PPLICATIONS FOR NRA LOANS uow SIMPLIFIED PROCEDURE send you loan dppllLlaliilfI form This form must also be completedl In detail It requires full descrip tion of the lot on which you plan to build breakdown of total costs and your proposed financing ar ragements Three copies of the plans and spectfications of the house accompany lApplying for National Housmg Act loan is relatively simple pro cedurc The first requirement is the com pletion Of preliminary question naire form which may be obtained from any office of Central Mortg age and Housing Corporation With the form you will also receive list of the lending institutions mak ing loans In your area and copy of the booklet Loans for Homes which outlines in detail the horne ownershlp facilities of the Act The questionnaire should be care fully prepared in triplicate and for wardcd to one of the lending insti tutions If your proposal seems sat isfactory the lending institution will Specially Written For The Barrie Examiner By ERWIN FRICKE Canadian Press Staff Writer OIIAWA JULY 16 CP The Korean armistice talks grabbed the spotlight but right here in Can adas capital there was also action taken last week to end war ggith the publication of special pr clamation in the Canada Gaz ette the country formally ended er state of war with Germany The ending of the stateof war more than six years after the last shot was fired and nearly 12 years after the fateful war declaration was proclaimed on September 10 1939 Japan now is the only enemy country of the Second World War with which Canada still is tech nically at war Peace treaties have been con cluded with Italy Hungary and Romania The ending of the state of war with Germany had nothing to do with peace treaty or settlelt ment of warvclaims These claims will be settled later when peace terms are drafted for7 Germany Treaty Comes Later The official proclamation noted ithatit has asyet piovedimpos sible to conclude treaty Which would dispose of questions relating to the German Reich and arising out of the state of warYEH proclamation added it was destr state of war This is the way the External Affairs Department interpreted last weeks action It simply means that insofar as Canadian domestic law both public and private is con cerned state of war no longer xists between Canada and Ger manyand German nationals are no longer considered to be enemy able to terminate the aliens It stressed that theCanadian government still reserves the right 1d the Custodian LefIOY to any asse final examina of Enemy Propertl The Custodian is holding $11000 mostly for the erator 000 worth of German assets age to property in Germany united States wartime511i ed the conict of normal Germany Dr Werner Dmkwort who re cntly cametn Ottawa as German ConsulGeneral now may become the first postwar German Ambas sador to Canada An end ofthe state of war with Japan alsorseems to be rapidtvi nearing Canada isexpected toapprove settle ment formally advanced last week by the United Kingdom and the United States as cosponsors Government sources say this sec ond draft of the longawatted peace now is under study by External Affairs Department ex ada mayhave further parts can ut in general the new Japanese treaty settlement suggestiqhs t0 makeb SAVE CALVES application and if 21 survey has been made the certificate should be included If you have not purchased lot you should selcCt one which is sat isfzictory both to you and the lend ing company as the suitability of the lot has direct bearing on the amount of loan you will receive While it is not necessary that you own the lot when applying for the loan you must own it before con struction ls started Plans and specifications must be approved by the lending institutionr and CMHC The former will for ward thcse after checking to thel nearest office of the Corporation They will be returned to you by the lending company loan has been approved NHA financial assistance Is not obtainable if construction has pro cecdcd beyond the bare excavation stage This is the fifteenth in ser Ies of articles written In the In terest of readers who are con templating building or buying