Barrie Examiner, 21 Jun 1951, p. 2

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Harrison ulnar 1951 As special the Savannah Lad which is on the shore nearby cgan seat up to too guests and they will Bs be ready to serve you or your guests very tasty dinner at spec Continued from page one till pllft Snack bars are all around 1119 comm Wm gm lnd if anyone cannot wait till sup my won Dcfdllfnle there will be plenty of pitta is over also some of the UT Sill 881001 childrens games which are Hod II lgeignilIIttrtgnged by comllliltcc of cs wm be Why ibicheisIunder Mr Rowat Each Besides some oldlime Ilmplcv teacher has been sent list of the wink nums under me duvor 5m mm the pawn In nt shlp of hlmer R0thwgllIihcre is to gnaw be gallery of curious pictures and acme Ihe hours OI 530 and oldtime handicraft This will be will be supper time This is WuTa lzmgm Noise when the baskets will be brought dug Ml nmhwg Sherman TOdd out and the visitors will be cntcrK 1Haitiaghongz Cgiulylillz IIliIgnicirleIIhIIsbpotIbroughi has betn ill the family for some to II blah III II Itml Ill time so that folks may set and ad inIa e311 IIIbOUllh mm lIliit tiltIll This display Will hr in If on mounds mi pmmnnI rational WMmi Nice Resale 500 pl publicizing our 09223 Assocahon tummy on where chlorination Creemore and Port McNlcoli MI III IIICII II IThree Water Ml ans mics Supplies Test lli $312 nonprofit mmething of the wort and plum of your Recreation committal conrmed from pa urs of pumphousrs were not malt In rim an In Izwonntlod ill the protection of liloEGrade in sufficient tests to ensure pro the Recreation Program won the gunned Fromm per chlorination and in some cases mt mBame Lawyers liavc lill bl Nd thil In company with the Saritarylm cmoum wmmd an overwhelming Manty but this is extremely important expo cmemm me bud quemm was they have some responsibility to hngilnteer Provincial DcpI argnent 3113 when the source of protect the legal rights of needy all all mUIllClpa i112 sq 05 tomem persons and the problem has occu were checked ill May by the Simcoelgeovflz 11 ntfiliecznltxrt III we km wmrlgct dWA pied the attention or legal groups County Health Unit Three Class malmm raw water ma for many years After report by water samples were obtained from gaggd 11 sistantIDirector and the Recreation 8mm law mt Brmsh 17 Committee was then laced With the mem paws lawman0n mllinI Thu clerks of the municipalities whole problem of policy and pr which the sum became two tions of Victoria and Vancouver which hove wt lm 31 kmm sible for legal aid for people who BC and Saint John NB II report of those WW and wc dEClde LhIat we could not earned week or loss in tile The most comprehensive plan forlinformed of any Mulloi oi provide recreational program for United States in 1948 more LWLlt legal aid in Canada is that an equipment or Rm 8193 Iuli cttlzetIiIs of BarrleforIin ItIhat l37I organizations providing legal noltllccdlast November by the Low tiilns for Inll case our names wou on ow zuuttstanqc to needy poisons Society of Upper Canada com us to provide forI everyone two cangdmn lawyers have 15 been tilittcc of Ontarios leading lawyers wintunzpzmnzzwggmaz tickets to the movtns or their active in this field ln 1947 the devoted more than 1W Sm 3m imam equivalent And that would be all Canadian Bar Assocanon declared study betoro the plan wasnrmm ymmm anttn up Hardly satisfactory solution that provision of competent lcgnl ed to the Law Society for final li mm mm or 45 Finally we decided that this year services without fee for anyone DFOVl NOW the Dltm l3 SOln lnlo mgtmmu 121a impinging View The reception commiitcc is under the chairmanship of Reeve Lock llxlrl tent is being traded just hour the entrance to thc rounds we would co menua on the sum who through lack of means is un opclution It provulos for clinics liI ItkllIlIIhlch tlI staff of volunteer met playgrounds feeling that that able to retain his own solicitor is firthc 42 counties and district 313 Imhd 00 bond Schmls mi ItIIlIsIIIIluIlch it well zlsIthc rcevc was the mom important workI we the responsibility of the legal plo Wllllc more local law 3001 32mm warm dmowll wm mlM engaged as Director of this pro lesswn mm The clinics Will 21 The mm wwva or who IIfnifal ml IIIMIl will gram citizen of our town whOse AS early as 1932 the Law Society ilncv in all bl few types of cases Wasaga Beach hamlet 35 it tblilllons lhc education and naming we we of Alberta established lcgnl aid lU DOVions Wllhlll lllO funds 10 re Itls has M03 OMD Maxims mm equipped mm this wmk plan for civil 311808 The Law so lain Ill solicitor