Barrie Examiner, 21 Jun 1951, p. 1

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Serving 0f Sine 1864 87th YearNO 49 Winners in County Essay Contest WINNERS IN THE Slmcoe County Histor ical Scholarship ekamlnatlons were pres ented with their certificates of merit and cheques last week in county council cham bers Warden George Shepherd made the presentatlons All winners received certific ates From left to right front row Shlrley Harvey Orlllta second in grand champion ship and Group $55 Florabelle Johnston Collingwood third in Group $35 Joan McQuay RR Beetorf tied fourth1n Group 515 Ann Denise Feehely Tottenham sec nnd 1n Grohp $35 and Rosemary Ruppert Ml Clip mm Mwmgummlau Irqu boamom Pinnod in Truck Driver Pried Out With Crowbars Pmrsby rind local men had to use ciowbars topry Jack Spun 24 45 Essex Street Torontmfrom his smashed truck after it blew tire on No 11 Highway at Strand Tuesday afternoon careened over 100 feet rolled over and smashed hydro pole Officials in hospital at Barrie where he was rushed by ambulance said he suffered fractured pelvis cuts and severe shakingup His condition was not considered ser ious Driving Sinnott News CO truck north Bonney was pinned by hun dreds of pounds Of magazines and papers thrownforward by the im pact He was black in the face and nearly suffocated from being crush ed when we got him out after working for nearly 10 minutes said Simpkin resident near by Passing truck drivers helped extricate Bonney and Dr Smith Barrie was was passing at tended him Left to right back row Lapp Allis ton Inspector of Public Schools South Sim coez Glenn Mumberson New Lowell third in group $25 Michael Lewis Thornton first to Group $50 Ian Purvls Orlllla grand championship and first in Group $80 Donald McFadyen Collingwood fourth Campbell Stayner tied fourth In Group $15 Expect I0000 In Innisfil Final Plans By RGS meeting of the varlous cen tennial committees was held in Stroud Monday evening Various phases of flip celebra tions were discussed Rev John Morris gave details of the Sunday services They Eire to start at two otclockSundtty afternoon liLthc park If the weather is unfavor able servlccs will be transferre to Stroud Presbyterian Churchf is will be announced over theBa radio station if required Rev Dr George Pidgcon To ronto will be thespcaker of the day He will be assisted by Rev QuOteCOst OI 12$l50000 for Disposal Plant Town Council was quoted fig ure of $150000 by Reid and Associates consulting engineers to cover additions to the dispOsal plant Mr Reid told council the sum would provide additions to the plant and interceptor MWers neces sary to handle storm overflow The proiect proposed by the firm would make the bay safe forbathlng up to town population of 18000 Mr Reid said Council noted the tznformatlon but made no decision At the last 1neettngarepresentativeof2 tor Redfern and Laughlin consultlt lngcngineers presented that rms neat Memorial Hospital proposalsonrthekiisposalapldanrcL For wt NewtonSmith Rev Muir Rev Newcombc and Rev Morris It is hbpcd that as many as possible of the former clergy of the township will attend invita tions having been sent them Choirs of the local churches are Amplifiers are to be avallable to carry the ceremony to all parts of the park Preceding and follow ing the service there will be band ie concerts of sacred muslctOgether with hymnsinging Anofter of screen has been made to enable the singing to be led Following an offering which is to be used for special fornlshings or cqulpmentfor childrens wards of the new Barrie and District addition the dedication of the people to con tinued life of Christian purpose will be made It ishoped that in Group two honorable mention Garry Caldwell Barrie $15 George McNabb Stayner honorable mentionaddmdounclllor Smltlr chairman of mlttee Absent were Helen Hamilton Tot tenham and Ian Graham Orllliaaboth win nliig honorable mentlon Historical Com Pltoto by Builtli studio enterinial the offering will be substantial Sum to enable worthwhile pur pose to be assisted group of In nlsfil nurses are endeavoring to get sufficient of their numbers to be present in unform to take the of fering Sunday evening the sing ngvscrvlcc will continue and it has been left to