sz Vo it ii 47 wavelet51 lInIIhliIotthelto hethrmn kit ti eel nonuniomoriinirmorrssionns Irene ebowe some yuan no net ewa In errante rhot Withlht proper Outer loote on trorrr behind lice Hybrid It the Barrie weyloyrlpthediekeothey iiiiiiTeamsMaySeeirExemption From Wage Price Freeze In US drillqu toeniertheumplnnderhlil burn reocrrehlnc the itpwotadeoeltoetheliend hikethellrhrhelnthetintted Ieekerernptiutronr ldeuiitlxenernlnntery Id We would eik ior ilie creme Ila In the urine wey Ir eny other olereboel eport ONeil eel in en Interview to Meet it itI given In 525 ihltiiitt re ieotbeli or heater Momentum ere herniated newcoetrecu thieueeen Thqu be oi week no In net ellowed tr re eitrtetlon thie moraine Irid Welter honed Netiarel it hetheil Aeeoctellon commih Iioner when we here eonie ihirr lo report Pd deevcy executive director oi the NIiionel ToothItl illlttd Piryere Aetodeilon Irtd be her rent telegram to Pete Rorelie irlt cominierloner earlier meotiny Io dimer the rIrnIIleetronr oI hIIone ectton antD our MOltl ONeil uid pieyer Ibout to tip contract tor thle teeon Inrolviny more money then yerr he been pieced In very unIIlr rituetlon beeeure one year more experience Ind ehouid be entitled to more laiimiieo eld on Nltl cu We ere toroived KIIODSOII ON GOLF It iii eh Clement tzte mm trainero Iln Experiment Flyers touch in Intermediate Bail League The border ityerr win hun dey nldhl over Renie Mp Ive them the Iourth end tinel pIIonI epoi In the Barrie Ind DIetrIct intermedlrte tienI Pert hIIi term The Time now open their haleieeven plryoti rertee with Yeneh iiertiny tonight It hue Borden Grme tlme II 730 pm At the Queene Perk dlemond tonlxlrt ClIrkeon Ilotei will be out to even their eerie with the Eimveie lirrrhente The lier dren won Ihev opener sundry tierne time he ertt pen heltrede llilliiiii Perk minute OPPirrindIimert Play BeneiilOame Ihe iierrie anterio Provlnrlri More their to per cent oi ell why end think meet reiterr ltlltd Int ii MIN thii Ililtll gotten errit correctly eight whileeterdln orerthebrii Ie wee boom dnmeilcell bottle to me Iliie me In 1in et Della True the yeere here been mirrlnr auto to the rirht Eye rpoeieiietr embodied me out end report too It perieet But mitten the mile PinIIly It Better tound out LLoee Ioh iippeai outwit tCPl tloel he he meter metde who they were tired July to bounce they ere too pretty loet bId to route their Iehe blender when eounell voted to lnrt inter renter in Modern Welt telre the meltrr to th rindei overnment ll re to loyeereld Penny Collier who wee hired eionl htiiiblilliebithlmoiili it Edoeetionti ldrlCoIlIer end liter item moiIII eeed heiore council Juiyilwthe Itionripuodhy roe Ouoiph reedente cup in them Well reiorreri periti ertihorlt member motwth them uiyti Oilrlui 29 ceivod Ietere tram It Ily uphnidinp their elirrntiiei but plvtnr no rpeeiile reuon rwlto wurinencortnrtrren Oll WA iCPi contor one Iront the Writ int Neniiiplhore inIererted In the work at the United Nelle Scientltio end Mr tllrriiih ii nex ey eier Ind ohrer om it too at Nort Americe th America will etieod pinteitny enito eIrr benefit from thin experi ment ieiloe term New Jer Iey liked me to work with him on the plrititll lttn eiter he twerd rne complrin ehout mire Inc pour it worked like Ihier lie pieced two hello in tort Ipert end Ith ed me to Iiend over one or thourh were putting to the oth er bail Then he took hell and placed It midwry between that lie told me to tell him when it wet to line with the other hell When he reechod certlln point told him to op weiked ewey erd itood he hind the line at Mill The hell lieutht tree lined In llne wer ec tueliy two Inchee to the rirlrt Thir confirmed thI whet too riendina