iHi Beef Prices Thirtydiv Girls Attend First wring Reducon CGIT Camp at Simcoe Presbytery If lln Butter Output irrglrt of way on level with the Camplin Drain bottom of the drain and that the clcrk notify owriships of West WIIII In Tecumseth lGtXillIYllbllf and King of the re ooisiion number of property Tim Carrrplrn Drain cairn in for miners oi the township of lecumg corrszdrzahfr uisruszzmi rilirri Tec srti nim Iloilutid RtterMuttlxlpi can do much ml bot your car would neither not run without it Have our Slrncoe Presbytery Camp six ing Watch breakfast cabin tidy miles from Midland held its first ing Bible study interest groups Canadian Press Stan Writer Gtl camp from July to July such as shellwork dramatics airdl ll lhirtyfrve girls ranging in age from twelve to sixteen years arrived in an atmosphere of ex pectant excitement from Stratford liinrnins Hespeler and Cleveland Ohio as Well as communities in Sirncoc Presbytery These girls tcplcSrllttd Baptist Presbyterian Anglican and United Church de ttittlltlallOllS and the Community hurch IUSI and Christian Sci ence faith lliey settlrd down to the daily schedule of beforebreakfast swrni flagraising Ceremony and singing of the camp hymn Morri NEXT WEEKEND ENJOY Came to Toronlo and do vurioly OI dlthu Intonainmml while ituying or tho Iriurdly Royal York Youll agree splendd hang and rolonolioo from awryday living III to It moderate ll Iltniu Yo TORONTO 60 CANADIAN ncmc HOTEL oozo 0000 guild naturestudy followed by another twirn period dinner singsong rest period swrniming supper sports Vespers and campfire At one of the campfires Cecil Hopkins Midland spoke briefly to the campers on local history On several days rain fell after Stip per and instead of sports and campfire the girls quickly unpro vrscd other entertainment includ mg talent night and charadesn Short plays Were presented on two other evenings one comedy by the drarnalics group and the other drariiatiuuon of part of the Bi ble written and acted by ii Bible study group as part of their pro joct Exploring the Bible with Inter mediates was the Bible study taken by the campers This course was planned to make the Bible come alive for this age group so that they would wish to explore its pages for themselves and discov er in it inspiration and guidance for their own daily living and growth as Christians The Bible study groups in addi tion to the study participated in handwork Guilds Ilie historians rnadc timecharts of Old Testament history and the two newspaper guilds wrote and illus tralcd accounts of important Bibli cal events for The Bethlehem Star and The Bible Times The art guild studied art inspired by the scriptures lovely spot in the wood by the water was used as chapel for Vesper scivices each evening and for the Sunday service Some distance along the path from the chapel the campers were handed their hymn books and from that INSULATION VManufocl ASPHALT SHINGLES 8i SIDINGS Blend and Solid Colours RIOLLVROOFINGS Asphalt and Toned SHEATHINGS FELTS BUIETUP ROOTING MATERIALS BISCO WALLBOARDS Triplex Green Board Burloy Board Burley Tilo PLASTIC CEMENTs WATERPROOF PAINTS ROOF COATINGS FLEECE LINE ROCK WOOL INSULATION MICAFIL Aggregates for Plaster Concrete and Insulation IN lilllll SPARETIME Thowonderful new lightweight mineral insulation that POURS iNTO PLACE Its simplicity itself using MICAFIL No blowing equipment nor special tools aro necessary Its relight you can easily pour it into place mm the convenient light weight Micol bogs Make your home comfortable in all Weathers with economical Micofll See your BlSCO deolorknowl BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS LTD Plants cit LONDON Ont PORTNE Warehouses Branches QUEBEC P0 MONTREAL PO TORONTO ONT YOUR SHIELD OF PROTECTION UF Sim PO ANDALE Socictyr Thisrwasfollowcd by Church Orillia TIIF AF FIRSTLINE FIGHTER the famed Cnnudairburlt Ftlti Sabre jet interceptor sits for its first aerial portrait The worlds fastest and deadliest plane was iii otllnl to walk by Canadair test pilot Glen Lyrics lnglr our donlnid for this picture Its final test corriplctcd the aircraft turned ritr in the llAlT Note the angle of the wings swept back It ltlH5 to reduce shock waves in the Sonic range point each ttrning the girls walk ed on hearing only Illt outdoor noises of birds and trees and lir until they rurcli