AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Serving The County of Simcoe Since 1864 87th YEOmeO 57 The agoold problemof palking spacc again came to the fore in town council Monday night when Aid McCarroll broached the subjccfsuggesting the remov all of the curb on the wanderer Owen Street between Center and Worsley to allow for angle park mg Atd McCarroll stated this were done room for another 25 cars could WWW ed out the desperate need for park ing facilities in Barrie andstatcd that we had these facilities if only we looked in the right places gave it some thought and made use of theseiiartsL The suggestion came in for criti cism from AldyA Girdwoid who pointed out that if this action were taken then beautiful street would nd itself with cars parked partway over the sidewalk and the long ones with the rear stuck out on the roadway Aid Earle Williams pointed out that council did not know yet what was goingIto become of Victoria Scliool and there wastsCollieIr St yet to be readied for parking It would be worked on first Heber Smith pointed out that mon eyhad been allotted for the renova tion of Collier between Bayeld Autumn Second Clue ail Ir mic Hurtan ORA New Community Centre Opened At Avening Pttoio by Walter Clettnncnm Photo by Walter Clcmtncncc Parking Problem Discussed By Barrie Countil But No Action When MotionRe Owen St Was lost andMulcasfeia ndgthis would ire cciveifiTst attention Reeve James Hart suggested inak number of weapons They have ing Victoria School grounds reg ular parking arca with signs des mangritasvsueheDep Paddison had the same feeling sug gesting vard that if south streets vard lost AId istrate lifting COUNCIL PROPOSES NAMES or SEIVERALSIREETS BrrAwigolrFlNAHiPPlielAL Perry Charlgs Streetw111 be known as Mulcaster Street Sanford becauserit is continuation Street toRose Street will be known II as Newton Street Charlotte Street willLEe known as Sophia East will Collier because it 154 continuation WellingtonS Elizabeth Street from Bayfieldw Street to the Western Itown limits will be known Ias Dunlop West bar In many names are very sxmar ca Sing to taken identities Name changes will eliminatethesefactors oi Sanfode II 0f faker V53 Street 0th i191 ancouver StreetIto town 1111 Steele Street to facilitate postal and exIpress detlivery to residents along is stree Blake Street from Vancouver to Davis Street and Davis Street will be known as Shanty Bay Road be cause it is now unofficially called by that name Louisa Street will be known as Dunlop East because his contln nation of DunlopI East Dunlap Street from Bercz Street to Duckworth Streetand felt Street will be penfelt Drive Frances EastI from cause lop nisfil emperi knowin as Kern Vinc on Collier Aid McCarroll agreed with what dIbcen said about Collicribu said The day is coming when we will have case procced cast on Dunlop with parking on the south side of Dun lap and then west Thus parking would havo to be 011 the north side of Collier not the south which is now suggested The motion to remove the bottle on Owen between Worsley and Collier and gravel same was WINNIPEG CP 24year 01d Calgary girl was let off with two years suspended sentence and 11 $50 ne when Shetold the mag to marry her in spite of her con Victlon on two chargbs of cases continuous strets Street have more than one name orstreet known aswellington Street Parry Street Will be known as Weldon to eliminate confusionIIwith Dunlap Street Street to Duckwotth Street will be known as Dunlap East Baldwin Street Cotter Street and Jane Streetwill all be known as In Street because they are con tinuationsI of InnisfllStreet Alderman that provisionIshouldlbe madefor the changing of Donald McDonan and Dundonald becauseof theim jllapityin narnesrgtlowaver othcr riculture members thought there qu enough difference In these name11 tI the removal of the boule and Bayflcld to develop Traffic would oneway in that on Gather Qi CUPII PREVAILS her ance was still willing shop nibble Town council gave bylawtwo readings Monday night that Will when finally passed change the nannies of several Barrie streets and then sent it to Judge Harvie onthird readingfor final apprOval Judge Harvie will give the bylaw