river till end whet tee Iooklnr It the ehot Irom behind ere entirely dlitorent 0h vloueiy muri be the but put ter on the pro tour centlnv ueliy mire to the rlrht Severe oi the Iciiow pipe on the tour hed the nine experi once We Ill tried the experi ment eivd only twine Archer ICv tuelly Ilphted the at right Air terwrrdr even he admitted thet he compcnretod tor hlr virion dilirrcoce through hourr oi pree ileinp So try the experiment ynnrrelt hown In the dierrem Place ill on the erecn About or 1ch item the tire more one teire nrrother hII net while you his Itondtnr over the putt tree It In line with the Ileit will be emnred at how wrote you really Ire now here putter thnt door the eompeneetlnp tar iilt Stick with your putter lint remember to comperuelo tor your own mil132 to her when it meetr the ivy oldttmere tor bendit yeme Wedneedey niehl Proceede tor the penis will he need to help huy unilnrmr tor the ivy Udlcr roiiheil term time time In pm ei the ivy Com munity Perk Admirelorr pricey era to ccnle lor eduite end 23 unit ior hII drop The price IncirtdeI III you an eel corn roert eiter the In Russian Wants To Study NIL MINNEAPOLIS tA Pl The iilllliliil who Introduced hockey to the Soviet Union wrote to ten the hrrlchol Neitonel Pootbeii Leerue idliliitll eemp blurtry Williemeorr the hockey coeeli who Iuet re turned tronr trip to the So riot Union eeid he to ii Inn to mrko Irrnnpemcnte wI liln netpte Vlltinu to eliow Arr lniy anerov to tour their clhtlcr tie it Iiiiererird In entry to en Nrt eemp erilemron inlet heve Icelinl they Htri etert loothnil over WIIIIImron who rpcnt Ilir deye with not Inrpeetlny the llurrlnn melhndr her invited the Soviet earth to llinncrolo ior Sept hit The Soviet hockey turn her rinnlnettvl the woriri tournnv incnt inr ycnriervi will he the tarorlio In the 1m Winter Ulynrplrr In leIII SUNSET SPEEDWAYS 37 areherw iipiiiiiu SUPER FANPROFESSIONAL SiOCK CAR RACES WEDNESDA 8l5 PM Ruin Dulc iiruritiriy pm Ill EVENT till eir AND rr Nltliii lilEli gtreeweyr tor IIONH errry elrrie Ien ttloodtrr like iree ilooi lteer Couprne etc gt elet Alll Mull MUN rumor AUGUII li Ill Yowier willed hurebrnee In Iekiu the lore Mil the click titlrdeeeiier the Well hit hie tiretrlririle tiltth were in ow weeee iii mm mm to trike out the out better Aimdtiiinm umouhngriivr re ede weI hit by mtg yum Atil MARTIN urn Ind toleedoiitheinnirr Jimitrrrke hutch Bird tilt huntMo tooled out to the um bile liomu to to win over Bird wilted wttlnl two men on John hicCInn piryinp In cen ht cliruirr dominant Set Fl lift Boyd will twehitteewliile torturopivlnl Ornrch It lion iteycrIItthenhltetloun tie tield ior Grinch toilowed ieId der to reread hue Iorclnp Boyd But throw en en Ii tempted doubie pley It third went wide Ind Velrde new In to route the first run ECOND TIIPLI liertln then bleetcd hlI eeeond triple wide Reycrett ltertlrr ceme In to rcore when the throw gel lrIi field not by the luv Neel led oi the sixth by bit line Fowler pitch over the ten ileid truce with look II that torred Com binen riphtil er Jlm Wilkiein the Ience Burke Iiro hit ion to riphl min iorcitll thtie to rule the cetch It the ieoce In the revrnth iieyeretl do me one Boyd timer out its went to eecood on hiertlrre third hit at the peme ripple Ander ton oilenedwlth torerlnr drive to ripht thet looked like It could In over the term but Wil kle leeped up erd belted ii heck Into the perk lteyereii cerne in Cubs Win First Gum Oi Series The hereto Clothee closetMe litter erd John Surrciror eieo won their reme in the rmtcked doubler lor the Orbr innIrIII Nev erue pleyoiir Tire Cube retired the time In In coirvloeinr erIe Inrt nltht lhoItrit innine to rot oil to poundlnr BredIordl tIrII