3mmjmgmnxanmm ransom was 7195 in Barrie is is the Store for Extra Value PLASTICior DRAPERIES SMART lg menxxsssmm SHEETS PILLOW CASES TO MATCH CHOOSE Make your drapes very Grand double bed sheets 81 99 lom this drapery eClCIl inch size with Wilttlt ifiems White LON plastic 36 inch width as snow or gi or yourse 00 large f10ml deSlgn they re sm on buy MEUAL SCCOlld HOOP SDCCll YD SHEETS $395 53 SUIT EARLY WHILE SELECTION IS LARGE All WOOL BLANKETS Holidays and the beach are just around the cor PILLOWS Vb Wink mud Be on see the ltll new pillows widt us ner sure mem mm Mum wondermrswim 5mm at Walkers youll find them hard resist choose lllltl grand qllnlii tin CHICKEN FEATIIIIIIS $319 OTHER FEATHERS ANI DOWN MIXTURES Al $489 $575 $875 $1295 These ilully all wool heather color blunkcts are grand for beds at home and theyre always popular for camp and cottage use Size 04 80 with whip ped ends lhcyrc it big value at this EACH low price PRICE $4913$$95 OTIIERS TO $1095 CHILDRENS SWIM SUITS Pick up these pretty swim trunks at Walkers BARGAIN WOMIINSQ MISSES BY KENWOOD NORWAY JAMIl fluilll Childrens Section tllcy if rc cuties Ml Walk 5mm 00 fr Kalli3humidullirlfrgd $100 FREEDOM FOR Regular $7 50 for $4 99 ornansro $2 39 YOUTHFUL GURES Kcuwood blankets are Floral Seersucker gowns Regular $595 for 33 that usually sell for $298 onssulc this Weekend at always the same good in low price quality Whipped ends Shown in checks or plain 39 comlomlble in NEMO Sonsci lion the original allaldstic two woyslrelch girdle li smooths your Regular $495 for $299 figure lightly but rmly yet leovu 01211 will Wide bigd uIr tom ouwiilKniited or crs ie srze is guzzmlfvgxgzunpmf was 84 RY ALL PURE LINEN ablemusyonyom stockings andoll i0 momma TODAYs AL $300 to silo 36 inch floral des1gn Chintz and Cre lItI PRICE On duplaymourComtDeparlmmt tonne Very snitable for summer 11 gt rgtWhw Tiese grin drapes cushions etc for home or WWW en tloweilb am cottage barge this CHENILLE BEDSPREADS weekend atWalk OTHERS PRICED 89c and $129 yd Ls cps Restock your coor coor kitchen sow IIIES ARE BEAUTIES Al now EACH BARGAIN RIC gt an MW VISIT IFTY molt Till IIIR WALKER STORES FOR OME SEWER JARGE DOUBLE BEDVSIZE GOLD BLUE ROSE GREEN liercs the spread you have been waiting for Theyre good look SUMMERTIME mg andare very large Size we gt mum hke to Show you 19560 our second oor depl Make It pomt to see them thls weekend SAVES YOU MONEY Hand picked fOl you cool Cottons Rayons Slubs 85 Cies fa WAFFLE ire one peas Styles og 12 oure sure to adore their grace QWLHC full St 165 and atterin gt TH gppgail lt ance YOU LL Visrt Walkers secondvfloor CORD RE SECOND FLOOR th JQUE Tm YD is geellfend $jiiglsseehthese gran egr ower fins big table laden JCTiLORS 795 1951035 Cu wwhbugam mrplege rialns ifou save $200 PRINTED WAFFW goods remnanScc PIQUE JAY fl 9I COLORh on 001 lcota OTHERS$495 $1295 yin uoLn FIQLLREIZ nose srrrsmm to sligton54WIDTns THERES HUNDRED AND 0le USSmFOltiIIHIS it PLASTIC ItlssWalkers second floor for attractive plus tics Gay 0rguieHolors in grand assortn 1N0 54 mi mentnBettersee them WIDTH WIDTH MANY9FHER PRLTTY 7777 FOR EVERY OCCASION SUMMER COTTONS ATWALKERSTOWEL TSECTloN THIS gRECQVEBS gt if meat Mane of cheerfulAwnlng ma rterialVry sturdy Completel Wonderful rowisionidisplriyor Walk with cords Buyi yours today For Stores thiweekend GuestsiZebath gt sizewith face clothto match Bright ros colorsror soft pastel shades its GOWNSsi 95 gt Walkerszforv towel beauties index gt surs as EM PANTIES $135 63 VisitWalkersnfori fine lingerie Aspecial featurethis week mettle glamorous Nylon lingerie itemsr gxsf Lingerie Dept isj brimrul orlovayiingsrieihis Weeksndl ri