Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1971, p. 4

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WDIOMIM NmptpenWWW IdBIyIIIIdSMBIIMW WW nterlo her one It Under propoeed ledrletioo the eernio nIelIou rnIxImurn II IreoreIed Inn 000 Inow You IAOIIuIanII Ioreoddentroocnrrtn mm but bed titerAnrnet thiI year net repentance the heoeltte Widowrpetdonwilleieobelrneoeod provide by $50 to IIIS motility Muede 1500 Iocldetitr re Whetrlttheeeteeteeod to the Workncar Conrpmsation that Ooterto III VI dent Ind em workint III In Ontario At hummtterlen workmenr compeneetlon present more then 25 million employees rcheme Hunter nature belnr whet it Ireeoreredhytbereiienieufuidtmk Ietherorreri mewhotrytolele ltIlerpeiideed ml mu merge oi to agged gown While the Bored out on In re hcleiinetItIIdoeeooIIdIthertory iohin Itiinfollnlthepemlnetrotn ruidently For enmple otter rcceir the Iete In roatlonel rehIhIIMim the Iver or more Innttlie Intent Ioluo weeth Income Iorlo workmen lion to Iller Rehabilitation my who rum in wee power more lemme content More the wddcnt 10000 wartime tuc liter they Now the province her revealed tIteI wereinturedonthej It him to erncod the Worhrnene Were fortunate In OntIrIo in Irvin Canpemtiorr Act to ptve Ontario worh such board end we tonnnend then on In III even better deel the Iiigiieet their work Ind their Iulure plane or maximum mpenretion level In Condo Improved bonelltr not Mr egg reenieu 55 Fe Mmmtooetwu Vidtit Id II tar Pm Int Nlron In hie rnInIiIoo to Net repent vrIuIIIoo oi the mm dont suppose it ever occurred to you to becorrie dropout clot IIII Iocciel time Albertas Political Change Ite une Ior dredge raid Peter long line now SIdIICredit which be QUEENS PARK it mune tor Arnertcm hr IIII llieollonhre he to the proiound IIIecII Lion pronrm will thI the economy Ind placed leader oi the Alberto Pro yen more II In even elicel movement more Conservative party Ind the vot then political one or ed power vinen mrpeedwithhim Alter 36 yan the Willem Bible Aherlmt led his people ol the provinee thrl Ir pert to pulpit thumping victory In II die Bible Belt oi CInIde 103 Ion or treated So It wee deprereion lime and little Ii they voted evangelical error could A0 long wry III PC petty Into But the dopreeeinti end Albert die ed led by It cmifiretd UNI NI High Irrywenzpo re on In reeNnlAybn to poliltcel rat the peel Iew yem Sodel Credit uhgwwbmt bot they metered critter here been min but the my mom her been mung out mm mm WW II Serial Credit her relied through or election on tom here in Onlrrio ut thir Mr mm mm dierewee no one the see oi petroleum end not much else WIA It will It my mm enough to replete And to Monday Alberto voterr decided in In II Wu um mm mm to III the plume rod end III yeIrr oi at one dilierent Peter docirl creel Now Mr Lotipheed Wm WHEN on liter Enlll In Illin bee been elven the dilute he relied In pmd It Whom It much In our out III plrtloirn promlree rIII returner with countrler here IIMIIIIII Cuneder two Ilene to Wuhtem mu empttoo Irorn new duty the melted rorne roller red Ilrhlerel ernrrtent receptionhut to com wllhthr devoted the In In All coorunwn Ar roine Ierein obIerrIrI here In it III Inihlllm rune IIirioIl Iorvltrble II the Illnuo Idrrtlnlelrrtioo tided lIIlehdenieItleIodio ternelionII ecniorrile Presidents Surtcix Plan Is Getting Out Of Focus II only to torture miter Indicrtinx lhrt II the Iltueiion whichelrudyleeornptertothe wryrrnted II III rrvernrneet YelI eecllenoilbe would oomeupwithrtrneu