Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1951, p. 7

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First with the FINAL DAYS BE SURE YOU Best in Barrie MON TUE DO NOT MISS THIS GREAT LAUGH FEST EV SHS 650 and pm but got dumgh paging do bills or he weddrhg 3nanum BABY ItIs Ill II blind of for lot the millions loved FIer of the Bill FOR YOUR ADDED ENJOYMENT WED 230 pm South Simcoe Junior Farmers Judging Results Results of the South Simcoc Jun ior Farmers and Boys and Girls Clubs Judging Competition held at Newton Robinson Saturday June have just been resolved There ware 44 boys in the boys section competing and 66 girls who competed for their county honors at their Achievement Day lied in Alliston Memorial Arena June Following are the judging resuts of the JUNIORS Margaret Gilmoreweanling sow by OLeary Bros Allislon Doug Robinson calf halter by Armstrong Alliston John Ruin blc calf starter by Alliston Co operative plus 32 by Ludlow Bros Alliston Wray McCrackcn brush and comb by Oliver Hard ward Alliston plus $5 by Herman Jcnnctt Ivy Del lillmaii bag of feed by WNixon Creemorc Ross Brothel $4 Duncan Campbell $3 John Buyers 5250 Marion Leach $2 10 George McKelvey $2 11 Allan Fisher $1 12 Bill Braden 18 Jim Steed 14 Don Vancisc 15 Donald Canip bell 16 Ronald Cooke 17 Bill Iimiiioiis 18 Keith Ritchie 19 Bcv Cocliraiic 20 liclaud Murray 21 Bill Shepherd 22 Ronald Fer guson SENIORS Donald Harvey weanling sow by Eugene Smith Utopia John Fennell case Mobiloil by William llUlllCl Alliston Allan llougli lon $5 by Barney Gibson Allistoii HW he Kiwanis Glob Hears Talk on Life Insurance representative of one of Can adas largest industries the life insurance business told the Ki wanis Club of Barrie on Monday June at Itobindale fun that if it is good citizenship to provide fin ancial security for the family then it is good citizenship to own life insurance because in no oth er way is it possible to secure so much for so little The speaker was Leslie Dun slall Toriinlo general manager of the Life Underwriters Asso ciation of Canada He was ad dressing thc club as part of Bar ries Citizenshlp Week Mr Keith Kell bag Master Feedby Craig Hunter Stroud INTERMEDIATES Don Brethct Tam sow by Leonard Stroud Bill Brothel calf starter by Charles Brooks Al liston plus 52 cash VinceMc Kcown Purina calf starteiia by Blackburn Bob Franklin pair dress gloves by Orr Bond Head plus $2 by Henderson Allislon Ruth lreland work shirt by Ted ltipwell Bond Head plus $2 by llalbtll and Corri gan Jack Brothel 10 lbs Rust proof compound by Copeland Sons plus $1 Irvin Varcoe $3 Brian Mctaguc $3 Ellon llall $3 10 Barbara Kerr $2 11 AI lliur Johnston $2 12 Elwood Jerry $2 13 Elwood Culliaiii $2 14 Evan Wilcox $2 15 Mervin Campbell $2 16 alvin Wright 17 Wilson Stoddart ill Edward Alderson SPECIALS Robert Simpson TrophyBill Bre lhet Jack Brothel $2 Ross Brothi cl DoiiBielhet $2 Eaton TrophyRuth lrelandh Vince McKeown $1 Si Marion Leach SI Bycrlay Special lligh coiiipctilioii liutli Ireland Patton Speciakccoiid hiin girl in competition Margaret Gilmore girl in chWciwlll SpecialHigh ln lciiiicdiatc Donald Brothel INE ShieldHigh Novice Tillman Currie SpecialLiligh Nov ice Beef Bet Tillman AA Group Marks Second Anniversary Visitors were present from Tor onto Midland Collingwood and Orillia groups for the second an niversary iiiecling of the Barrie Alcoholics Anonymous group held Thursday evening May 31 in the library hall in addition to outoftown guests there were special local visitors at the meeting including Frank Dinginaii probation officer of tlic Simcoc County Juvenile and Family Court Mayor Mar jorie Hamilton who spoke few words of greeting on behalf of the Bet thrftia Emotion if 1951 TWO YEARS IN THE pittm mithltt in tiff lllflfllalmt The screens most heartbreaking fue wcll Would you let lrvin Viircoci The pull of gravity crush them deep into their crashcouches the spaceship take off at 52000 feet second The slip dint sends ccrcw mmber adrift in spacefacing the doom of ooring forever in the block universe WiMPERIAL Ill Milli rim IN ll Till MAKING uncriticth llllll unioiiv tiff elicit Hansonion WhilstDICK STARTS TODAY mcoioi OI All Ill OHIEIIlll ON THE SAME PROGRAM EDGAR KENNEDY IN SUNK BY THE WALT DISNEYS NEW CARTOON town and other interested per sons Speakers for the evening were husband and wife from Toronto who told stories of their own per sonal experiences as alcoholics and how AA had assisted them Following the meeting refresh ments were served and social Dunstall was introduced by Harris and thanked onbchalf of the club