took with lullDINO MONTH Cenedehnlldlny code The Include butter to end Ihorter street on limb allure In the territtIEIp todldinl bylaw nude It the re rtIrcoraeII meetlnr Itter three reedlnn ol the hytew Idd rentktloor not provided In the ltd ered yoeett the new tour mortew Mutant eet eltulno oi the petty the that lol lth Iny Inrtdcrtt ol They hIte done end Ire Itrll top with no Iand tenor ot tnIrrrtL Ar Sow are no doubt eeere thehamehelrtroreundeb them the I153 not the but the WW te the there my wen It utdlml eelb htelheI tItr not on to load elut tbtn yenrelth the hut uhiblueurtlny In Thundpy morntox The rat rompgtitiou were those ot the nernhere oi the Iterator ell colt ehrb who hell their InletIntent dry to the dnlry elm Itrrt plate want ti tiriIn Gillen end nemd plant to Tom hlnchnm tor their eaivrt pitted or tyre In the but not lonvor heikre to furl pete wnI ltttI hlrhohb with Jim Modalh rerond With renhte hellen lien the took rst prize and Writer Print toot reroroi prire Showtnx beet riren Oren Glitch Inn ttrrt cnmuirmr Ily JAY BECKER North dealer Both elder vulnerable NORTH ottee end an oxumd thetoodeemdatthoeon Ku clot AQm nrul like told home it tunes but nothing rIn Itoptyou trout tIktnc Irn lrtrh tI on oontluury with do the ronlrnrt by rating the Ice and pnytrtgt All Ittrr how thedc Irrnc thtn per tint ptcturrteb ty wtnt wtth the tray but enn not yrrtrnt ycu Irom dltoudint later In one oi dummyt blyb mood at Irth turn you mate pinee Ind Ron Gillan melted place eottorrtrx there type plea Int the htlatutnr tIt Club member here noted on their aluaetnnnthtp Ihrtrty 11m pure with dery rotten In threw Ihy went to Brine Griten end Ich plare vent to Itenry tIodertTrelen IIrII nine in heel etau eat to Gm Glitter II top beet rhonun Ind Iccond war ltotr Denney At IkIr time would the to extend word It ldlltofl enId roonImietlone to menu hen end lenderr ot the dub Itll Arnold and Uni Cook tor titu Ioe out my good It citer lottotetor In order nd nthl on time mt the htrnminx club Irhierernent Ivmpleted ttob lttrmphrter who no tootiny Ittrr ringside netttrtiu hr the mornlnt movnt directly to the ttnior InII KIM time where IJrl tlIyeI pIIred tint wtth hlI III III the til rIuh protects Iltn second plate gold In toxin lien on Following this In the rho rntnthlp tor anion tint place rein nrnt to Earl time with town llrnon IImiltl the rerorei not But won the plaque tor lltl$tmd rhampton thne the thccp reetion open clan ttotr orrrtcy won trrat pine with breeding ele lamb with motel place gems to Altel littl er tn the morhet tomb Iection Ilrrt lcrmey nurin plated fuel with htt Lamb Ilost also Iron the pldquc tor the trend ehorn mdr In em tnt own lent to Berry trbbend tended piece to Ian truer We no tottoIed Irrunedlelety by Garr it Group ot Three Beet Sirere Hnt piece In thin ems lent to the Hlorninx tll duh under the direction ot Bill Arnold wtth attemer In the amp beinl Allen Cool Greg Ind Ila Gillett Cooktohttt bed club woo tor group at three better under the direction It ltalph CorrtyIn In tender with numberr ItIIrL September Ind Tarn Gnudettr IIIret Geudetle placed km with her mrolnir holler to receive the send rhempion heel better ptnoue donated by the Barrie Intent turat nocter Ind presented by lie pruhirnt Delno Jermey Drlno Itto presented the mervr rhtmpltn itihhm to September Gttxlrtte The plIoue tor the rhampio nurtrt Iteerteu Inn by Bart Jchb with the Home ribbon in to tan tuey There were IIIo presented by Orion Jrrmry In the Ihoerttnnnltip romretlIton tor hret ttnrry erb pieced first end ltrrndI Wilton pitted record In the dairy rlnt Don Ilr Nair placed tint with htt lun Io dairy better In the open clIu count rttvd tetteen pxed The Iron oi my 573111 area by the Urn III dIry In thirld tlt Ji ttll Index the demon rivlrnt Ctr the if dichlorideIlr lakevreior its human Hurts poGOooII IIAondoy To Thundoy LoIrevIew tiltTrotter wlIIr Sportitlt Souec ICItIIdrcn under ll tort Inmh tn the Showmtrtthtp rompotttort Ior lambs Itotn lorrncy lured Itrtt to quality or top sharp showman ArteI ltrll Guns not record ere Cornell membm tcel the bylaw ehqu will prevent Alter Radial Thrill rerun tome ot the labile elreedy roen HymnIv It lhtt Ilro contract can tinned by me home owner to 97 cite bc mm by Itrrmno the the manure deem line or Ittnmunrle IIILIt the Ice development which does meet 1me tI oml Illmil lite queen oI Ionic WI ttrt tt lloweVer thu hwwlrtrr lunlor beet hetirn North if will mgpfydpm my In the rpm elm tiarel Gaud ITO rurrotrlul In the long run or III fit him and III htrend hlrl Ernest Wutleho lurking Ihc oportiny trod rhtol lidImt It hit tJtlr Tore Goud who em to trIIIIItI Iyeert WI lab up mam am my rto ot Itolly In the armor hart lmtddd to put mm It NowOpent holler