Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1951, p. 5

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dealer rooms before plow 20 disc seed iiilolly plies 8r Service phone picknup arid return carpentry Phdnc Berrisford Stroud47rl3 5455111 iiflul1 be glad to help College 66 Toronto lpaperphotle 5200 ATTENTION FARMERS wewlb vice tele hene collect HELP WANTED WAITRESS Apply in person to Farina Spaghetti IIOuse Stroud l4546b WATCHMAN with Firemans pn pers Box 48 Barrie Examiner ilb DISH WASHER with experience if possible Good wages meals supplied Apply at the Harmony Grill l40b GIRLS FOR bedroom and din ing room work for small Muskoka resort Apply Cheltonia Lodge Minett Muskoka Ont 1454811 AN ELDERLY LADY in Barrie would like someone to care for her and take charge of her home Apply 15 MacDonald Stl4049p SALESMAN lOR lending auto servin large territory with wellestabished and popular line of cars and trucks Excell cnt opportunity for the right man See Mr Hill 55 Elizabeth Barrie l4647b ROUTE SALESMAN Man re quired must be reliable and should have likeable personality Sales experience not necessary but would be an asset Route open is year round positlon Apply to Sales Manager Brent Lake vicw Purc Milk Dairy Lgd 14648b OFFICE CLERK Must vbgreli able young man interested in career position Age 16 to 19 with Junior Matric preferred security position with opportun ity for steady advancement in both rank and pay An excell ent opening for an ambitious boy of the right type Give full particulars as to age extent of education qualifications and pre vious experience if any in first letter Apply Box No Barrie Examiner l46tfb YOU CAN GET into Radio and Television Wireless Operating and make good inoncy without preylv ous radio experience Qualify through recognized and proven course by correspondence also lay and night classes starting shortly Placement Bureau aSSlsts graduates Low monthly terms Write for free booklet today no obligation state age education Radio College of Canada86 Bath llrst St Toronto Ont 13951bS WM POSITIONS WANTED BOOKKEEPER Typist wishes position in Barrie At resent employed in Toronto Appy Box 44 Barrie Examiner 240p CHILDRENS Dresseshand smock ed and made 11p from your own material Prices rcasonable Mrs Armstrong RR Burma 24547p Accommodation Wanted OR TROOMED house wanted immediately Please write 80x5 Barrie Examiner 1140 URGENTLY NEEDEDVVZ or June 13 temandn 2weele for soldidraridwi old baby Write Box Barrie Examiner 114611 OR 5ROOMED House furnishA cd or unfurnished in town or close to limits for family of two adults one child Apply Box 49 Barrie Examiner 1146tfx YOUNG SINGLE business gnarl desires 761 rafirrgomed furnished downto Post Office Square Apply 47BamLE sainme 114 HOUSE 0R 56 Roomed Apart intent wanted to rent Barrie orw VlClnlly0f Cam Local 113W enBhone RCAF or write Cpl Coates Camp Borden 114547p FARM EQUIPMEN FANNING MILL Potato planter Binder Scales Flat Wagon rack 3furrow 12inch bottom tractor drill Wesley RR Barrie ngh 27 milesTsouthT 3044pr Cgawford way No FORD Ferguson Tractorland plow Allis Chalmers Tractor Allis Chalmers Tractor plow Used Case Combine Used Allis Chaimi ers CombineAll lion and priced lose 36 Barrie Examiner OHN DEEREVTractor Aflrstrweliass order starter all ights power guaranteed 30 Farm Sop 2373 394649b iMISCELLANEOUS WEED AND GRASS CUTTING honer5444r1 219k 5444111 WN SOD INC soil and fill Phone 2195 Or 5444 wlb running order gt days priced to sell THERRIEN star Masons houses fireplaces agstoneg nrsPhone 3170 541469 LAWN MOWERS sharpened $151 Jim Little 250 Elizabeth StF0r that 4785 50c 5442u49p ROOFING BUILDING