by Frank Boyes Mr Dunstan said that it was obvious the only way tobuild financiahsccurity is by the crea tion of an estate through the process of accumulation He pointed out the most important factor in such anmgcicumulation ifstime Thelsneakcc saiillliere are many things we could do given has been sold toBlakc Lamont and it will therefore be necessary to have the sign moved at an early date In View of the town coun cils reduction in its grant to the chamber the board of works will be asked to move the Sign to new location without cost Film Council Suggests Movies At Queens Park At thoregular monthly meeting of the Barrie Chamber of Coni nierce last week the request frlilii lherBarrieiaiidiDistrict Filianin cilseeking Chamber of Commerce coopcratioii in providing Wednes HYDROS PUBLICRELATIONS Now TOPLEVEL OPERATION Culiiiiuation of policy iiiaug In additioudo Cdltllytlifll out his united some three years ago with important duties Wit commis how was cgmxgl tlieappoinlmcnt of Robert sion Mr Blay has been actively Blleldy member V91c9m Sauiidcrs raromiirmairokoiittio tuithstOuterwear dmc mm begmmng Hydro formation of Public Re cialion of Radio and Appliance the mommy mad the 12 lotions Division with the desig Dealers andis an associate direct GREAT FEATURES MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MatineeWed7230pm EVE SHOWS 7cmd 840p new Bill Garner was reappoluted fish derby committee chairman for UCXLJQQJ vig wiof the out iiig success his efforts prodEEEEl rmr il she could only get that letter hack MGMs Surprise Drama 3min II it DARINGEXEQSEOF THE DOPEH Virtue NEHNWTHEWORIENTl CAIRO Tune in CKBB Eaciiiuigmoon at 540 pm for MovieMerryTQRound gogon==0=i9====og fami sufficient time but none of us know how much time iwill be gtvcrrais rtocarryehuLQur plans Life insurance is the only wayl which We can neutralize the time element Througli life insurance we can commence today to create the es tate necessary to provide finan cial security for the family under contract which provides that should death Intervene all ful urc instalments will be wiped out and the estate we hop to create vill be turnedover intactlo the Yen cieatetlicdesired estate by the stroke of ii pen That is the miracle of life in surancL and there is absolutely no other proprtTwhtch caniba purchased on thosederms Mr Dunstan discussed some facts concerning the lnvesnetty of life insurance companies and the law which governs what types securities in which to place their funds Muchof their pur as ROAD ciao Tax Rule Penetangs 1951 tax rate got boost of lessthan three mills over 1950 when the mill rate was struck plastngeek xP In 1950the miniate was 5020 mills and for 1951iith been fset at 5296 mills focpubliosc eggsupe porters and 31933 mills in 19 as against 4871 mills in 1950 for Pro mtmmdmotfsuppomm ationbondsrand stocks represent livbrguglltrtlig French to St and Miquelori off the Newfoundland coast in the 14th century and shing has been the staple industry of the islands ever smce is 230 hot orlace 326Trot or Pace 220 Trot oclaco Free For All the day before race Mer s5QsQsssQQsQssts5ssssss sillineuine 12 messianic Ar worm Purso$200i00 Purse $250410 Pinso $25000 Purse $30000 stimulate om wna Brilliant tract McAiister President xv nun Eentrance Fee of the purse Entries received unto GMwatt Clerk refrace entries 93393 hmflld Davey wants of the Kins chases in federal provincialand municipal blinds represent pub rlic buildingsfhighwoysfibdges public utilities and many titlri improvements contributing to the general welfare andrprogress of the nation He said that the mortgage loans the companies represent the pr ision of homes for Canadians and have helped many thousands ofpeopledo buy homes of their civil Manymillions of life in surance funds havehelped to con strucl houses and apartment buildings while stillotheimilh lons havemlooned to farm erslo assist in title development and improvemenlfot an agriculg ural industry eqwenf on rimsay that corpor they deveimmeyig and extension or Canadas indu fruit plants and that life insurancedollars have helped to builcl Canadas rail ways develop its power resour ces equip office buildliigs haveproTided thousand ad one other requirements for lthe satiSfactioii of the iieeds and Cahaditm people licivbrfinesff Total assocoi bridge opposite Buchanans resi TMicllcinfclgicwrt Fines from various liquorcon victlons ran up staggering sum of $800 in Midland court recently Charges of illegal posse55ion foundins and drunk charges made up the list Largest fine was one for $300 paid bypa Midlandrlady convicted