Examiner Published by Canadian 16 Hayeld Kerry Usable Ar Clam eilW Emerita roman ever so The Problems Newspapers United Street Barrie Ontario nisherGeneral Manuel ll McPtienonMenegtn Editor llll aIAGZ WI Oi Farming T00 Many FarmersFarms dieturhtnr paradox that while my millions to one corner at the earth aunt prod enou to teed them selvu law ndllion another corner It the earth produce too much We do at course alien think or those who stem and sometimes even send them some at our crumbl but our main Writ In this rich peoplee corner is tidda with the land we dont need Idorcoser tor tone time now we have been worried about what to do with the load producers we dont need namely theiermere who work too much on too muchland and produce too much load or which tth get too title Parmine hae econte blp businessor raiber It has become economical only where It is considered and handled as hip business The old email iamity terms there one out at economic Iayhtnn It one oi iersaera allover the world ieee crisis which governments are try liny to alleviate one way or another panel cases with serious eabaidlee or In North America by paylol tho termer not Ito adore this or that mph to agricultural products end workers was one at the hip ert problems that iacod members at the ur opeen Common Market Ten mliiton poo rb etn the ECM countries earn their lian ir iarmtnz about it per cent at the olettan at it million tin tiri rinworkore represent aboit three cent or the war iareel Yet isrmere produce live and halt fear eent oi the total value the active population rodueee and still produce Imore then people consume ior came in which tar behind eemtnes in or holds Stilt European Community rnepeo Down venom trip A00 IN TOWN Examiner July 20 till At lTown cit Aid Edward Dyrne aeld Ieleauiadoua pay licence iee its eetd elI eears unde acne oetovory er etreua llies lolui illitexnnouncodpo re coencll meetinu unlit dopiemhertmnlere greenesthtny urssntceme up Great Wartstereos Aeaoen ctmptirnented on rcslisnt Dominion Dey sports pro thin Barrie needeproper ltethlny eelit gtlu anweteriront Tine monument eIO memory vdtr James Gowen and tired itewan erected in irant oi lemtty Barrie Union Cemetery itulne Queens Hotel demolished by Itre air can as ea untidy site our re ego atop AlNlagaraCamlemcoe esters commando hy LtCatDun Cenotettaei end loader Alex Cowan honors emonx rn tile units Coin eny commanders were Capt Palmer hiator Leelte Frost hiaiar its lichen llieior John rPreece ehi Albert Whitb Barrie wee ouarv pnaaier Ilelt elephant eteti held nic iRaikesGroveshaniney Road In transportation llurtlablea but rlllopenandld ameeia citercsat loner Pat Moran narrowly escaped tap to board the truck elph rry re ortcd mat mortality any pike at tile Latte due to shallow Mitt In summer ltaicam an appointed upiow ticket atom ior rend Trunk rattwe system nutter Eleckpltched St Andrews to wtn sever St Marys In Iuntor church herebelt Queens ark lae Coady hurled tor oeere in Northern Lawn Bowling LETTERS TO ill the reports iarmers work 500 hrs a2year while other workers work only 300 hoursand iarntcre work in ell weather and have shorter holidays than others There are too many people an the lend and the average size at term ts 115 esternot enough to earn decent ttv tax The Iarmere are beginning to realize this In the last to years million at tiiem tell otten under diliteuit etrcurn etancee The six members oi the ECht law that they would have to do something in lieroli Itll they agreed to ilnancc ioini measures pensions ior alder iarmere arc pered to ve up iarmlnz end temporary Itnanctat help and retraining tar young er Ierrnerr whose terms are suite te tar development Those who stay are Elven loans to buy more land and mach nery and are helped by experts They know that about to mltiton oi the 75 mtllon secret that would become available It some iarmers teit should not be cultivated They plan to use that land ior rctares ietlon end iater as national parts This will cast moneythey are already com milled to spend about $1500 million in the next tour years iiut It seems like very sanstbtoap proadr which could be used with some alterations In other countries Whittle so sensible about it is that the money It spent on ueciul protect They realise that ilitiililli In its present term It out deted ihereiore they spend money on maderntzinp it or train iheireed land ior Iometh rip elseInstead ol trytnit to maintain the present disastrous situation at truce expenses and provoktnc thtnpa itke chieitenrndeu were between prov Incer Petcrborauph Exemtner outrun Pratt Dy DON OilkIAIiN One rntrundcretandtny becarrl Ind widespread