Tho legal work spectiuntt of II mm Mn Dawn Ncsme the ciety of Manitoba followed suit ill will be dunc llyvpitllcls of volunteer ments was started it tho first of msmmor in an and physical 1937 and later cnlnricd its plan to lilwytl Juno Education in Barrie District Collc criminal 1303 The Law Snelety of Saskatchewan has tlstiib Bv mum TI glute Institute To assist him we mud In Mm II lo anmitlcr cw1t am or the dppommd ten Splendid glrls both criminal and civil cases and cvcryonc lllIlht expect l0000 many may und legal assistance for needy pcrsolls is visitors will havc lapelllg which parlance and five fine young men Mrv dlbO plthldted by the ili lsso lil lhey are now being trulned by lltgt$ and radio will also have corner of this tent and wit will on duavor to act it mention of as mullv 0f lilo visitors its ptlShiblt both for tho liliSS as well as on the air will show ihcil nxlnlc and will be immhvd mm WHmm no Wl Ncsbitt and will be ready on July WWWMm ill IF it souvollir LIIAIBHH ornamental on any beach 9m to put the summer program in for living Make leadouble am most any of lcr lace mic mi inc tton ile The orts rogr lIIIEIIIUIlllnsnllltll until will be avail mm omnpim ow In PHI Than EIII Egedgem yuan 90mm 1mm IIIIIIIIIIII hotpounntoqlussestilledwtihcracked 5city who Illiltfi lawnAlway MGM Whilh he Plul lll r0lf 01 Winn lmllct lllll WE Planning talle lh thel Enlan Sillllts and moods ice Add sugarhan lemont9 lqm MM one llllb book Ichndren of each playgroundI lhtll llzlturnl aggression into sociul acceptable and constructin lllSPthflr Lets dance least one day week to safc culllnc sto cxcrc so their llccil tvmlublc has been found mm btaCli where they Will be we to compete and lost their strclwlll the book 15 collsulcrablv lnr cl than lpervsed md smmmmll Slmc rIIIIIICIIIIIIIIII IIIId II CIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIV De lion given under the Red Cross to lthlcvo andIaccompltsh to 200 IIIIIIIN II do II CgIIIaIII tin prngramI derive adventure in otltcilvlsc lllll II surroundin What will it bl dihtllhlllg and IS ollc oi the best Enryoms anv fl msglnd We sincerely hope that thls sum iIIglIIIIIEd IY hmh lbs rccltlttlon as our nn swer is to bc mailed to all rutcpaycrs and only it lililiitd number of cxtlas is it historical rcvitws that could be 11 tl th mcr vor wt mee Wli up made Mrs Robert any who Mr Continued from page one Iiillllltd considcrablc of the as doleglltcs went home laden with provul ofthe citizenuof Barrie We lStnlbling of the historical dcwilsI reports and data The display of do not expect it to be perfect but materials was quite extensive andtwc will giveyou the bout we can lie smart Wm 05 Ill llCtDllOIl Concrete is now beinu laid on the ml Will be glad to ltltouraph new fourlune TorontotoBarrio duellllmul and hope that this is only the be In copy for anyone This may help highway on ninemile siretch Sallent Points ginning of an efficient and sntlIs lib llltlcwlasC uKi tunds being raised 01 the intersection at Highwav would like to LlVC you ll fewfzcmry summer program In or loipilzl donation Tho book south towards Toronto of the more important thought be boner than we can ma ilI if uill soil to the public at $an Pitch has been reported mmuthe which gathered at the convention 30 Parents and Other Clllzens MI consldEr it as your protect too all Voluntccls arc nccdcd at this tcnl highway Wm be paved through to Recreation is concerned with to assist with various CltliCal Barrie by HUI hm word from the quality of leading It is not will be ready 859m Wm ad vice criticism and even sometime dutics An George Jolmston MPPI is that how many tczlms how many SWim that 853mm II Ictcraps in Parade this is still indefinite and will do ming pools how many icerink Strong right aamt We IziltIcIEryyg Ce lm SCFVlCO in either pend largely on the availability of which con be procuredbut tht 10 give you We In second WI and can comm maples beIIIII IIIIIIIIII and CI mmand hope you win conde lhis as your program as well as Its the correct type of pombh be III III tiara case Mr Johnston stated he hdllrged pericnced at these places of recrea support the most comfort form up next to the Community Highways Minister George Dona tion and in these activities Wt ours am interested when dlscussmg able Ede nedI AIRI lIlIilI AIcona Beach PImk 25 sid0 to have the highway surfaced at the mlghl consider that in our Rewc too as soon after 4230 pm as earliest possible time and thus help afion Program we can produce the subject of superwsed may to hear from those who WAY Surgical Supports DOSSlblL As VCltmns 1111 expelle to relieve