Rev New tonSmith to decide what else will be held that evening Official Opening Following theparad on Satur day aftcrnoon the official opening and welcoming hddresses will start at three pm The address will be given by the Hon Drury This will beafollowed by welcoming remarks from Others who will be invited to the platform by the native who is in charge of the receptions Turn to pagertwo please Council Passes Bylaw Annex AnneTilfin Area imVesprq Municipal Board will Decide Recent petitions by residents of the AnneTiffin sheets area for an nexation of thedistrict bythg Town of Barrie were reconsidered by council Mobday and bylaw waSpIiSdaluthorlzlng thgannex ation The bylaw must go towtlfe municipal board whlchwill hold public hearjpg before tingling iproval gt Dancing every Friday night Beeton Community Hall to the Debonnaites Orchestra pm to am 31tfb Danceat Baxter Friday June 29 to tll musiir of Paxtons Or chestrii Dancing from 030 to 130 Wednesday June 27 from tOB 113$ng Admission 75c and Chllli Willi Dance in Gurch 1r chestra Lunch counter 75c and50w Friends and remembertheannual Black picnic tcbctiieldratrInlttstlijrarkvratplv 283 Watch for further partic Old Tym and MOdern dancing Kat Edgar HallErldaynightJuiie 22 Music by the Merry Tom sLuncll counter Sale of homemade baking af ternoon tea Saturday June 2313 If to 8pm= Canadian Legion 11311 Lacttes 77777 391 mg bak jl 26Owen St AluSplcesr 7Aux11iaryl Juneteaand sale 0011 54 Mary St On Friday Juhe22 Ausplces Womens Missionary Auxiliary of Centggl United Church Tea trim Atoll pm 25 Grenfel Community Centre Sal Qad Supper and Strawberry Festi val Tuesday June 26 Supper 5300 pm Play Lena Rivers Ivy Junior Farmers Ball game Admission $1 children 40c 149301 KiwanisFarmrs Annual Stra berry Slipper TueSdar June 26 030 pm at MidhurstPark Tick etsymalr be obtained with Btfbl Baxter Strawberry Festival berry Festival OnFTThu 318491 ad plate strawberries etc under the ausylceg of Bond HeadUni edChurchWMSatstheom munity Hall Bond Head Friday July suppeiefserved from 530 to 830 pm Came and see good ball garrie and threeact play The People Nekt Door present briafe Players 50 under 10 35c The annual Tracy Reunion 15 to be held at the Forestry Head quarters Mldhurst north side of Highway 27 Monday ismBring your and all the family DalstoannltedvChurch Straw to 8ipm Program by Ivy Young People Play Lenu Rivernf Admlsslon 75c and30c yr 4749br gThe Cookstown United Church WA are holding Ia garden party on the hrch grounds on Wed nesd Jun 27 from 5to8gtplms Raln orShlne Proceeds in aid of pairing and decorating itlle church Adults $1clilldln50c 49b At previous meeting council voted against the bylaw when Ob jections were raised by Vespr Township council It was claimed by the opponents that petitionsthad een signed against the annexation and more people were againstlt than for Mrs Shaw asking council to reconsider the petition for the aniiixation Said shedell most TownAgrees SellfLotsMcit ROgetsPOrk Town council Mondayrappizoyed sale ofseveral lots in the 3533 east of Bradford Street knoWn 358 ers Park Recommended by the marks board the sale lvas Opposed recent lymtmmgen lgtng 19 press and council by GA Ross Cowan1w maintained the lots should be usif for decorative entrance to the park and to provide view of the lake for the passlng public The board held that access to the park wasavailablebnother streets and sale 70 gthgw Ipti would provide neededVOIOpia 76 the park nto recreation area WWllliiam Gatjner chairman or the board told council that useygral tenders had been received3anllthe highest One by WMorrlsort CO Ltdfor $5000 was being consider ed by eboatd in receipt of an Councl was also Oti letter from Mr Gowaii ob jecting to disposal of any part of illecplk While agreeipg ith acceptance 4740131 an New Lowell United Strawberry Festival June 28 Softball games program yfrom Camprorden and others Supper 58 pm Admission 75c 35c Alisa plces New Lowell Womans Asso ciattonl 40 Dancing Wednesday Friday and Saturday nightsuat Club Ad this on ladies 50c gentlemen 75c en Tuesday Julie 28 often belt United Church Straw Festival Supper erved front to Adultq r7512 children 350 Church ent Putnam local tat 1thy$09 nderrrAldirHbeg Smithtsald