ILIEIISDAY APRIL OBilUARY JAHI ill NKIIX II 22 Elit3 Tilt HARRIS EXAMlNLn iSEtititllf ilztiaitiu CANADA JWqul of the Okiafhti Buliir 16 Office at ie gradient 2i Rev Rift LEFROY lesson and it Pill lllfliil Eltl otiiers it PAGE El no Wicav UNDAI MILK DELIVERY COMMENCING SUNDAY MAY There will be Sunday milk delivery Kindly have bottles and tickets out takevieW Dali lnesonondSons Phone 3723 tilts JAS HASKHIVILLE ieim ill neat Ilciisii lllil Mrs Jame iziii ved Ililll1l Juliicatiil 2K litlr ioiix siiiis ii Apt rJltlljlt II Richmond veiiinu and at the Saturd icti iv iv lil tlL NILCl rain iiiiiisdny sh wk in ttx litil li lito Si iipsiiiaiwiiii ill ills eaz 1115 very gtiitltl1fl llc il gt Ili tili HI SIMPSON III HViiaz by 156554 imi in DIN irs formerly tiriss thiiili ItiuiieivE litlitli iJiicz it the iiilt MI and Ilthlitltlb of fring iiei seveiitysecaiid llw EllAdelrnsml lwr liiiiirrally Inlnbml Iur liiii liniv illitaitiiti p1wii aii Ht Mary itttit in llil iihd year funeral seivac liitcf Harrie lili itllllliil lNeyils and the lat it tiiikstoun and 11 IJllliIl pit ivd v1 was held BURLED WALNUT far Bedroom Beauty STYLED IN MODERN TREND AND YET comriiiiiiii SIMPLE BEAUTY WITH cnriroiir IIIJII IllItHltI Irwin of tile taiiiili lli 1111 are her husband lttuilll mire lllt tlttIltllllillL IVII Sl Skerllll tJViiinrs iii TIIIIIIJ IllliltIIIII Ileiiliiii and James In sgttcis Mrs Charles Maple ticck Sash and riiitioiig Samuel Reynolds HI il Hay laazt and William Itsyvi lu ii this it liiitlalc iihticii iigviii hardmeet bllll Illinwiii IIIIUJI Iiiiiilt lilll ltllll Heaven Sent no lorniiIoLi Applt Ilouom i11 li llt Iiitiiii llt illnll Itiit Inuitii run limit titre many beautiful floral Ill1N attending from and Mrs Aynsv Miss IIIISkCIVIIIi Reynolds lien Reynolds Mrs Thomas Binnie 21 and Mrs Itcyiiilds Mr and Mix Reynolds Miss Beryl Rey nolds Il and Mrs Cooper ileyiiolds Mrs Reynolds Mrs Armstrong Miss iltilah Vilslillt Italiih IIiiy iiicie tributes llltt weze ll sitilii Mrs iiniuiimm 111 mnmm liliii lhoinas ll ii KNIGHTJS iii DRUIE VI lIiiralieth St tNth Itoxyi BARR ill1i The iigt llll illidiitlit icordiicteii il lit lw tlt Still ii Silt Mi md IItlli titl tl ll ll lltt 31 CW MRS ARIIIlII BELL lIartv Wednesday morning Apr 21 litm he death occurred of Mary1 Ianu Day wife of the late Arthur ilell at her home in Cm Station turn in Pickering on Feb 27 1868 she was daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Thomas Day moved to Orn when Mrs Bell was 12 years of age and she became one of the plitiltis of the United Church tit Oro Station Being of homeloving disposi tiun she was rarely absent her accustomed pl greatly missed by her famin and Althouin in failing health for the past five years she took 11 keen interest in world affairs and always cnjnycd the visits paid her by her many friends Immediate relatives surviving are sons Ihomas Charles and three daughters Mrs Graham Mrs Victor Ross and She was predeceased by her husband and one daughter Annie and one son Licut Arthur le1 who was killed at Arras in 1918 Also let to mourn her loss rare her brothers Robert George of IurontoidnTsfofmCi of Shanty Frank tovcrscasl her sisters Miss Ella Day and Mrs Rumbll and her grandchildren and great grandchildren The funeral took place from her lat residence on Saturday after noon ivThe service which vascon ducted prev AELJIillenassisid by Rev Mr Yco was held Lintn United Church Manv friends and from PickeringNiagara and Toronto attended pallbearers Glen Gilchrist Gilchrist Pie Garf Burton George Robertson and Gordon Culbert xvii iiiiiicl I2ll tit si tir Reader interest gives strength to large iiiiii ipino il llllit lynx SS Nil hwil tll1 Medical ollegt tini iri ii illl1lgt lltl rt Iv You measure in The Barrie Examiner Itcad and use Examiner Classifieds advertising it ltitl sch Hi my The familv ililll nmrin he spent lCilzii nine ll and Iuncli Chicact lhe lilllllii3lt ni li surva li 2w to from ace and will De he niiv Win 1ltliii IIiit Barc ll Vil Tiiirinii Misses iii IlltlIPtTLltLtl iblUtllJI rnl sister iiinis Ferna on l3gt dv and Mrs it Glass etrCaulutatvn Win liltitfli friends italiiiy ti fut it ttn This is THE year biimpcr crops Oii the home front and were all set to helpyou in Your efforts to aid Joint Bu and three Percy can HDTVHt WILLIAMS Edward ll iliainlt former ic idcnt ot llniic dicd ill ltcginii iii iApiil 2i illill The funeral was held on April 37 from the home of his sister Mrs irrqfllhll Iltl lii Elizabeth TBarrieTUniVon Ccmctery RcvfH RTi Conducted the