lIcrnitb Irtlthiehtodey It IEIIIKI III ovIrnrnenl Ir rIrrtIrr In ret tint whet nelelrncel it out Ind Oiiltllll to tire Ilu inileeItloo II thIt III rnoorytolndnrlritr Ietheycrn nrnrnrnt world or Ihotill meet the Inter them IInIndIIIy Io thrl And lord not hnorrr wIII It lP theyeooidoempm IIIme IIIIIIy inurth But II It did IIir thIlptoduttl nun prohlhie the mile em tIrnI It NNTJeAANI hlr Devir hlmuli In Irct concerned would them etc tion becomcr prominent In theioiile mung WI Irreontribuled to title one by tIlnIy run into Ioiidtiniplnr election rrmpriru hunirn tr Epro EventsmAree Recoil on hmqu mlndomyg In National Ski Museum dernelt cdebrtr Ibo prolrrrnr Itiecte min II Embargo NWme $$$ In us in nnlat pom Eggs wiggling ur Mum MM in i8 coohelrendbrbrrredrnywr egor on at it a5 III KEN KELLY OTTAWA ICPI armped blrck end while rIorI within rlphl oi Pulle ment IIIII heldr uoueurl re rrtlrdere oi epIe momente In CInIdIIn hirlory Around the write Ind In UII ntrrow Ilorrre Ireu ol the CInrdiIn NItIonII Ski lire reum II the nude oi In In tended lilrtery oi Ilulnr In Crnrdn III prim drtr beck nerrly century when rItIerr erI Itrrdy onepole eolhurlute urlny equipment whlth reeme Il rudimentrry todry II III myeerold BerndInIvIIn with their Ioopr ol cInI II blnriinrr some rrienienIou Ire Ir up to dole II InIcrnItlnrlrI com pelltloor ol the Iul Iew yerrr when NIney Orerno Anne IIet vrli Deiey CIIIIoirI Ind Lucile Wheeler VIurbIn ur ritd the Crnrdlen ntIple tee to unprecedented vitlorler Amour the urrurnr collection Ire th to brown rklr urrd by Dr Pmrlld over hundredr ol miter ol III Aretle In mrpplnrlire route lnr berdo hoot reindeer hroutht lrorn the Berta her to the Northwert Tenitorlet Wrrhhurn who led III expedi lion orertdbt rrtlIoI Irorn III Yiriion lo leulrt AlrekI Ibe Bolton Murrum oi bclv once contributed It to III rrevlnr collection oi III CI nrdlrn rnuerurii which wrr Iouoded by the CIIIdlIo Ann etern stl Aeroclrtloo Ilul II II rtilnl heron oi CInId pioneering dtyr there oi more re rmenl cenfrlrltlonr thI been um when vI women more who here crptured told ined lm WW ply to iorelrn enuolrIer mi Irnr tor AmerIcIn there Ire the nth worn by uel Md um Anne llmtvcll In rrrnerlri In Olympic old In not SEEN tho ride Ind gold at hotly BIBLE THOUGHT IZIIIIord Ironi er iVIu world rItI told model pcrtonrtrnco unto her henceforth It Vul IIIrdcnI IIy Elected II Anne IIeII Ind Nlney Orernr the Olympic III truth In the Elm lord Ithtthew 23 It III III oi the her we eerlhil IltIniptI DUI white rnInIorIthiIEI mowrrde rkiII In reindeer herdiny hit dercendlnle oi the rurvviii 1800 Irorn the rent tret on the IIrrlloriee Dr FanIId OrecolInd born Arctic botInIrt new In ldlniIULLllIIIEIII here IpInI III morith with III brother Rob en Irorn me until thr In It mt rurveylor the route lol lowcd In more by the herd They trrvelled Ind riirp rte ol the Arctic not we led or portion rerrchlrtp or III IIItried expedition oi Sir John Franklin In IIII Iler brord III were worn with deerhide mocerriru wIII wIInrr hide them over them Ind Iround the heel Iolr wII buierily the route Lind oI bindin on the too yrIrold 5ch who rkII dirplrytd II the rnureurn There Ire eeme hlrterlo boole II wellone boot Item detect polrr used by mem berr ol the Nethan uro urphle societye lttl Yukon expedition which rst trotted Cmtdrr Ellen blourtuie note on the Alesle Yukon Britiet tolumIII border It wu worn by BrIditrd Intvthle Aebnlerlcrrt thrill Inceo dIIIIcultIeI or the ovamined dollrr were the hull chtmpton Ire