oorn rim Iirrt went to mother owned II In emitmm urudrtte ot ttoIIy aotnn Ilene cwcnru rtnti IoIrt In Iud hoepltnltollteudthe weddIIldnl Complete moot Ich sum Dcatcrl ortd tlcverugh our on IonorplIIIIIt In lItttr re III mono or wet et out by or diam No made hlIo helm at In re hII Ire Corr per trader elec ol who younr The wIa promin at enrol the el have In electoral tell were en the gov Ger Iuspl there In tromItho be bluntly to could be torrrn rtrlhlnt by be Servo Ninth prao lte re tr tItheI Into there my and IIIth will not he blew not he II iletv Aim to the tithe Ind oi mul whet to deco Innerttnr the eere the II applied torepeemit cumideretlon by the eonrut committee they were refused mil to toe the hotter II at to provide tranarnletlon More development otI power The Wot Ill tween one and leet In width The eornmtnelon trill leIIe beet orne tor even couple mhmtlon ill it it win III to rotate It It upecteduthd cue will be head in provincial tour next month when rutln In MIMI wlll be made by the presth mudttrate INSPFCIIONS lea Ortitlth buildtny Innoce tnr IppeIrcd beloro the proteo tire rommlttee to tower over An Item ot Iocrl tell Ie prortndet Intern the need mm or ngmxtmetety noon 1cm oI loud minimum ot roe Outme we have holdup or hydro wort our Sterner where the land owner leer the mbelnr petd Iulncteot the llde commLuloo lot wty tor heeded tor EIII Ihiltn to trump on ol land not needed etr Iian and nut cIuIe dtnrtrptloeoln Starr next in the me you lion Ibout the tank It pIrIoIlIN lmI lnrpectlnn Iowoehl haul toiqu moon at hinIIGrIltIth our Id thet no eII tied out report to council It neat reruler meeting error vtcr CtAtIIiIIIN to Arthur Evans nor the the thee rerule The committee will MY OKEEFE GEIITIIE reowr rower III III CANADIAN OPERA 23rd5eeio September 17 to WI l6 tune or WDEIIMOOII by Dorrie September tr to October turn It Tilt hmth WIDOW Iy teller September II millet 19 Ott II II II hint ItIoIMn nunan or September 11 it on without by Warner September to October nicheru by Verdi September t1 Ottober with the tunnto Symphony and the NIdonII Ballet otcenIdI Tlrtet lricu Evgntnr periorjdencee No not to who It urdnydnlttn ottch truth that In to eekeod Sundry Ind labour DILIY III to October attract It It ANNIVIIMIY maltnehernee bed eon iorIrn or lettlty tnapeetton doth weddlnl Innlverelm on September It leryune tr welcome to attend the reception tromttrnUIt oelorl Inthe IIternoon Ind trom to In Operlnr lead ting ot dirt LetI ray yirure In our hrnrtr Ind Went lcodr the tiny or it mondt tI ynquin Ind rclurn the out In IrtJJiort In rutt IoI dinner to untmy you ul IvenIuIIly doan onu nltcr It better to duck tIt din mood at trlckonr It on do the rontrertconnot bu etrettd rcydrdtrne ol what Well plays Arrume he thIItt to trump drrw trumpr Souths Account two on my out not out daliy except ldIlI ordera IItnepted Yr wrnnaaorancoonuvnwnnosr Nuts00Wde antimonyme mongolImmune 0a MOI vteltet thnret mum eweI momentum moorum tour lllttllll Onehhowtnonghtly or pm In The point that while you can count ten trtcltr trunt the start rutrn hurts two rpoder not titttrtultI you must be rarciullltrt ollhcm does not It control ul tho hand It trlrlt one To My Itrme III the drttrre my kind ui nttncIt Ihttt might be mountel you must momcn torin IiIow trnt Io ally to rommttni TltY tiXAhtINEtt ttAttl ADS IIIONE leult minimmt monthly trtrrtce IIyou arent getting this on your savings deposits you dont turn our Bonus Thelt unicipnl Sntings Loon Corporation 88 Dunlap Street East Itnrrio Ontrtriu Tel 705 7207200 Please cotlchllcct Our hours at husirtcss urc Monday to Thursday 900 nm 015100 pm Friday 000 run to 000 pm Saturday 000 ant to 000 pm the municipal savings loan EUipClIaIlUtl Amhellhryotllmittpalurntmtorparntmtornunited BIBLE CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCSCOIIIOITATIDN Saturday oio pm and 930 prn Sundoy or pm and pm rmurhrrorttttftr totuInW Ind arcorrd went to Donne IIIrte your toxin teal and be ready to word otl wow PLAYING 1ND WEEK his PM JoreohE tIhnI gruenlthke NthFttmtrtmq Juthehouon experienced den crate or nose Wee emu my arm no iliitchithottiacitititholson anditcBergttltttlhurGarfunkel Armilargretandluies icitler Inmaiitnowlodge vo only three or fourmovlesthotlwasI gonulnely sorrytrloeo end was sorry to see Cnrnal Knowledgoendi Vi1renr Cenby Mylar Camal IIIIOWICIIgQ is one at the best movres overt Liz Smith Cosmopolitan The taomre to thin Illm my be oIIrIIIrI to tome mole out See Our Regular Progromt Ptut There Two New Scary HlIII Tomorrow Night At Duettl Worlds Btettest intnuwtnnnrnnmwwuuuunuuouvmw aimmnmuuIllllll mtrwnnhtritmrt clmtlwtlllmHIIIII XII on mid untrue new rtrtet mean error meeth omt rm oIIIIrIIIIKl our door rut mm mm or IaoIIIt our Immor