he dld not approve of spending themoney On wdrk which might prove useless Ald0 Willams cautlpned that the park was reclaimed florid uid money spent there might be thrown into the bogJ Gitmerscild disposal of the lots419 20 rind 21 on card Brad ford Stfeet and 10 and 20 on west Ellen Streetwould not diminish the size of theparlc proper Ruoom AREA Only 20 of the roughly 100 islets in the Shetland Islesynorth of Scotland org planted Gala Parade Feature at Centennial One of the highlights of the Innisfll Ccntcnnlsl Celcbntlon this weekend wlll he gal parade of flats ofcials and older residents The parade will form In the Alcom Beach Community Pork south of the 80h concenlon on No 25 sldcrood It 1230 3111 and proceed to lunlslll Pork clrclln along the Alcoa Belch road to Cedu Huber Had Into Innlsftl Puk when It will be assembled 1n the campln urea Judges will view the panda from the leftlnnd dds Ph cards identifying floats should be on the lefthand side of the floats tANADIAN RANCHING Orrin Harts Alberta and John McLean of Nova Scotia two 21 yearold Canadian farmers in Brit oin on Nilffield Scholarship rc ccntly gave demonstrations of Can adian ranching methods on the Great Glen cattle ranch Achendaul Law Association quns Free Advice tONeedy Persons at Legal Clinics Slmcoc County Law Association met in the Court House Barrie last Friday to work out application for free legal aid to needy persons in Simcoe County The association has announced the details Of how the plan will work in Simcoe Couitty The coun ty clinic will be directed by Paul Copeland KC of Orillia Needy persons applying to the clinics for assistance will be refer rcd if they are eligible to one of the volunteer lawyerson the panel The lawyer will receive no pay ment for his work Any legal ex penses or necessaryadisbursements will be paid by the law society In the past of course many law yers in the province have always County cause it is obviously impossible to day for most people to know what their legal rights and duties as utt less they have the advice of alaw yer This means that it person who cannot afford lawyer may be unable to take advantage of one of the fundamental principles of Brit ish lawthat all persons are equal Turn to page two please Examiner BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JUNE 21 I951 lumber cl Wattles 00 Cal cwuA and Audit luau Circulation out THURSDAY Co $300 Your 24 PogesThree Sections RVH Cancels surcharch As County OKs Grnts The surcharge on outside patients in the Royal Victoria Hospital was rmoved on Saturday immediately following Slmcoe County Councils approval of building grant to hos pltals tn the county Reporting to the hospital board Of trustees at their meeting Mon day afternoon secretary Cameron who together with re prescntativcs of all hospitals in ill courtly presented the case to the councillors said that he had felt that the matter of the surcharge was stumbling block We felt that it the council received some assurance that the surcharge would be removed it would be step in the right direction The surcharge was levied on all municipalities not sharing in the hospital deficit Until recently this applied to every municipality ex cept the Town of Barrie litnisfil Township recently paid their share of the deficits and the hospital board exempted them froin the sur charge Bringing the bonrd members tip to date on the hospital building program Mr Cameron reviewed the matter of the dominion govern ment grant of $500 bed for nurs es residences making total of $1500 bed Vtch the provincial grant The secretary told members that $25000 could be saved ifiiistcad of going ahead with the original plans for onestorey nurses residence keeping some of the nurses in the present residence nurses ICSI dence was built with an additional floor containing in all 60 beds The present building could then be turned into maids quarters and the laundry building could be de molishcd The advantages Of this plan could also be seen with view to future operation he pointed out All the nurses would be under one roof and the maids would be under one roof The new residence if built 1549 be called McCarthy House inmem cry of the Hon Leighton McCar thys father who built the present