it es rTouGetr to More tanning Authority 3i brindle when rth toilniise wwwmgigxrdmiomggiSNnMugtigr meiegirlstton in requiresthe dereloper to denote the egolniloloiooemeoipsrhioreaoh gtlohoorneooetrnrtedr lionidpeitttessisevroutd have room toeneoreadsorteteparhtnraooommode itoo reperde end ouch detaiirsa Iii enlhnynierseelmedyestnmw Wonmtoooo tedttrlllarrle ml Ifin 0noeoiytleernnileliiextradition lilo legislt provider tor the provinsrl am admin gyneronient lo deiepite in mm trl Milli tel tritium towtrloh he whims lireomline they lie erpecptoedlto betlle saoio era as re ov rst was lotergovern no es mental eiisirv would still retain the suits ertty to iormulate merit landole phon toy for regional areas Ilile action was not unexpelted in view oi the present concerns over environrllent the amendments do give municipalit ies with approvded raged plsooteomrd or over ev men motifuundlrger tinvl tig in ling gigsiimwz be on orwr ep vnoinee been rryutoyytor more local control are one oi vireo ie are likely to disarm with idea or planning and zoning to ensure orderly development But too delays ior developers and others to get necessary rpormis oiten wire town verrteot and sometimes costly Inert con trot it me tell would reduce red tape deia regulation vrhidi gives nnlilieipdl tiles the on to require residential de velopersyio give no live per sent or DOWN MEMORY Lino district rlelv yen nite brunt tiorde the trotted id Workera nedsoieaoe lith and Wilda oi lioitndiilralriss Canadians tier transcontinental vim ohidis lnoilldod Ioronio0t are llznireal atl Vsorouter awe Myrna id rm Renoir lens pure ti on oi CUSO Onon tiieir Univeveity Sum om sesa and at lean sir eotim and ideollileble uneven by economists that inated prices ojlll decrease ior some time Splash tin epidemic which risimed more lives ionorrro through world than war seemr abetting tde Aoeode but reports still come iroln Simone Oouo community oi dentin Debsteby or terary society students oi lirrrie Oo der nitiet be tired at once Debt on iegiaie involved students lie e1 lolly colleen Iiethodilelnlrche to Doris Robertson Ferris Go chow vs irye Ball oi Planing hill donated 82000 Assdrevv Writer Wanda tioomon Flora and other members at coogre ation conv licliuiulite liabei cheesrnsn was critic isibllied balance 200 ute bo roi speeches Rev Gme Brown oi St tween Barrie iotnth rieuituralStooh Co Andrown Churoh was oblirnian Subject Board ot Prim on over locstion oi Resolved that merit eramtrrottoru are lri re be eew WNWUWWREK MEWreWi s1th glass old lotie ie on Blake Grosett told oi iiirai ds lighting Nov WM mm it matter oytd lire nlilltiA in in Belgium when many unnecessary DP miii$ rye ovor teiornow BCi asunder occurred Hinds and Em hm lmgier iinlrk ogfiilinizotvoe oligwligmooin histolotmroma ured msny poul 41 with ry ens lot ir Elisabet St near comer Series and put Wells so house signer Collie it at limo 1ce on tholtmiogliion where and Clapperton Ste to Dr Li psoii 33 they Vshirt motion that camarng gag who is moving to Dorrie from imvaie the list that rooil ltPPr ii Billiard too to at Attendan at it new in least MD million lit permit to eroded Am ve exra ou men Doubts have been expressed Victoria Patmn and ankwipoirvhrt rod committee murders oitiill mmm mutation it All Add Bmio laminar Dee 10 till Great ltsr Veterrns Assoon oi Barrie recently termed asked Town Council ior grout to llnvltsil etobrooos on around floor oi portoiiloea Dideiiinl Sirrubsoie re ported dvio tire alarm system out oi or In the renames thetieloreipsemoeseleetnsars ting oiihere thiieao and Latin Arosriran represent short moo politlosl elites