Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1951, p. 23

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unit and her icpfii Mil be heard 1230 Time Signal pigeons EVERElT Newtonobinson gtliVFWTFFEWK egiona ea er epo Music 51mm Money With Wen 1250 Bulletin Board JUNE 4ltMr5 F1100111k1f JUNE LyMr and Mr Arm 2hr0hgatepss silfreisgres dance followed pr mum mg our Smut 100 Farm Features Nilmn 11C 15 visiting with Mr was Jud pm Tut1111 311 money ilzil away liki nad 30 LhBB 311mg 11 MP Henry thtictte mud it Mifldi venmg at 135 week YPU me Inuit the LlUMIlE meeting of the YPU was The YPU held an enjoyme 200 New coil Jim luiriiai ai in i1li 305 3m me Dialiiild Patterson 11 Hamilton Mr and dis Stallion rind 111 of 1112111 toii $1111 fur nieiitiv Emma Rhythm Slitiii the Weekend with Mr and rmly lrlbil 11 Wiszs Min 1m em mu tmRTCSSiVe 59 in the Chm you the 111gtlt1fi tune CtlllSOla 330 Newscast Mi Alix Patterson Braidloid on Sniidzii it wk lilfjiOIwmed if Sunday evening at mid 3811 ur tioii EinltlS went this week to 335 womens Institute Program my ad inccracken Mr lintl lis Jiliilk thlil and 11 mg MClmOSh Bradmid Maud ziuntliiy1 nwrnlng church servicegeceniiig programs from CKBB Mrs Wes Jinchiszci oi Cltc 400 Club1230 of qnlm pem imwwkeudai AlisDil01101111111WtiiWLtkelit firmly prwdml Grace cnmithe bmcels can 31 at 11 ocuck ill originate iromimu be back Sunday my mimme Lump MM 445111ddixn Town 21m 11 mmzS sillld iiimulled Annonnccinenlihme Glee Club of Minesing ye his 1iziicritiil home here Ctlllldl United lunch titli theidtl laith had quite spell of ion Mrs Kill iiurhcr of Slay1 500ml mo 55 Don Mrs Adm Mr and Mrs V1lltiililililllil mm bum mm eekend generously provided spectal music 590 ewe st bgelhclehiir AttIldghlellliggd lluk lm nh dds 3139 inr and MM 86 Ml 51021011 MerryGollound Cinlitd btd Darin 15min vim guys 1l1llttllnlliilkallitfljllnsorglill SEER IIm gale Mpinna dciiii ncdlclt of plillllbi Oiilhu Its ms to win 1111 Mui 545 protndo to Dinner 01 mm her Speed rcwwpry thingizuins on mummy gt it iziddress on The two ways of live Woman mama immivtr things are under con sic Mean Money heard on KllBi thou jmmiv our mu 7km On Fri 1v 11111111 11111 hall gum Mrs lliunks Mi and Mrs 11112 Hi UH mt fwkfmm mm 1108 Tll Chm Swim was momb me police com1tiol nowand ziiiiy We go Guest Tuesday 1111119113 and Saturday 0011 Marching Along hemp 11251 Map MS and don Slvitll liiiinm and Jim iiilirhy 1lilifsltiiiowcd by iiwsithonr in the mission will speak on me1 1mm 1mm MS MO mu Lu mornings 930 115 hpiirtsenst mt CAR Camp mm was Biutiks of London wet innm drill1 lti uniim inde lbnSCllltlll wheto i1 couple of inter from lowii Hull this itektlmr mtr 11 15 51111124 111i eilhfn18 in zitor the 11Al the weekend testing moi1e hints were shown by URI brings you this ftzitiirelpm rld WW nil 711Sffvle 33 gmw liny Lilling has purchased nu Mi 11111 5119 lriil Dulos 111111 Saturday evening hanqnetlliev Mr Mcllwain Sireral musical WW 8mm from Texas Mrs Kleiiei 1111 ku slum 111 111N009 11 Manmlm bun rm mm Mr Whiw family were at 111711 Allens iiii ts 111111 in the church basenuiit wicctions 1tllifit1td by be Silent guest 111111 hits 11 Mmii iw BB 710 Wayne King Show 5101 11 Allistoii which becomes ltktlld Mir All riiurinJ 11 11 CHIN mi it 141 Club and mek Bond 13 Kleri 3011110 lily the talent in our Iziiiiii says iltlhll ll 1511 1100 Newscast littlilt June th 01 1W 37 KMS Md mkswwn Lam Glnnrd and started out her series of Sunday Mm mum1 Hmwvvr 113m iizind