residence Authorize New Plan The board members authorized proceeding with the newer plan for larger residence It was decided that following the architects draw ing up to revised plans they would be pttt out to tender Friday evening aftcr lengthy dis cussion and recorded vote the Simcoe County Council had given two readings to bylaw authoriz ing the payment of $34300 on Jan uary 1952 and for the next six years after that to the hospitals of Midland Pcnetang Orillia and Bar rte Barries share of the mutual pay ments will be 96215ths or total of $107200 ttouncil Renews Curling Club On Advisory Board provided great many free ser vices to needy persons system howiIl inevitably left loopholes By setting up this com prehensive plan for legal aid On tario lawyers are making sure tluit no person is deprived of his or her Such legal rights because of lack of money The local director for the Town of Batufer will be MatcLarent KC and for the Town of Orillia Moore It is anticipated that legal clinlcs will beheld either on Saturday morningOr on some speed lfied Evening during the week An nouncements will be made shortly as to the place and date For many years lawyers have studied ways and meansiol pro viding legal assistance to needy personsThey Whate done so bei people in the area had been willing to letthe annexation go through had not Vespra officials and others circulated petitions against it We get nOthing from Vespra for our taxes All the utilities we have are from Barrie If we were in town we feel we Wouldget them as our right not as obligations We think the lace where we are get ting our rvlces is the place where we should pay our taxes Mrs Shaw said AldlIeber Smith who presented the bylaw said he felt the bylaw uwgwmuhmmtpu boa dfyAVn examination Of petitions agaigainstrhuaid Reeve JW Hart declared hewas willing lO let the annexation go through if thatls what the people want but he Cautioned that cost Of maintenance in the area should be considered seriously by council Ald Smith replied that the tOwn already maintainS Anne Stwhero most of the people live and much of the property is undeveloped He saidche felt nonerofrthcrpropert would present problem from the standpuidtOfmaintenancer Ald Williams said he op posed the bylaw becaus he believ ed numerous people in the Tiffln Street seetionvare agqlgsjjgvk everflidagreethhBtttijtnunlclpal bbaid Should decide Qn2sFOOt Tine Neat vAlIifsten Thomas Ferris 69 Alliston is in Torobto General Hospital today in critical colidltionvafteij the ne of manure1oader pierced his back undernerged belliw his chest Fer rls was rugliecl to Toronto after emergncy treatment tat Allistoti Memorial Hospital FEES retired farmewhdd gOne toethem farmatilwellllalii Bellamy five miles from Alliston to help Operate his manure spreader Fer ris had his tractor on the top of fivefootpile of manure when it becamestuck fThe tractor was he lng pullll Out by Hellhmy on the loader when the Other tractor irslud denly lurclied back and collided withBellamys Ferrlsuvbalclc was plrced by tine Thelmth as Belletmys trac tor was knocked through fence released Ferris from the tine Ferrls dismounted without help and was rushed tOgAlllston hospital lt foi emergency treatment willbeDAQwGliffrsDundas Impaled MAYOR MARJORIE HAMILTON is among nine appointed this week to an advisory committee to the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Com mission it was announced by Prem ier Leslie Frost The Curling Clubtown council fight appeared as far from solution as ever Monday when council tip peared split on the question of the town moving girders from the arena to the agricultural grounds for the club No vote was taken Council agreeing vlth Mayor Marjorie Hamiltons recommendation to post pone the matter until more council is present Four members were ab sent Although council at recent meeting agreed to call for tenders on the job the question was re openedwhen Ald McCarrOll said hoJcouldnft see where the townL is obligated to move the girders Im elected to dothe best for my ward he said claiming he felt he was not bound by decisions of lastyears council It was pointed out by Reeve Hart and Ald Heber Smith that rcouhcil last year agreed to move the steel if the