rep and cement CEMENT Contractors Richards and Sutherland Foundations side walks steps and stoops Phone 54 647 laxPAINTER AND Decorator of Eaton Company 25 years ex perience Estimates gee Phone 35 52titfb Oro Statibn 10r20 MIMEOGRAPHING Let Miss Jane Fachnie attend to your duglrcatln and secretarial problems hew Contact herat you the school office Barrie Business 4824 FLOOR SANDERS for rent glatlt estimodcl dustless and simple to operate We have needed to make new oorstrpm old Call Boyds Paint and Wall 530tfb bf pleased to pick up dead or crip lad animals and pay highestpre veiling prices Fordmmodiate sera Battle 30 Gordon dung Limited hitea Reapiloiiar Wakeoff Massey arris102vJuniorJIractorrgoodV grading 15133 Ntne tenantch cotta esd St Phone everything FOR SALE AMERICAN CEMENT Donald 51 phone 2863 7285lp ICE BOX while 7Sdbs ea acit Reasonable Phone 4719 g46yp GIRLS CCM balloon tired bicycle good condition Phone 5487 746p 1913 HP Jormsrou outboard motor very good condition Phone 2957 746p WHITE ENAMEL Refrigerator in good condition Phone 114 Stroud 7464711 SHALLOW WELL electric pump and pressure tank new Apply E5511 Road 74647 HAMPSON TRAILER in condition fully equipped 21x8 Apply 217 Toronto St 746p COAL AND fWOOD Stove in ood coudlthn Apply 223 Brad ord St Galbraith Phone 1449 74647p ADDING MACHINES and type writers for sale or rent atBarrie Business College 00 Toronto St Phone 4824 76910 RECONDITIONED Wrist and Pocket Watches priced$5 to $20 Fully guaranteed Webbs Jewell ery Allandale 744471 PAIR OF SKIS ft laminated hickory steel edges micro bind ing also mans CCM bicycle Cheap for quick saltrPhonc 2129 7464711 KITCHEN FURNITURE Oak dressers lawn mower and garden tools combination dresser and wardrobes and other articles Phone 5209 7464713 STOKER Commercial No 40 Liv ingston in perfect condition will handle up to 80 hp boiler for $800 New price $1 Phone 982R 336 Home ollingwood 7454611 VACUUMS $1950 all recondi tioned and fully guaranteed Why not buy local and know who you are dealing with For free home demonstrations phone 3482 Roy Tracy the Filter Queen dealer 74447p PLATE GLASS CASE 54 ins high 72 inches long counter with drawers holder for paper 15 ft display table with mllsonite top Cheap Devins Wasaga Beach 41 River Rd Phone 10512 7444131 good SETS OF Scales 2000 lbs fan ning mill baled straw quantity mixed hay quantity Ajax oats lumber cords hardwood cords softwoad heavy duty farm trail or All must be sold at once Apply John Campbell Stroud 746p ATTENTION FARMERS Freight eleVator one ton OtisFenson in excellent working condition for immediate installation inany type of building 24 storeys IlkllClght For further particulars apply Shultis Co 80 Dalllousie Brantford Ontarlo phone 74547b FRUIT Cr VEGETABLES STRAWBERRIES for slale begin ning next week lots of them cash andcarry while they last Rogerson Cookstown phone 77R 204546b FARMS FOR LE would exchange for plwaoX32 Bar 84546b $1800 100 AC3Ealllv9 also roamed house Barn 50760 also driveinshed hydro water on tap Immediate DOSSCSSIOII Apply Box Barrie Examiner 04047 Vg LOT 20CON F105 Frame rie IIOIISC barn 40x60 pig pen 24x40 garagesmall drive shed 22 acres miXed hay 14 acres Fall wheat 33 acres Spring gram acres of btishiAbalanccr pasture JSWlA Jot 203 C011 Flos 50 acr Robert Elmvaltlhchg 844f46p PROPERTY FOR SALE GOOD me right of way to lake footfrpntage Mrs Farley 167409 Village of Edgar Edgar Ont L1645013M HOUSE18X22I acre of land 11 miles from Angus on Brentvvood Road $150011alf cash down pay ment if possibleApplyRobt Godfreyfmilland Landing 1646 ROOM RUG paler house ewlydecorattl en lot and landscape ston 124 