pictured In moored dIrpIIyr oi rcllon photon The rriurrurn II dick erlnr Ior tome oI Nrneyr prizewlnoinr equipment or other rrlernentoer llore IhIn too III elubr more the country have been uted to north tor ntrlerlrl In their were but 10 irr the Worn In been diuppolnt ll letur raid the mIrk chrlrllrn would be not he nee celled whet he to or whet ho IIld mm the know that ye direiplu hecruee you IIotIrr Otrlmhirtotlurr to IIIyIIeId Street Berrie Onlrrio Telephone mom Second Clue IIIII Redrtrelioo Number WI Return portIrI rurrentoed DIIIyt hundlyr Ind II II hunidthetllil overotinenteilrrl entitle otthe It othiemonrnte er mymwm mwl mgumgum neutrino notierno tow monllwliehte Itot ml km km gamut WP MMA witch deelerrlion thIt Premier 11111 mmmeind DINA IIould oIoWIIItInIon MAO educ Ml Iud milling tor thou to III III pr dent irtrequlredv Whittberu eltlie whatever lenlue drrlned people and hie polentlrl II eeder the mummimg ling my Am be pm moonlit oI Toronto Centre lr Duhhlprolgcnlueven Ilth OIiIER EDITORS virus tnb tautn Ivn But rIIIer tIiI Ipprrerlly no LOOK AT DRAFT DODGE hrve completemt their tier with their riour Ind even proIound WWerertoo Recordl nutive hnd Ire not AmerIcrnI inr IIlk In Nltdtltiool WM or Ibmdzihtheirown mtodr they Ire er MII mil rtow It mentor oI drrIt totem Americana onnrnrrnr IN anterior to Ornate Iurvey rerdree would One nirvcy door not Ith estehlieh hamsiglchmvxm Ir romewliet Ilioctin It The people who did the Interviewintt Wm mm Mm $011010 MM pth hide htgwnmirietdipgenm DemocrIIle only Lerdtr tie to to ere enoueu neon revt ielrbotttArnerlern Unleddtl Ioevold VIeInImerIerv nonethelerr to mete It Ilkei Iliei there 52M have no Interim oi going heck ninruure oIlruth In tie dlngr mm IIIIIU1lIYITllOII mvhumuim the mount rrtioulel we the be went an 3910 of hier terthunr LIIHINEIN Nemitverihltm 10 by WWII WM ltecll Ililr province wrr tinted only or not helnr more rrnrulte WWH rotor thoumtdr at er Ind towrrdr Udomnhln mum Rev llioirrrd dim mg hundred of melt but Iny reletlonehip between MID ltd cpcdelired In pretorrl email um the mm movement of III rurtrr quortlon Ind III theorem oldrni dour American Immigrant fluttered In mm it En Ieh Idn let on In 1784 my mm hmirennilzfrmrme north to Gen heme mm in Id at relu roe Irom war the armed Min WM Mill Ctnedetor zood ll molt of mm Im WM brclher II they otherwiro an mt hopeloinwxhwtdtAthm We In ympmy mm wAnd to tie the yIrruer together rm 2mm hm my be borne parallel between the new my Canadian we retried from north ot the um greet reverent or Great letter nearly two centurler rro WWIW Wet It team rmt III that Ihey end time we on prlnlnp new HAPPENED IN CANADA CANADAS STORY Montreal Man Non Notable Sealiictory tuowrsicv titre IONOWALII reeovovir E4555 an r55 nIIloriII deienu rreuIII In iurtiicr clnrttlallrn on the role at FrenchCInndlnnr In the Cruedlro Innod Iorrer Suttioetly revetment Iced erI ertimele IhIt the Irny will become to vceot Irrn tephone It III reII Ind III Inn at rerponrlhlllty It Ir ertlnuletl thrt the Irmed Iorere It preterit Ire III per cent Frenchrperllnl II rnuel be Admitted lIlII II In excellent rInrt Ird lliII eventurliy henchde diInI will be IhII to pier In elIectIvI role In the Irmed Ioreu We Ito thle III will not belont nrullr IIIIII Ind IIlIt everythlnp be dam to 1le FrenchIdedIIm ehIncI to work In their lnrr pure At the Alert it would be do IlrIbIe III III tiiorte be rude to orerlI Frencbr II In military IIIderr eeI then could be given the re rponrlblltty oi Iorntlnr