house IIIIIS when your Britain smCe World lIIr III they will havc to leave their jobs for three weeks and go back to Pictuch at II British Army depot are mo as far as the cyc can secall ready for action VETERANS ARE NOT EXEMPT from 235000 men being called by the British Army fora mobiliz ation rehearsal this summer With trained conscripts compulsory military service has been in force in Willing Workers TurnUp Remains Of Indian Hamlet MIDLAND Ont July 1210 The remnants of an ancient Indian villugc are being cxtlucted slowly from decp layers of earth ncai Vic toria Harbour six miles cast of this Georgian Bay town willing crew of 21 willing shov el and trowel men and women are scorching for traces of St Louis Huron Indian Hamlet which fig urcd prominently 300 years ago in the history of Huroniu and of thc martyred Jesuit Fathers They are led by Wilfrid Jury curator of the museum of Indian Archaeology of the University of Western Ontario Under his guid ancc they recently began 14day course in archucology sponsored by the University of Western Ontario and backed financially by the pro vincial government The course actually has 11 dual purpose It unearths valuable his trrical data for posterity and pro vidcs the work crew with fas cinating holiday ncar Orillia Sutherland Reunion cuttugc STROUD JULY IiiBrian McDonald is hol idaying at the Ircsbytcrian camp Glcn Mohr at Bcuverton Mr and Mrs Hand enter tained relatives at birthday din ner on July 11 to celebrate Mrsu Hands birthday and that of her Sutherland members of the Suthcrlund family field reunion at thc family home on Sunday July 13 with 27 prescnt Mr and Mrs Sutherland and family 0man my 0mm of Kainloops William Drinkall otlI vfmclmwr Robcnsm Lodgc herc No 234 and their fum gulmd 3556 $231 ilics and friends went to llllltl ul cppar rl km yndmi Ml ld MYS Dougs her was not too favorable in the LsTflUllatSIr 1231 IS1C31morning the sun shonc on the Or lltl shc is cxpccted to agree Th umlablc terms It is considered possible that Ex ternal Affairs will represent Canada at the sign ing of the treaty in San Francisco early in September Mr Pearson told the during the recent session that Canada had been kept wellinformed American negotiations leading up to the present draft and made cx tcnsivc comments on an version Pacific Iact Mooted Canada also is interested in the announcement that thc States Australia and New Zealand have agreed on an accompanying threeway pact to safeguard Pacic from future aggression from any quarter Officials say the Canadian gov ernment Welcomes all such secur angcmcnts but does not feel that Canada should enter any defensive alliance for the Pacic at the present time Signing of the Japanese treaty would open the way for resump tion of normal diplomatic and com mercial relations between Canada and Japan The Japanese last week opened trade office in Ottawa and with the signing of the treaty they prob ably will establish Canada would undoubtedly elevate her present mission in Tokyo to an embassy The German Dankwort Minister Pearson ncphcw Bill Kam Ioops BC The Presbyterian ladies had wonderfully successful bake salt at Innisfil Park on Saturday July intend to hold another Commons Parliamentary Anglolt 14 They sale on August 11 Mr and Mrs Bontcr of Bccton called on Mr and Mrs Hand after attending the wedding of Miss Lois Allsopp 1n Burton Avenue United Church William Gibbins got the cement poured for the foundation of his new home on Saturday community earlier on Saturday Into were sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs James Campbell in Allandalc and all Wish for her speedy recovery to com plete health Mrs Campbell was very ardent and faithful worker in this community until Allandalc in June Mrs Elinor Gibbins and children expect to sail on July 23 foratrip to Holland to visit her mother and father and hpr celebratac their 50th wedding anniversary All wish them very pleasant trip and safe return Mrs William Sutherland iscon ducting tour to Mexico and from there is expecting to go on to Guatemala to visit her sister Miss ARobertson Wesley Willoughby is able to be around again after