Mary st 40415469 OUTSKIRTS 0111 Creemore five rooms builteih cupboards storm windows and screens lnsulbrlc covered good water near school woodshed lien pensma11 stable acres of gutld qualityland some fruit130x 1015 Creemore Phenei 73J 164546p AT SIXf THOUSAND dollars we hav two excellent buys real got homes posSeSSionr to suit reasonable terms Also for the Ill2 vestor two Duplexesjthat wrll show excellent rtumsizWhen it is Real Estate cont tHenry Buick Realtors Barr gorden Highway known Land Settlement =9n Concession 14 Innlsfll Township Mostly black muok soil remaind er sandy loam and light bush on prop erty served by dri lo 283 foot casewll Box 25 Barrie Exam vletob immediate poss 500 dovm payment two oregsolid construct new furnace last year mentions hard and consumed hydro located near two hihwaye Nixie lot wlth builditl daily us servxce togTorch 1111111003000 on easy insure listing OJntact lie Pine Grove phone representing Sons Real Toronto Emp Con and 81Vespra vcnienccs 47p title46p $12000 300 ACRESonBarrie rofits PASTURE PASTURE FOR RENI spring water Ap 1y Stacey New running to Allen 2245460 PLANTS FLOWERS TOMATO Plants 25c doz Good quality Apply Joe Jobst between 27454631 FOR SALECabbage Plants ear IV or late 750 per 100 at the gar den Chantler 211 Donald SL Barrie 2740 LOST FOUND LOSTSmall black suitcase he twecn Huntsville and Lisle Hill Scull Lisle 1746 LOSTGold locket with initials NTA on one side and LOL 888 New Lowell Reward Arnold New Lowell llwtop LOSTPlastic case containing passport birth certificate and ersonal papers Phone 145122 c01 ect Creenlore Reward 174546b SUMMER comers SUMMER COTTAGE for sale Woodland Beach bedrooms full screened veranda electric stove pressure systemwith inside con Webster phone 3230 2345th WASAGA BEACH Inside con veniences fully equicd screen ed rangcttes central Very rea sonable Rent by WCCkmOllthly or seasonal or longer ply Jay Jays Cottages Joan an Mosley Wasaga Beach 2tl464tih 10 MILES FROM Barrric to rent by season or month 2roomed cottages close to beach bus and dance hall Good swimmin com pletely furnished Apply Par sons Jr Ilconards Beach or phone Stroud 32101 28454011 lersrocx ron SALE 16 PIGS WEEKS OLD Roy Pilkcy Shanty Bay phone Oro 95 940p 15 AND 8week old pigs Ap ply John Cromarty Shanty Bay village 94011 GOOD AYRSIIIRF Cow due to fcsllcn soon also ladys bicycle Plonc 1114 Stroud 94540b 3RD LIIIER SOW pigs weeks old $190 11 Winterton 7th line Sunnidalc phone Stay ncr 528r31 946b TEAM OF GOOD work horses miles east of Painswick on Con 13 Innisill William 11 Watson Phone 2141 946p TEAM OF matched Belgian geld ings and 7years old 1000 lbs Frank Kennedy Phelpston phone 9r11 Elmvale 94640pM WE CAN ARRANGE Credit Plan for financing your feedre quircmenis on oultry and live stock Pay for eedafter market ing Barrie Farm Supply Market SqnnmrBaHierePlionev2982 92447p PERSONAL CRESS BUNION SALVE For amazing relief Druggists sell Cress Wart Remover too Leaves no scars 3046 noun F041 RENT central Phone 5082 1546 OFFICE and Work Shop Accom modation Apply Cowan Building Phone45217 lSSItr ROOMED Upper apartment unfurnished Vacant June Box 50 Barrie Examiner 154011 OFFICES3 looms in all office building in Barrie Apply stating business to Box4 Barrie Exam iner 1546p NICELY FURNISHED bedroom with clothes closet Suitable for ntLor twopeople VerLcentral Phone 3990 1546 LARGE Furnished light house keeping room down trtwnhab stainers adults only Busmess personnel preferred Phone 3801 1546p FURNISHED Summer homes cklse to Barriesforrent by the month or season For inspection and details contact Henry Elrick Realtors BarrinTTi 71546pr AUTOMOBILES 