minim He met noted ll one prIyI hmtohm on olItruI he E=hf5 tre Ere to WiIdom thanlIiIMthere dliis IIIM Ihl OH heltthoIrene Whledideuhda IrmInIeIdeeInInyyener peItInIolIrII he nmarteuJothe tin Ia Him In the in armed to tied and Ind redeem could turn high vhrow other thou who live under ity and who love 3tu more to the PI JeauII Irequ hleodeIIuI Ind In outhII there will be dInlI In Arouses By DOROTHY IIILIIUIIN rontrs T0 Pullout Marvel The word at God IIyI IIII tearolthetntdleodethtoli an Iron lie Irll Ilier Whenetcr picture II and he thI hItb it IhI Wutitdelmdld 1M ery stream at molten rnelII mm GodI marching order ltuanu lendalht In In It be put only II It to trim eIuldron In Imndry rnsrtel It the Ittenzlh ol the uqu Irorn Ihieh the metal is pourinr Wiut Into It engineering Ind rnetIllurn lnre resulted in the container being Iuteiently Itronr to endure rurh burninu CllrlstiIns Iitculee Ire eIIl ed to endure eircunutnneet that Ir JOHN whWUldT lilhNEAPOIJS IiInn 1m Rev Puchal Kelly older rortnd oi visits will ttentr Iprudr cheer In the llobbrIod prudth In mm In the mod WI no men than youd er pet oi any hoIpItIl chIplIin Rut VIlher Kelly IpendI murtoIhIItInIeIIItonhiI but Myles Ixoept Ior lit tlI linger movement turnInI II had Ind ordeiIy talllnr with IriendI In the I1yeIroId Roman CIlholIe priest In the Ipirit RhIt bloom humor rittimol multi wle IcIeroIII more thIn iii an hI counts hlr hleulnu People My beer to kind Eb IM he telll visitor tlnI Io ultetul Im III the thing thIreome my my FIther Kelly reulds him Ielt II GEEIDWIIIENE IpecIIl eprIIin St IIIryI Hinva tel wherehe he been too lined nearly II yeIrI And you no tell thereI Ionrethlny un uruII Ibout ooln Illtd at St htIryI belore ymt enter USES PEOPI Planted In the hut It In Inzla luIt nitride thI roomll by telnet mirrors propped on IIIloot wooden Itan Inehored by cement block Except tor the tumor In Ill pIinted hoeplul white The rectlon IbodI In Imp into Irulrror propped on that near the tool at the ninth bed1hla II IIrnId It Inother mirror IquendId 0m thahudboard 10 IIlher Kelly can Iee thtI total out In the hit lie IlII other propyA no and mirror on the cheat Itl 3Iee out the window III up much dtuuinn harm or other mine on windlnc illtuirlippl litre Io hII Homeoulppedrpoctlclee IrI rteIId curred rnwthpiace 4nd Inuit theIrlnI Ild him entitle him to mum it the Wood when he preIIu III held IIItIIIIy lo the IIII tutor Ipoelll Intro Another twitch mounted on duore ttotilaripotolhil ud II II the color televig vM Iron onI Ilqun to 0W te televiylon presto 3th dream Ilontlo two We lint open the doan to E3 mold In the bunny and IMI III the oi which rII renewtom HI too one In do on have III II Id ou hip to new Ire liery trials called to endure without meltinr or breIkiul or whining or complaining Belore see It Christi can We the victory in trial we rnurt rIt obey God recording those ctreunulInrcs Helped lnln wheelchair pushed by nurse Father Kelly lIIiLr room In the hos pltII or spendl allernootu In the lobby talking or re newIpIperI So rnes elded by IeIIorr priest he me man in the chIpel Born at Doter IIlher Kelly grow up In Yonhen N1 Ind Sayre II then came decade It college Ind mm In Ithode Island Ohio Konlutts lllinuiI Ind Wuhinltnn dIlnnd Dnrnr In priest It BIItirrlore hid In m1 year lIter he was Itricken by multipte sclerosll and went to him Clinic It Rochester sitnn Despite the onset oi the eripplrnr disease Father Kelly me In Iaeirtnnt pastor It Holy Romy church Minneapolis Ind rIld mm Iront uhcelcnair In the years ml in tern Now anldering the view Irorn hie Iiithllpor window oI new building ulterior the citys Ikylioo IIlher Kelly rezrtiI the toe ol rigor oI eIrlicr dl eyre turning thin pr viIIIre Into hodrepodre be erI in lrrt tIiion lie IIrnenu also thIt his lentrItionJI leasing