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OrlliliI ooeiided rio iory in the roundrobin compett iln 0m touched to too not oerl with hii tint bonnet and three more with ltli mood viiilo IieiilllanI itnmIIi not tor ilngiee ru Gotdvttyroent and lord lionnhnnmbintdtobddlheltli star to tin hill lion Potter took the loo Ind Iii relieved inliteietenth by Don SIngxter Kellie MannIll OrUIil gliulllBill Pater saogttir it and 0m it and hiehltilao Illix Owen Ind Meiitliin Vtiillhiinirnrn rieht mo Introliltmihiid bioe iniIIlobliaiieyIIIitnilta ml imam Pull Immmn mllluelM the Animal league Km Giy use mot monitor teinbtl beating ulna little Son In Benton tied in turned undid Mm Doimt detailed Ydll Vinita ll mi Catlin aia Angel downed Illlennite litem Chicago iiilS lire Reeling Olin Phil Wrigley up the DlIII ihmhtt eiiqll rnidil Ine givenpbttthedimp throw Stennett later the Pinion tint rung AP Pho tol To BeatPirates 1674 PITTSBURGH iAil lloob Sunbelt who finished Ilth reiii helpedbyioerroe Imithliliedlihteeniniitto by lielrcL burgh iirtt toning Iith triple WV to ri mire ii Slot Neolu ilk Vth ilmlili Iiilgiid him In um home itnlc record and lint to it Friday night third on Robert Clementoi long ntlil or out Alter mun Surgell Sanzlilliro ripped loorun double to tell more The Throne tied the unto in the lth iiitemin ind Bobby Wine singled Ind both ironed rm double by Ilenkn Diyi tingle drove to Ilenio OLD MOUNTAIN the 0th clique ewtlouen lo iivnilil ion tbrre liitty Aiota ind Tod rrtroodn each bunertd and drore in too run lrldiy nldht in St lord Cirdioole uid the nbaitild GIN their 10th mind lathe lint It gnmei Bullet In the tiny Wrigley used lnrge paid Ideortlierrtcnt in thleezn oevrpipon to tell the anti tuilon that he in running the team and it Irene player do not like It Iod tie don on the lob dining the niioeInnn will nee Ihit we no do to find them hippier mi Dmhere only eornine on Wtirieyl Idvertiieottnt win that the etitemeot iter lot ilieti Combined with iithilirgii PirIten inu to ilontreil bpno unrkintirlimt reliever initiibhiirliikvd Ind Al the Cointodo nouns om Finn the ion tell the third Dm Giuiti Theo John Bits Oliver hit rhort ily ilinny roan on into at hut and hat ley tented nhen Slenntli tel hi promoter to through him lnr In error tying the gem ii Alter on out pineit hitter lion hr wilted tilting the hoses lirn Iiirey hit into inree ploy mrlng Sutherlind Ind Book Day hit tingle driv ing to pinch runner Sun Sun Inn The Ptrltee hid broion ii dendiori in the ninth when Gene Notch Ailey nlngied ll iittiilttd to iecond not noted on tinglo by Stennrtt rt ItttlltiiPooivilitesl Natural Gris lormeet $0 million yearn ago pine tithe nine gimti behind the PirItei in the SethAt lnguo Elul The Catdiniii mmhile tilii to thin re limos oi the Bonn Elam New Yul eiI Iiilpped Philideiphin San rumo Giant in thigzoei lloristm Anlrui lulol Anoelu Dodger nipped Cincin nati liedl bi with ham 11in in the ninth inning Id Slit Dim Padre Iiinderi Minnie lime rue MUFFLER SHOP llLEI On Millie It INNIBFLL IIIONE 153 noon on to Dong Young and III out Ila the new you program In lirrie thin nominee include Pool VHeater WanAliollntroduolng the UltraDeluxe AquoPloeiuro Pool owtrutsunportr proonmocrnn curcihn rtru Owner Philip it Wrigley ot the Chi IltI Uttimoto in Vinyl Poole ot No Extra Cost over Stondord Poolt rigo Orbs in advertlio rneoti in two evening netri were ttldly rm limo 31 into oi wondered in min eter loo lhtroohee ind aid the Ihtmp Dumber clique mitilt it well give up the no appearing to the Daily News and utleigo lodiy em the 0th prepired in open road trip iliinrt 5i IouliCIrdiniit and Fittibotgli Phtu WrigleyI lengthy mot IIII you to the torn oi letter addrtu to Cut line and WMYAOLIO who to Intereiltd it turned dittentinl iayen winter ettort be made to rind them hIppltr lumen wu PRICE vitriolsumo AQUAPLEASURE ULTRA DELUXE POOL lINIIALIJJJ 11 it AquilleInira Pool completely Imlilled including urination and haultgt turn el top line illititloh bull nose tlnvi coping Strtitlntd to mil liner Ind heew titty gilvaniied Iteel tooth with exclusive relnioroinl pliien and $th tidiyeoniy GI heeter including piumhior to better only heiuliiuo hard ttlogm 01 lllitlileult Iceeluiblll poo may reou rt er trI charge Its the man abbut the wiring maam Its true living in gm older homo wllhout uplodalc Wiring ct dcosnthnlti candle to truly modem electrical living The changes that electrical modamization brings mil brighten your lilo throughout ovary room in your home tor years to come Youll have more outlets and switches where you want them better performance from your appliances and you can even arid the yearround comlort at electric climate control And rewiring an older home neednt be complicated or export sive Tho cost will probably boless than you imagine and tho Hydro Finance Plan makes it easy tor you to hudgnt For greater comlort and convenience end an extra margin of salary too call your qualitied Electrical Modernization contractor Otaskyouriiydro mu ILICTIICAL nonevetting root covetse IciquAtIzerts AIR nouns FlNANCIth AT BANK mes uow AVAILABLE 0N APPROVED CREDIT Hm your pool Initilloti mItirt mettle ril i972 SUMMER FUN BEGI SYHEREI mm school budget with lowootthlflloll ADS TOD It urouuiv 90 concert TELEPHONE CONVERTLILE POOLS com Roy Campbell thii weekend at touvutitntt P005 HIGHWAY 400 FOR TROUBLEFREE WORNMANSHIP SEE ANDRADE CONTRACTING sroouo ruoue incurs FOR BETTER LiViNG GO MODERN ELECTRIC 1134447 IN rut Intro IXiMINie to outrun it tumml Ialvl knignlikkneJuHuhmuuaokonki incl