36 FORDCOACH $99 37 Dodge Sedan 1$Z99vPhone 2856 1346p 1930 DODGE SEDAN in good condition throughout Phone 842r4 Barrie 134647b www 23 ACRES LAND with buildings wanted Lowe RR Ont3 miles of dro Write Bond 31 Barrie CHICKSWe broner Order Farm Tuesday June 19 McMas ter Lot on the 4th line of in lusili one mile east of 27 High way Auction sale of farm stock Terms Wednesday June 20 Ward Good fellow Grounds Complete cattle pm tioneer stove 3Westinghou3e Cook stove niethrou TW PROPERTY WANTED MICCAL Mews Start today Travel the De Luxe way Call De Luxe Taxi 5549 Nine cars to serve you Free checking service at office Clap pelton St 32th mHairctlt 50c 60 Maple Ave Permanent wave regular $5 for $350 $15 cold wave for 57 Just to get acquainted with the new location Callleron 00 Ma pie Ave phone 4331 4451 PERSONALS Mrs Hawkins form erly of Barrie and now of Belle vdle has returned Ironic after Spending the week of June to as the guest of Mr and Mrs implements and Chllllner Tractor Tlmnson lmpmmms SM at 12 dowel Posilllasier Thomson rc casll Manning ltIcEwen sumcd duties on Monday June Auctioneer 4547 followmg period of hospitaliza Barrie Fair lion and convalescencc ispersal sale Mr and Mrs John Cook Pains lgfthglasdi J92 wick are holding open llouse to is he Sproule Auc glen flitllds on the occasion of 46483 ltll 10111 ueddlllg lnllmrsaly June 14 from 230 to plll and AUCTION SALE to pm it form Stock Implements Mrs Sadie Carr has returned to her home in Puiuswick having Chalmers Tractor Implements spent the past six months in the USA The undersigned has received instructions from it Olive Maw 111 Parksldc MCMASTER Drive spent week with her cou sin Miss Janet Richardson in Elulvale Lot on the 4th Lone of Innisfil one mile East of 27 Highway Capt and Mrs Spence and To sell by Public Auction on their two sons John and Michael TUESDAY JUNE 19 left Wednesday night to take up residence at Wainwright Alberta AT 1200 OCL THE FOLLOWI where Capt Spence has recently been posted HORSES Team black Pcrch erons matched Black Percheron CATTLE Hereford Cow fresh SEALED TENDERS addressed ylSi 015101 00W fresh to the undersigned alld endorsed yrs1 015191 COW fresh yrs Tender for Coal will be re Durham cow 950 yrsi DUF ccivcd until pm tEDST ham 00W 05 ll ylSi Durham Thursday June 21 1951 for the COW flCSlli ylSi Cliflrd 31081 supply of coal alld coke for the yrs Durham ylS Dlllhm Dominion Buildings illrollghout heifer calves Holstein heifer the Province of Ontario Calves Durham Cillllt 311 Forms of tender with specifica Durham Clllllc X1152 SICCIS lions and conditions attached can YlSi Durham thICI yrs be obtained frolll the Chief of open Hereford hell VHS Purchasing and Stores Depart 099 Dllhilm 510913 YISJ mcntof Public Works Ottawa Heller9 and SIGNS yrsi 09011 and the District Architect 30 The above Came ill 11 SDCCll Adelaide St East Toronto Ont 800d lot of beef cattle lt Tenders should be made on the PIGS ti Yorkshire sows bred forms supplied by the Depart Chllnkhi YOIkShllC ChullkS ment and in accordance with de YOlkSlllIC YolkShlle Hogr paltmcntal specifications alld con monlhs Yorkshire Chunks ditiolls attached thereto YorkShilO duo June 19 Tamworth The Department reserves the 08 right to demand from any sue HAY AND GRAIN Quantity cessful tenderer before awarding of hay Quantity of Mixed Grain 10 OldCI 11 SCOUWLMCPOSH IMPLEMENTS Allis Chalmers the form of CClleflLd cllequoon tractor Cockshutt fertilizer drill ll ChilllCltdbimk In Canada made Smelly hatchet mill Cockshutt Payable Ellflel 0f the HO binderr Cement mixer Sawin curable the Minister of Public machine Fannlng mill Stee Works equal to