THE BARBIE EXAM moon Allister in 19 It 088 employees at tho Llidliursi Foresz inn sons 252 MW 13 en bel Mitchell in 1023 the funeral included Mrs Norman J3 Sgnem The deceased was member of Dunn and Ralph Dunn of Ogema By GORDONLINDSAY SMITH In ca The cm the Liberal Party and the Masonic Sask Mr and Mrs Coutts gagehand attended the Baptist and Walter andWilliam Coutts of urc Ma le Valle Out rid Ralph McLean Ch of Amman High 8cm Mrs Gum III COIIIngIrIIIgOer bull TimeEveryone likes Wm certam he nursery Ptc Donald Soul 18 was scri Over 150 milk prodde Amsm Lawyer Di Boardxtomr many years he was 90 3mm mt rst powoes or mi stuck m0 shrubsI we vinesI mcIIkad Wm mth in gaol by more and surrounde am chnmr member of me sevensdn first llluom of certain flower bU Ont can buy and plant in the FaillMagisUulv Filsler in magis week in the totvii hall In Creemoie on OHIO OIIVG Memorial ospml Board Oremon YOUIS thcrc Ls as much satisfaction pcr just as well as next Spring By 10411111633 court his chtiesduy May to acquaint themselves with the mminem All110 lawver in earneryeam Mn Mach Daniel Passes 03135 PHn more in having blooms ing this we get thcsc establishcdlw llta Saul was found not gullt new Huronia Milk Products Com we 930 13h wok great interest in sailing and and frtsli icgitablcs long after Ill earlier and save time for other 3n ill 811 htllv bill Hilllti of takinggpany Limited at Crcemore Kgagsjvd aIIpdd lI boating He worked On GUM palm McVeigh fmeman regular sctison Iii most parts ititlit year Wllhiltil ownch conscnt with illl several speakers were minim hgi Vegan Estes Lakes boats during me summer with the Allnndulc division of 61ld 15 993 WNW As GM Them Room Thinan 52 ellm3ludl Julia PerswonMP Iswn OII immde Mav I95 In several years In lateryemI h0 the bridge and building demrbl matter of fact lute plantings usually ower and vegembles especiale bu of Itlic Royal Canadian Regtland George Shepherd revo of mg 661E War had enjoyed gomngI All his my mom of me mm for 35 yearsI giIoivI luster and often better tliatime hm cume mm me Im IIIHlklll tttnip ilorlicn Crccmorc andI wardcn of Simtoe Pr he was interested in music panic died at thc Royal Victoria Hos moi mums Plimlld Wkly 17 mth hm it mum ell0rhg In handing down lllt itdgtncntgCOumlf Chairman was III 951I CXIIO IIIic uI trin imcoc my vocal music The rst Quin pimp Burma FridayI May 25I Icertnin tIcntlcrIplunts loo Includtllt while in sluml and hen plank wlnclt lllid llttll rcscrvcd pttilousiWOOd rcevc ofIIEasa 52 21 Mf mi of which he was member was 1951 his 73 yum long list of llmvcts znid tlic ntcl lwnh owers his Wm mean ea1ml Iv Magistrate Foslir said that the The new malltcting plant was ex IIIIzIILIIcnan tCIl intcrcs in in his own home asaboyI He kep MrI McVeigh 10mm me CNR lInsIIcucuinbcIrs sqiizisllcs corn etc and bigger blooms and In hmIticcustd it5 tcclnitcnlly gttiltonfgplaIined to the pmducvrs by of aI up an acme imam in Singing as young man mm remained in Ittt no ildtutllilgc in planting mm winds and Maw IIIIIIISI WWI It but um mknntcmts of the plant and any was native of Barrie he was born his the mnwayvs employ um his IMllmg bum 1m wgcmbies myths be liilii cutnidcintion in nu illltl tthtions asked were answvrcd All lem Aug 1883 and was He is survived by his wife and tircmcnt 12 years ago Elm Illy warm mm do it will m1 mid and tztct Illlti lic hull Illttll