services and the callbearers were Charles iow 91 William Qiossland Harold Mc iNabi William laick Harry Bitch man and Robert landlaw Mr Williams was son of liite Mix and Mrs lt=utd was born in Toronto lie was iewcler and since lQltLhadhecni icsidrnt of Regina He is survived wawdmnt tonight Dawson of Regfniifwlio sent at the funeral also five sistci Gilbert iGreenwood Mrs Twiss Mrs iB Proctor andMrs Ralph Uiry ow NDRUGGISTS to Change of Dru Miss Hertha We complete Come in hare stock of seeds and let us help plan your migiiiili BUY EARLY Be sure of your supply HUMAR highly tawa Fred Bay and Itllt efficient fcdrtilizcrfor gardeiis and lawns That Villiinii Falls funeral Victor The Bell WCIQ Karl Webb llrs gt JOHN HAMBLY rJohnRrHamblyruwhowaypron minent in the business life of Barl rie for score of years leovinzi ghere about 25 years ago died on April 20 1943 at his home 16l8 oad Toronto servrce was held inToronto on gThurSday evening April 22 and ttermcnt took placemthgwfgllowing day at Drayton Ont John Richard Hambly was born at Drayton Growing to manhood he went into business there with his brotherinIaw IFrom Drayton he moved to Thames villc Ont wherehe went into bus iness for himself as hardware merchant About l895he became resident lof Barrie having purchased the handsome husmesc IT funeral lAvenue he we the undrsig gg have agreed to observe Business Hours glided Wbelow Starting Monday May Hours will Oscar Hodsoni ctsilllustrotd One of the stylesrohosen from our complete stock of bedroom of Jonathan IMPORTANT NOTICE HOUSEHOLDERWS no OTHERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED IIII ALI DIRT or RUBBISH Of any or every kind must he removed from all YARDS LAWNS AND OTHER PREMISES incdoor Toilets must be thoroughly cleaned and disin iected Particular attention is directed to all CELLARS YARDS AND STABLES riiiisi iiisr th LICANED ANI ltItIHlZl AND iii iiaxrinc REMOVE All Cleaning Up Must Be Done by May The Owners or Occupants of Premises who have not complied with the requirements of the PUBLIC HEALTH ACT will be held to answer for theirneglcct Ity Order ot the Board of Health SMITH 310 Barrie April 15 1943 GOOD FUEL BiRWIND BRIQUETIES llitdct1oiti Pocahontas balcjslcul for Stoikin IIIAN IO HANDLE IIIGII IN IIEAI LOW IN ASII We will be unloading car next week May we fill your bin right off the car ORDERS $1130 TAKEN For rcriiiiia comers NOTICE Minimum coat delivery 500 pounds Minimum wood delivery quarter cord Biiilders supplies will not be delivered on day of order The SARJEANT COIL FUELandiBiiILDEiiSTSUPPHEST ZVVAIAKY ST PHONE 2461 usviness Hours ists of thciTowniof Barrie many dsigned injmztctredmurledwalnntiv erfagll edges Flrstxquoltty construction Full sizebed chiffonier vanity or dresser in this modem liiit dignified suitethreepieces FOURPIECESCOMPL furniture Beau th deep wot Henderson who had the leading hardware in the town the store beingxlocaied in the premises now ioccupied by the Bank otToronto teivyears later he bought out the firm of Buchanan Penstone and icarried on business at 88 Dunloo St here Wright Cleaners and OCon in rs Shoe Store are now situated At the end ofl9l4 he soldout to Merrill Hiibbard and three years ilater removed to Toronto number of years afterwards he tra hardware and furnacc WI MONDAY830 KMTO 330 PMi+jji TUESDAY830 AM T0830 PM WEDNESDAYLesgg AM TO 1230 PM THURSDAY430AMro 830m or Wartiinc l30ard regulations Terms accurdance FRIDAYLaoii AM T0830 PM SATURDAY+830AMgro1030 PM SUNDAY209 TO PMiONE DRUG STORE OPEN PM9 PM if Nights beta if CROSSLANDS DRUG STORE ETHEL CRoSsLANDM DRUG STORE 38 CUSDEN Hrs DRUG groan KNIGHT For it veiled for firms Ha iwasa member of the Masonic Order and of theUnited Church iWhen in Barrie he was terminal member of CollierSt Methodist Church being chairman of the Board of Stewards active part in the renovation of the church during the pastorate of ROV Dr Ockleya community affairs he was an encr ggtic member of the Board Of iTrade He built and occupied the fin residence at Berczy and En genla Streets nowOwned by Simon Later he bought the Major Rogers propertyat 126 Collier Shi He was thrice married Surviving are his widow former Mrs Mildred Scanlon one son Joseph of Tor onto and one daughter Mrs Car man Draper Irma Clairkson Ont amny of Barrie is re Public Holidays 1030pmr He took an Much interested viiiiiii DOUGLAS KNIG riiltttrltiit MD srovrs BARBIE Vernon nephew QDUNLOP STREET MONKMANS DRUG STORE i5 JCM0NK1uAN Horrirsous DRUG sroiiri jHLG ROBERTSON wHirrYs DRUGStone Warm