traffic congestion in this Strong fortress for our democratic grounds disapprove of the whole proicct mmnalddbyphyswlala EIIOLELZIIlhIfC Piggemlg llI l5 Ewell part of Ontario way of life and bulwark against II we EVIIIItIV vetCan IEVIgimeItez com IIIolIinsIton ftiIItthutIifIcIcncrels cognngItItIglsncreatiClnv 330hifdrgEdaiithelgofxiofig all me em hjhglrgoluggcegzoggvzh town should be topped with other ma erywhere is faciiitr declining Elli ll llIke lo 90 Im that poimed In VIIrIouq WIS efnitlIiIlII term If paving was not Started budget and it is our dutyio prove 9V0 accepting ll Primlsei fig dltlons arevvery differen now Mr Johnston saidI to the adults who control the purse strings the value if recreation Some say How much benefit are we getting fromIthc dollars spent la onIIrecrention You might as well yards ask How much money the police pinyin lnyed hopscotch baseball soc immediately then the highway would be of 110 use to traffic in 1952 Preparatory work is now pric tically completed although two ca bands with amumedals ovorhead structures still must be Complete you ave bum work on the completion of force saved the citizens of yourgso what they were then When was child most of my friends lived in rge houses with attics and back We werent too fond of in our own back ynrds and township and they arc cudcavoring to contact as many as possible Howcvcr if you have been missed be on hand anyway Dress will be berets and arm Custom Ground It BOKABCOITEI ocial band vi stock Ian pIImch The 13 the clovemeaf on highway 27I town last year How much wouldwcer rollerskated and bicycletihg II Ladies mm wise the ag at the park southwest of Barrie is being rush have been stolen if the police Idlani the streets Now you now Preceding the opening ceremonies Cd the lJlCSCnl lime unmon woumbe eagle 05th even town SuCh as my un Aymer sweet Mu pleasemake this good Showing Also under Way is the rebuilding male than Iplacmg dollar valuedreds of families are livmg 16mm II Yukon glob Quotents only by your presence special 5011 of Highway 27 from Schomberg to human dllLAlnt SOCial apartments or small houses Withn0 and vcrlIlr for each comiudc attending Thornton Work is almost complet Values aInd comnllmlly bellelmenl attic and no NOR Yard The slmel Kraft Old English 3001 btl525 The 500ml qualities lnherent in is mad the chlldrenfmm the zlb Ann Page Famous Frosh 13mm among Band will be ed from schomberg to Cookstown II II II they Ienm I0 walk we train present both days and is progressing favoriiblyfordhe 50 Clea 10ml p01 cannot me remainderiofvmeIIdmmcwyvhen measured in dollars but in thelI them never to step off the Curb York BrandJust Reduced o8ozir Quality of living of our town people Yet they must play somewhereso Izoz IIII II rhe Recreation Committee is they 309319 pubhc parks from cola 8ptlbllc body responsrble to the and PlaygodS far away Mothers eagle eye and Nur BREADS 21c PORK Elms215mm Ann Page BostonStyls OltITime Dancing Contest com pleted Highway 27 Will have Already manV sets 0f Oldllme smooth road surface from Barrie to Eipemced Lady miter dancershave entered for this con ToronmI To Serve You lost It will take placerafier sup public andwill serve its commun WWIIom hog me and ha per on the platform whercthe BY APPOINIIMENT ONLY Speakers Stow during the amp haggmliirii iiidtiscihggiitklgg iinbiiiiiiviiiliozigikiggegiie proper supervision lllls Play is Hell My WHITTYS KETCHUP 26c PINK snmolv an will be in theIcompIetitiIon Therc arranged ggzaad $8 Ygdsgg 31535 coachdI refereed hockey teams Shirriffs rug tore illshills azrilflgrglrigblgdgiamig 22 lhzvllbrlltghhagbg lfgererrgafsiizieerdafgg mime rcreatimal dd we Show mu sometimes Real on $38 oliig pigs 29c 08mm smr est sou gt am be leselletlelioifpk can MIX nos GOOD WE Onion of Lorne Arnold under wayI There amIfour teams leadI the way and to observeIand umeaming to playIIIIII my in the senior ball games Stroud fl lhegaps the recreational are 15 21C Dont think thatafter the supper you should buzz off home Send PARKING DELIVER life of out community Our aim should be not to interfere with es tablished programs but to be pre piledth IgiiLtLhlIl suggestions where needed And lastlytwo powerful ar vgumentsifOrmrtOWhvwidLrecrcoti program 77 Plays for Mental Health fltisa wellknown fact thatthere are more patients in Canada in mental institutions than in all other hospitals combined In recent survey at the Toronto lsychiatiic adaption was confirmed more of tenthan notfthe persons Whohaye had mental breakdowns are the persons who do not know how to Talk by Dr Klein Tomato fl advisedly Halves 7l24t use the