Emmott mm on uncommon 87th WYVeo rNo 45 Fred Grant Reminisce MANY or FAVORITE OtDTlME isouos WEllallEMEMBERED Sally in Our Alley Kate Castle tons For Goodness Sake Dont Say Told You Gus Williams Section 2Poges tolo Continued from last week The managervof the music section of large department store has just Need Cooperation of the Public Cooperdtlon of the public in taking the The census supplies the buSiness man with and gay are passing over the coun ters as the cash registers jingle Maybe its sign of general yearning for more peaceful time lingering glance back to the days that didnt seem too crowded with cares It could be part of agrow ing recognition that all that is old oor at least isnt brassy new isnt without merit It reects recently stated Make what you Sleep Baby Sleep Ind Selelal like of it but the swing in music othelrs trait yodlellibrgl choir1 censu sales is back to the old melodies us ic at ows 38 wuc ar true is must for as travellers re on the trend Jolsons Every Little Bit Added to com let ld mmrmaupn on the Size Of and mwntlamles throughom the coin The ow What You Havemkcs mm or accurate information The cen of the home market It helps him decide on 01 tunem selecuons Scmimenwl Moms and Now Tell Me filo l5 aCooperative enterprise by 14 mil the advisabilitles of expansion and in what ion Canadians for the benefit of all Every areas expansion is justified It helps him to And here is typical tramp song THEN ILL COME BACK MY DARLING T0 Till1E My wife is charmingyoung ClICii lure But she ran away from her holne Because would take all her earn ings body has something to gain but nothing to determine quotas for his salesmen It shows lose Cooperation with the census is good cit him where the occupational skills he needs rzenshlp are to be found It supplies the investment The information collected and compiled by blOkCl the blmkel and Other 11311018 With the census will be of vital use to everyone in Villlely 0l llllormallOll that they new for Canada to the business man to the govern sound appraisal of buslness developments and mem to municipal bodies to public organ projects and of investment conditions and izations as basis for estimates source ODDOllllllllthS hemmer mental animde Slow She leftinc alone all alone ing down of the frantic tempo Al of Information about our great Dominion and of war and postwar scapism Wag gheczrnrsiwfmarlowmg MLLVJJIU for the manmme streetmmhmmghtknow Boards of trade chambers of commerce his country better and that he might be Deb and public utilities are enabled to advise and The jerky erratic movement of sound that went with hectic day loday living seems to have com pleted its cycle Theres something comfortable about the old songs They Clothe you like baggy wellused dress ing gOWn and those dilapidated old slippers that haye made friends with your feet It could be sign of age of course butthey help rclt glee thought shed consented to come back But oh no no no not to rue CllOIlUS Wlienall the old maids shall iich sweethearts And married folks always agree When the man in the moon comes down in balloon And gold dollars grow on tree When the fresh eggs you huy are never found stale And the fishes wont swim in the sea ter able tousscss me suitability of proposed assist civic and municipal authorities in com legislation that may affect him or his bus mulmy planning They can Dom out to mess or protessmn manufacturers and retailers the advantages of obtaining factory sites and sales outlets in their particular locality by being able to quote disinterested authority on the labor market and the strength of local purchasing power The Canadian ccnsusis taken primarily to determine the representation of each of the provinces in the Federal House of Commons second reason of great importance from the provincial standpoint is the fact that number of the federal subsidies to the pro vinces are based on population Subsequently the tax agreements entered into with seven of the provinces are predicated amongst oth Figures can be produced on population characteristics such as language origin re ligion There is scarcely branch of busi When theyve given all Women at it Km 10 V0 or things on population increases in rclatiOn nmnumcmrm Sellmg m1 Thcltlllll come back my darling to to other factors ancrng that=does not have schlfic uses for 1m However the census has far wider ap census ngures They 53 Sh plication than the hunger representatibn Fl urcs other 59 05010015 or OClalwolkv man who lived 0m way and fedelal subsidies The government takes social agencies and societies interested in the If she has why lhopc she will he census 3511 busmess mall takes inven improvement of social conditions generally tory The primary asset is the population Churches and schools make frequent use of send me Some dollars my board bill to pay Ive tried many dodges to prosper But work and cannot agree