publicfhearing for any complaints against it before an proval The idea of Barriestgcets that now create considerable confusion within the town both to residentsvand visitors theby1aw is to change the names of several to Duckworth suei will be Street fromI Gunp it is continuation of Dan Williams though Guns Stolen Camp Borden be known as from Bayflcld year and halls hard work inat crializc recently as their new $20 000 Aveiliug Community Centre was officially opened is view of the completed build ing and at top right workmen are shown colnpletloll to shows the stage at the front of the auditorium rustic effect AVENING RESIDENTS saw it At top left rushing the structure to The bottom left pho Tlie ititcrior is of natural birch with the walls sponge putty coat giving the hall In the lower right scvenyearold Claire Mills is seen cutting the ribbon at the opening With her is Laslilcy of the Ontario Department of Agriculture Uni of the volunteer workers on the Community Centre was John Noble of Avening who is 87 years old Mr Noble was one of six who raised the first rafter in Nov ember JULY 19 MONDAY AND THURSDAY 1951 Member Clue Wedding of cum cwnA and Audit Iurnu Cirwlltionc 20 PagesThree Sections Airman KilledAnother Receives Sunday Sport Plebiscite In Sunnidale Twp plebiscite will be field of Sun nidale township ratepayers Satur cializcd Sunday Sport according to the prov1sion of the Lords Day Photo Rifles Machine Barrie Coullcil Stand Pal Decision not as yet been recovered The theft was discovered by stbreman when he wentto work Saturday morning Entry had been gained by forcing door Missing were two Garand semi automatic 30 calibre rifles and five Thompson 45 submachine guns No ammunition was missing Capt EcMcrcer CampProvost Officer is in charge of the investigation being assisted by the RCMP and OPP Thieves late Friday night or car Iy Saturday morning July 13 or 14 broke intoithe Technical Stores BasicsiTraining LWjng RCASC School Camp Borden and stole Barrie Town Council heard dElcgatiiEfimmmycmlTishefGantonT RCCV Council Monday night requesting council to reconsider its decrinon to move the family court offices out of the municipal buildings or aLIeast not tnovc them for the re mainder of the year Council had previously decided to move the assessor into offices now occupied by the family court which is not town operated but by the county The matter was ain brought up in council and ater lengthy debate council stood pat on its former decision adding that the family court might in the Fire Hall for August Ionnecm New 18 IncrEaSed Add Electric Servic 46 Water Heaters During Six Months PUC Report Shows Reports prgsentediat the llc Utilities Commission show uly meeting of the Barrie Pub ed that for the first six months of this year101 newclectric services have been connected and 18 others have been increased by having thcthtrd wire added 46 new water heatersfflat rate have also been installed In the waterworks department new services arenot install ed during the winter months but 45 have been installed since weather conditions permitted to the end of June 1I The Commission authorized sixinch main on MalffStrect between Essa Road and Ade laide Street to provide for the placing of at fire hydrant at tbc Adelaide corner COmpletion of the fourinch main on Duckwortltstreet between Codringr ton and Napier was also approved Both extensions are sub ject to the approval of being obtained The base for the new unlt th before deliveries can anon rue7 Royal Victoria Hottpltal Innisfd Deputy Dies BRUCE COWAN deputy reeve offlnnisfil and resident of the Simcoe County iteration of Ag who passed tawny in Barrie yesterday lni his 53151 yeapI Fun Ontario Department of Health substation on St Vlnt Streetd is being prepared but latest advice is that it wilfbe October be completed to putithe station in oper laturday nights at Club 79 Ad mission ladies 50c gentlemenfsc 48tfb am 27 to the music ofIfPaxtons Off chestra Dancing from930 0130 061be glican Church 7th line Sunnfdale Wednesday July 25 children 350 July 20 830 per cou therhoo of ointers Everyone welcome Adm 1e Pm merit in 6thLlnaemetery Move County Family Court Offices 011101 Manicipal BuildingSHere Spokesman