lhe Barrie Examiner which has our adwrtisenients which we wish we could buy Heather is dangle ter of Rev and Mrs And rews and has been in British Gui Powell thr newtst addition to the Bob Hunter Band At the big Sun day night Stage show at Mint1s Iavilion we were well impressed with Miss Powells Iimbraceablu You anti even more ltl her sec ond number which she toned down slightly In fact she can sing out 80 Well that wed like to Sec hit Stand back from the mike llltlt bit or thn do away with it al together Her voice nice husky quality together with real Dinah Washington beat Wllell she wants it and made nice contrast to Byng Mr Mayors softened has ana with her parents and her sis ter Janet for the past couple of down ndnm N5hvears Rev Andrews was formeri Over the Rainbow llLltItIlllll mnmm of 1m prosbvwrmni Byngib 395i lllltl WlCliurch at Alliston and well LCrd iknowii in the Barrie district Ihel on the Occasion mo Wm llointns Missionaiy Smut ot lnssa Road hurch and other miss wedding anniversary nest litliits day July 213 Mr and Mrs Thomas Fiji 03p Mays 41 Dam Sm oiea and fiienos heai from the fam at home to their friends at Trinity 3115 lleqltlentlyi lwlillilgl 523 Parish Hall reception will btitlnuki rm held in my mm 930 ie lasso Road huith soticty sent clock wmmwd ung on some used organs all the way to the following Siturdiv Mr irid Brill1 Gillilllll 01 the missionary Mrs Mays are being entertained Simcm County residents at family dinner at the parish nu my pwph mmg exhibits hall in the annual Quilt and Rug Fair Tomorrow enning lu aunts soc being held at Midland on the first tion of the Country lub are hold lltt 1Y5 0f AUHUSL Chilirllliltl ing their third crilibage party of Barbara Cooper of oldwater and the 5135 Clul hup her committee have been encour The pun giig min1x Hi mm aging entries from the provrnce at yamk large particularly those of historic interest Mrs George Clark of loronto who has been interest ed in the several developments in Examiner advertising carries long way Zellers Limited of Bar ric received an airmail letter this the county during the past few week Wm MMS adrmrvmla years has promised Bears at Siltllll Manst it sstqui Claw gum in blue and whim British Guiana requesting several The fair now threeyeanold institution will have among its very old quilts on display Zod iac quilt owned by Mrs Lud low of Everett Also from Ever ett will come quilt entered by Mrs Pearson It is of her own design and she is thinking of calling it Home Sweet Home Anyone who remembers Mrs Pear sons entry last year of the All Canadian quilt will be anxious to $00 her work this year The committee is hoping to have the Collier Street Church WA Pansy quilt on exhibit at the fair also Avening Womens Insti lute has made large quilt for the fair with yellow lining outside blocks of mauve and inside blocks of white with green joined with four yellow diamonds in the centre Mrs Sam Allen of Crossland is en tering four quilts one 72 years old called fBuds and Leaves Mrs Allens other quilts are Snowball in traditional double wedding ring pattern and Dresdenplate quilt What sounds like an interest ing entry in the rug department tof the fair is Mrs Leslic Barbers hooked rug Georgian Bay snoop 3o Mrs Rex ilelldcti to line Dtieiid lltlltttd cnuitii wzvice are Sunda evening pleased to sm tiiiii celebrated day with friends it Stanton Illiiiti 51 till Suitiltlay ilru BII 1E Ilandys xtin McAllister returned with him fllllltls here rden spent the weekend with MilL lowes DAlSTON lsrvlfit Ilou lufllllt =rat of the dealzi JULY it Li iiirtKtiI Saints rning IIttlit Eliiilli mu Rev Flttl Iltttmz l5xillt lit Dalston minds weic Members of tile thange Orderi the Twelfth Ill lLlilia of loriaiiie liazbinige Don and Judy flii spirit IiiV IUltllil IJlittl on Mrs Bay held at Sprinewater lailt on Sat urday Mr and Mrs Tommy weie Sunday lliils ii liioinpsoii and JULY 17 miniatu spent it uekend at Creighton Mines Mar after two weeks vacation wiii Mrs Honney and Mrs Mad and Mrs Bouncy in North Bay Myrna and Carol Slielswcll of spent the weekend with their grandmother Mrs Shel wcll large number of friends gath cred at the community hall lhurs day night and presented Mr and Mrs John Hayes with miscellan eous shower The evening was spent in dancing Jack Bob and Helen Stewart of Kirkwall Rev llerner Mrs Kay Sit Miss Kay Mr and Mrs Kay and son Mr and Mrs Woods Mrs Neve and Miss che of Dalston Mr and Mrs Hodge and Deanna Slcssor of Hawkestone were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Spence JULY l7Another reportton the purity of Coldwatcrs water supply was received on July 14 and the grade was showing the stan dard is of excellent quality Murray Johnston has had the pumps installed at his new service station which is rapidly nearing completion Barbara Bell Beverley and Mar garet Smith have been selling or angcade on recent Saturdays with the proceeds to go to