concerns the governments announced policy on oiiriiack betttnt Sparta pater have taken the impression somehow or other that tile intention is to consider lilitliil bettlnp ehope tor all terms at wererln eaverlne each thinea as toot all lights and other rparie ee well as hares reclnr ihla deilnltely Ia not the care The only talent at oi now is to Leeeue Barrie seared victory over Aur are Local bowlers were Vie VanAitor Fred lterr Andrew ttey Stewart ekIpi Dr Sim eon Peta Clark lien Thomson Vatkcr skin Pete remner it Irrwtey It tit boy ydrd mnyb adinlle stony Penetenic Road north or barrio at town rater Each term would have sep eratelrrnstormerDrrrteledypotterr iirrt that there might or undeieated this reason They her hit covcrnrnenbrun allvpitrpoae lie with team at ida Creswlcite lira tailne tactilllel Rees lire Leslie Allco Creswtcite Kath leen latttnp titiss Elcood iitss Ardutiir litre hicCarihy lira it Slewertdttss Greeett litre litrd Itiss Livlnitstane llnriiaret Wallace oi Victoria School Darre and Principal lattice liaritn ica char heudcd honors ital ior North Sini coo inapectoraic In high school entrance ertapts Ilmcnis Itrookdatc Stable last three vatuu to Ilililltl mares Indy Car iron Iiette tri liayiatr anti Sceptre struck by lltilllillnii white posturing an 10th concession oi Innisili Alired ltaynera home on itary St tiaiiiapett by tire Irnmlnent Barrie citizen tiobert Guthrie drowned when treat capslectt near mouth Noiiawasapn River lie was GTII despnicher at Atlantlaie station Atlantiaie railway npprcnilcer treat hllltls tea to in baseball with llubc Corbett which will it pitchinn llattinp stars were Granite lim Clark lronk Gill luck Armstrong lulllnfiuatlfrmag II ht Lay wun trophy at tvvcnt pea show Wily ydmm In Trinity Parish Hall put all by North rm pay up my be cultural Society Fisher Mills ni liar lated and its aptreestveneat rte obtained hie order Inr iluur tram contained bakln in Vhiie inrmai US rccacnttion hm Bella mud oi llilnn ls atlll withiicltl the lad that Nixon will visit Fcklnl and perhaps reach an under etandny with Premier Chou cratinp in Ontario Eventually as noted here some dayl no not incon Iiy llilllllLlI IIOIIIIIISUN tanndlen lrrnl Stall writer ircsidcnl Nixon has set world hopes oblate with tile atlddrrt praipctt III SinoAnrrrlcnn summit that Inipllca morel lIIUIIiilIld chaotic in United rriri2we THE EDITOR ilire Treasurer lIlTIiIiPRHTING THE NEVIS World Hopes By Nixons China Visit idhh but three would be develop ment at the tuiutr The rmturtlon at maturity to In years irom it has been an copied with quite remarkable ink at op iiton considerlnr the time It not the yarernmeni to net around brinelnt It down At one time some years are it wee tell that It Die vote were given to yauuper people they would vote erircmey radical perhaps llatrhevtk it somebody would term Dnichavlk party Itnweier experience In other jurisdictions has knocked that Di ker III esuli mun clinbtlahniltrackbcillnliaclll dawn etOernilttitgh II snubbedKindnirackanps Tlata hehawn that it onto thine theiyauna voters lend be conservative Also they dont turn out in later numbers And then great may tend to at law the retire on parents Hotel and part chairman lien Iaolunn to trail Iarm at rcci ognliloa destroying the arzut meat that him Is the treat rcprcncntntivo at China Iormsi recapnitian perhaps on the Canadian pattern ap pcers only mailer oi time as Nixon tealr public reaction or his move an ch ateo tmptiee possible dramatic American thilt utvay Irom Avian involve rncni Includan liquidation oi the reuniting Vietnam war At least this is what tnuny to diplonrate privately read into the Nirtun announce ment which hit the Western world with explosive delight Daubiiess Nixon alto undertook this manoeuvre with an eye on the till presidential campaign recalling the dramatic impact at the late President litterihew prorrr yet limited by the growth at are will to to Korcu so to tilt Perhaps some intirerslty elta preemptivereactants eeersh Into the Iltuailwn that THE YOUNG tractor nanniwwwmmmumiwu La was luwumwam he paid the Canada Cantrell will not help It does not rrurd newspaper writ tut ae erudite The old tredinp part and Fort Itichliunaektnac now hlae nac Is an example On July It itll the art was captured by arnati Brittah Iacre it was re turned to the United States to IM IlodxIlilt Detroit Ind NEWS ANALYSIS kl termer Northwest Comma to Detroit On July It IItI tho easel Iirltleb tom khl nae dceidedon starter roe nocuvre to rapture Prairie do Odes an the Iltellsalpol River it was completely oilseeer cd by Col Villam lichen trader The inter was lit up or too Fencibtes