Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1943, p. 10

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liititblmk APRIL 35 lhh ARIO CANADA GE TEN rur Dmitrii EXAMINER mm on LOCAL NEWS il Eoms Distinction let entry Ruin paiCZil or guardian to CLJLI Luck tithe tgtcc Quincy ltlriitificti tlirri the 3315 IrJuaLciftl rty is l1l gt snd in 3mm r1211 til tint MyginLVFKISZ arrow753 filed51543 AltWHEAT 15 WMm NAME tlint Enid 1311 clearly in block ieiirn E55 Mrmwamnmm Itltl IIILHI inward limit the Head ssuiaiiee Iii tillll 1lir representatiye at Ital illilitl iiiiiiluii1iied tor the iiiturt luti lIJtl 11 16in iii if WEEK iiiims ot the toiiituiiv Ia childs name iiiitt Ilii in Itiiiic IIJ ni JllllJiliill comprising llIltltllIllI ot lllt on Complcte this liitIlCL III II words til it tt II MIH DD azulluitltc or paicut or guardian Ehn Your Giiiiii children to in valuable prizes and at the same time have ii lot of instructive tun PRIZES IIITill IItlllih Ollt IIIIII WIN IIIIii tltl lllillu il tunic the MM tiIltl 1124 Ltttlllltitli lrie liit Wiiatlslt ontcst iii Mr iit lnp tgtt Youaravoiiir David Harum SUNDAE LITNCHVAT BRYSONS Tea and Candy Shop LOOK FOR THE SIGN lIlilalieth St ll Parents heres chance for your iie iiiigilclcd nid tin more if rsti in Stir czin llsiigt Itl hit it your children to enter the lIaeh Kellogg Company Get your child to CONTEST RULES This contest is open to children up to it years oi age liach entry innst tie accompanied by the HIV blank above completed by guardian giving the childs age and giiarziiiteiw i111 ttie entry is the childs unaided eitorl onipiiiiy liin set of pictures complete with entry blank ut this out let your youngster to answer the questions and complete Lil Samsons sentence4 breakfast tavourites Kelloggs llheat III In words or OMILICIE llllI liNlltY BLANK Send or deliver the entry along with TWO Iiii Ioggs AllWheat bov tops to the thatIsIt Contest co The Harrie livaiiiiner Barrie Ont Your children may send in as many entries each But each entry must be ac AIItilieat Inn Hits right llll week iiitc iwl 11 the turner 11 liHl Sunday in liiiti leanetzc ltaso Mounted or the glors the lllll will publish group of pictures sentence in the car 21 illit parent tiii iiii identify them and complete the Then fill out the entry itil tooii balloon above IIiit cl Marita tnc ioliit sc =ih Illllliltll anad mwarvi Lil liltdl llllJl iZIti llardy com 17 ltiy it ttiltilt Sioiid has r015 were liasieri sicicd the l1lllt lir it who with tuial iiis exclusive use in naming the iiirehrcd Holstein cattm Ill on his il his stock will in future atd andicariy tins name is prefix Ilavid tribes to ittiiix Iuacli week Ixellogg III piiii cl um an RV blank and mail to WhatIsIt Ontario along with IWO Kelloggs Iive prizes in each age group Sugar siiiiltii hildreii liiiler l0 lltlllis airliner Harrie IIIIII box tops or the correct answers each week Il IC s500 WAR SAVINGS YIIIIII II AIIIS any because cdv less II Nitlhii ilui ll lviinpx were 1th Street irlt llciiiiaz Kelly intint will lie awarded In the event of tie the most interesting in theentry blank above will Vlii and 11 eom i1 lci ll Slotl ltccords toiiics ilgar Phone 456 lt1 Mir pletion of the sentence Encourage your child to start he the deciding factor collecting War Savings