eh with to throw oiiiiios coleslaw Crerlu to lots and linearity tan winter IIIOIMNWJa ways 1nivndildylwucg Ailihllsayemoonsboutber 10 lertlst minim not unmaskedu in lay lines herbershanol sm shattered main Unity al iirnre oi Wb unionists and larleit psrtles tried to told one tor three years titer lia eedlcn to poorer to Airport in Ailendes oivrtiirovr and notion WV migkww v3 any liens lelt ior you and be my the iupayeri Mimi have oi eeom are Liberal when any mi Dumb it some idem oi parlia nri mm merit did demo raise theiiduly my ms to mm lis or mummy Union was low mm moon by the Hmbblill er II were pret tniberod lolbeitlnl oi ti on loo OAIIPAGbOLA mm mm an itinibeyd be tired riot An esosmervetlvr to tutm it imam pi rrlodiateir bot retrosetlvetv 1M PS Noke b0 ions it look loitninp soeiaiiit and Dolom ihal also should hlt bl ed them in pass this iavvt for bill exist lotto Amateurs who had tenthgmogarte Corral to protectbihe borrow glued realm itllcliml grid Ii mm Vi ere irorns preyor Wot not one no new All nativosi mudp wlti tars yearlto pm itevten eod yimtntor military miiigr TN Dim still in Santirpo was we drairai Md bid elsendr rerornired the new more hints only weeba alter the Sept tl noise which killed birth bond and eierthrewbis rotten mm the write at dead tori ieoied Laiih American dent would not em to hi this sentry width bed re oiled the rower realize and ceii ior the Answer woerthehthsr THE FRENCHLiNGUiiGE PRESS Is selection oi edi current topics from the Imrls sure ererv si Carolin Monoto LIvasydine en sold in recent Eher oi Cmsda raidevstood tor the itin tiia mots oi the nation Line We oi ermine ior halos oil rose between iotrr slid tlvs cents yahoo pi in Quebec and the lilrlilme provinces other ivnlllllif rrasourer lrrve bran sounded nieh ss inw Wm iilrr llrrrte Bottom ll iisyiteld iltreet Ernie odtario Telephone 7mm Second there Natl Iiitiliiili No they one nhetorn posters nitrlnerdi Daily Borders and htetntorr iioiidrv exoented Iubetrioitoo rates daily by glow the pretty tihlo yeir diode no its tie is nietl itrvrie Mt yesoyr strum Cobain eo ysisiy iiiienoe oLceM ttlee yerriyr All oirlroulivver one starts littor throw oil lotto resriy National Advertising litres 2599mm vtitrt invents 1i Concert 5t treli Jienobrr oi the Canadian Pure and Audit Dunno oi tilevils lWilts Censdlsn Preu in autos lientlttodtetbeorsiuro ration oi all cells dispatch Milliiii percredltedtoltev at them stedPresloriteuser also Iithe tout em with lite Barrie minister claims at in all ortxlnel siren editortel materiel ere produced to him orrrlsbt renamed aster it eooounced by President mimihehortairoihest minim lot itbl merit will ind itieii obliged to arise the tempva to the home as ndl as in priitie sod public bidldinsi Alitioiirb tile mesons an nounced by lir Mocdonntd are not sr nrtesl as those committed in Deteran but it will Already be too isle cisaoe honoree Nee Quebec in lloirili The marl oitrti eoores at time rolled the world end perilou North Aliaerica is ex the thi Twig In close $130M trend in iood Nixon in the United States Canadians will live under the ins oil and pnsoilne cisrviy mdrrotood that ii the WI ml millet the vot economic yreoth in the notary rrrcnruros this overn Urlted States and to elesoer mealioe to Crnsds dined ior Mi and eirooid dolomite result in so eietol oi tension on prince tits enerxy crisis however in More or error its new that history hrs mull Film in irlduoirilis bid liahitoi repeatlny iterli 94 mule ii Some people are saying that litii one rtdov lhnl will be at Csnada vhnriioeitinrppliel titted to the United states better in Nearir