tho chapel WYEBRIDGE JULY JoeMrs Drinkwinc and By HAROLD MORRISON OTTAWA JULY 16 CPI Ltaiiada has eiterrd the thiin per lud of the summer butterpitiduc tron season but for the nrsr time in greaclicd gowinincnt warehousts Moreover stockpiling of butth fby commercial interests to carc for llitXI Winters slack production pcr llod has dlUppcd to 50 prr cent of ilast years level The shortage last winter was estimated at roughly 10000000 pounds direct reversal of the trend in Will and H50 ttiiicnt jinenls may have some bearing on Caiiadas stocks of butter during itiic offseasrm winter months an agriculture department oilicial hind recently By this time in 1940 the govern nltllt had accumulated about 23 000000 pounds of surplus butter Last year in July the gocitinicnt had about 20000000 pounds and wince sitting on rocks or inllcli EIH WWII IIIe Wttktnd With ended up in the Fall with total of trees or Iugr tlity jtllllttl iii voiul ship llitl girls themselves picl pared the VtSpIr Services under lIlt guidance of the leaders For Sunday morning vinsliip ll number of ciiiiipeis formed choir to sing anthems prepared earlier in Illt week Gll Iriiddics vert worn with llltll shorts by liti campers to mark the Sunday ser vicr The offering was presented to the Upper Canada Bible Society for the purchase of Diplot lliblis for Ncw Canadians llltSt are Sill rial Bibles printed in English Iind another language Each morning the campers began the day with Morning Watch It llllllllllt per iod spent in IaVorite place with pamphlet of meditation and their Bibles Special Events Several special events added var iety to the daily program boat trip around Beauxoleil Island and picnic supper on its shore was one of the high spots field day gave the athletic an opportunity to dis play their ability and rousing playparty was the climax tothe secondlast night in camp Never have pawspaws been picked before with such vigor as when The PawPaw latch was danced lic mainirig longer in campcrs mem ories though may be the fun of naming the leaders and their groups the fierce competition daily to win the pcnnant for the neat est cabin and the thricedaily stampede to be first in the dish washing linc The camp was privileged in being visited by Miss Margaret Webster the national CGIT secretary who with Miss Helen Brickcr the CGIT secretary for the Presbyterian Church is visiting tcri Ontario CGII camps in July to sec camps in action in order to give more help to camps throughout the dom inion The closing program held on the last night in camp began with the showing of movie Book for the World of Tomorrow on the Bible andrthc work of Bible societies Rev Keys of the Upper Can ada Bible Societyalso spoke ex plaining the beginning of the work bythe British and Foreign Bible Mr and Mrs Charles Hounsomr and Mr and Mrs Carruthcrs Mr and Mrs luiiimis and fm official was initially orn of low in of USA visited with the form lers brother Howard wife and laniily for few days May tiignii of Barrie Spent tht weekend With her parents Irniii MtWilIttlS loronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs JIIIIIIIIIIS Mrs iaiglieod Midland vis tied with Mr and Mrs farruth tis on Sunday Present lifts to Miss Rawn number of friends from the No Ll school section and Wycbridgc incl at the home of Mrs ltawn on Monday night to honor Miss Muriel ltzrwn with shower Dur ing thocvcning mock wedding wris staged and contests were on joyed after which the bridetobc was presented with very lovely coffcc table and table lamp The Presbyterian church congregation also presented Muriel with re vcrsiblc rug Lunch was then serv ed Shower for ltridetobc lhc Ilvcrgrccn School Section held miscellaneous shower at thc Ironic of Mr and Mrs Howard Leonard on Friday night in the horror of their teacher Miss Muricl Rawn bridctobe Muricl was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts for which she thanked thcin bountcous lunch was serv cd to all at the close of the evening Elmvale Allows For New Water Mains In Village Elmvale council passed bylaw at its regular meeting to author ize construction of sixinch water main in thehorthwest section of the village atthe regular July meeting The water main will be laid on John and William streets and an extension north from water main on Sarah to William and along William The bylaw now requires