tlllllklllg pine slicakcrs spokc of the advent the 1819 MHCLCV daughter Mrs Wallace Little tlstr His death mowed an attack IIAIIbIldL HINHI HMS llk rm quicku growmI which mums WWI Evitiincc llithd that Salli lindtlzigc of having niotlicr nuirkcting NHL 9935 and nursery 5100i wudndi Proper spacodI pm Inktn lllc czlr tioin tltc londrirtntrc for milk producch in that Ma Wm Wd bell of Woodbridge brother of influenza which dcvcloped in whim sMum gt bitshid iltirs our ill but ii plt mg ill piliI imcoc Ollfl 153 the heni Earl and sister Mrs Ada Jamie to pnctimotiizi crlv thinncil icccttiblcs arc iiilicli his graduation from high school he so of game and Toronto wed memme of St Mary Rom foil the really hot weather Oiic Pasm CIIHIINIW II III mum in WWI hm mm WAI we to slot can on lullilll lllilll qe Ha 10an ceased lllm an ntholtc Church Mr McVeigh possnilc one should icilvc enough It ll gm 301 OCEANS WSW ldw ng Km COMP9 The funeral service at his lal belonged to the My que 50 lmwdly inllymmo mm the room between lCh lllll so lh=it Wm nmud rcstdcncc Iic practised in Toron residence on Thursday MW 24 cicty ind was tin honorary mem mumry LVN gardmo wanilll hot or specitlltong mindittiilm IUlll Bl Th Wpmli has gel 05 tlcft ll iv iiinq Suticoastlinc of tilt miles on the Illlii cultivator can tic used llicsc lltl iig ip In name and Windsor below PL VaSCQIducevd by Re tier of tlic Barric Council of tlic McCormack and Rev lial Kniums or ColumbusI bert Pallbearers wcre IJ Mc Liberal in pummI he Db cnguet Thompson Dr Frank lOIlECd to Lodcc 200 of tlic CNR Walker Nicol Wilson MacKenzIe and peter ThomsonIlnI $lllh00d of Millllltllllce of termem was in Amsmn mm Of kindly disposition Mr Mc Ccmctery Floral tributes included tlioso VW hld emu 500d hem until tlllcc wccks bcforc his from the SimcoeCounty Law 80 cicty smvenson Memorial Hospn dcutlu He bad Just finished ton al Seven Star Lodge AF and AM structing houscrfor sale Dur Alliston Glee Club and Allistoii his Mime he lost only 28 cuiiipzinions twn llltlill5$tl izilCoast and 1094 niilcs on the CHI court ttlllltl ibbcnn lzttitl itttlccd Illilke ti rcgttlnr prac me sowing low rows of bee plcmcilts Will sth hours of hollow czirruts brains corn and such tliinglt wqemng dwdgow cvcry fortnight tip to tho cttd of AMFAW Wilkmli June 0r Wn mu juin If WU it long handlcs this is pond point in in mumS Jump xtmcui with all our gtiidcn tools lllll2t tivztlioti it little watering and pos 15 SPRING SpildlS lki ml sibly sonic quickuctitig conimcr practically 0Vllhlllll 1150 102 cinl tcrtilizcr they will come along dig cut orprutlc are much mornk Just uinvc cxprrlcd You an m1 mam mom mm ctlsily opcrntcd if tlicy llzivc long it too lillt but dont DormC 1st lllllldlts Evian flit littch SltlitIlcl it or you Sm Goon Time to planpl0m no plottich CtlllthllOt lsllfllldlfl vittil right through 10 Fan 1311 acct tlircctotivcfoot liiiiidlc Ilitsl liavc good stock of ltmiiitr dzi UllOllll Sickness iii Mrs Ly MeiIlSIaItIIIII13eInd IIIIICndS came from Before his YetImmomI he was in loot time to look around and make coliippod it Will sovc Izi lot of 5ll1 and llllltlltl and drliitri of till major construction 0195 OF bigger bell can lit iiizitli iitliiii short Tomnto Barrie Ottaivn Orilliri IChmllC II Jobs on the Allzlntlzilc Dinslon Born May 51874 at Vigo on the 3rd concession of Pius Town ship in Simcoc County Mr Mc Former