Mcbeperhint unite MINI vrencietenrrlienrA it would IhrreIIler II more Irr clinrd to innke cerecr ol the mood iorcee Ilowotrr ll mutt he urldcrttood III the anurtlreI done to FrchCr nedlrnr deririnr to loin the mood Iorree cennnl II uti done In In yerrr Mroy people run remain IIepIIcII The no doubt due to the irurtrrtlonr thI re IuIt Irorn In enltrnilllrry relln upon the French epeelfn po YIUWI II IIIT creamy It Out loleoro how to rerloro ronilv donor more the Irrncov phnoer Ind recently to rriIIiI rure thIt III there IllinruII obloctlvoe do not become plottr wither 0thme It will not be out It In rerleinly not worth even II deliver by Prime Minister irnderu thrt will iriItI dIetrurI dlrrpperr II will be mere IIclI Ind reIIlrItIonI which will In tome wry Iet II prooi thrt nlllltrry IuIIanlleI IrI mil Inrioue to rot op blIInruIIIrm In the Irmed Inertnote Luembe Aux III Monti Statutory IIeIldIyr ouepied Suhoorlptlon relnr dein by errrier our weekly Otto yrrn Iy Single rvplu too By melt llrrrle titbo yerrly IIIqu ColinIy tzioo yeIrIy RIIIricI oi Cenrdr tent yerriri All other counirtee treat you Motor throw oil Ill yee NIlioritl Advertiriril OIII as Unlvrrrlly Avenue loroti CIIIthrI Stu llootrrrl tirntber ol the Crnrdlrn Preer Audit bureeu oi limit the Crnrdlrn Preer Ir excluev Ivel entitled to the tree tor re cIIlon oi Ill newr ILLIDIICII IIDUUITIMEIOOIMLONI the Anne led true or Itetuor Ind II the but newt puIIlIhr ed thereto the limit lttrrnlner elIIrnr iridit II III orlrlnrl ldV twmmil mediatio out oyrer to to title newrprper Copyrtnrt lleIIItrItlon Nun her WW redrter II Ey EOE BOWMAN Yerlcrdryr Itory deecrlbed tome ol the noniurion In time owlnr to the Irct IIIt Frence Idopied the ore orIIn nlrnder In tree but brltrn did not with the then unlli 1151 do the It oi Irn orlInt event iiercntly be lilonlrrrl wrrr III III crp tured Newt trod for French Ind Irpecled to teed our prl in union the New En tend rte Ind rhrpr New erIt IIreri llinl uIr XIV cheated III mind Ind ordered Ibrville to recrptttrr lludron liry Iron the EIIIIIII Im he lied per Iorrriod helore llowever Ihir lime IbervIIlr went by chip the Micro III II lied two other Ihipe but they were ceudti In the to red the Micro wu IIOM when It mind on IlryeI IIIvcr IIud Ion llry Mrny mornbm er the crew were rvIIIrIII Irorn rgrvr lbtrvllie put them on ore The next dry rI drwn he ritv three Enftieb thipr berrlnl dorm on in but he greprred to tight even mount II Pellcrn tad 93 when dirt It lilill Impr Derrinlirrd lingerie llIy III lotIl at too men end in ruru Ibcrvllir wrr Iurh rnrtriIib tent nrrnen the to pit Deer Inr Ind lludeonr ry out at to time quietly Ind then the bellie irIe between Ilrrnprhire Ind IIIint they rnrrtorulred Iround eIrh other or three houre but neither rhlp wee title to more knockout blow Cep IIIri Fletcher oi lhI Ilrmpthlrr evenIuIIIy crilrd Ier III oi port Ind drrrlr torrt Iber vlllr who returned the compli rnenl Irorn the bridle of III Ieih an Suddenly IIImpIhIrI heeled orIrInI tolwlrdrndibor vulr no In elou rmyhto hroedeldr into her hull lrrnprIIrI IInI quietly IIII Cr In Fletcher went down wiilhilfhih LIIII IIIII Itiittmwitimo uriurwvotvrttn IIIINIIIIOOIIILB wtlvioveivoutw liltillt clouttic IIIIIOII ttoironoi ottuinreocuun irwwvittomitttt ltiotlt treoroso MERMMIIEIIIHI uttiliettttewo ttIIWIIdMIIIIIISIE uiorittwtvro IIIEIIINCEWIIIt drivertween IAIMMW titiriii iiiiii ltl lliIIIfIbli Willi orr MWITIFNOIIIMII mhhtlmtotwetlltge

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