Iii Motorl aim the gng at mm noviciiiewillieei thseiieets cause no it pi mm at the married increase oi oi irom Alberta Ali mired oi trillion in aid either by boat or train rill resulting in so astronomical increase in the price it saloons and hearing oiiyln our ereoer cilia roan One more also remerrirer that by reiusinr to orer sad lilare our at with the United states Coosin would be lib Loftkih retool ememte let ihe New York Stock lilo nharlye has already wliiered heavy hmsand millions ot Amerirans risk liniliy their loos because ti the eoerxy rrtril ila Canadian economy linked to tlvnt oi the United Sister Canada ovoid not be able to escape the milioriirne worn hiyaelt irsdtny part is Wt grandera reaped the will All llecdoosldi heading more to or national interests align mmiortt one csnllot gun tile yorerlavnent ior rs titsbio role Ans Emil oi us should disnsme drownied when two the toitrllery rslhisioos ships not while deooriiar greiorduolihm trotBe semi oil radiltml mymmoeidam my healthy oil IiliI riso Iilemllhonlci ouri dislis eiio hesrdth vigil epeall oi rstionin or the Second World War must sell Wlt motels demand other mini loom such an area Will nili also be subject to similar urinates 0n the her hand trans magi armies me get oi our Mildred rd society and these products thth itth Wmhnii lee pr tliot dnln the next six moitin err in the world bill new bids liner tliv prediction oi eeorlo misiiwiio have said that iiiv ileiion will oceane ihablri lest pIoblesn oi hldswiri formalities over the next iew years Canada wulldhave ihiii ouity endotdnaheruii irons this general ecoomvilo nyrve uitver to livtriy with in iilislimOiilrl iinrer Dec DIG lb INTO where are miimt down oi the Vi Prices Al reriilt oi the or the overt situation tusr resent We must mien va berswhoeyresdtw Mil pilloils PARK patrollinle oneena Perl homo Thomson tievra ronorrro rile Ontario Bosrd has eiwnlo born 14 oi this prvvintoi prudent to aniu Iii lio it hi it si your on the its have been run throuxh privsie inwsooe commutes hit Ontario board oi eoilrss his story been politely rt sledde blyoierrlnensrp lni eorrro on this list meant drsrnstic iii tereoeee In the U5 the paywt isl ben elits mm the premium dollar has tended to run between so 991 rent and 1t oer rent lilieie bi oootsrlo thromer too anviowborrd else has tended Mm entryr is reputation ior rod to lirsdltlooeiiy the inlurtd GilliilDiis STORY or Independence Moves Started in 1867 Ila BOBIIDWIIAN the Americans and some Can Inriinditdiiiiooltlouo derriand that Canada LI all its my depositors nation they think thrt beorute he Queen is head oi state that Broads is still sob mieni to Britain the led eoee ei Canada and oilsr ritirh tellremote lotions was etinbiilhod tesslly illibliiltbtbiaiiiieoitietto sortinan genre to its considerations llACK AGAIN htsrr oi course is old Guela well just have toioliod Wonder what the dliierence ill CompensationgBoctrd hockingjiilp Aggro has been the prime but the ebaoees are rein isr not It vim willie in in ct sIa unen on new or ens liiiimyeogsenuidise that corroensaiion Act his been letvem all over the world hrolehiin vs roses to the province to And its whole emphasiszte rtudy It as model rrotore the siege oi this orsoiltsa we oncovrmvoproud WM Wii it Hld nitrpooe is to itd it its Lilli mu 94 1min in spades one the rcytlne oi Imam Multinatio bosrdlsto Emma an be extended in there will be board ed reputation ior to tire tiaimv rilidity of bit IMk then its pooersveretobeless orrenissiieo Now however the govern 1tMilli mi lie be very deli niieis gained to restore the boards old ironic etrien iv lobe