drawn tram the Canadian population around ITS There Someone Living Out There PASADENA Caiil lAll Itto ditcovery by radio on trenomcr that atanu are none bintne into motecucs In two llllxlce let out in the uni verse suites anew an od duration is there lomconc cut thctet OilTrack Betting Is Not UndersioOd in other words lhochrnce ll likely not to make much dilicl care In our election patterns the topical development that ndeht be expected out at lower lny the voilnr would be that many more eccllon workers were available Itowevcr It lle prabebiy wont work out In way Experience atria has been that our yaunter eopte really dont care much at political activity The youth sections at like var Inue parties and the political clubs at the unlvareltiea do let considerable amount at pub llclty Iiul aesetred restart the po tential at what they mlthi have turns at their their memberships are very low Set nature not to come back tram lov kin eniptyhandctl may not do Nixon much paort at the penile Ite Iiillhl be convinced he lies nomelhint to alter to lcklnt tiiat said he ncccncd cntl thet he will not anneeitrinv In return IIIIII the colors will approve The meter Feline demand is likely to be the rcdwetlon amt removal at American Inuence in Asia and perhaps some arm at undomlandlnp that will cnd Cltlntre car at cotnblned Surl etrAmcriean encirclemenl oi the mainland Icrhape the treated concea alon that leaa might obtain In the opening oi China to us ex pnrta Ihoprospccl at horn new world market is likely to derrle American industry cared to mate production and competitive industry in Eunice The discovery announced Thursday by Dr Leonid Wettechew liycerobi rado astronomer oi the Call lornta lnsillulc at iccltrroluxy here In another piece at elranp evidence rupporilnl eclcntlsls who Iheartre there must he Intelligent iorma oi lite elsewhere in the universe neiaxee are huco Iarniiiee at up to too bltion or more start Our run is one star in one celery the Milky Way Vriiaehew qund that hy drogen and axyten stones in the dust beiwcen stars in two naiaxley it trillion mlch tram earth are combinina to torm lira bydrnayl radicaln chemo Ical considered csrcailel to the evolution at life The discovery meant that the some processes that led to lde on errlh probably are ac currtn lhrouphoat the uni verse These processes at work ior billions at years could have ted to developmeoi ui lnicliiilrnl lite elsewhere acicnlsls any Vctlachcwr announcement came as other scientists were pursuing another line at tile tnspace research aslae nncsiians such as What It alien llilllll In some distant uaiasy are lryinr to commonlcate with earth rleht niwr Now would we ttnd their lineal it would be like lindinp needle III traystack when youre not sure what lltu nec dir looks like said Dr Der nrrd litter vidtlnr nrotcs not it Stanlnrd University Oliver is head at Project Cyclops summer lhnktcnh program invcivinp to univer wily velcnlstt and cncinecrs lleciin at tho national Acro riatIlicn and Space Adminis tIrIaticna research centre in oiintain View Chili they tcrinitdv considered how men would detect ripnalr other lilo lornIe rnipli be beaming at catii tho cairicnce til the NASA Hunter study and the titloio iedcrat vrnni support tnp It ls indicative at the chance In the tail to years In mnnv rclrnllitr tirinklnit re panther tile in the outcome The chanra Is the revolt til advances in techniques in etutly the universe elicit as radio astronomy curl think at determine at which Well what is the probability that at least one planet around given star has the elrhl condi tions ior diet It some calculations the probability is blyh Dr Ronald Iirecewelt director at the Siaalord Uni versity Radio dummy in stitute estimates that within loo llpht years or too trillion ice at earth there are tool elare dollar to the run that mlpht have planets Delec mntny ti intctiltcni bctnys In any oi three solar systems are trytne to street earth would be last matter at polhlihl rciIlltD redla telescope at each eter end Itrteatay tot radio missions that couldnt be explained by natural eoarees it we made contact with such people it would be thatiertne experience Brr ccweli eeld Radio waves trnrrl at the speed at Rent it eirneie were detected tram etar so llchl pears awaythe distance lltll woidd travel in so years tt would take to years the reply itom earth to reach the star and another yuan tar tho nilrna reply lou would never live hear the eruvrer to your origi nal menace said Dr Ben Zilikbillllil yaune radio Irnnnrnrr at Caitech cant say when we will detect their streets but know many rado astronomers who think It will hopped our