in tiring you hi on 11h gt112 110 thl litgt qh Mr and Mrs Morley Wallwin 01 d3 Kt Hilli 101100an 43 mlmdmrd Ymmg Myplisd Ynlgni mtg have 3mm 5mng gm Hpllll Sunday evening at Wiilhi tilitl 1113 1111111 111 OW Tumm mo Xnkpnd Wm Congratulations to Mr and 31 lllhlllll iiiii llit 111in judging 0111 1W llgtr5 us PUUUU lined 1111 and 11 few who dont lil iilt liVVi NW nml Mr and ilim ll Waliwin illirolil West on the hiilh of iliijl iie1itioii iltlt llie WMS ladiisluneh ended VHS liltlm Wn sing but will be bringing along 11 WNW FM Hsmm NWWN 0mm lnwrmdv Mpg sum llnlinycr and Mrs Ed third son 111 31111311111 111111111111 1111 served 11 delicious eiilti llllul Stip 11127 11 man acn haw unrwhw ttl lillh us lllllll inieiistinnHi NM Huadums 7mm itrd with friends in Eva141 on Mr and Mrs linlpli 1111113111111 hum rooming whim tioiuiil iteminn will lie Stl upl Tm 111 may ontiiininvit Stituidav lxliliit in mums pm um NHL and Itiill 1111111 Ulittllh Will 11033111111111 Hllxlululuin Km Gd honor of 1111 lath13 pantits Mi in Toronto Ittiliily with Miiiiir it iinll in the annual affair SATURDAY AM lziiiuiier aiiil llose Amy Thinenri MVS JOHNN 511W 11 lhuiii lliilliilziy who unitisin on rm Sign 9n who will he married on Saturday W11 ilsiiilhnii iiiiiiiicd 11 hm bwudmsl mm mm Tm Rise and Shine Juno years on May 31 1111 family din Newscist Crnlcs we mm mm mm Farm Market Reno Mi ind Mis Mum lcnison and which proves something critics coverage ol the illllltlill meeting 111 1111 iiiaiiirQuebcc Divg ision of 423111 anzuiiaii Weekly Neivspapirs ltsoc1itioii in he heidi ti vi womb Report dauphin if hiwmiiiktt spellll being what they are Join Filllll MThml ML this Sunday tvtlllllt 11 8210 in our studios 111 Montreal lune TitSi lll include special Iiaiisiiiadi network broadcast from 41310 11111 1111 1einperaiiire report Newscast hm 00 Elmo Signald ICliniwiiulntiims tn Timur MINI JUNE iMi and 311s llttlltl 111 Sports Roun up piy oi Baxter and Editi 11 TmnlmlL MI and Ilill Maynard of C1111 1210 and mm Ln 845 Shopping Time who will he married in Baxter luiiibull llilll llieuriwliiul llll Faniii Features iniriicd his Jus mm WWm Wk 900 hiittirdiiy Mornng SPFCHM ireshvuriati Church on Sillilldilvv relativ ltiiltllllilll iiii lllltlVllWlill some 911Radinnandsmnd 111111 lice oi the Peace batiiiiiay llitlr June Miss l1 Mitchell 11 mi1 md of 011 ivmkly 01111015 liW mini 030 Music Means Money Winn Wilkimon md John bu NH hm Lites alter this special Show 1112115955 hlls MilC 51ml CAI A1 Hqu mm NW Mfuluvx of the hotdei in twouvceh IS Mulan m3 JIM DO willimmi quygcust 21H 11 11 Mis Denney and well 1111 and lmntynmnn holiday btmidmiz NW mg WM Inuhum 111105131115 Morning Chuck Wagon spent the weekend at 010 hnmm Mrs Dan Mcrnudcn llilillt visii on Club 1230 this Week is Neil 1100 Newscast lit111 Width and Mrs Archie McDonald Mllllllll lie of Rise and Shine lillltl and Qiii 1111 uiklns 110111 tllttl 5pm wppkond hm hon Erwin Minor MI such thing as Vim 11 mm Builty liillllli iihitmns 0111 Ha chum gar Klit5llZlW of Bond Head visa 3139 WV IN BARBIE AllANDALE HARDWARE 34 15511 1101111 Ntliillllilll MN 11m H1105 Bills Morning huckwagon Miss Elsie Adiiir ol lnronlJ Wilcox Lake This is the rst of the changes 1111 111 Muiiiiiil liiilios 1110 the Story Book hm Mann MUM humid um coiiiin about heeausi of summer llIllltlilIyS Next on lie list is Neil 11200 Ilggggfggagegggt um 1111 111111 Mrs Alixrt lll cral 111 Mr Bowman Lansing on illll heaven only knowswhoil 13 Spmiuegl 10W days With