ertiticates this way week as they wish companied by IWt Kelloggs tops and completed entry blank To make it easier for your children to Ill they compete only with children of the readers of No children of employees of the Kellogg Company their advertising agency or this newspaper are eligible Entries for this weeks contest must be post lleilnesday May 1943 The judges decision will be final and no correspondence can he entered into All entries become ompany of aiiada Ltd llilllt tariii hililren ver it and llnder iti PRIZES IF swdcu in Saskat l1 and litllitlll for some thirty years has taken over the business known as Norman of Shine West IIld Grocery and Service tal lrarninu Schooltatinn IIliaheth SI at Anne 81 vaI Inincrlv 1lll by Ilarrisoii three we ks with hei iiilll Gillzcs has changed the interiir loi the st we and rebuilt the shelv tcrtldc with IIIilIlL making big ltllptiHilllClll Various parts of the Valley at and Mrs BruinBarrie were represented at the good Iosliniattendaic which gathered for the Easter ceremonies at Spry Sovcr Chaplet Rose Cioix Scottizh Mauiidy Thursday and The beat lliantt rd sit lli Kelloggs NEW AllWheat is whole wheat cereal flavour that youngsters love ery breakfast Remem anadlan toasted lit 21 iice liinziips ri Flt $500 WAR SAVINGS IIItIIliI with lusty liemar Serve this appeteasing cereal ev tasty todayand helps build for tomorrow Kelloggs NEW AllWheat is whole ifiaked this paper tin is marked later than midnight ii ltiNl tier wheat in its most delicious tom it iet two packages from your grocer Made by Kelloggs in London tuna and Miss Black were Pack iiiiili ii irin ready to tomorrow property of the Kellogg Grace Gospel Holl mill Mary St Barrie itari Worleyi illt Church First Baptist WELCOMES YOU Miss Elsie Cloughlcy Organist All hope he will soon be feeling better and Mrs Ernest Pall weekend guests at Mrs ards Mr Tom Bands were holiday Mr and Mrs Toronto visited their SIStCl Howard Atkinson Mrs Harrison sey is staying with hr William Paterson Jean and Margaret left for TOronto to Womens Divisuin Easter Sunday tendance at Fromfnmv on $9 and run it ls GRENFE and Mrs Wm Bitty and here Rinckvillo elun ziinp Bortltite laibit lnionoilast with Valicy it Atltcy and SUNDAY MAY lftil ll AlliBelievers Meeting IMSuiiday School PMEvaiiuclistic Speaker Mr Vliiriiiito Friday 730 p111 Barrie Young Pchplcs Crusade COME AND BRING FRIEND 11 Collier St United Church row LEWIS MA no Minister MR HIRAM BALL Orgainst and Choirlcadcr lobson eir daugh surprise birth iiv parv on April 13 There were cnioyahle and Mrs their tilll iii iioriinq in over tlillitl was impressively prc ides teiiaind Norma illill it c512 SUNDAY MAY peakci Rev Toronto Blessed Results of ltll5 Resurrection PhiBIBLE SCHOOL for all ll Triumphant Faith TRINITY CHURCH pm It 1i iiowni1N Rector WRIGHT Organist lltful iscntcd Owing to the fact that The Ex iics were in Owenaminer had 120 prcss earlier ast week because of the holiday which Gordon Gilchrist Don Martin was home On leave Mrs and Elmer Miss Audrey Chown Toloiitol it lit the weekend with her uncle 37 prtsellt and ironing wassnent Easter Service We Attended congregation evenimipitsein on Sundav morniiiu East service Th MAi Sort ice ied rd Hubbcrt were ihomc for Easter FtLicut Pugh spent the tlCk end with his