gt time data to IIM mart IIdIltry In the muleipattty WWIAm Buknlly thII meant duel eptu In Indnetrtal corridor In Itrlp borderlnl Iilyhuy an ttmnluily Forum rm lhldh opent Stolen II loeltnd lull with at Berri on Ititliwny too but to II extender Ll Itrldly Barrie Specie armaments negatin nenm the city not the nun tdpntlt amnrementr thnt Ire ohel not utItIartory Item the rundpohrt oi mIny InnIrIIl nIIIelnlII InnIIIII Rem teem Burton troll his nnrnietpelity In to round tinId there nlyttutluly In llxht ot the recent mid yeIr Wrwkm melt motor well wtthanntdl timer ulll doe ml hnduttty nny eon llhdllllndt trIIl development mlterlIltnes the cost at service In mere hydro would price the not oI lend out at exhtrnce Id here to he retentive ttr ll Iturton raid Only Industries tint can he aereteed without udditionnteott in the tuplyer rheuld be atebtithed timeout in Ior ample would no pinto detnnndn on enltttnn town Ihlnr Inter and tenure rye term m1 IONS Three nowhere heen eeth Ilnhed In the townrhip plnn tormulated by Ipeclll corn rnlttea whtehJocInded ntentberr tron Inniettt Counotl the Chern ber oI commerce the InnieIII to duetrtrl Contntttee the tomnrit tee oi Idlidme red the plen nIny bond Zone one the tutetrort rim Itempentelt hay and lake Simeoe designued as re creationll area IIthIy develop ed with rumour eetteree the am trtee In the apron pol Iey tree when butldinl to It Iltlttll ItIndstllL Zone two It pIInned rutdenttat Ind rorrnn Ilrlp ruunlnl through th middle at the town ship on both rider oI Itlyh wry II The lat Iree none three the rtrtp don Ituhwey 1nd adlleent to Barrie In the meantime tact ot Ilta looreretn ntnnber ot newborns hunt Four new ntbdivt Iioru title yur Ilene will Idd Ilrnott too new homer Report ton teeI thnt thin Illernntive to run roruurton lhnLtlill Million Itood It MI In WM to tentntmndnmtntm Admqu rum to torrent tor the er ItI Al MW DILDG LIVE OIOIGE IUITON TN TIME can re tee wygxguwlg1mhm lull Involved he new on mm thetlmelodeeelopltlhennrn My an Wilt 19 liIhed Induotrtat mp no Wu Iiixhnyltb In III to it ym wlth other rnnntotprtttir who mmmmpmmu thIt hut prehlent ties eioe NOTE ARNTN lir Rad lino inleeted nola oi ermine Our pollution as blent hnI ruched Iueh eer pnthnttheptr to been to entertain the my mum rm tIilIllun nlwnterjnd gal um rmnuu My Il MN ee he ItI reached the the tin tannin when the point where roverntnent rIrI LI lulu to be tnred tape males the etch You ant at ungainly ammonium mtrnltedml Government ThI Ont Benet Futon ll Dilution Emma fut Governmt In mm Sept It It In precede enntererxe openinx remnrhn by Jam Stevenron president Another Itent en the Honda Lt at ledrrnl Ind prevtnetat Dtlhtinion Glass Workers End Their 79Day Strike HAMILTON CPI Burnin NEW YORK IAPI llrrv updereontrut to chanted Grttltn ha and can to delete one nrueuetdtuur Ion Glue OIL wullm hen at tarantula Ind WIIIIrewa ntl had new enntreet mdry end Iohe My mine new euntnet will Ire the worker III ream were In nuu II to teeth In hour over two men Those It the top at the rule will net It eento Ind then It the bottom eenu reptnnee At WIlleeeban the vote no In In It In Intne Brnnuiu notlm Ileo necepted the Iyeement tnlt their not us not nvnilnhte IMRTIED IIY VIOLENCE The ntrite It Itnmiiton In volvlnl Thu wnrlrrl Ill mm by violente It the pint true him trnrn hiI ewtnet boat at the network letenight telrrtnion tth Ibewo Grttiln Ipohennun Inld ML The Ipotrsmnn Inltl ttury In the ind newrpeper Itotlylood Reporter thnt GrtIIIn mind out el hi rnntrkl wu rub Itnntlnlly true to DON NORMAN Inventors IInd toned In men ynrrclel and Indtutrlrl use all Ibte which would mount In duetry to lonte hue hlunlcl polities compete to nitrIeI In durtry and we thouid be utilize our municipality In the II way 59an the need ior mm deilnltive plhnnlu luldellnel It Kmlnnwwtd III to see Ill Immedille uptllnl tn the toenrhint Indutrlhl north 0n the other trend Reeve Burton teettnr nonln dto IMI problem nu tuner ItrIdy rentrnlied growth In dutry will route More people The Inerenu IIII brtn the tram rIta to about uult Itter Inn yun Den Gibson president ol the llImlilnI loell hi the United Glut Ind CerInilrn Wortm at North Americ IIRI mtrnben Rinhts Obtained To Chaplin Films TORON1T lCil CInIdiIn rlrhu to nine Charlie anlln ntnvla dIIIIa hm been It med by tulle Allen who do ubuhlnuellu meme In thlI eonntryn Itim Industry IhI l1 million rleIl tinned line It nnrnel IIr AIIenn corn play AltWorld menu Ltd no role OInIdiIn tenetolder at the tlhuld tor motto letters In Wittl withprnhihltlvoenetl unless velnyweIIIIIVIIIMIIN mllmnlhthmlm teleyIIIon Ihowtnp