of the delegation was With hiin were EarlI Reevcof Vespra Clifford Loc Manford Horne Deputy Reeve 0rilllaTownshipm man and also of county to the county building but it already full efficiently from ate office ing jorie Hamilton bag to goto offices in the and the family court wished stay put court and courtro lose together Dancing Wednesday Friday and Dancing every Friday Inight Beeton Community Hall Ito the Debonnaires Orchestra pm to 31tfb1 IDance at Baxter FridayJuIy IRaspbererestivaerethelwAn Softball tournamentfilay iena Rivers by Ivy Junior Farmers Supper 530 to pm Adults $1school 555758b Gala Dance and Social at the Jolly Farmer just past Elmvale on the road to Wasaga Judgingi Auspices United Bro Carpenters and 57D eral service will be atthrec oclock Saturday afternoon rat Snood Presbyterian Church with inter being Coming FridayJiily 27 Pattonglandhis dance $1 Church on Wednesday July Children be sure and be Waller Cicnimcncr of Motionte hart Reeve of Innislil AI Tr man Deputy Reeve 0IOllllla and Mr Ganton said that he had the feeling of Magistrate Foster of Probation Officer Frank Ding council who all feel that the offices should be connected with the Municipal have the two front upper offices Building close to police and courtr room They would take the offiCes Also speaking briefly were Earl Mchmdsopandtifbbockhart MrIIIBichardson mcntoned that al ready several county bodies have been refused space in the county building Many of these can work separate offices but the family court would find difficulty working from separ Reeve James Hart and janitor took the delegation to inspect of fices offered in the Fire Hall builId In the meantime council dis cussed the manger Mayor Mrs Mar mentioncd that istnce councils decision to place the assessorin the family court offices he had measured them and found were too small He was wil Hall where there was more room Ald Empkc wanted to know why the matter should be brought up It was all settled Aid McCar rolI couldntsec anything wrong with changingthe decision if the assessor wished now to go across the street Deputy Reeve PaddIis on spoke of Ithevalue of the family my EXAMINER WANT AD tan orchestra featuring Gene Carday Admission 5f58b There will be Supper and bazaar atI1Hawkestone Anglican from to p111 All hommaIdn baking Adults 850 Children 450 5758mm Queens Parkat 330 pm each day July 2327 for Good News Club sary nlimbcr of names Monday evening July 16 rate hall at Sunnidale Corners and Tll Sunnidalc Committee for Keeping Sunday Free From Commercializcd Sport was organized Rev Shepherd is chairman and catn paign manager atld Abner Ilawn Deputy Reeve of Sttnnidalc secre tary Rev McGrath general SP crctary of the Lords Day Alliance Toronto was present and outlined the provision of the Lords Day Act Tliere is no restriction at present on Sunday sport where no admis sion is charged The meeting ex pressed this however as solely an issue involving commcrcialized sport and entertainment in area Immediately adjoining Wasaga Beach subject declared it was an wholesome and and such inroads on our present limit lng CarTruck Crash On EIiZabeth Sl No One Ilniured the rear end of Toronto and Toronto streets It was iollvd by ea of Lane Barrie of the Weinstein vehicle gated is Bayview Memorial Park committee for the big event ire to teams three local with ters big international show 25 in wick well and Margaret Jamieson of The LadiesI Auxiliary to Canadian Legion Branch 147 fort it past patronagej Aut mnI tea and bake sale to held the home of Mrs nesday Sept 12 Proceeds in from 36 p111 Keep Civic Holiday conductedby MissesvMaiy Both ternatignai ChiIIld Evangelism Fell cancelled their bingbs until Sep temberWishing to thank all thos Rodgers 122 Sunnidalc Road Wed ofhospital Auspics Womens Aux iliary to Kiwanis Club Tea 25c Monday August 001 the Utopia Hardball tournament Watch for particulars 157612 In Ohio in oIvember the The world champion av judges 57 Marked 85 Yard be aid 57b of Guelph Act The action followed presenttl tion of petition to council earlierf this month requesting plebiscite The petition contained the ileces payers gathered in the community the north end of the township in the