having pneu moma Miss Verna Smyth visited with friends last weekend before taking up her new duties as supeIVIsorof The ity arr it nccc55ary moving to Palnstaking Work The workers who come from all parts of Oritario and 11111510le age fronr 17 to 73 receive lectures on archaeology from pro ers and instructors But mostof involves careful backbreaking labor Every bit of earth must be trowellcd and sifted by hand The first days digging was grati fying to both the studentworkers and thcir instructors The finds in cluded an assortment of almost 100 fragments of pottery bearing Huron markings Also found were large pieces of Indian peace pipes pray York County Health Unit Hm or board of European manufacture embassy mIneIIt teach thcir work and ConsulGeneral Dr views Canadas proc lamation of peace with his country as step toward the recreation of free Germany In an addrcs broadcast to Europe over the C805 International Sen yice he said in German The end of the state withthe federal republic declared by Canada is no than valuable for the reerection of German sov ereignty that collapsed Canada looks on Germany as er with whom she should not think this of war nd thtrIrenaainsmofaconcshapcdy fire pit The findings reveal some of the history of the Indian hamlet Pray er beads proved they were in de finite contact with Europeans and beads made of calamite showed they had traded with other tribes Farina are halida along the Mississippi source of the stone Mr Jury says restoration and dc velopment of historicalsitcs will prove great attraction tortourists When the cash registers start to ring then business will realize we ve been working for them he says more smhm foundationstone tion number of people of this com munity were in Barrie on Thursday to see Raymond the hypnotist pe form Miss Elaine Storey and Miss 19 ANN MILLER has the oars ready but we dont see any boat on the beach Anns twinkling toes go to work next in the new MGM chh ying at the Storey nicolormusical Texas Carnival bag 32 partn cease to work together we should not fail to take hand offered JULY VIGLWBYEcShipley stud ent under Scott at the station successfully passed his tion at Allandale on July 10 He leaves Sunday night Capreol Division as an op We wish him all kinds of River Helprontrol the cost of living by spending wisely Goderich spent the weekend with Mrs Mervyn Noblec You can help control the rising cost of living by buying only those firings you really need penses ducation or to meet similar Emergencies Therepayment of these loans is just as deationary as regular savings plan in securities against Canadian war claims against Germany totalling luck between $35000000 and $36000000 Thtfclainis simainly from dam Fine Crowd at Carnival large crowd attended the Le froycarnival intherinkFriday Perfect weather and themosquit oes taken care of by the pest con trol sprayer from Peterboro made very successful evening Games were played followedby dancing to Beattys orchestra Winners for the draw were Billy Jackson Le froy heater Mr McMerrick Dc Grssi Point bdysFBicyclfaa Eben Todd Churchilllamp radio spent the Lucky door prizes went to Norman Cameron Cookstowrr handmada cigaretteand pipe stand and Mrs GrOSe tea kettle therine Hofland is having holiday in Erpmy Mrs Cla ks friends in Cookstown last week Moran with Mr and Mrs Maurice Reid Mr and Mrs Verral Stewart and baby of Uxbridge spent the week with Mr and Mrs Harry stew isitd with Ollie goalofwevey Canadian family ahould be to get out of dbt as soon as possible and save for future needs Eightyve percent of rHFC loans are made to pay old bills taxes or house payments for repairs medical ex Britain Australia and New Zea land last week also formally ended the state of war with Germany France is expected to follow suit and President Truman asked Con gress to take similar action for the en group of smaller Toronto is visiting art guest of Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Stew art Joe Beasley 26 Ellxuboth SI Toronto Mr and Mrstoug gt MoreTradedgppprtunltfg The ending of the state of war IS weeke expected to give Canada and Ger many greater freedom to