itself not just from number but also the var census figures Teachers students authors ious attributes that collectivoly make the and lecturers and other private citizens ob Canadian people The wellbeing of the state tainfigures from the Bureau of Statistics gm short mm To see it shcn come back to me physical moral and economic can be appre and the indivrdual uses census statistics in CHORUS hended and interpreted only through the mo reading his newspaper listening to the radio When Cherng gum 1005 011 fashion drum of population statistics and in every day conversation When men fly like birds in thenair When the money you need is catty 86 Room FRED GRANT 305 no acts the an thncevey wrongdoer is punished After the lust two days of the Canadian buyer is not there to be entertained He is ments on the subject which have From Examiner Files International Trade Fair held at Toronto mm sense of belongmg The When our premm some slam coulse ven eye appeal in the attractive muskin 1mm my kind qr out eyed Chm moigosgfmngfoggggg fyymgg May28 June the ivBrltlsh machine tool manner in which things are laid out But gt things who Itlhe youggstcrshwdcrc When your name is emblazoned in limpired by persons who are far Years Ago section announced that it had done more what he musudeclde is whether the goods are 2llWs all is 0m Rm of than $5000000 worn or Its more or name quarry price which wm 03 the 595 mm my TE their own tax bills than they are rm woodlnno who never mid exhibit covering 30000leet of floor space enable him to sell them in his own country mt 90 with the Christian doctrines of the league season in lacrOssc ls had been sold 1x dfm feel so left emuwnh Mfon Another Veu popular song was charity social justice and lqve of now started am indeed glad to That 15 only rteSt Bitgzhmsetrxfgfhrs Ifch 10 COMRADES OblECIS To Statements their fellowmcn seems to point in see that sports in Barrie is on the Those figures are impresswe because they back mm circulation m1 werme childhood playedtogcthu In Barrie Examiner this direction up groovy and am sure there IS put an understandable dollar tag on some ASlde from materialgalnsr Tlade Fa wh My dear comrade Jack and The real purpose of this lcttcris material enough her to make Bar part of the Fair gives tremendous opportunity fora mixing tlnth We would fight each others battles May 28 1951 to statethat Idont mindbeingcirw noted for ilhlellc Sports TO Yet they are 343mm harm of the value of of peoples rind so makes another contribuw meme wt wner Toicnch others aid would fly vT0 thEdltor ticlzed at all for Positions WhiCh mofmw logguc game or hich cant be comuteda contribu has been saying or the past 50 And in boyhoods scrapes and The Barrie Examiner have actually taken regarding pub the season is played in lacrosse be he even The full value runs into sums 0f l0 lycars regardluithose ndany loop troubles Barrie Ontario lic affairs But dont like to have lweqn Barrie and Orillia We all money which Will never reveal themselves in UP t0 undermmgm the worldi ThelelS Siggzogiztggs gatingivtidgrrtc You would find us everywhere Dear Sir The UniversityClip my DOSlllOnmlSlfCPlPSCllted and 10 Egpihhlfoxfirsa Mubc W0 clearcut fashion gt some pathos ill the Sight of people wanting to be criticized for things haw For the material benets are divided mmaiiduuying to trade With one another and be thcrc one went the otherfollowod ping Service has sentto my desk at peacewith one another all the time sur nevcr saidor do not believe In The Tu The races at woud rounded by world situation which may this mStance have reason to be bine are over now and the fact that artists and to the accompaniment of standard orchestras in those lively days of the gay 90s And in Nought could partuS for we were copyof an editorial from your Comrade comiadcs ever since we paper under date bf March 15 in two parts There are the aetual Sales made and even those dont become known in their were boys licve that you have been misled by wrc youreeloroessor itx comm wnh We unlmermpted Sharingeach othcrs qws shar Cassidy as one of the leading thatchronically unreliable and 2112821225upf well full extent And there is the grater part make itimpossmle for them to trade or be at an MENqu me mumoinmmjoyLigs gymsan in Canada for one wen accurate publication the Letter eace chanlcal piano found everywhere the hlgh lClald Wllh lacmg the sales Which Will be made through future of the recorded voice of some sing comrades When manhOiOd was fare State That means Remix mm wthlc you ad is held lll Ontarioand for the man years through contacts made in this inter T1 Fair dawning munity in which some government some mg ou me in goo a1 agcmemr of the Ontao Jockey le ana lain erna lona ra C1 thouallds milesdmant Faithful whatever betide officials decide what standard of May beg you Mr Editor not Chm From these famouscontestsy llathllal meeting place