The chairman speaking on the un unhcalthy thing Sunday should be resisted to th Various committees such as fin ance organization voting and p111 licity were appointed at the meet About $400 damage was caused car shortly after noon Tuesday when it was struck from behind by truck at the corner of Elizabeth One mail is dead second Borden military hospital with Honey 30 andalso of the RCA Sgt Frank Dunn of the RCAF ieeived an injurednosc day Jilly 28 to vote on Commerl Grenfel Farmer Trampled By Cow Has Broken Hip Ercnfcl Correspondence Sorry to report that Basil Quinn had the misfortune to he knocked down and trampcd 011 by one of his own last week He was ta en to the RV Hospital at Barrie and later removed to St Mlchuls ll0spital Toronto He Is suf fering from bruises and hroli en hip We wish him speedy recovery Extended Postal Service Foreseen For Barrie Areas report has it that the Post Of fice Department Ottawa is giving favorable consideration to Post master Thomsons request that delivery of mail by hitter cat rler be made to those areas of Bar rie which at present do not enjoy such service If this report is true surveys will be made of all such areas The chances of successful conclusion being reached would be greatly en hanced if all householders were to have letter slots installed as soon as possible and have all their houses correctly numbered Girl Struck By CarPFiVe Points Jean Morrow 17 of 34 Sophia thigh knee and wrist when knock ed to the pavement by car Mon day noon at Barrics Five Points TthI car driven by Norman Weinstein22of 129 GraceAyenue Richardson Toronto was travelling east on Elizabeth and attempted to make lefthand turn onto Toronto Street Simcos Lumber Company truck driven by WhamRobtsonZOrOLtBaIMjn thcSimCo The truck could not stop in time and rammed the rear Const Innis McClure Investi Arrangcments for thsports pro gram of the Oro Township Picnic to be held July 27 were completed at special meeting of Oro coun cil and the Park Committee at Oro Town Hall July 16 The picnic is being held in connection with the official opening and dedication of All residents are urged to Iat tend good program is being ar ranged by the council and park John Currie was appointed in charge of the softball tournament highlight of the sports events The tournament will be betWeen four games 25 Years in Seed Potatoesmmi Judge Announcement of his appoint ment IIasa 1951 Royal Winter Fair judge comes to Harold WWhite side as lfemarksi years as seed potatofnspectpnimrr 77 Mr Whiteside who has been sup ervising inspector of seed potato certification for District No of Ontario Since 1946 with headquar in Barrie is one of three judges appointed in the seed and table stock potatoSection of the He will Iact as cojudge of the section with Dr Ora Smith of Col nell University one Iofthe out standing potatorauthorities in Am erica and Taylor agricul tural commissioner for New Bruns The appointmentwaSAmadeby the executive committee of the Fair which is being heldln Tur potato grower willibe chosenby the three At the end of June this year Mr Whiteside marked 25 years as an inEpector of seed potatoes for the dominion department Before com ing here five years ago he was senior inspector in his hometoWn He has worked in evcry district of the province as aseed inspector for the dominion and durincheiy one ofIthe 25 yearshas inspected of 90 Burton Avenue Walsh was attempting to turn lcftI from Elizabeth Street onto Clappcrton when he collided with the girl crossing Clapperton from Hotel to Dunlop Dr Tumlilr atteEdEd the scendm had the girl remov ed to his office for further treat ment before she was allowed to go Const McClure investigated Sports Program Prepared ForI OpeninciyvieszempciaLBlc scheduled final game in the evening Norman Stoddart is in charge of other sports and races for the children will be at the top of the program To Commemorate records booklet PHILIPPINES DISCOVERER by Magellan in 1521 oYal coe County When he started on about three growers of tie trig mil in the province Street Suffercd bruises10her DIILVCJLOI the car1vasHughWalshII II onto received concussfoh possrble First round play will be held in the afternoon with the the event