the Hospitai for Sick Children The stand is located adjacent to the barber shop aiidthe children hope to raise substantial fund They had $322 up to July 14 Keith Robinson has laid addi tional foundation and is carrying out other alterations to his build ing which will provide modern facilities as funeral parlor on completion Coldwatcr Council passedare quisition for Police Chief William Beach The Chief will also re ccive 50 cents per animal for sell ing dog licenses JULY 16A pretty wedding took place in Stroud United Church on Thursday July 12 1951 when Miss Mabel Ough of Aurora and Walter Widcman of Ncwmarket were uni ted in marriage by Rev Morris Mr and Mrs Wideman will reside at Newmarkct Hcr many friends here are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs James Campbell at her home in Allandaie Miss Donna Marie Mason visited last week with friends at Alcona Beach Mrs Palfneteer of Syracuse is visiting with her mother Mrs Fred irWice and other friends here rThe United Church WA held very successful bake sale and baz aar in the Township Park last Wed nesday and are planning another one forThursday July 26 at 230 pm Mrs Everett Kneeshawv and Gary ra or were and Mrs Goidon Mason last week Congratulations to Maitland Low ry who celebrated his 70th birth day on Wednesday July 18 Teddy Goodfllow and Larry Cumming are attending the Uni ted Church Camp at Midland Miss Mae Ferguson goes on Saturday as one of the Camp Counsellors to two weeks Recent visitors included Miss Booth of Orangeville with Miss Verna Wicc Mrs Browrf of Torw onto at HerbBeelbys Mr and rs Tum Cookstown at Herb An AIRWAY gives you that trim appeatm Its the correct type of upturn thc most wmfo nblc Expertiy tted AIR WAYSmgicalSuppomnre We CarryA Complete awckof ladies TSUFPOrng lxplehclflaady Fitter ToServc You BY APPOINTMENT DrUg Storeij =1 Dick Mr andMrs Merri Toronto Mr and MrsS Jeffels Barrie at Dwight Nelsons Mr and Mrs Woodrow Wilson and nephew David GardnerMr and Mrs Harry Anderson son Nor mom and daughter Jessie all ofTor flessie for the rest of th summer to We Vothers from this district seen by Blacks Mr and Mrs Nelsonhnd onto were weekend guests with inhf 2833 Mr and Mls Andrew Stewart Mr GOOD WI and Mrs Anderson and Norman DELIVER are staying titer for two weeks and afiplimibier is ceded To Conduct BibleSchooIs During July and August daily Vacation Bible Schools on an in tcrdcnominational basis will be conducted under the direction of Rev Dick as follows July 10 to 17 North River July 23 to Aug Coldwater Hampshire Mount St phen RedSchool Matchcdash July 29to Aug 11 No 12 Mcdontc N0 16 Mcdonte and Jarratt Attend Lions International Herbert Stevens District Depu tyGovernor of Lions Clubsin this zone who attendedthcreccruln tcrnational Lions Convention at Atlantic City had the honour of carrying one of the Canadian stan dards in the twomilelong paradeI They Goldwater couple were the representatives of the local Lions Club Thcy reported an inspiring week of Lions activities in the US resort city The only the Coldwater delegates were Mr AVTTioWFdTHuffman and Mr and Mrs Percy Baconall of Orillia Huronia Fair Officials Lay Plans Considerable ground was comer ed defining classications meeting of the Management Com mittee ofvthe Huronia Fair last week meeting of the complet directorate has been called for this week Plans are being rounded out for big fair here Sept 10 and 11 Fairofficials feel they have to ast exhibition Under the leadership of Orton presi dnt secretarytreasurer Chester Martin and other officials heavy volume of detailed work is being rounded into shape Negotiations will take place resecuring the Mildand Boys Band forthe first day of the fairincluding band proved an attraction last year larger midway including merry goround as one of four rides will Zlir ininsidtinb tht ltSllI of most success be 2i15n vvili Jildl tliz1fiil leanut Tait Day held last Sat 1111 uiday July ttntt camp bout ata put forth special effort to match concertin the evening This band llinty yourg boys from Bang and district writ taken to the Sat ran George Gray Barrie Jim SunLn Hcitlm utiu aliuli Aim Summer Camp lend visitor at liiotnpmns iiawke ani in llahburion las Sunday for one week vacation linity gills fioni Barrie and distric nili lcati for similar vacation his coming Sunday Capt Stracha of Home ilt lti barge of the camp The are atlttiditlg camp under auspices of Barrie Kinsmen These childruti would otiexe be unable to at liighliglit of Peanut Tag Day wax iin free public dance contests and and Mis Rilt il Hill of iint Hum mu BM Arena Sam lday night The Kinsmen boat 011 lhe annual llrown picnic waslbumd mud and trail was by Ross Alliston The mantel nadio for guessing closest to tinI intlmbet of peanuts on the peanut float was won by Frank Daly Tor fonto Mayor Mrs Marjorie Hanni 1ton drew the lucky ticket for the and announced both Winner Several contests