put on through the federal department of And WMMV minds Wm dang threatencimy Ving WWW Slim and the belleVe Willing LC Mr Dyment of this low comes The Fair is one antic world sam 1e commerce now is in itsfOurth car It is wander backward andllngeron rade government attempts to create this torReview says of me in future out with 1w firsts two secondg room The body 25 gountrie are laid gut daft tr de mi Wh gave been the great singers and songs we Was there by Mule by distributing moneyregardless for it cannot get even my initials and two lliiidstotdl value $1405 pa eme have heard we invariably as of any calculation to show that the straight If you wank find our Simong my prize is rst in exhibits Some 40000 people frommany feature in Europe for hundleds of years senate the sinzer wlth mil lime gilllls glue 13d total amourllll ol Pgductlgn i3 the my viewsoo social welfare with valued at $350 The header of the more countries come and look at them but it was the first ever to behold in North or operatic solo made famous 31s in He country wi main in OSn whichyoumay well have cause to listriserrJTESeegram Twhwp Iheneiwmglmm ealiTh mom1 by them To thwiliifui TheynveresistersiWEWerebrof standard of living disagreeion variety of points eighrfnsls three seconds and five LgWeCA n3 greatsstgsiligergfthemjul was lhglsg premMeEditon that ti 59foibleL4Ozrlyrb09kszpllthirdkztotalxyurlwA$5i765s=John= Ll Midame Patti and her eyer Krill 16th each other 116 kinm reference is to myself al SocialSecurity and Reconstruc Ruskin was the biggest individual Home NOTES remembered Home Sweet One little girl in blue lad though my mum are tion in Canada or Public Health winner of the meetingfnctting his 7A guring 7755 Jiomc gen your fatherfhheallt rather than Th slight er and Welfare 0rganizationinan= owner $3100 Booksmust follow sciences and not scienc Enumerators are now busytabulatlng come your m0 el lame ror togetherwith anoth no that ada or to other publicationsor res renniiiicenr Mamie were rawus in rrrrrrr WW Hm awe AM wwmmd is 00 wBocmLgiligmrrftggforCanadasninth deo am Summer atthcannuallConference travelling costume of Castor on Public Affairslwhere have ap shade of ladies cloth witlijfale from the popular comic operas of hLe 11 llrFrtE er New or rareiin full swmg nowsNumemBarrie there are two fields pervisors and 41 of the two little girls in blue whichhas said something similar that past daylike Della Foxs An Andth re re rt Othel Fenow from wang and esymg about me and upon which pre neared on the program previously blue and white Silk blousewlth erous baSeball and softball teams are operate enurnerators in Slmcoe North Slmcoe East DeWolff Hoppers That Elephant Quaker leIEl In which therewas bl Flt LLs 1h Ate Doghommnmegme aymoralg we mildly EFy99lfdll9rir and W13 Pg at 51 igggftaglwcll mil lng schedulesrthroughhe county and Wefhas George Burns of Ecumenical as com me qua cg notice aJavorite headline continues to be missioner with two field men and52 enum with you there med with blue and white chiffori trust that win bcrgood with ostrich feathers In her hand enough to give thisletter thesamc She held 103 105 prominencein your paper as your Reuben Reuben Ivebeen thinking What queer world this would be If all the menfolk in creation lodWay tothe Southern Sea opera Marie Tempests Nightin gale SongfJessie Bartlett Davis QthmisefMgLfroliLfRobin 10on and Clay Barnabies Sheriff of Nottingham and The definition of the welfare state sound asif it were mine But really Mr Editoideo you thlnk that could hold senior position Errors Costly This is all too true ill base eratorsDr Kyles Orangeville is com ball or in anything else missioner for DufferinSimcoe with two sumr elvisors and 56 enumeratOrs Complaintl 115V Congratulations to Floyd Lashley former ofnames of census workerswas published in Offto Camp Tile soldiers of the Rachael Rachael Ive beenihinki at the University of Toronto as well editorial Trnkers Chorus from the same King were up bright and early opera 01d H055 Bl HWY Tatinign cs of uh twp 3iivggxrggfnjndtghthijig glymyogfswym Tuesday morning undeverywhere agricultural representative forSouth Simcoe Mondays Examinerg One of them Will be call RanIa $130181 113331 at All the women in creation Nationson certain occasions and at Dirctoy mu the Well tram lefta1ed at Allisan his appomtment t0 the DOSlt mg 01 You soonif 11ml already Be prepared on an owery Straightl awaywwould build shim the same time supportua policy of d321d5911v3139 ion of superintendentofthe agriculturaland to answer all questionslegal ly authorizedg fronwllheqripgto Chinatownand Laura Biggars The Widow from the same opera Bernard Dwyllns Idol oIMyHeart Frank Daniels Want aSituationff Dick Joses Song that Reached mhMaggie CliygigThrow Him Down Mchuskey Billy Scanlanfs swing songwrrfjust Like Flower in Springtime Lydia Ycamins Titus horticultural societies