Baffle woman Vcigli wtts the son of thc ltitc Dies In Year lllflltS Mchigli and Mary Mc gaitden we are going to httvc ncxi Another point in this luborsuvl 011 your Its an excellent idea to kccp int business The tvcrztgc pcrsoti i5 it notc book and list certain things inclined to plant rans for too closcl we are going to have for sure ncx togcthcr Ol coursc one can gtow your We should jot down such bccts carrots bcitns ctc in Ilfv items is color and SCIISOH of bloom only 12 inches apart if space is vcrv ltnh Stayncr and Crccmorc for tho funeral ioiiltl MW in litIii wire Iviltlr liillltlltitz proli titlit lcslstdticc to disease and lnnttcd bill it Will bct Mantis Ills Vifc it late Alllllf II llllLl illll Mrs Harold Griffin the f0mmkllln MCVOilill prcdccctiscd fllllllloll alldv 01 NU0 the ntth of for culllvllOll if thcsc irc two lccl mm in mm inytlilng vc scc growling in it or more apart and with gutp Fenwick Ont on Monday May 21 Surviving are two brothers tlullbors garden that Mom to cultivator they should be ill lttlsli tlicsc prolilcnis With our IIIIIIIII daIIghI NEW AIR FORCE STYLE how iii our own 30 llltllfS oi betterstill tintin toot sh Estelle Spcncc of Barrie dicd infill in Jtinuzirv 1950 195l iii her 27th year She was James and Dach Noun to by appointment poscd systctn Eightinch dinin ff ft an arthritic ind Woincn lllflllli tho liCAl tlll hc mg 315 15 Smith Agnes 01 heart ailment WHllilgl MlS JOSCDh 30de Mnm mm 35 llilIA FOR HELP Daughter of Mr rind Mrs tRllul of Durand Mich and mm mmm OUR ML 15 lYOUR You go milyjbmmw 35010310007 Spence of 166 Toronto St BrItrric MFSI Densmmc winnmod 0t torc lllllt null iiitlt llllI lliltllf Wltllc pttrliulnctlt lcbtilcs llll TIME 3F to my 00010 bills vaca Mrs Griffin was born in Barrie ShL Richmond Hill and onc son 9MN ml MW lhwm no Miller Illltl lillols litttic funds fol tlnn expcnses home repairs or had been choir lender in MidlittrslgEmu Bach Another 50 IHII Hwm Liflylllinn iml cvcrymic llmtl cost footiny goodeurpoge tinned Church perm he nnIuI Joseph MIS MINII 0d during ziIIiIIIIIIIiIiIiilI HILHII Illl oil DIllrlng the wInilti war if 193 contiiitn to mum and mm motion Your Signoluro sdpgiiiztwe an Chum wmm WW lllldisliiidslilfllllfxbolvlls gain l0 Sl ml mint my Rc uictn muss was said tit St 11 Tell us how much cash you need site is survived by her husband 1047 Juinus Mime won it mum5 and with onan Imus dllvh Liiilth on Monday la lWl ry pay an wo cu lllltl Ilt or ics to orclgn Loulllllcs tu twillmm and how yOt Slito eii Re ldrcn Gloria age URI at mm odmk it 0an ll lII Il it ment plans sensibly arranged to fit and Paul agcl as well as her in 91510 Very WI Dean JI South Pacific and in 1950 Rcunn might my limo in 3mm your patticultirprolllcni Up to lather and fatherllwo broumrs Clair Pallbearers were Puuldlon was mt publiShOd the Plighl 01 our Vll lwllplli EVERYTHINGINLUMBER months to repay Harold and ROSS Spencer bout 01 Bram1 Hch puddigon 111 the United States in Return to cspccinlly otlr poorcr OlltS PHD E249 BARmE IV MONEYWHENYOU NEEDIH 31339 $315 oilsltfirnslgstziifgmq Hector Mcpiiml Frank McBride System Tottenham 3mgflitmflggfj mikggl mlbemon iNBl lubunc neil of Jean 0f Barm lady mfnhm Enginccr Ettzlcson prcscnt 113 AS storyWm Michelle is Thcfuneral serVicc at the Lloyd and 398mm Iltcrmul fl Cd his report of the mopmcd new prccisc though warm and Return suitors Imrntcoupnrn