tritilert 114 Mi MW They edded live more ii the th it it 015 Iourih end Ilnur run In tho leerl illiill eel or never rerlee to my my my minute mummy Ih iiidfir It hrlemrn with three hltr In tour IIrI tripe to the piete Brownie wee 0th toottbx lilto eieo hip meet the pirte Winninl pitcher hrowninr retllnp triple endI double losing plcher Begin Piayoii while lenclr their the Firm et It lull Sundry the come tour teemr meet eteln Clerkeon hettlee the lterehente It pm In Eirrrreil while the time visit Yench It Ipnr II the Quune Perk die mond On Any or tiernron hpite tim vele tit neceeeeryl Ii Queene Perk It thII Yenrh It It Borden II to pm On Air to II nemrery lier den rrlccie Yench It while Clerkton hrtllee the tier ehInte et Izu pm Both llilltt will be It Queene Perk Au rttlilheeetee cirrt iiiiii Elm dy pIlt MilIrv burden It The Ilnei remr lineeerrrry between Vroeh Ind Burden will befriend Ann St PI Itertinr It rem Youremiadaneeemm dliightnew 63495 canm fantastic difference to your car Andsave you money too Install new MonroMntie iront SHOCK ABSORBERS Eve hodyirnoeeethetrrrwrheeit Ibrei err will do let to in ie that ehewroom ride but it Ihoeiiewilidoe lot het the help to hold your errrelely ent iend Improve hendilnu And protect IIree end other Rio 5yerrrn wmporrerrir Iinm drmepe eI ed by pounding vihietiorr em you tell It need ibeiI Erinp your one in do ieil you toi ruie Frontwheei ALIGNMENT em you the price oi rrrw trieetleeIurellyouriionlw tr ere out oI true the tired will Ioon lie erutlnd all your tiree Arid oi rnuire wheel Ilium rneniwill eieo Improve the hendiinn Ind ride oi your err Wm pnrctlrleue oi our need wheel elionmenli IOOhh oi Ill em on the reed need periodic etrpnmenrt All for $3495 right now at firestone Stores 88 OUNLOP 7266585 OPEN THURSDAYS ill RM Firestone pLCiOO RETREADS Foriocriev PLIMOUTH ores POhilIACMERCURY tiill to tort you hip in WI dynemleetiy Ind Iltlirrliy belenee your wtrrrle to protect you Item wobble end bounce The win clinched eeeend root In the center loop etrndtnp Ire lurch with live yIrrioe re melniny they err elr pointr elicit third price terrorr Eutrneo in other senior Iemed this week Church trereie to Aireur to meet tllcbhronk loll Course while imperiel Eeetmen peer to AnruI tehettl itlchhroot Both unite etert el 15 prlt The reenter renter eeerone il BIISEBIILL by in CANionic rncre Americre teem AB It it Fri Olive Mill in iii th liurcur NY 420 TI lti AIJ Otlt KC All ii llt Rolet no tot to ltt Tnvnr tlln in il Iii 301 Miami Chi lildtOl itlilbt Dot hit hi Rciitnrmind BIL III to lot WJIhrian Del rill more itlltlilii hoe Ohllllll rCuh todl inr Itted lei Klliihre lilnneiote It hereto Outlen Il ilohinren Blitimore 75 Pltrhlep tie dceiilonrlrheb Front Wheel BALANCE lMirn wee liertto pended turret luilldidlin trioiiee in leer Photo nIlrIme will be it odesettii nrdry nlrt It the Qiteite Plri dlrmerul imperiel end Lekertm Delry club etertlnr It 130 Mt uIeeceni ltlrtt Ortttie memento Ohms momentum pitcherleer gt teleview church imperirl Grinch ilkhhreelr LEIIDIIIIS ror Orkirnd In My lute OeklIrrd no lth NetieIIl terree AI ll Torre oil were not hectert on out no use Benyuillenph rrrerrrrpto tlerr Ali in ii in ear Monti NY 300 it lid All Clemente Prh immune nioersu treeiier ozo lllAlorr err rst to to JI LA cerium Within ill netted II Strrreii 9Pglitetittrth 10 Tom bl Lt Dirobielee loninnhere Intlle Front wheel BEARING FIEPACK the lirt time you hed the Iront whorl heerirrrir checked Out ol right the heeringe ntlllli ihie repieeing the cm be out oi mind Mid trier eIn lied to problem move the overt pr cieIn oil it ntporrtor rinrrr ol weer Then we repIclt with top nueiiry could em you rent Irian to eeve you more money