ytven to board tie psoell will he able to make their decisions nvsrh The retirement oi lir tests restore on honmllsrianisml end and hiirepisemeoi by iersner much ills on role retrial iibor minister Illohnei tinder this new eel this bond nears by simidonte assinheoneel our yreat prorittotsl prides nineter Canadas noeiiion in disastrous Alssls hoiioeery the Worth is so into moment to slim and crested mom unit onion common ah the derode oi external sir textures in the moon lirlto talll is aante Sir Robert Borders insisted the Me iowsrds lodepeod diat Canada also the ppm sore heron soil obeo Ono treaty will Germany wenter eds became Mittton There alter them Wovd or end were other important sl be also be arm rest in the tore the Entitlement ster IMXtiehiNniiotlJ Air Wilfrid Lturier determined that Jensds would handle bet eozle lilo reiused to help Brit niorelns their more distretlonsry it in ms Prime Minister hitch eiaiiooa altar tblrahhanareislnstnnley mm mm in Allende has brrsbiy stitched oornnltml reiuiebltiiid Candds oi noomiiloo anailonli FerduIryiortitepe the rulers ln mousse ltrlul prisoners oi Laiinm oor oiildei indiiierenee to iras eroding number or orri there oi the transplant mm gm hitter reiuzeee And the NDP hit military rule hoiivtyy ions the bitaoee oi potter Dttsvra Union mom mfg External Aitairl litoister ieasors and edrildoiniorl die Shun roar have stored grooms btnlnersrrten to list to reception more woedio roveruneotibyycoer Rigging imlotwgi vent term Aileodesweb blunted Canrdlenttlii Ich Mid Gilly mean an sitteli Ottsws and his departmt one mole toward cite LEAKED CABLE Ml this to the cansdnihlle situation the condential lee irons Anibsrsrdor lines undies tliiElthllrliAd Not everyone oi them we boils tide roeaner Latin Am erlcen dtdstors ol the toil or ride Amory the were ea tied niyumeroe ilrtirvayeo or bso rucrlllsl who closed door the nubile lite oi liontertdeo only tirree years are Al iorrt twotrsininl rams ior elilslti iirbeir puer rltlas vere motioned to dine by it millimi as no orban terrorism but to an eriierotst channel in his loose Porosirr Unity coalition vrho toothed be WW on can sheler to hem Il beo premise the extreme and violent tell new is called litrittal iironl the initials him tor inter national iterobsilooary IMOl mentl lt even believed in the ovortllotvloi the Allende your ldlhwidtlomt irmdredv errlMtiiii reiuled to replace littlest reloreei lander Gllee heelyeleded Uonpms Id relaxed provisions with an hMilMdJM toilioiutoeeotry rsnlorrri Peopleltslenbty War Sonora Alieodee Add to no trond memo Pygmy the srnaliiiaoteil iaiiil Amelia the motor hemispheric has hwcgwinmm her olilie bsd eoyvoiey te Ihis eoideoeoootsicsmeot ediW am lnhl are 3W 514W had to agree invert the slsrsrsnee to him bin Miles end proiotsiosiai reioliitionsries arooil the esnl would be deli Canadian entry Illa NDP members or Pavltv mitt on honored summit um her WI visit have monieboryobysiersidee mkwnmmlmihwm moratorium Whit WM iorsiqlelitww nemnnrmmpuoee tieavm est supply it is another rudoder tint idiom ohoil low slimmed so ltgmvemmtiniisnbdeoiie eordnyteiiirlriohtelnsbilw soles potter beenrutthti iridium thewettlmenernpr ghiimimliiiiiii Meryl retro ieilcd to rein will for the lotion Alleles $611 September coin em Alende had visited tily one Cooodinn rriy iendrd only one mus salty hm erilon linisier Robert Andres emouoret Ibe ibiri eelnl not hot toi ta rivet and to tilt and is den nimr iaos rsnie thettisey retrial hers tile and lhelthey orient bsvr it more nominally John ill loath toe or herbs in Ottawa were leatevlte dobn pnrdsnieotsry vote ill day