family Major White and dough at Mrs Winters Mr and Mrs Handy and family 15 are spending week in Toronto Watson very mint Mr and Mrs chbson large dance at Johnstons on work New Jer brother Win over the weekfl reiitiiiiililL to spend on it weeks in the latter town the attended Mrs number correspond IlCt Mr arrived on the noon mail Wednes it lllloiignhy ofWaslr day was too late These includcdm aid of the Re Moison Anta some Guthrie some Newtonenjoycd some Edcn meim Sorry Fld and gtpltiltliti was tors were Thursday Cross Puin have list in the the RCAF large at isitors in the xlollitlr story The CllOil Everyonci the evenings entertainHimm ngiven in word and song that Jas MCcontr1buted special numbers members were Easter and Mrs loiitrcai arc guests of Robinson Ivy Edar Gladstone Cur vale Dalston lilidhurst and Gron Vc Mulcaslcr Si Loishmzin lclhmaii and Mr and Hamilton vctc id guests of Mr and SI ttlsnlllit DC Toronto TWO spent the weekend with her mother aunt MrsWzitson is visiting with her Ihc Sacrament ot tinmargins Mn and Mrs David Roi ILords Supper was observed Miss June Fl Thomas Church rvice willbein the to report Bride who has been feeling pooruill tly went to the RV Hospital Bari IIC Monday morning for received til church Wag handi bit and mm GEMENTS ENG gonnaYfarmfnizii First Sunday Alter Easter Ittl0AlVIHniy Communion lQQWAQVI Morning Prayer Treiichcr Rev Biirclawaolinsoii 230 PALBible Classes 300 PlSunday School 700 PALEvening Prayer Sermon St Georgia or the Dragon meeting of Trinity Club May laiksidc SUNDAY MAY tiltil 11 AM AND inn THE MINISTER DMJTTHE CHURCH SCI1o and Mrs Henson an nouncc the engagemeth of their daughter Alice May toPetty Ot ficerrPcrry Hunt RCNVR son ofMrs Theresa Hunt TorontoV AllianMIrLJohn Minn of For lest Home wish to announce 77777 engagement of their second young est daiighter Ruth Evelyn to Mr Jack Slcssor son of Mr Mrs Raymond Slessor of Thornton thc wedding to take place May 15 Theucngagement is announced of EVlHTLQLCY ALIS MGKmlLht aleencKilbyNdaughtcLJLi viszted his parents Mr and MrsMI andMrwRKiibyL Pmontori recently to mm leilVll for his Pomg director of University Extension 17 Eqmpmem D3pot RCAF University of Toronto formerly of Victoria Island Ottawa Cpl and Mrs DO Tomunson 0f place in StPaulsAnglican Church Toronto on Saturday May lh1vc iIlgts Catherine Hardy icellardy Toronto and SToR Huntsville hliss Const OTfrllililivmaidr llardy off the East Coast wec IZastcr visitors with and Mrs Ednnind IWHERE You BUY CLEAN UP AN iini Wunlcssxwmdsor and Brady Trenton Mich lhavc returned home after attendlt a2119 thcwedding of their nephew iLicut Harwood to Kathleen hlurphy Mrs ihlrs r=Q MORE roR LESS PAINT UP NOW and St Andews Piesbyterion Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister Phone 2809 EDMUND HARDY Miifsz FTCM Organist and Choirmaster Next Fireside em JAPALAE PAINTS viiiiiiisrizs iiiiiiiiris riooii WAX faeimiin gh Ba rie James r3359 CI vf riiiiirs vaiiiiisrirs tiziiAiiELS gulls McKnight William Dunlop ve thiRi gift pawn iie ioirriviTru Officers in Charge MAJOR BEAUMONT LIEUT EMMERSON marriage to take SUNDAY MAY 1943 ldom Read Stayner II Book that Is 3RMZLSUNDAYSCIIOOL PittTHE MINISTER Central United Church REV BEWELL BA Minister Phone 4159 Miss JessiBrTs6n Organist and Choir Leader