approval of the Department of Municipal Affair5 ubotl 35000000 The problem this year said tlw prodiiction caused partly by the lllgll price of bcef Fariiieis instead of inriiiilairiing Llarge dairy hirds were selling sornc of their stock on the heel lriiarkct Butler production in the trust five months of 1931 had iron ped to 70000000 dowu from 7il00i 000 iii the corresponding period hisi year Prices Show Increase years 53 Wholesale prices have been run ntng 62 and 03 cents and retail prices at 66 With the commercial industry handling all of the butter trade for the first timosince 1940 Canada next winter will have to look to commercial stocks to care for de mand that normally runs to about 1000000 pounds day But stockpiling On June was drastically down from year ago Total stocks amounted to 10l0900ri pounds about onehalf the 32170 0007 on Juno last year To avert the gloomy prospect of The action was taken dcvelop Consequently butter prices have been above the governments pricey support offer of fill cents pound air increase of live cents chr Instr rift Council rir recently The arrow to tlldlflttl Eigh scan was ordered gtLt1tl the Clcii Lt itizllllclctl in Lil lie IR to install lumen smcl ppe on Ln three years no surplus butter has Orillia Motorist Appeals HitRun Court Conviction rut has lipptzrlcd hit ttilJltIrtili ll hit llltl Illll driving and llttll rrv Ilmscd on bail Sirwait of Im llit defending him linlgnmnt the day of the trial Ir lbwn riervid try Magistrate tniiicnili in lrillin polar court llrt ItLISI was ill connrcflori will the death of Vagrant on Athcily lluud ctlrl ttll 10 Mclneinry lilltlill tlnv day jinn Ilirniself up to police tin tli responsibil another butter NIIUIILIRV unadii may have to scour foreign sources to augment suppliw Parliament thus given the agricultural tlttIif Intnt powvr to do that under legis lLlltlill passed III the lust Stltll Canada iii the height of IIIt butler gtsliorloi1e last winter obtained 000000 pounds from New Ztilliilltl It is outslion klltllltl she will iiii ublc to obtain more from that and other countries at prices rriiadiurisf can afford to pay With an eye Very definitely to the lllllllt work party of golfers turned out Friday afternoon inf undertake job lrourtccn lion3 drcd seedling trees were planted or the Kcnogainisis golf course by the volunteer workers Gcraldton Ont TimesStar offInc iSIIiiwliciinm Quit Stop itching oi lllrttK bites llrll rush ct Irlliil lnvrs piiuples ales sailors ulllltlt loot and other lXltlllull nursed skin Iiniililrs Isr nicknt Vllx iotithiiig Illlllllt RITE cmr iON WWII min on it tilvllltrlltY liziili linIII Mlncl iiii dniu gist has PRESCRIPTION IJtgl lnlil til Still thrir at llfutli aim for Inaintaineiiie of lli dlolfi all arrange Ulill illtrlilig of llir tnch townships Lisztiii grader Work rote was ihlzttl to $7 prr hour the road HP No in $413 was oldetcd gin and nmiinh iiidnig ultlttrtl look the name liiwirh Mtliitmzy lilli llrlt1 specialist check the Wu regularly Drive In Today w1 BRENNAN Auto Electric nervtcc BABRIE ONTARIO took attire size del ioit ottm models tron Priin Ihown are In dtlhlly in yourkltrhcn with FlvcltYar Protection Plin lriu and urination nika to than without notice LOWEST TERMS Allandale Hardware PHONE 2944 34 ESSA ROAD candlelighting ceremony and pro cession from the campfire to hill from which cross of lighted candles could be seen floating on the water while sacred music played in the background The brilliance of the cross against the complete darkness of the night was sight of beauty and symbolism which impressed the girls and their leaders Miss Margaret Smith dcaconess of Collier Street United Church Barrie directed this fiistICGIT camp Assisting her Were Miss Flora Peacock Midhurst Mfss Ann Stafford Barrie Mrs Grace Dun can Port McNichol Miss Jean Knight Barrie and Miss Marjorie Cook Barrie These leaders work ed with the Bible study groups as well as directing the activities of music sports swimming drama tics nature study and shell work rMiss Jacquie Spearing HegN Boatty Sask was camp nurse and notsonly llookedfatterihercampers healthbut also gave few lessons on home nursing Registration is still open for seond CGIT camp which will be directetkbyMissiMariorkDaniels 05 St Pauls United This camp will be deaconess Tttr was ordered sent it Copeland Milling