club locatedelsewhere Reviewing the problem lIeber Smith said council agreed in 1940 to give the arena land to the club and on the strength of that the club bought the girders from the arena contractor for $12000 However the said last year the clubs case was balked numerous times by share holdercouneillors voting against it The council is no doubt honor bound to move the steel It caused the club to waste $12000 and should compensate it for the serious loss he said Deputy Reeve Paddison pointed out that he is not share holder in the club but voted for moving the girders on principle believe in livlng up to my word AtOne point the mayor asked for show Of hands frOm club share holders and three bands were rais ed IlITANDRUN man about 60 and as yet un identified was found dead this Amorning betivcen Orillia and Ath erley Orilliav police said he was the victim of hitanarun driver Scrape marks showed the manjwas thrown 20 feet when struck as he Walked on the south side towards Athcrley The bylaw was passed to the On tario Municipal Board for public hearing and Municipal Board aplt proval In view of the proposed grants at county provincial and federal lev els it would appear reported Chairman Harold Forster of the fund raising committee of the hos pital board that the major portIOn if not all of the amount the com mittee had been requested to ob tain was realized 3100000 Required 11 the nurses residence increas cd by one storeythe maids quartc ers put in the present residence and the present boiler room scrapv pcd the amount required over tho government grant available would be 5100000 The amount required to complete the present contract if no action It taken regarding the new nurses residence is $50000 delegation from the hospital board consisting Of Mr Cameron Warren Wilgar Robertson and Harold Forster approached county council R1 the June session requesting $97000 from the county on the same basis as grants made by the dominion and provincial governments Hospital Superintendent Helen Shunalian remarked regarding the immediate need for new nurses residence that the hospital building now under way could only be par tially operated withouppddttional living quarters for nurses committee has beenappointed from the hospital board to approach organizations and individuals in the matter of room furnishings for the new hospital 43 Weatherman Treats All with Varied Mercury Readings Our Barrie Examiner Weather man has had histroublcs latbLy Some of his friends want warm weather others want refreshing temperatures and still others would love the cold ting of winteigf So what does he do last wcclc but start with temperature of ill and increase until high of 85 was reached Monday Theirln the oven lngs he satisfies some with mer cury drop of 48 45 and 42 This probably serves the purpoisc or so he says but it certainly mak es for large wardrobe High Low 50 42 45 40 53 62 60 June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 18 June19 June 20 BARRIE DELEGATE REPORTS 33335333 31 3333 ON RECREATION CONVENTION claimed That $9000 benefited the The committee was appointed with view Of bringing hydro closer to the people andis rer presentatlve of industry labor the home and the press the Premier said Other members othe committee Rogers Carleton Place 7sor Mather Toronto Grattan MacArthur Toronto OLcary Ottawaand Brad prick St Catharines new arena he said In 1950 the council decided against allowing the club to build on they sitiepleav ing the club with steel for which it paid high price he continued Stirer we have some moral oblig ation to move the steel Its small 151 eniiugn rspatatlgtwlga 3119 Moors council has treated the club Ala 30 the were 35 many f0 Fort William Clark Keith Wind Smith said Ald Ar Girdwood queried whether it is legal for councillors whoare shareholders in the club to vote on the problem in cduncil He qulIkestOhe ManviRecipienthf Agricultural Society HonOr In recognitionpf many years ser vice as secretaryIrwin McMahon nkestone well known man was givena reclinl ottoman by the Orillia Agricultural Society during the past week Over 70 TrEent writiaiitmcowapiock Of Uhthoff vicepresident at delightful func tion held at the Terrace Room Orillla Friday evening Over 