INlldh Monday net to he the Early Morning Milli 1215 Market Report Mrs James llnyniou lll1 lizilt during his absence After Neil 121101i1ne Signal MI and Mrsr Albeit iiblis iii burii spending tow tk with 1avu Wright takes off to 111111 on Your Dlal 12311 Newscast Tmunm sinm the weekend With lltl SIStei Mis 11 no Home Appliance Shop 24 Elizabeth St 5mm mlp 3m um mm mm gezliolnalBngher Report MR and llnxlylmllViktlxiimm lliltisselltiiiiilsoii iaiiii llltfliil lur1 in 0111 im rs 11 Visi er liliiiis at Strailoid 11 1111de giggling SECSLLFESSIL 600 Cotilliwnagrungimoo 100 Agricultural Representative Hamilton spent the weekend With Iuosd 11 Western Hit Parade Mrs George Atkinson The vmpathy ot the community liiwfwrzlnd nillVHtsiiqiitcSofdiiinigixiiil 3113233 meeting was held in the is 11 ed to the fimilv of 111111 050 Bulletin Board 205 mghnums in Music school house llllty venilli Brunsk in their lltthllltlll 711950111 the purpose of 11111110111111 11 lttlt 130 New scast Epleii Electric Ilit Para for the cm Wednesday night was 1111ltit 7115 Clllll 1230 llmnlllln 11111011 tion nightior nurses at the Royal Mimi fr lmvond Hidden Town tciiniiil parade to he held 111 lNtl NWWiL Club 1230 cont oil on August 139 Dunlap SL Victoria Hospital Barbara Wiicel gm cwS Palm cue things happen er CKBBs womens editor was 1115 Night mm Stars mime weEk hllillllrllllll5112111108 letkcy 111 MJUNE 130112 and Mrs Rm gt on hand with the sweial events 0210 Royal Victoria llospitalNur son ei 1l iy morning 01 No 350 wort Tnmnm his Tm gt iV VVVVV 5131 Gludmimn mgxlJzoMiggogound months vacation in Western Caii lay attending thi uiidzljim if 000 Night 11001 600 County Hm um min Masons biotin5 1015 ianada at 615 Spmqsm Lynda Marie Choquetie dangli Keep Monday Inm 3501015 rm PI llmlt 630 Newscast ter ol Mr and Mrs Henry Climb the school picnic in Sprinuwater 6508111101in Board ette was christened at North Atl Park All lltll Ss 104r in 110 iniici 11 1gt 111 1711111 in NEWS1 ymlmm wmuwr EddV Amald Show Jala liiirch on Sunday June 11 SS No it are cordially invited iii IS 71511011 Messcr and his Islanders p111 Altei lllt 0111511111111 Mi itieiid ltllllti lltm 130 lllintdblc Time and Mrs Henry Clinquoite enter answer tl lt lll lt or let Dad Choose Rlmy AM Cavalcade wimd friends in mm home hinidiiy uSlllOM Dedication Sunday June 10 the ledi 1030 Newscast Evcltti ea liil hls own Of Sii Shine 1040 Organ Interlude Mr and Mrs Lorne Boyle and 10 Sunday School room is be mention wardrobe ma he in 7htivsea3t 1100 News Headlines Weather Mary Johnson and son Won 12 observed 111 the new room at MSG new 715 Tools 735 Farm Market Report 11 Tmnpu Time Alliston visited with riicnds 1n ghoclock Note change of tiin your own closet right now just waiting for the 11 an wmm ml Sun Elmo Slmdi sum $01001 plum magic SANI ONE touch to wake up hill colors 750 Newscast 1155 Sign On favor with choruses and hymn restore original smart Youll be amazed 11 the way 411 lempeintuie RtDOll SUNDAY AM take the front chairs They will 18001111111 Signal 900 Newscast Special muSic by the choir Como 800 Sports Roundup 905 Organ Interlude and enjoy the special speaker miv dimpptfs 5pc Yam CA mddy 1d Pocket Knife 805 Fun 111 Breakfast 915 Sunday Morning Devotions Mr and Mrs Brown of Rivor Auldrhmn Midland be ready for ViiCilth lime 845 Shopping Time 0110 Lutheran Hour side visited friends here last week th gyniiisliine Illhis is lVIy Story end $2521 llibngilritf fiflllfliif mm one 1111 mgs 9wscas oiiu is