mutation and Stockley Funeral HOme in lnF11lNdlinI ScmcItctIydatdBaIihric IOWIIIIC Iqu IIOII VVIIIIIIIIICI of TOII to Paradise is irresistible and MI muitutrlluiic lAltllAtlott CS mt ti 050 Farm on wedncsdzfdwtgayzc It Scnt by the knights of Colum lcnmm comm Funny and mid ullillvtiiiildlililiti 26 IllicitMi Strut clglkuof Ccrlvtral tin bus the CNR Mmmenanco way moomed he reportls now the ilijilslzutds thtililFllcotiTlceigsZ and Floor Flinn itcd Cliurch Pzillbcarcrswcre Br 14ng 200 Kc MCKHZi SOWiC mo hands 10 Mummpal Board piritu Solito lirllic Nciv lltlbridtts mg Find Donald Comp wa Station Bill Little Scivice Stn 01pmml mm hm med New Zeamnd Amtmlia New mm unmom tion and neighbors the nlmyms oluAlANW t0 couus Ralph Dlmn Munce lllc rcport uivcs zl itcncrtil oul 03 lRlblulFle featured MCh uiiluiiuasirut2nariwrim2m Coutts and William Coutts Intcr Rtldlwcs mnd mm of up and cm of the cners titles VlVld program 111 de mcnt Was in Midhurst Cemetery from distance for the funeral scriptions of locations pccchs ncat lind tcnsc tales illustrating tlic essays containing till knew about Mrs Rutherford of Midland this oceanthen when catch was were 50m the wcrc and Mrs Skclton of E19331 tributes Detroit Mr and Mrs Thomas at 59 lIl wmkl bIimd 500m customs and moms of native Skclton of Phelpsttm James and HolghmItI Imth Filmed villages and Cities Diiicc McVeigh of Phelpston glgnjidliihoi 11 Mlcllcncrs 10W words Carter of New Lowell Mr and andcmh IbnsinsI wrote it series of iammcdcrammcd II Site of the treatment plant would Rev Father Johnson waSh be west of thc CNR tracks vhcrc finished Invrotc story growing IvurzCANADlANTlRE ago Reginald Coady of Graven liurst Mrand Mrs John Coady aindFUIEl 11 lifndV0lg out of the theme of tltcrcssoylhust ofToronto Mr and Mrs Joseph 11121118 Ct pm lltnf pilvoposek the ICndCVCOUId 509 from the Cody OfDUland MiCh M12 mslmen comm mp say what thought about 11 glVfll and Mrs Densmore OfRiCh idtwoflmlntilidl lms Md islliSlandTVwme from the cugml mond Hill Mrand Mis MrMc W0 mg 53 story he could determine what the Thiyar 501 cannmafford to whom your putters back For iiiAXiMUMpRopirzt tet bed hence tothc creekT The JN THE AILS Arthur 0fOllllla and Mr and if land thought 90 your hens musthy LARGF eg SEARLY Mm VEIiSmithIInLWashagor $83 ISI bugle ipopu ton IIII Id Th GROW THEM Use thiscatologue as your PRIQEGUIDE for pillchas 136301 fleeeriglhngf 5015 Zeoclilld 1X fayngr apflsma on em 11 C05 your many requirements es ent $107000 which includes cost of Service for SHURGAIN 17 GROWING MAS HIGH ENERGY FEED Des suddenly Atvz manhlesv calm bSillS easements Grows pullets rapidlv Brings out large eggs when the market Isle airman illllllil Thirteen Infants Matures tuners is min itll 17 years Mrs Robert Precce died CTC Tested Proven to UCIS suddenly at her homelon Monday 53213393831gggfensgqlggi CkNADA MOST POPULAR FEEDS May 28 1951 muowmg he Annualqlz ViiiledIIIChurch Stayner by Rev Gct Your Requirements from mAaCkliatSh his liralsheiufaldfar Graham mewpresence Of gc ELEVATOR PHONF Iv fr wn he nit lanqMrs Preece was the form Vrchiideliastslqllor mi seerce be theJ SZSEROUD cl ZabPMEvaug1L WI mwas 1h Mfiamgand Mes ate MF and MESLLWsEvansv 44w PeweraBatteriesvs came wicaiaaa um and ag lie Ems5 Clm Ir lived at Briton to The innuaLleilorl for the COld owmg zip lm eac mm 91 AITT TRUCK TRACTOR RADIO ELECTRIC sev fWh was