wor earn lIOoz tins 19c Page and would like in closing to II from IDr K5123 quoi speech The Voice of Recreation gt I210 Recreation as we know it today bag 32c II irbmadlyapeakingcoeducational Johnsonfs Wc sullala di of its subjects is II iii lzglniii howto live hart moniously with otherpeople This 900IIIIIIIOoOIID appliestoeverngngIgroupbut to II yap Hub and egIefIaiu III14 pug the child play is his business In his play he has to learn how to get caunrrriowlirb MILKgnu suclo 249 lip14 along with his peers Ifonly wt rcuuldgrztsp the real significance of Wags now VUusucro 210 Idol 13 Cookstown Fennells and Churchill After these games or perhaps on MIIMSL WW another diamond the interschool gimESWiil Start The big list of childrens sports makesit possible for many children to winch prizefi fr If you want to know anything utthersportSphone Blythe Mc Conkey Stroud or Gordon Rowat Lefroy They have all the answors Getting the senior citizens but and seeing thatccars are available for them to be in the parade is the job of acommitteeof four one in eachcorner of the township Allan II Todd southeast corner to 8th Line Roy Goodfcllow 8th Line to north end Oscar Bowman on the north Ibcomcngantimlmeelk in the Thornton area to Cookstown Lctthem know who needs trails portation and whereFrfichar ekpected to look after it as much Sandalsf this to later life Look about youI think about who in your town is liked or disliked gets along or cantomarital harmony or dump7 pt nolher anglerJVaIr plnbs lanonymoust The social Lowes of Sing SingPrism has said skillsare learned in leisuretime that the men in my prison have actv and thuse activities must never learned to plavrand have had Shave guidance it theesived rer no wholesomerecreational interest hungere tolbe obtained Native Grownrnew cIrop largewhitelNo ea DO000 California Valencia Fancy 2885 RANGES doizsc possible roman 7floril 19lmlgtnssgt2Ws some the hysiculIsports pro paradelwilibe Mrs MasisiZEm would like to thank thell rigmm 13fgyxririgtnlfzedrwiteam memmusonugmm 11mm Mayor of Barrie Charles ation Comrttitteefor sending to schomed to win highly trained and II 15 pkg isc II Evam KC taxwarden JIWood this convention for though 8V3 Selected athletes and Pmmlyb LI If ll 41 reams of Essa They Willdecldecri always been thoroughly convinced primacily geared to the spectator gt Item Buy your childrens sandals from our selection better who winIsjthe float prizes They of the importance of our workl Iand gammercialized aspect of sport cantaloifps II II wen easyori thcvfeet with fitting unsIurpassedIbyv will be on the left sideIof the par am glad tohave had this opportuno is is not recreation program lt 93 lat Pkg lde and signs for identification by toleariisomething more of our for recreatiqnjmpiiestmn apdeu IsITRAWBERFtIESeINow at theirwbest td 999 oIay joymenilbr thHuffepaSewelLaiL the star and certain values in the II It Carries with it the iwaw wucgv participation development of keen eye quick $$i$$$ eed and endurafnce It obligation to the community s4 summer anud dollan tradeIIle these values that mean all should be on that side Iiifuhts cliilas Mlssgs Fa Green crime sure For Slaying iii TWDStmlISandab CANADASFINEST BEEFLREDANDWLUEMANBS ARJMILXLPWTURES ml to IV ke WWPGF SAMEYOU ix gmIii SR CHIFED field intoou econ 74Wmwabmlljmm Mai1 meg 99 iv PMl5l mnngPll il sortrumourindium V5 II ii Blue iBrown Straploeiess Sandals g4 it ll wellintliedryi gradients and addintheordergivonf appinesn But for thosercousjcious LI stir mixture corn sailldloil unbeatejn cg folks dollarWenolnt out that is Email it cplu52 ibawatr1tspvmdliai2 ounces umweetoited the Sport programIi drag the II uncoordinated uncoupled StirtheIiQuidtltointeimiri up rvancevot aw an or er is then stir in demographics beatuntil but play onemust pier by EMS BurnsSliamropk t311l0lillMtlutlurcintotillage bowll on whites in our With the It roomtemperature and sprinkle with tap cream of ivle regulale 3535 until the egg whites are veryllvery stiff 11 Who P133 it This l5 belie1 much nudismunmeasuredanalogies etcAdd 933213 taught that life has its lamp IOIlOGNH 5hamr0ck lionsuntl rules and theredpect or karaokeharried inroadultl our mixture about quartet at timind did after each addition until batten linden whitcars thoroughly combined bacterium on unmmgds angel cake pantf italic rather slow oval 3252 on hour taiyr ltercomsaomzovau pm mphdncukuptiioold lw tugboat this is beingdone lit townwvthtlt vaiuus are you Wlti+mmmadtmagtw all values IggtIbMerecration Amino or recruit or theIfiritlstI learning

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