lOpCl cent of the wheeled wagon number of amount of the tender or Bearer avoodenwwagon wheelsruwmnery Bonds ofthevDominiomofCanada wheel and stand walking or of the Canadian NationalRall plows Riding plow 10foot hay way company and its constituent rake Set of sleighs Gravel box comlJames unCQlldlllimlly Agni yds Set of harrows Side def anleedas to plxhclpal and inter livery rake Cockshutt Stone est by the Dominion of Canada boat Massey hay loader Cock or the aforementioned bonds and 00d to buy wihin Barrie Must have hy 195 Bradford 3344461 CHICKS will be hatching until AugUst 10 Hunters Poultry 2445400 chicks now Stroud AUCTION SALES sale at of purebred Terms DST TENDERS FOR OAL AND JOKE Federal BuildinosProvince of Ontario GIRL district Ellis RH No Harrie REQUIRED BY Ford Dealer car tractor sales experience lltlr mm appmmnw and gOgtl 10 Il per cent tlUll of the right man Write or phone Glassl DhcL gains USS um Motors FOR SALEAblllt 30 hay for cutting and taking away Also Hzluck Oll Burner for sale burns 843123 DINING Gibbard reasonably Phone 5212 FURNISHED Aparlment In llarrieAllandaic businch months by July KEXilllllllcl for sale $1350 Phone 3017 or ap ply 53 Ecclcs St 33 PLYMOUTH SEDAN for sale good Avenue FOR RENT Furnished LlOllS objection to IERSON OR on outside lll vicinity of Mullers on Saturday June please re turn in Barrie Police Station or kct by ordering Gilnloles Chicks June for 5310 01L Lilith engine shutt scuffler MasseyHarris one Certied 000un ll TeqllllCd 10 way disc 17tooth spring cultiv make up an Pdd amounl ator 13tooth spring cultivator SUCh security Will serve asn kshutt corn binder McCorm guarantee for the proper fulfil ic Deering mower LargeJawing1119t 01 the contract inachine Coegrshuttrrmanuresprea lowC9ckshutt rubbertire waHBCIZWWR of gulch works gon Flat rackMcCormick disc Ottawa MW 23 19517 45 tooth cultivator Anvil Forge Hand drill International truck Defence Construction ilOhorsegWSttgkarackrPowerrr rip rLimited saw ap et es Steel Water TENDERS lHighs Blowing cutting box Re File 1225045 Job 1336 Messtsoo Man Chain 6011 Chain pulley Post hole on er Milking machine easy Camp Borden Ontario Sealed tenders plainly marked clean enfrew cream separator Electric chopper Wood Fanning Mill new motor Quantity of used Illmile Qummly 015 new as to content and addressed to 441 lumber 2x4 Quantity new QueenS Quay west Toronto 213 lumber pine Qllanlly elm Ontario will be received up to plank Quanmy me Quantity 200 pm Tuesday June 26 1951 lei Short ladders Draw for the construction of Van OB FOL Mess No72 500 Man to be 10 FURNITURE Set bedroom cated atAamleirdcn Ontario furniture and mattress Single Plansspecications and form bed and mattress Iron bed and of tendernrequired may be ob mattress Wooden bed Wash thiriedlat the address shown stands 13 Rocking chairs Parlor above deposit or $5000 is re table Couches Buffet Kitchen quired for each set of documents table andehairs Sets bedroom wihich deposit will be refunded on ishes Jadiog Cup retumioffplarnscgipgogl con7 dition within 14 days 170ij close of tendon Each tender must bcaccomp boards Day bed Quantity of jamQuantity of dishes Screened anied by Security Deposit edual to 10 oflherst $50000000 and Acting Secretary if ROBERTFORIIER 82m01285 cupboardBread dish and lid BakLboardLDishpan Iron ket of the remainder of the ten dertotal This deposit shall in tle Charter lamps Lantern zincbathtub wash tub Electric demnify DCL against loss inthe wash Painted roast pan event of withdrawal of the suc Small tables niftyifnpic cessful tenderer subsequent to the lures Arm rchair2burnerhotacceptance othegt bid by DCL plate