70 members andfrlends at tended gand John Drinkwater president washairman At thehead table were Mr and Mrs John Drinkwater Mayor Wilbur Cramp Mr and Mrs McMahon and daughtr Agnes and Me andMrs Stewart Page of Barrie Roses were presented toiMis Mc William Anderson Both MrfDrlnkwater and Mayor Cramp spoke in appreclatlon of Mr McMahons manywyggrswof 5e Mr Drinkwater who has presidentmfuthe organizationch erchMahon has been secretary spoke of their longassoclatlon and Mahon and Misfs McMahon by Mia tOldof the hardships and effort working together to keep the Onl lla falr going Mr McMahon was at Ways willipg to cooperate and as slst in any wayhe could COmmended by Mayor 7Mayor Cramp also commended Mr McMahonxfor his effOrts on be half of an organization which not dimly meant much to the rural people of this area but also to the Own The mayor said he hoped seethe fair continue to bogde veloperl and expanded Theoworkthe dinne wasmdirb June 15 LOCAL UMMlE Followingpis report bngrsi Edythe Redmond of Barrie on the Ontario Recreitlon As sociations convention held re cently at London wMembepoitheiBrierRecn ation Committee Mrs Redmond was delegated by the committee to report on the donventlon mid current Recreation plans for Barrie Mrs Redmond and Dalton Nesbltt Barrie summerrecrea tiondlrector made up the com mittees delegation at London Representing the tow James Bootman chairman of the committee Your delegates left Barrie after was Ald the triumphalietalmiofvtheBarrie Flyers and remained In London until noon orLSundaxeuwe Even with three representatives ltrwas difficult to take in all the programwliich was planned for concentrated work was much mpresgedmLthesinccrlty an en ergy displayed by allOffiCials but was left with the feeling that the scope of the convention Was too broad the time too short and the attendance too great to enable the Forumsto achieve the maximum benefits This convention though it provided few hoursat the end of theday for recreation was car Anna luspgcii xAl lROgtiHId IRWIN II McMAHON of Mr McMahon Mr and others in IRS con be long remembered Mr Page stressed the importance of fairs from the viewpoint of em phasizing good agricultural stands ards the Orlllia fab bfut also the Oro Agricultural Society and for the Georgian Bay FallFalts ASSOcla= tlon Mrs Robert Gordon solo accompanied by Miss 106 Cun ningham Allah Motts rndered violin solo Mrs Bram mabpreslded Ht He also referredto Mr Mc Mahons long service notjonlyfor midu MajorGeneral Graham CBE DSOI ED Oakvillc Gerrard OfficenCommandlngentralCnm mand appeared pleased with the lsplayoftbe 45th Amttelankegi ment RCA atthe annual inspec tion heldfat the Orillta Oval last Sunday BeSides Orillla batteries Werrli present from Karrie Ovien Sound PROGRAM tainlyinot planned for the helium tion of the delegates Many Interested My first observation was that the lntgremln recijeatigri is not COIIIIII ed tOany singtcclassrof people At this convention we had Whitehdil ed men andwomcnaboysand girls hardlyrpast adolescence university professors and manual laborers business men and housewives and also was pleased to note at least one Negro representative411 con cerned with One Objectivethe de velOpment of recreation program in their community There were three outstanding speakers Dr Allan Klein of the University of Toronto Mr Robby Kidd of tile Canlan Associzltlml of Adult Education and Dr Kirk talks were not only inspirational but also practical This qualitywas to benoted throughout theconven tion AForrevery itliymlc mm tidal experience These men and women were not theorizing about recreatiOntheywere working at it Every available bit of informaa tion of practical use seemed to have been gathered together and Turnrtomaizetwo pleaSgt patrick OfMcGill UniVersityT Ebeir $07 alvTOEilliqe and Graham and LtIdC Kenpdy DSO ED OwenlSound ment attended reception in gofcaMeWA whlclhefc and their wives and honorary to bars were preSeritg Mrs Fr and MeafOrd hand realitich gt drumheacL service was held at the 0le Sunday morning wltli Rev CaptuA Downer troon regimental pildreti The restinentnl held atiiour Oclock liigthe noon and MajopGenocal fed the rectum compumen 01min

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