of having inhetrrpossession and con sumlng beer obtained illegally Her homewas also declared public place for 12 months Several other persons were convicted as found xray picturesto test metals can be taken at asxieedof100 per steps The Midland group had arranged for the showing of likliiiggcpjctiiig the life of an al coholic At itiloorgic evening Barrie member spoke few words ifappreciation to those who had been interested enough to attend the meeting The Barrie AA group which came into being two years ago starting with three still holds open meetings for members relatives and interested persons each Thursday evening in Lllg7llblaly liallLiIn addition for the Tiiast eight weeksth group has been holding closed Monday evening meetings at the homes of Ellie various members which have taken the form of discussion groups to About 60 or 70pe1sonsatlended the anniversary gathering Community Centre Discusriecllby ColdWater Cguncil Requirements Whici doernet by the mylugip setting up community centre discussed by Goldwater CUImcikat lits June meeting on Monday night start has ben made on the community centre proposal and it is lioBFd to incorporate the Dr BrBoyd Memorial Park in the cheme the opinion it Would be advisable to conferrwitli an official at Queens lark regard mgbprrogdpre before local efforts are under way by general com Slim itialdiscussionsehave been held by repieentatives of 10 calIgroups withEtley Levering as chairman The scope of the com munity centre plan here has not yet been determined The matter ofsale of the hay in the fair grounds was disoussed BruceSpeerin who bought the hay last year with the higheiit tender price of $61 on record offered the sameamount this year This was accepted and motion was passed to sell th771951716pf6 MrSpeerin Council arranged to present its siderofthe case givhen case comes up in Division Court here June 20 over claim for higher rate of pay by village employee It was decided to see about re moval of fallen tree near the deuce as this is considered haz ard Police Chief William Beach was appointeddo collect dog takes at the same fees as last year Mrs Franklin wrote objecting to the grader having allegedly cut up part of her property letter in reply will point out council had opened ithe road pasther residence with the Showplow on request last winter and necessary trip had been made recently do rillre road way on the assumptl this was permissible Herb askedrebate on part of his 1950 business assessment No action was takenon hiSlettei Norwegian miles are seven times as fong aa thei Canadian mile members of Hamilton nation of James Blay as director has been aiiiiomiccd by Mr Saun ders The new division tvhibh comesT directly under the chairmans office crystallizes the progress achieved in line with the original objective to keep the people fully informed at all times in relation to the af fairs and progress of Hydro Emphasizing the trcmendousl important part public relations had been and is now playing in the commissions overall operations the chairman directed atlentioifi to lithe many problems Hydro had had to meet from the stand point of power and water short ages blackouts restrictions sand dther difficulties in recent years Itvasimperativef seidiMri Saunders to obtainnlhe utmost in cooperation from the municipal ities and from the public generally in meeting those situations success fully Tliat focused my attention on the importanceof public relations VAs result Willi the placing of commissions public relations ac tivities under the chairmans office news release and publican nouncement came overow desk Work Multiplied Since that policy was first in au atedf stated Mr Saunders We work of the piIblrc relation departments has multiplied an panded to Di where there was need foxgicoordhiation lirmropinion ay has done tremendously efficEnt an ant job dimenager of the lion department He has ben ignatedw as director pf public rela tionsgkAs has been the casgjor the past ithreeyiearsthesectivities will be under theochairmans of me And as in the past we shall agav or in the future tOkeepthEpubliF the owners of Hydrofully inform edabiilut the activities of the com mission consistent of course with our policy of security in the present international crisis gt In carrying out its program the commission Would seek tomainy lain evencloser contactwith the people whom it servesthe chair man Stated That program as in recent years will include the use of recognized channels of communicar tibnrsuch as advertisingpress liai son educational and periOdical publications films