Small cupboar hcque made payable of sap bucketeruantityr of chick t0 Defence Consirpctlon Lim1ted en feed troughs and water foun or negotiable Dopumotr of Can Empire Buffalo robe Boilers DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED TENDER File 1225ca3 Job No 1335 No Barrack Block 250 Man Camp Borden Ontario Sealed tenders plainly marked as to content and addressedtn 441 Queens Quay West Toronto 28 Ontario will be receivad up to 200 pm Tuesday June 36 1951 for the construction of 250 Man Barrack Block to be located at Camp Borden Ontario Plans specications and form of tender required may be obtained at the address shown above deposti of Fifty Dollars $5000 is required for each set of documents which deposit will be refunded and oll return of plans 10 ll good condition within fourteen Ml iilys from the 1051 of tender Each tender thirst be accompalpcd by security deposit equal thh first 95000000 and ve per cent lot the remainder of the lender total This deposit shall indemnify event of withdrawal of the Successful tend l40tllb erer subsequent to the aceeptance of the bid by DCL certied cheque made payable to Defence Construction Limited or negotiable of Dominion of Canada Bonds will be accepted as security deposit set of documents will be made available Iorthe pu inforlllation to subcontractors and material suppliers at the oronto Builders Exchange 1104 Bay Street Toronto Ontario The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted will roll CONNOLLY The earliest dated event ill lhistory is 4241 BC the year in RECRUITS WANTED which the Egyptian calendar was 5Day chk Good Salary established Vacation with Pay 12 Statutory Holidays mm by Full Pension after 110 years Service rim min Medical Service Included 7v Bum Age 21 to under 30 years Allie Height at least 59 Weight 100 IDS Apply In Person To Police Training SChooI TORONTO CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT 149 College Street Toronto ADLEIS These adlcu were received too late to classify under regular headings Uanerslty student wants umlller employment ill Barrie or Write to Miss Adelaide QeIGllpv truck Must be salesman with Good opportunity for Allistnn 0111 ac ItS brush Stove new ROOM SUITE for sale walnut good condition priced Nine pieces 7461 wanted The tip of the tongue IS thp couple most delicate organ of tpuch 1948 CHEV FLEETLINE Coach Iliavltib older 00 Mt le Iiiv tibl rooms llgllt housekeeping contin 1101 water Hayfield St 5211 154011 running NIXONS SCOUREX WILL SAVE YOUR CALVES SCOUREX VORKS FAST Removes infection from the Int tinal tract overniqllt The combined sultas work last Promotes appetite COVOYY SAVE EVER CALF THIS SEASON BY ASKIN AIOUT SCOUIEX cope BARBIE Caldwells Drug Store with Phone FURNISHED ROOM to rent No children 10 Maple ismlllh FASHR 8UR Ave PERSONS who felt hand bag lined picked up and colored flowers with mano in scourex ASK FOR YOUR COPY for rapid re Lcmon 40 177401 mail to Mrs George Beach 51 Collingwood YOU ARE ASSURED of quah ity broiler chick and good mar OWL pm me Barrie For further particulars regarding chicks and market write lil morcs Poultry Breeding Farm or phone 2735 Ilarric All chicks from Accredited stock 244600b BRICKLAYING Block and Com out work pointing stucco painl ing decorating carpentry and house repairs of all kinds Consult Ciidlands the builders English craftsmen Phollc 4435 354640p FOR SALEBoxers males fawn months old Brindle 11 months Both champion sired CoEd Kennels phone 0421 Bar rie 3847748p GOOD COLLIE to give away Phone 13r31 Ivy 313tfi MASSEY HARRIS Clipper Cbm OOOOLNKN0333330 Young man age 2030 to sell retail advertising for