Itbrnriu mm ment lntrnedlttI meet on ten ml or an lnduitrlll ttrm urn timidbot pool tor lntlurtry We Ihutld concluded InnIrIII and Whom at IIIlrIIl onwth Under the mowed Imnxententr Ihetity chill died onlluiy It IVII It mid prnrlda wIIrr Ind uw hunt thana II III Barrie Ire unite to Induelrten loeIt lemmlrcnnrln nbbert we in In the IreI ot abut born It Nelly Oct test the the city in return tor Ion oI Irmee Itubbert Ind hIIthI SrleoyClin true the eldest oi eight children George Arthur Ind Ederd ldecennedl Ind ldIlrrtlI thin llrlvil Ste tinlml In ILL rt In more Imptnble thIn In III neutlonottnnirttltrnd Ilthotyh Ind Ml hhe the to chiel oIIiclIl re VI teete the ten thIt the town Itd 17 ehnro In the III revenue the township would nln Item the Indttrlet Both Idr Rou Ind Reeve Bun HS hmuel Nubbert VII united rnIrrlm Ihlpe Mun Ineltdee linnnotnl trouble NEW INDUSTRY It routine to be seen whether new Industry IlLl bepin to to tote In the township no truth It BIrrIe Ixreernent might ex ile mutton But Dlpuly eeve Wlltlem little has gone on recent by llllrtl the town nhlp wont he thin to IttrIrt new lndtulry union tome tornt ot pmvlrteIII Inmate In lorth eonlnl lie rst out that mimic lonne In pared out to other Iron ore hquIIly tnIIIr We the Ind and the ten vices ere Ioottny Ior hreek One Industry tend to mother 1hereI STATIONERY nrrotrrtnrnrn Irnm the buitdlnl Irtrptetorr do lu Vollet heryahy Rev lllllilIm Clement nl Stroud Methodint hurrh It the hrldnI heme an the 12th oontwlon neIr 5L PIuiIIhe muple look up InnntnI on the Filth Line titre Itubhertr hlrthpIIre where they turned Ior It yeIrI In December me they moved In the lnrm 0th nt them Tmnt In on the Fourth line at amour thIt hnd been pulehu ed min In the year Itere the couple continued to let hlr lluhberl Wu Ictlve In the United IIrmer ot Onlnrln movement yem Inn tutor rum lmel end urried Inverter tannin Melon Ire NIJUC Ind Iehnuln Ind every and lib Inythlnr mutt mellnttnn rhann Ind Were mm In umuou our will tome In Burton 15 mm mm mm mm UNI Nodern 11ml nrent Dietnlnr drunhter IeIn thin nttu trod urvlee It Iennrttl hunenl Itome July It PIIIbearera were two nephews Kenneth WI Huhbert Ind Willinnt Alten Stewut Donnelly Ehrl ene Shlnnon Ind David Lenn don Interment tun It Sixth Line Cemetery lnnhttl In It thrItreI Irrnee Ind butnninr here Dec to Forum PlIyerI president George Dalounh predicted total men at MM nI nhirh ldr Allen mould be paid MM TELEPHONE 45621 9er Your Own Malha Apple your own hatltel minimum lx butltel ROTHWELL ORCHARDS GILEORD ONT RESTAURANT mm Mm ttetremedtr Producer corp of mlkmm laid Friday that It he been ne hire two union memben tired under an result oi disturb gmgum Irteen on the rielet Line It Ileo red It would drop CBS laid hlr Grtltin II charm multinr Irnrt property demnne reused during the Ilrthr llnwever It union menthere Ire tn Ippenr In court Inter thin month on polite ehmcs ot uult Ind obstruction The com uy alrn announced thnt nut thI IIImiItnn worl etl an be reuliedlmmedl Itelyr bernune It but cuntomen durinl tltn Itrihe Utopia Man llurt In Car Crash Rodney Price RR Lil Inyreeelted head eutn In run on Incident enrly tndIy fl on the eighth mention II III eldereId Police estimated dnm ton YOUR convrnnncr no REGULAR AND tunes STORE nouns 900 An nu tootn Frying It to lb Avernu 39 SCHNEIDERS BONELESS DINNERIIAM BRIGHT FRESH GROUND MINCED BEEF SCHNEIDERS SKINLESS RED nor lLBr PKG wnnnts SMAIIEGGSOIIETUII lit newer turn I09 BRADEORD st motor inpnnsnnrsv snnon ntttznt out Whole thee Salmon s25 STOCK or now nnnr THEY use stvrn DAYS wnnout nsn nttn ONEWilli pnrtmenl eonilrm lllll build to boom In noderwty to tour months April to July no new home were con rtructed It cant ot iutt over on mttit Signicantly during T0MAT0JUICE3llll BANANAS surname nnnnn BREAD BUTTER 49 rtcnurs RRM MARKET lTD Id DUNLOP ST NEAR THE FIVE POINTS Owner Gordon lJehly ItIeIl nix nut Brew Grocery Illun Dob Beyer Delivery Burke Avnltnhle om Dull no It nun In run MEATPIES dlAll CANNED LUNCH MEAT culmnsrm tourney we Ilurrey PIrr lormerly at 60 XIII Ind Soon lteur Welt her been unpainted llanuer oi It IEARS sutionery mnlop St BIr Berlin the normal and Ir ttntnwntt Pl ll OTDOI ll mg attempmduetlonmd trIIIIe mu Cell the ertnol mole REG $225 lb FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY nryer with the tlrm oi Eminent Int Economic Service lid Torr onto an Irenoyrle In sale Promotion Direct ttuah Printlnl Ind thlhliohl wnn hirrl Retail Ind Ad vrrttninl experience he will on donor to rem the tenth ten treoltilrrletuthebeetethie Ability throurh his new ppellion It lit Stationery more