visiting or 930 Peggy Brooks Show 1104013111131 Come MD we mkond 1010 Morning Matinee SUNDAY family or HaWk01v and acquaintance hero gighgll nd at 945Rambling with Ralph 1100 CliurehJSeivieelrom Cenh 325 Harry 51mm and Mr and Mrs William Earle and gt rum HNSTONS HARD we 1105 Morning Matinee team 1230 Glenda of Cobourn visited familyqllciioilimsiihiifiivdSwag1 1130 Rudy Viillce Show 1240 Program Bulletins Slessors day this week Comm Gowcm St Phone 3997 12454 Jobs for Workers Workers The will meet 11 the home FRIDAY EM for Wed qda J1me M15 Colitis Si is inipioved in ALWAYS GOOD PARKIhWii gunihoglIcngiagemenl M11 55 Interlude 13mm Snfanmottwnlwed health and is spending solnc time pors 1ges it wil 11 1215 Market Report $92Nfgig9mz iiealth is the Doctor sv12alth 111$333gigigkaffgta For Better KindOfDryClean1ngMr 13an Parade Roll call ii health reinfdby in will be enjoying GeorgQLWZR 00 Sunday Hymn Time pap health was ma and his orchestra in Barrie Arena Phone 1000 Newscast United Barry spent the Weekend renewing 30 Back to the Bible Hour Walton Johnston and avvcontcsticgn IV 30 Silver Threads ducteduby Mrs Dawson How Fiiday June In fact sexual oiiv Newscast esses Mrs Lauder and Mrs the older farmers are going too As Twig is Bent 11 30 Music by Vaughn Monroe Shswgna Mrs Joe Emms and gguiglgogfncy Free Carol Bowman of Barrie spent REEDAYSA 30 Chapel Chimes Sunday at Cockburns 45 Weekend Sports Roundup Bee will be held in the former 00 Newscst Methodist Cemetery Tuesday line 10C011591V1110n come 12 at 630 pmAnyonc with plot 15 Report1301 Town Hall or having an interestisaskel to 30 Dinner Music try to be present ETngresem very pleasant time was spent 300 A11Force71ayi Broadcast Thursday night ntithe home of Mr 830inithlcberSings and Mrs Brandonin Hillsdziie 900 Newscast local ladics when number of 910 Interlude presonted their daughter Lillian n1 915qu SllnS th 11 misce laneoiis 030 Lstoivel Ch bride 1000zreen5Pastiires 1015 Close Harmony 1030 NeWScast 00 Time Signal 1040 Sammy Kayes Sunday Set 00Sports Roundup enade 05 Fun at Breakfast 1100 News Heedljnes Weather snapping Time Temp Time 00 Hymn Time mt gmom gt liiionmxr 11111 9233 Sigiysdifoks Show 655 51 On 94511 b1ngwithRath 1113 antd Shine 183115 guwsclasi mm ewscas aces 77316 735 Farm Market Repor 100 Mor ng Matinee W001 Gabardmeev snowman 313 gegwmtWeagier 136110 1132 ea coma empera ure em orning 11 7011 v1 Sh NSCS 30 Rudy ouomgnow o=o==o== 38ij MPWE 5x135 Suit savings you must seetoap preciate Single or double breast ed styles Expertly tailored Brown bluc teal and greySnp er Special price 2110 QHbOSE FROM 1000 MILEstULL GUARANTEE ATANEWLOWPRICEFORQUICKSALE vi 1950 pomsseam DESOTOESEDANfii AIR ICONDITIONiING HEATE TGOOD TIRES We Wish tOAthzitilc01ir many friends and customers for 77 ViirLOCALOlN theirfintcrestin0urFirst Anniversarygcelebration and gt also their patronage Which made the event success To 1946DODGE SEDAN one and all we Offer our sincere appreciationi 1941 DODGE COACH 1938 DODGE COACH 193601115 SEDAN 1940 BUICK SEDAN MonEpiAi FORD GOA iii infinite mic anon or 11 lawman EVERY MAI WHO VVIIMA5RI wniifi 111mm rnnwmnsmm ll 1950 bODGElz TON EXPRESS 111311 la TON EXPRESSGOODSTOCK RACK 1951111011612 TON EXPRESS HEATER Rimm 1946 FARGO Ton PLATFORM STAKE POCKETS 1946 FARGO 2TON STAKE VERY CLEAN 0194g DQDGE Eonpuny woon STEEL BODY DANGERFIEt Moran iARRESL33531iMEN79 Dimoub MERCHANTS 72353 2saii1=inmnscam 9fl315i 76111161in

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