young people with to many Ionnida bIe problem Im IreIt admirer ol rhaIe XII iconsricntiour ohlertonl he IIyI use hoyI the untrue to IlInd up aralntl the trend Apparently the younp breed doesnt want to he pushed around And perhIpt that it our Inlvolion AI Iot modern trendl in litlon Father Kelly IayI ile lundImonIIlI Ire lrnthanpea ble Theyre there II they IIwaI In been There IriIII Ibout puIIIr nlIrInl dont bother me hit HOLLY II MM DOWNING FALL PLAN IIoIIy Unitedchurdt Women rpet It the home ol hIrI Iielrhton Mr Fisher war In churn Ind opened the meetinl nlth ebor mdlnc ol devo llonI tollwed by ehorIl scrip titre reIdIlli hire Emu are some eutellent idea on on email coup an be In Ic tlre mun IIInI tor meettnrr tor the balance oi the you were rnIdI Octoberrwlll be Mle IIonIry IpeIker nixht Guests will be invited trom United Ind than cborcben irt Cooluiown Thornton POUNDED BY GREEK lhI Irenrh port oi IIIrIIIIIe war hounded by Greek IIIlorI Iboulwhw ed with evil To in the lord menu to respeetlndtoobey IIInI IIwI drIIhIIIeIIIIlIbIVIIile peIee victory ultimo cour Ire III those wonderiul cone ponentr whleh oonttitute Die the lite oI God Otten because we no to very human obedience to God rneIoI In Ipolory restitution In Irt oi Ioruvinp This II not my toe Ive Ire proud people But it 11 well worth the humbling Ior it brtnu peace into we been Ind right relIllnnsltip with the lord ItIte we Iiery triIl In ow Iiml kt uI eIImine ournelm Whmlhd II HM with God Ind II our beam not Midemn us we can IIlely lruat Ittrn to deliver tin Iron IL Trust ye In the lard lor In the lord Jehoth II everIIrtIot strength crtemon by KInnoth Taylor Available at CROSSROADS hIIDIEUB Plan mun Ilia III lIIeh tor More Openlu MISSIONARY CHURCH ta Crlthel street Naming SIM 700 pm Evlnlnp SIrvIeI PItlor Alon we ILL WELCOME sr ANDREWS PRESIIYTERIAN cnurcn weeehlnlu II runny nun metae council Corner It meek Gum mu Ll IrII mun RI Iona hlIItIter Kev XII Eer Oreolat Cue VII 1km Como only with rareuerttootsi ctluttctl poo Murmur Ir on can Ian out rant Itanlwhyldulw IIIIII melon derrka 70 MI leeIIIl Include Em HID llll III hllMleel lenue little MI and Pm lenlll carter no we Commit melrietbnloiodutinllm liornon Catholic III it IIIe OIL lmm madamerun lumen Manhunta1 um rains by my dW my DH IrtdIntldIdIllthlnu culminateIan mu illillii cuurcu rttrsr CHRISTIAN oi drun rota neromro in CHURCH Come OHM and Cool II It In It PutaIevdlbhlll MadmenSt an mortars Wed eIeI rout PM Mnem came in amt me Panel on en ion wtsrutuor no ldornlnglilorehlp NneuryJIelIItieI Provided It It MIL You IIIIE neocouo GRACE UNITED rm at out construe tdoo Arn avenv sunonv SUMMER SERVICE We rreleelnuIcItlonerIte hIrrto to tour III mu MlnIIiee RIv Art Storey no ID The Friendly rittwrnrp ATTEND UNION SERVICE OF WORSHIP AT alilillTllllIUIllIElltlIlllIillI 54 Ron Street MlIiIier Rev Donald III 930am Meditation DECIsronsoacI5tousI SoloeHI ouehed WNW DOMId LII Ion NureeryFIelIIllIIAvIIIIblo Welcome to mm ctrlamina uIIyL PutorMVullhd cameomummy nonstttrtutcu morontwoum uteri oI nine III achiever Iqu um wuoourt Conleulon FAMILY woosulr Holilt room Ivellrwosettwce ourweaken use PASTOR BRIAN amen OUR nusnmuwh sototsrooa Must Thohnglicun error it outdo sr aromas an auto cttutlclr Anglican Church or not crann Iearnnnartannn MM reitrirr cHurcu Wm Held II hi 0h Intn Intern vr may MIRA itely edhl mannatum alumnusIII mm Alum lblvvlldl IlveI Loot verminelectrician Mbhuhwlmhuelymnueley rein hithlnrmleoalrowhlovedhinrndtaciwth warh Iurrrtnr run at our arm one room onurt CIIIII mummyaware lcueiillenttheGIIde to PM MI Hts Ltoovox Accoroton mum Mlonlat on or the Greets oi our day One NIIM WY tn Sunday ehool III lg 100 FImIIy Ind Frkndo FollouthIp alter Mr CII Simon Whit uro up to lyyeIrI rrwrriruliinrnn elaIMeneutyti SCHOOL rmrvnauue