booklet is being prepared listing all those who have served the township since 1835 from township Many other items of in terest will also beIincluded in the 1111011 wwiirmmn potato crops in some part of Sim his career in1926 SlmcoeCopnIty 11nd nb Broken Back in TwoCar Collision in hospital at Camp Borden with broken back and twu others were treated for minor Injuries following twocar crashvon the HogBack Road between New Lowell and Glencalm Dead is Cpl David Geddes 21 of the Royal Canadian Air Force Camp Borden and Whose home is Glencalrn In Camp 11 broken back is Cpl Frank at Camp Borden The driver and whose home is Angus re Driver of the other car was Miss Joyce Stevens 63 of Glencairn She was uninjured passenger in the car Mrs Mary Taylor 65 of Tor onto rcceivod severefacial lacer ations Dr Roland Graham Crec more attended at thiLscenc before the injured were removed Police say that the Dunn car was proceeding north on its way to With agli Beach and that the Stevens car was proceeding west returning to Glencairn They collided at blind intersection grown with bushes and trees and void of any warning signs Cpl chdes is survived by his wife and four children Constables Ian Thomas and Don McGillvrayof Stayner OPP investigated Accident Near Bradford Mrs Gordon Paine 35 of Soudan Avenue Toronto suffered fractur ed left leg Sunday afternoon July 15 when the car in which she was riding and driVen by her husband Gordon Paine 31 was ditched in an effort to avoid an anticipated crash ahead of them The accident happened five miles north of Bradford car ahead of the Paine vehicle and driven by Miss Mona Clucas 23 of Wright Avenue Toronto veered out to pass slowly moving vehicle At the same time southbound car driven by Ethel Kelly 52 Highland Creek was coming and collision was evident Both drivers took to the west ditchto avoid collision and stop ped bumper to bumpeerhe Paine car came on to strike the Kelly car No one was injured in either the Kelly or Clucas cars Head0n Collision Sunday night headmn collision two miles north ofBradford sent three to Newmarket hospital Driv Elmvale received minor chest in Barrle charged with dangerous and careless driving Jiarry Dpylg 20 Main street Tor cr of one carJames Keller 29 of times biatms rrcleascdHemstst then lodged in Simcoe County geol fractured skull and lacerated head and legs He was passenger in the other cardriven by Rex Guillctte 22 of Kenilworth Avenue Toronto ations II Police say Keller swerved into the parth of the Guillett car sud denly causing the crash He could not explain his actions to the police Chased Hit and Runner Provinclal Constable Kit squ chasedea hummerrun river or some distance doWn highway I27 However he managed to Ipbtain the license number and forwadded it on to Toronto police for checking Const Still was cruisingalong on Burton Avenue off duty when he suddenly saw car ahead of him swerve to avoid headon collision The car jumped the curb and came gave chase to the car that caused the incident Burton Avenue Barrie DEITYS BIRTH Gautama Buddha who founded The Phillippineswere discovered Buddhism was born in India in 5163 Br intcr Fair onlyarea exporting Iseed to the United States 132 Years of Service Ontario farmers who received hand and arin laccr undaymomingbeforedoslnghimugw to stop on the boulevard Still The car that avoided Ithe collision was driven by Bud BelangerrlQof MTWitesid his father and hisw two brothers represent in all 132 years inrtherserviceiopagciculturer His father Albert Whiteside who is now retired was in agricultural Work for 54 years He recently reI tired from the position of assistant plant selector atthe OntarioAgri cultural College in Guelph Where he was superintendent of all we perimental plots Albert Whites side selected nine out Iof the 14 varieties of crops well known to One brother Gordon Whiteside is dominion cereal chemist and gentlcist in Ottawa and has also been appointedFa =Royal Winter Fair judge 101 1951 in the grain section Another brother is stationedinlloose Jaw seed At the present time 1h county is the largest seed produc with George Twas connected with the SaskatchewaniI Dairy Commission and was later appointed agricultural agent Hal