The Barrie Examiner The man for the job must have goodeducation be enthusiastic and willing to work Experience not necessary This it Rsiiiiiied position blinitlvemimbility will be well rewarded Benefits include group life insurance accident and healthlspitalization and surgical insurance scower cleaner practically new Has done 270 acres Can be seen Sunday Churchill 51h Line Con 12 or phone Toronto Plaza 3237 until pm after Redford 6459 3946471 IN MEMORIAM Apply in writqu or in person to 7T11EADVERTISINQMANAGER hm BARBIE EXAMINER REIVEIn1oving inemoiy dear husband Marshall 13 1946 Some day dear Marshall wieill ffTmcet again When Gods great willis=doner Ill stand once more beside you When He calls for me to come Evcr remembered by his wife 46p QUANTZiln loving memory of my dear mother Margaret Quautz who passed away June 121950 And while she lies in peaceful sleep Her memory we keep Eer remembered by BARRIE FAIR enouan Shell allal SOll Fred daughterirrdaw Jean 46b MUSllltooM CONFERENCE Filst International Conference EERGUS GMWEY Mg onSclentic4Aspectsof MushrpOm PHONE 5229 at Growing was held last May in Peterborough England 194FPLYMOUTHJCoacmr excelli ent condition new ring job etc Phone 3938 1345460 l6 CHEV COACH new tires in and condition Reasonable Phone 1928 DODGE SEDAN motor and tires goodbody fair Priced for quick sale gPhone 23r14 Stroud FOR SALE1942 45Harley Dav idsonrriotorcycle Apply 156 Brad ford St between 63031105 pm 13454611 Hilda bonds will be shovels andwhiffle Security Deposrt treesand otherarticles too num set of documents Will be erous to mention made availabletor the purpose of NoReserve Farm sold Noth information to subcontractors ing to be moved until settled for and material suppliers at the To Termscash canto Builders Exchange Manning McEwen Auctioneer Bay Street Toronto Ontario Home address 12 King Crescent The lowest er anytender not Phone 1501W= Weston Weston necessarilyx accepted Ont 4647b46b MCONNOELY ill1516 1943fcnnv FLEETLINEfAl cdn dition with Abuiltin radio R1154 seli Stranaghan phone AMO 1950 AUSTIN Private carExcel lent condition Pricled low for quick Sale 51911 For ong Thompson St Barrie or phone 5764 134647 1941 FORD Coach radio heater new tires 40Ford Deluxe Sedan 36 Dodge motor bargain if sold this weekend Apply Regent Service Station Guthrie 11137th 1947 OLDSMOBILECoach hydra matic driyw heater good CDIIOIE tion Must be seen to be appreCla ted Owner has company car Phone2975 after 530 3305 during day 1345th 1947 TOLDSMOBILE 98 COACH new October 1947 mileage 28000 hydrama drive whitewall tires radio Cadillac body darkgreenr Looks and runs like new= Pliope 5536 13451 Fog lights radio conditioning heater right When you need it At Corby Motors you can rent tractorequlpped with the implements you prefer and all at alow rental fee Call in today rind inquire about this new tractor service 910$le roamom accompanies Marken BARRli swag 5226 accbtdvas F0lmers Here itsyour op Immunity to have atractor 1104 Sirocco District Cooperative stir vices is in the Plrleum pBusinssJIor Your ii Coop Petroleum Manager George Pearsall 195115 ourfifth year of PetroleumProducts DEliveryService 19514Delivery equipment threetank tru cits 2800 and 51200 gallon capacity pump ahdmeterequipped The green and cream gas trucks are symbolic of good service l951Sales volume expectedvto reachamilllon gallons gas fuel and lubricating oils These products available atour Barrie Plant auddelivered anytime in County At present we are serving thousandpetroleumpustomera Haveyou become lvuser of Cojop Coop ServesSimcoelCounly and

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