presented With rose onbe years before mOVing 20 Bond er tag 013 arge half of the Womans Association of gt Custom MIXlng Dally United Church shows that the churchesi oldwaterWaubau shenervEady and Nortnlver have completed st derRev Holden poem he is survived by her husbzipd Charge 0f Circuit and ve childreners Murray the reYiEW Mr IHOldenii thanks theofftce bearers andLrith ers forrhelping to bring Iabout numerous accomplishments but declares there isVZa challenge to still greaterservice There was Ian increase in givl ings inthe past yezir and the 25th anniversary objective was reached with missionary contributions to talling approximately $1000 Th cooperation kindnessjand generositmejiarishionrs to him slfndfamily issttcssed by Mr aw FE can Moreno lthFhurch Headn rlember the Cur as EnglandI reecef II IAHIgIitIdIeS supplied in Iquititsfgallcnsrz gallonsandr Id ArmorCoat Pa wit and Enamels spousE PAINTS ENAMELS ARNISHES oils tur II shaggyme EQUI ENT II MasterCraft 1015 HOBBYISHOP rowan TOOLS aMECiiiiuicsToocs iymr Dnomu5 JLILL tut Brigden Elizabeth of Hornby Cpl Albert Preece of Fort Church 17117 illIjiiniuiiggrbert Pteece of rToronto Arthur Preece of Fer Vgus and John Preece of Camp Bordenrkr The funeral Service at her late residence oanhursday May 31 at 230 oclock in the afternoon was conducted by Rev Hearn Pallbarers were Hipl wel JMac1eanI Orr Rey nolds jReynaids and White MoroMaster Parts ENGINE OVERHAUL rAnTsTBiiAiCE LINING ELECTiiic iii EQUIPMENT for till popylar makes of cars and frks iMai6TMasTreiihumane ItoMlllltlltjflimefgverQ 50 sidc Interment Was it Home the flfthyear 0f ill ithr WW All tliemiwejst gadgets to dress upyour car also seat Head Cerntry my on ls pasmate in this dislmt viii 31 stnt 32131 aiglallifelluilfijilg plus tn coversmgmtum IlTIEJTEIII tributes were sent by FGAN THINK Justpull back rrthatSEII756ch 77 gt the Ilieziting epsrt fiei venient so safe Here isthe washer youve 6ftmtoompfic mutton mom thii tho but buyinthtWIshubuvf always wantedzrsmoothandjpeedyinaction no So it and Have youqu loLof smart in design sturdy in construction See it arid 7MisterCrfi Elcttal Applicr of Homby Gordon Brigden CaTnE Borden Brigden and Mrgjand Mrs ciiurciiiiiMani and the RCAMCf den MasterCraft Spor Equipmont 1SHEERCYCLEBICYCLESIlltICYC ESrgtt pans and accessoriesfor bicycles FISHING SUPPLIES REPEATER SIIOTGUNS moronclinching Conrailignorant STovns AND LAMBS SLEEPING moisturizile sow BALLIANDI iIARDBIALL surrims TOASTERS IRONS GKlLfESR let our dealertellyou howlmuch easier it willmake at Time glggglscwgz $233 nkPARIng Among those attending thefun Curry all of Hornbv your wash day 39 mm lt over it torrind lt operation Farm Supplies MiisinNG MACHINES ELECTRIC mucous BARREL PUMPS GEAR TXIEFCWATER PUMP TRAILER gti DilMllilON VStrcumliiifeirf IWiilt worlds safest wringgr iriw tints AIIIDAYIKttPS titsEcuiliiitiwliit lt gt IS BARGAIN invitings There in no oppltanicetin ourJun we like betteito demonstratodhm this aniinipn Vinitawith the mir nculoui mew timtinctinl urinar PULL on the clothes Ind it stops jjquickerthah you can think Then no lo manygthcr future in can ow you when youporne in officieni now Dominion Washing action Rollover action Iii collod twihn raiiriurni the cioihufavorrieompt EEIIYMHI II III ssili nnANon orriongit Piglet sc oitILLIA Ont Ralph Lang CLU Branch Mainager IRepresentativeArthur Johnston Barrl10nt