were home weekendiattend trig ithegmarriage of Licut and Mrs Tomlinson is visiting for few days with her pareniiif Pie Lloyd Tiifford has beenl transferred from Camp Borden MilV iiary Hospital laboratoryduty to the 13th Canadian General Hospital Unit Royal Canadian Army Med ical Corps at Picton Armoury Mrs Forristal London On tario and Sat Roy Brown an 20 Elementarv RCAW Woodstock SUNDAY MAY 1943 11 AMMORNING WORSHIP 230 PMSUNDAY scaoo PM MajorWisman New Hampshire Tuesday pm RS Womens Aux Thursday pm PublicMeting Sat iiBAJRRIE 777777 Harwoodi urday pin SUNDAY MAY 19437 instructor at No 11AM TThe gt Churchs Home Front PMrrrc SUNDAY SCHOOL PMrrThe7Menace of Gambling Come and Worship CoiiierSt Baptist Church THE FRIENDLY 9110ch PASTOR REV WHITE Flvizf TIUIITIITQWSCIXODI OshawaspcntEaster Weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Brown 134 Dunlop St Mrs Rudotph Donbar has return three weeks daughters in Montreal Shcbrouqhtl home with hcrJohn Beverley her little grandson whose mother is visitinc in Halifax wherehr hus band SubLieut Maurice Beverley of the Royal CanadianNavy is sta tioned Frank Caseof Mont real is visiting her mother Mrs Dunbar Robert Delahey who Spentthe Easter weekend at his home here was in Army uniform as Universi itv of Toronto Student in the Royall Canadian Army MedicalCorps He is now completing his final student vear and starts his sixth year in Wadi Dmi Prayer andBible StUdy Medicine as an interne in one of the Toronto hospitals in September Bob has been elected undergraduate member of the AthleticDirectoratc on the Hart H0use Board of Stew ardlt thehitzhcst athletic horror an undergraduate can bet elected to He also was elected President of the Medical Athletic Association DIED SCOTTAt his 1esideitcili 22 Peel St on Wilnesday Aprii 2871943 Walter Scott in his 78th year The funeral will take place from his late residence April 30 at Barrie Union for MAY BcrnanentsWUIe TV Begs83750 For $500 Eatiiiisiilairilressiiig II Post Office Square Barrie Phonc 2285 for AppOintment ntecotol Assemb 20 Mulcaster St mums isiiiis SUNDAYMAY 1943 11 AMMonnino WORSHIP 230 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL TE BLAKE JOHNS ed after with her astiitriciii ANDZ summit SUBSTITUTE MUzzoronnrasrn WATER PAINT $115 mm roots iiiiii FERTILIZER dnd SEEDS rage qugf25c dud ochvllicj ZTEXTRA LARGE BEAMEBSf each 15d MSTawn PLAT AND cross riiiisiiizs 7130 PMP in charge Wednesday pm mPrayer Meeting free Methodist Mission Ctapperton Street DEV LOFT Hillsdale Pastor Friday SUNDAY MAY 1943 11AMI Saw Also the Lord EMTBIBLE SCHOOL PM Man Cannot Live by Bread Alonei 820Ba0k Home hour bers of armed forces and friends specially invited asuifgilglgifiiiiin EVENING SERVICE7 RM THURSDAY cinnriisriiisii THY HUMAR for PLANTS WINDOW roars GLAss CUPS and SAUCEBSgSetIISC LARGE GLASS Bowrs 14 for 25 Friday 830 EVENING+3 oclock pmFBYPA NEDCHU Bunion AVj RCH REV GREENMA TitDDD Minister 11AMYourns mosencrsi gt orshlppers League Tatk mMvThe TWentySeventh fPsalrn eace Louvre with Young in Hou Cleani Downing WmDitchmond mom 2801 snows 45 UNLOP sr Thee PMASUNDAYISOHOOL AIDO mum BfBEmGS ike Tamrmrmmiwmedw Missmmriemrins omit 53555 Dammit jSt Phone 4035 AVED Geoffrey OHara nmi Interment Cemetery

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