displays of an educational character at the CNE and localfairs and the useof radio for regular reports to the pepple by the chairman himself er Blay who heads the new Public Relations Divisiori under the chairman has been identified with the commission for more thap twelve years and has had number of key positions including those of field superVisbr and general sup ervisor of promotion Prior to his latest appointment be was manager of prdmotion Born and educatedfat London Ontario where he took special courses at the University of West ern Ontario Mr Blay started his career with the London Public Utilitllfes Commission on the sales staff Before coming to ontario Hy fro he was associated with the Canadian Westinghouse Company planned or At the same lllllC liercpresems Ontario Hydro on the Board of Directors of the Electric Service LeagueuiLQntariorand is member of the Association of Canadian Ad vertisers Not only has he been an active figure on the electrical scene but his work has broughthim into wide prominence in the newspaper ad vertising and motion picture fields Rescue Worku RCAFDulies ute of the day every dayof the week men of the RCAFs wide ung seamhand Rescue org though planes at these points licld day nigltt movies at Queens Park was turned down by the directors They felt that this was more of and would therefore not be practical for Th elAliLi club activity chamber to handle Several President Leishman pressing thanks in members joiillad with to Sandy Coutts on the capable manner in May 24 this year ex mercc work which lie and his committee band led the Barrie Flyers recoption The secretaryiiiaiiager Reg Wel the lot on Burton Avenue on which the Charti Big Portof ham announced that stationed at Torbay land ei Greeiiwpod 7NS Fort YflI Nelson BC and Vaconuver and her ofCoiiimerce sign is situated Newfound Goose i7 Bay Labrador Trenton Winni Around the clock every mln peg Churchill ManlrsEdrhomnT Whitehorse Auditori 78780Ifi1lccrslorwSl al ization are on the alert for ini for gpecic Search and Rescue mediate action in an emergency work are allowed to can out Their drng and courage have stirred the Canadian people in search and rmercy operations cross thewbreadth of theAand into our Aivctichrchipelago an over our ocean boundaries Althouin Search and RescutI operations call for skill and ex erience and in many cases for extreme devotion to duty they are made possible by wide spread and highly efficient or ganization rather flying exploits Behind each sue cessful operation is carefully organization stretching from coast to coast and able to upon all the resources of if necessary the nth rvics the Royal Canadian Mo nted Police and othergovernme lsagencies Primary respoun bilihy of Search and Rescue is to Canadas international merits underlrICAO which st that the Dominion will maintain an organization capable ofrend4 eriiig aid to aircraft in distress on jthe VEast and West coasts Search andRescue hasalsobeen made responsible forA helping ad tress aircraft in inland areas al though this purely domestic responsibility iralher than one entered into with other nations Inadditiiin to assistance jot this sort Slarchahdejscue hasminy times been called up to carry out mercy jmiSsionsl ofmany other types VWhen the job is life and deatlrmatter and can be handled by iio one else Search an Rescue stands ready 24 hours day to seek out and lendasV sistance Some Vofs these mercy missions have intact resultedfin the most spetaciilar operations carried out by SAR as in the cases of OperationTCaTio and Operatiorixhoddsr both ights into the Far Arcttcjto rescuepersons requiring immediate hospital care than daredevil certain other duties helm rmllbtlll COM they nagmatmn of never allowedto undertake jobs count 95 which would rpieventzthem from instantly ready for their 31 Located two mllearjaouth of Banlo on con cessfon 14$ Drive south on Highway 014mm left onfirst road past olovorleaf Bring the childzon no biibvsirtlrig7 problem lndmduulcpr speakers No parking problem Comc diesin as oo pleusekldeol lor ShullilS by he lie TRAviiiNG SALESWOMANT in eiConccs fond Moiunit TUESD borrow TENTH AVE jGANG courting WEDNESDAY frHuRsoAyixlt FIRSTEIIN 1Nrnls DISTRICT ism THEMJNo BEAUTYIEGNVJEA ROBERT Hutton It was the unanimous wish of the directors thatMir Welham attend ii short course in Hamilton spon lt soredubyvthoCanadianChamth9 Commerce The course will be held at McMaster University and will cover wide field of activities in connection with chamber of com hum Bruno VSlngOsophsf

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