were held in eluding an oldtyine ilddiers con Shaver Barrie Won contest Joc ithe oldtyme tiddleis contest and two cases of ginger ale Bert Mlli iioiiand Stroud was second win gt name bras help provide entertainment Bu cups the or YOUR TELEPHONE maecronv test and hog and husband colliel 60 Children wan Attend Camp Thanks To Kinsmen PeonuiDoy mug pair of overalls and third an en veiopc of theatre tickets Mervin Iattenden Won smoked ham as first prize in the hog calliig contest Emerson Swain was sec ond winning turkey and Clar eticc Hoggarih was third winning 1th pounds of hog concentrate Mrs Fletcher won the husband railing contest and permanent wave set Mrs Kelly was second winning two bags of pastry flour and third was Mrs Machesncy winning case of assorted soups All prizes were donated to the Kinsmen Club For some time now the Kinsmen have been selling tins of Planters Peanuts and on Saturday taggers were out in force selling bags and tins of peanuts On hand to tou Barrie was Pltiiiters big peanut float complete with Peanut Queen and four peanut men Planters supplied the peanuts to mite Kinsmen at factory cost also absorbing shipping costs They used as their depot Trinity Parish Hall Kinsmen who were in charge of leanut Tag Day were President Harry Michic Committee Chair man Hap Lowe and committee lwith Mrs Doyle and Mrs Leeson Nthon Robinson JULY leMis Noble and Miss Kay Hornet spent Friday withl Rosemount friends Dr and Mrs Phillips oi Toronto are spending two weeks Mr and Mrs Calderwood ant ifamiiy of Toronto Were at LloyJ Coborns for the weekend Mr and Mrs Walter Andrews Harold and Barbara spent Sundayt Ewith Mr and Mrs Newton of Us bridge Mrand Mrs Lloyd Coborn and BIG BARGAIN PRICES DE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED SpeCia family and Mrs West spent Thurs day at Lorne Clements cottage Penetanguishene Mr and Mrs Allen McDougall iof Shelburne were Sunday guesta lof Mr and Mrs Sam Noble Mr and Mrs Gilbert Dewis and gMiss Francis Dcwis of Toronto and Mr and Mrs West Bradford lwcrc Sunday visitors at Mrs Lee sons members Geoff Glenn Jack Sies isor and Bert Snelgrove Judges for the contests were Roy Hicklingl Deputy Reeve of Vespra liff Lock Ehart Reeve of Iniiisfil and Wi lliam Foote of the Evening Tele igram The stocks for imprisonment of offenders In the pubic gaze were last seen in England in the middle of the 10th Century IENDABLE QUALITY Mumfilament Crepe Low Price and Excellent Quality add up to BigSayings when you select seasons supply of Panties from this Special Group Styles as shown of novelty Cclanese in white rose pastel bltie maize Small mpdium large SLIPS 6111 CW 01 Please do look at the sketch and note the lavish lace trimming at top and bottom as well asth contourstyling designed for slim fit When you see the actual merchandise in the store do feel free to examineitsexcel lent workmanship Then youll know you are getting rare value at this Special Sale Price White Tearose Sizes 32 to 40 THE TORIDIIEET OIL BURNER offers perfected smartly styled oil burner as the low cost solutioif of your heating problem See these new models today SPECIAL AUGUST PRICE INSTALLED WITII FIVE YEAR CONTRACT TONS or om HAVE YOU SHOVELLED We have number of burners In stock to be sold at tth price but owing to the shortage of steel we are unable to guanntce further shipments at this price Monarch Refrigeration Co 118 DUNLOI ST BARRIE PHONE 2059 SEE THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING NEEDS SALE Do you like Bargainszherc will be plenty of bargains at Zellcrs during this OnceaYear Lingerie Sale which begins today Extraordinary Bar gains these arc so youll remember this Grand Sales Event with pleasure for long long time VASQEREsfui Shoplinzellefs Corsctry Dept rfor brand that are both figureright and comfortable See the grand assortmentsiixx Tby fLovaple Stylein sketch tabove is bf Whitmaybn SatinSizes 32 to 40 Ag NIGHTGOWNSH When you see them youll want to buy more than one of these lovely Celanese Nighties which aremade in rosepink trimmed with pretty shade of blue or blue trimmed withrose Youll like the elasticized neck line the yokeeffect insert and the quality SizesuMed and Large sues Trimmed win Sell Fast it this Price Youll be wonderfully weiriiieaised with this Grand Valuei Half Slips of 59 suedetaffpta White Elastic at waist Oheahsthree SmallMedlum and Large quarterinch lacevat bottom withjpale blue ribbon beading Sizesgv Small med large shop for these and pocket the difference Price of 99m RAYON PANTIES izes to grand assortmrit in white pink pastel blue maiZe Trimmed with dainty lace At i3 Special Bargain Price which invites=you to buy several pairs for Tiny and Teenage Misses Only Mdny other LingerieBargaislinwtheStore Sectlicmonthe Counters 760 Dunlap St Bairl +betweenwwhatyougt would no cuppa 2439 rmallyr pay and the SpecialLowf

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