Companyadvis ing that they will be required to motor the single phase load by August 15 or as an alternative that they install an appropriate 230l15 volt transformer to handle this load from the power line Scr vicc The clerk was also instructed to congratulate Hespeler town clerk and thccoiincil on their success in obtaining an amendment to the Highway Improvement Act assur ing them that Elmvale will enl dorsc anything they might bring forward to further small towns and villages bylaw outlining penalty for riding bicycles on sidewalks was given threereadings and paSScd Monday August was declared civic holiday Accounts totalling $2096 were ordered paid including $1000 for school and $980 for Hydro rrawcif Managua cinema es played atenor horn solo1n Ebenezer Church Sundaymorning Miss Mary Dales is visiting her grandmother Mrs Porritt Mrand Mrs ErnieBellattended the wedding of their son Robert in PerfIiI aminesflint lie vitin $34550 than ever HERE in the 1951 Chevrolet is the car that is more than ever the Leader ClievrolctVexrelr in value and matchlcss quality From every iinglmlow first cost operating cost and tradein value Chevrolet gives you far mOre for thmoncyybiffrayiiff Chevrolet excclr ingcouomycanddcpenglabiliry lrs lowcast operation will save you money month after month year after year Chcvrolet urchinflashing performance withample ref iserves ofsparklin cad pmandsmootlginstant response to steering wheeland brakes Chevrolet excels in styling and roominess withn new lovelier Body by Fisher withrsmoothowing contours and thateager thrustahead look Last but not least Chevrolet excels inrsiilcty withhew more powerful JumboDrum brakeslargest in Chevrolet history providing maximum stopping power with up to 25 less effort Yes inOre than ever before Chevrolet Excel in all the things gl ydu wantsat longestcost Come in nowsee anddrive To SAVE YOU WORRY vChrvwrr NEW LONGER LOWER INIDER BIGCAR LOOK Brilliant nwotyling impurtingthdt smarter more spacious luxury look that Chev gt roletAobove and aport from every othercru in its eld It you are worrying about mfmagement 0f NEW MODERNMODE lNTERlORS Upholstery and appointment ot property planning=th diSDOSltlou of your outstanding quality in lovely twolone color harmonics Extra estate the building or purchae on home generous heudle9 and elbow room for driver and oltpossongers or similarpmblems perhaps we can relieve NEW SAFETYSIGHT INSTRUMENT PANEL Overhanging upper you of some of yOur worries andhelp you crown eliminate reflection on windshield from instrument lights preredge of panel recessed to provide safe convenient location Ir decide some of the perplexmgwpgints about gt gt forinstrlment knobs your future plans NEwn MPRovenmmomrSTEERIN held from July 22 to July 31 Peterboro on Saturday Mr and Mrs Wilfred Kneeshaw entertained Robin son of Cookstown on Sunday Mrs Robinsonwas the speaker at Eben JULY IiiWeekend and Sunday ezer Church Sunday morning visitors at Ernest Dales were Mr Mr and Mrs Jack Coutts and and Mrs William Hgnteand family of Cookstown spent Sunday Dales Mr and Mrs Dales and at Wilfred Kneeshaws Noreen and Johnaill ofToroniO wMuriel Kneesnaw returned to uncle and aunter feways vacation WITH TIMEPROVEN 777777 gt 777 IL Lumber Fuel 30 rowznatz Rough and Dressed Lumber Roofing Siding jWallboardsrBuilders Supplies Fuel 49 Esscr ltd phonesssij it7000t0Kr000 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION fullyprovcdautomatic transmissieTFinjhe low of price fieldBecause PowerGIide isa que con verrer drive you get continuous application of power through every speed amazing smoothness ComMiranmblfiirdlide Aulmryri Trummirrilm and 105 11712 Vulcanbead engine optional on De 41x8 model exlm cart Bert Arng his parents Mr and Mrs H1Rich ards and Betty of Toronto are vis fling at the samehome for few Experts estimate Venezuela has I77 days underground oil reserves Of more William Hunterpof Toronto son than 9000000900 barrels 106000 oor ion1 456 Ellen Street PHONEZQIL cuminPalm We oeracomplete trust service some phone ail Mk95 099 005i than ever or low spide and White parking Of which may be it real Iielp to you May LGENERM MOTORS VALUE we dchllSSyOlll problems with yOIR NO obligation of course lIlSII THE BUILDING EUPNIEs gt lt1 STERLING TRUSTS ALL LTHEBESTE FUELS yy HOod OlcoToronto pii6ire 2461 Iremoms rmer