branch of the Ontario Departmenti Agriculture He succeedsdohn Navy recruiting men in Barrielast week Carroll whohas beepadvdnccd to assist regressed themselvs well pleased with antltojthe depiityfmiiiister the responmglizlynyyoungwmen came for Twardj sts weregiveil tolall and it isexpect forwardstep to be taken in Barrie in the ed that eriwillbe accepte oug near future will be the establshment of Barrie is inland andlocatedin close prox WsigrgiSyA cehtralbfficti will be open unity to thearmymndi air force there has 21h0urs day in order to meetthe emergalltlbeell considerable interestin theSen encyiof illneSs as promptly and effectively ior service as during the warfthcre was rst as possible Registered nurses will licking ablishd allocalbrarich of the Navy League charge and will be prepared to consult With and the STelaLTCdctsihave continued to tune the citizens on their nursing needs and with tion here ever since In addition motion the members Who will be professional nurses adianicorvetteHMQS Barrie had offline the kindsuggted jinyour or the Eno edOur Contest IIlOFHiHgwheleWBS LetterRevrew tgratuitous defmi tionofthe welfare state VJumbiedrNomessGomef llth 3553 lmflrajffdmi 411 oushoiud gum the Univgrsity it Tom TlfjaTlij 58Nelson stli Ban10 htlength undc1 Bandlnastel Hend adian Government and the United The Barrie Examiner lemon23 members gmng toicagp Nationimightcmpioysuch mut Barrier Du 01113 J9llflng fln andhplyg tonhead in seniorpesition can Dear Sir would like to convey 3311 elmegtmti glfztgfclgfggg assure you that my professional ydhankscthoheBarrie Examiner 33nonfmmbtsionedcersand colleagues in thewfielclof social and all the merchants who spon men welfare inthiscountry the United States ad Great Britain would Barric Collegiate Institute is he long with such cdncept wellnrepresented at camp this year chestmffSilverware which lrhad andwouldjlievergiye me thepro the pleasurfof winning thifouowlllg haV1I1$19fin Tues tessionalrocoghiti0n represented Lenjoyd the contest was day m0mln 43301116 WREY by the preside of the Canadian very interesting and became ac FP Igllmeeli Conference on retail Work some 1V 335 quainted with more of our Bamc waumm George winging and Tobe continued PLAN AGED HOME wWANDENAL SashCPL The feasibilitff establishing home here fer old people will be discuss ed at meeting if the Wadena un ion hospital board early in uhe scred the Jumbled Name Game for the lovely popup toaster and welook with fp1ga5ure and en pf Toronto Universny have been joymentfto our Bariielpaper and lSStld In the graduating class radiostationy Mr Sissons stands thirdin So againmy thanks and wish Class among 1056 takith th ing thepaperand staff continued Classics courch He also Obtained success the gold medalat Victoriabllniuers erincerlyl sitia mark ofability ofvirhichhe statements gross llbe upon our beliefs giggardinthhe necessity forgmodernlwelfare services We belietIe in and we Workforsuch schemes as employment Insurm anceand Eamilyr Allowances 01d Age Partitions Child Welfare as eggiggeigd ltlirgwsvtimiw GordonPlaxton nursing assistants ondhousekeepers to be careerjon Atlanticconyoy of which the cit1 ulllll thingSMillllnaEilinera moosLHonorListszilheghonor lists suppliedm Situations proudf 71 AiCloss AfNWSPOPl gt representdbyyourexcellentemi MRSKEEN mlghtweilbe proud Among Am smile in 51mm mi May 23 1951 mail vpassed with honorsfin PUbiiShed Every Monday QndTThuFSdDY ty WorlunensCompensation Pub the first year at Osgoode Hall is gt lie Healthand Mental Hospitals Mr Ei Stratifywhostands Tl Wm Bundmgvptmce sqmBie 0mm can Id Eaterywelffqgsiwices lied Crosslhanks taungeris among the rs Seven BARBIE WED Pr rss For ssistonce who willbe entitled to scholashl Wilma array 91 suchdprogmmsh Mr Strathy is keeping minis rg MachARE nodde Wf ma NCMM Wm means 73 have NWd May 25 1951 cord of heading examination lists Member 01 01 Ween Gama Candi week 3me 05 TothEditorg The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir Willies successfulcon cluslon of the 1951 RedCross drive isinotiyetlrimght it appearsthat wfw eutzqual and probably have reached the proportions that atolls achievedrlast year it hast eretore like to You will also be interested to tremendous as knvwthatnat the annual mueting or central CounCiI the highest illnessy indpstr governing body of the RedCrosSs ploynient heldlnTorontorecently theCoun The genera Ivy editor cilwentbn record and passedan undelth many other Staten to pdgefsixteenr please and wiehave pleasure innoting the success of our esteemed young townsman Quebec Division of CWNArMd the Audit Bureau of Circulatl 9p GIBISF Averagd Net Paid ABC Circulation Six monthsyendinglllarchl 31 19513 11 munchies Hibachi2w 79 ForrpNQwllditor Toniuuon Printll your readers vices Mr Edito wipecihem ou throw people tirer upon their ownrresourc towork out problems of sickn and mental would you1 gether and