trade to gether and pursue other avenues pegcetime rglgtionsbip One immediate result is expected to be the elevation of Hon Davis head of the Canadian mis sion toVWest Germany to the rank ofCanadi1nA1nbassador to West las Rid Mr and Mrs Fred Noble and son It fakeia lot of coolingfo keep Polar Bear happy This rxlurgestmemberi of the bear family is Smaller than it parcuplne at birthlbut offn weighs morelhan lhrevdudrlers of ton when full growri To fhierenIendous bulk add the fact that flie bear is covered with thick writerproof coat which isjdesigned fo protecthim in the Arctic its big job keepinglIirn cool in our zoos learn obyoufnofurescreaturesVisit the nearesfzoo Fund see them MboleMnew world of interest will be opened fovyouZWh on you understand nature UM Nature Unspoiled YOURS TO PROTECT YOURSTO ENJOY um YOUR VALUABLE ILING niwmis llellD WAIIILOO OIIAIIO Illl CA lSoutlI Simcoe tPlow Match Tons lBe At Stroud The site of the 1931 South Simcoe Plowing Match has been Set as the farm of Gordon Rix Stroud The annual match thus resumes after oIItyear absence It was cancelled tin 1050 because of the International Pluwing Match at Alliston About 25 interested ploumen met lwnh the prestdent Robert Campv lbell at Churchill Wednesday July ill to set the date and Dealt plansI lfor the match All parts of South Simcoe were represented The expected date for the match is Wednesday October 17 In addi cmphasis is being placed on IIoVicel and junior farmer classes prize list of bcthen $500 and $000 has been labelled for the event Besides the president Robert Campbell the executive consists of first Vicepiesidcnt Blythe McCon key Stroud second vicepresident Frank Cowan Stroud secretory treasurer Keith McIlucr Alliston and manager Iteive Churchill army melland and family and It SutlIg torcycles crland and Mr and Mrs Hand During the course of thc evening John McCruw of New London Connecticut and Mc Ciaiv ofToronto Mr and Mrs Reid of Craigvulc called to sec their uncle and family Mr and Mrs Sutherland and family and Mr Drinkall intend lcavmg for the West this week good turnout from the Orange AllIhursday July 12 While the wea Iangcmen before the parade started crlund Donnie and Robcrt Bramn zi vcr cn able time was had ton Mr and Mrs Fr 31 Wa nta Ride 39190 by Fancy Rcd Sockeye Yukon Club Contents Onlyl Tender King New Pack Chrixties Ogilvies Chocolate All Purpose mammals BOKAR 3596 RED CIRCLE I94 socwcx 92s BRANDS ONLY roux uncnnom Poamealcd um rinonocn manna mourn mason mm 19 us 31 who took part flu rescue towed the second World VETERAN SKIPPER DIES Ituxboat skipper SYDNEY NSCP1Clpt Roytmany hazardous Dyktman 53 who died in goed slups during hospital recently was seagoing tWar Shortening DOMESTIC Vclvecta raft cums lona PEHC Quaker lb 35c 2lb pkg 29c i14 pkg 14c 26335 Box pkg 23c rig rrIas IIn INGERVBEZwmmzsc sumuvnnm PASTRY HOUR 129 summons this mumrs Lennox Apple SAUCE AP Fresh Candy Fruit wnrrus Fancy Grapefruit Juncl Fancy range Jule York BOLOGNA Hereford CORNET BEEF 12oz tin 43c Just Reduced SUNLIGHT SOAP Heinz KETCHUP 3min clufrelawd 2001 tin HBBYS PEAS Isoz ns 37 200 tins 25c runway nuns 24 41 pkg 50 989350 80 iar CAKEMIX Zbars 23c ipumrvrmun HFC managers are qualied to help Ann Page families help themselves nancially MONEY WHEN YOU NEED HOUSEHOLD FINA socnd Roonihdhfsm IARRIE ONT OllllfA 311qu crummy Sf Wmnoeendmrphm 294 tom I1 consultEa 00005 SUBJECT 10 CDNSWEI CREDIT Mm gt 1301 btl 16c J4 iwcrouNDLQCOFFEE NATIVE ourooon GROWN NEW CROP Yellow SwectNol CORN Pascal No canny sw No1Fresh Green CUGUMBIIBS optimism CARBOTS NOW AVAILABLE CBEERIES RASPBERRIES CAULIFLOWER AND WAXED BEANS TOMATOES so T0 ASSURE You or Mona VREOAND Btu suctq ants 2t 19 2145 2r 15ft SWEETEATING on cookme GREEN WC 04nni909L MIEK BR EAD WHITE or BROWN 24ozloal sucro VIUNSLICIEDI MrsTsum momgnu curls WLLTRIMM unsa THE BEEF ISJCANADASTINEST BUY WITH CONFIDENCEIFOREVERY MEAT WITH LESS WASTE AND or go Swifts Premium Smoked Shankless Picnic Style snown ooLo curs FOR SUMMER MEALS cooxnn mnm eonten roar lowermost MEAT us mar COTTAGE BOLTS lb 69c Ohoioog Legs lb 890 moms lb 65c Choice Premium or Shnmrock 11 51