liellmsl would any iiere Ia mars plnal tar lilo bui atlil pnsllbiilly said Dr Norman llornwilr Cattcch protester hiatney and expert on ltnrtlea Irlr Ithat mlaht lirrtlan tile like Illiilllll replica It would be rates low term pcrharti microbial llic ttvlnz In the salt That would be prrat discovery in tact any term at Mars ttan tile would be absolutely world ehaidnp its question no really outlet to entwer our time erneieily since have the iechnolary to do BIBLE THOUGHT livery man she to whom hath pivca elthra and wealth and hath elven aim power torrent and in take his portion and to relates In his labcei is is lit at God liccleitaelrt III The pcopla who have liteiacd by the lord should ted the glory and share abundance with Ills people tavottr nehecriutcl ls mul III yarden clear at words they to tire lioree Arent we eniaet Item develop tltcn sprinkle them We would pollute our pure web web deadly chemicals until the cr because people Just couldnt round is rendered uecieee tor treasure without using white ru any pruvrth et all car Ntarttnee my my my With all this eccmlnply Intelli to do as tar as Iluarldattnp our tilt Willi Willi lilo Moll pure Denis water It concerned in Will it ill 0th We to alleviaie tooth decay when it Will in Wild Wit Isnt theIIIweier In the llrat placu IlllllItlII am mm mum theita eeaure vI Mwlitttlmllh min bi lHlilrllllhdlillllrrlhlllllliml lllrltttwcwecklytit2oillt goondh traditions and ancient broad and candy companies out Sin is en Ie the it mall nd trio aibuatnceaand thueu root the WWMMJIII mm their cldtrl vim tire cieenltlil19I33r2 warty 5th Mlhlul 11 up our own back yards instead County etoo Willi llnllni seventhimmeihrilhtw um at cuiitlnunlly tnndrtnninn our 0i Cindi 100 lllllt All ID man but the enII theteoi we haveio buy lliclr innit each mm mm up rennin cram yuyIIy IIIGIfIltIIitlilIIgIlIIIIIIOIAIIIIIIIIgI Sincerely Ilotor throw all tetra yclt eeenexcuveior nataehlevlax eucccest Well Thomas Edison in addition to llll deetnces was sick altrer hall his tile with Insomnia Indieca retiiervayeaiuI Isak eeII IwItItItghriad and echinIr traps Fromthews new it let Ivoextrac are itllhlVUNilALLOlIYi anoetnl Adveytleln politics tewou aeent lioxihlilitrlie0ni t2l Unlverlliy Avenue Toronto lion diabetes and nitric ui eera Deoihavcn the coin IIIIllII NOT CA to Deyileid Street Rerrio Ontario iclcphouo mom THE LIGHT TOUCH Second Clare lietl iieelrtretion Number am emperpypnprd Teen Driving Course Payoll In Saieiy eliwutory Itntidaye than to watch brlnhtly clad exccpud Subscription rates daily by troupe oi pins dance to merry rirana oi bnpptpcmuslc magmatmrrts 313 more in placental in cannon leiy Ia cheap at like it was Be lad title rsvontionery tum fan know amount sherry will uceeod lien was born tree eceuss oi the shredded ltd rear has been tomctoue IIy tIAL aorta now your MP mire columnini mttht never know it he didnt open his mail Iayott In solely who say little knowlech II dancer auI titlnyt recent aurvey lottwd tliet teenere drivers who look school course In drivine had as per cent tewer acctdonie than untrained younp materials The larvae to mnitiny comeback The United States Census bureau estimates the caiinlrya horaa population at in million compared with law at about three million la tune that mrnrvr there Is one hurIe Ior about every to pen oPYOKKSNIRI swarm tine strips comm with river lotteries SNAPID lot GIANTS MW $3 goon may not be able to turn to list directiootar help Where is FOUND iIlAT Noi Whit MASS WRMR COULD UNIT AIROPIIICY Romo con test some role at AMIRVOYANI will had cpllepli and Dr Samuel Johnson was ecruiuious and hypochnndriac ttwaeArthtrSthopcnhaucr tenors ie pIra iya cheer you not They list up tools lit at notice when its nionerch was rut tram royal mctenrho him out who ohicrvtd Iliela the neonate whom it erort malartty it only it com actions release restraint steel lITlllo tor more citiet WW teriny jutumlerwtn II IndnetodbgdvIrrythtns IbeIInnllclnl weman node eseaeeeyour disilldede ioeAtnanId VII oioCrulcertIhIlIIIiantTaiII rnaranar oree ru Item co to ano an tell erwlliveeommcndlontrlvc and Audit ltureru at circuta lwlihlltll Wltllnllwnli potrr and Dryden the poet er lee wit ecay inweluynrioach Individual ltewrnuchedvenhintdowerre ave eets 31iiliilhililtiilfr were that billion was blind owe the true answers it they euch II Deni tood your child MIMI mm mm hope was an invalid who had anhutellminaieeana at pro reaeandyorDoniteedynur VANCOUVthr tCIt mm Mmmmw yr wmlmmirokmhh renmedeonactausnseeendvn children or yourlrli white bnino oi the non nlulorllie who mind Mummy epine uprtcht IIelIItt wrote aid elm ahletruiha it hrsadWeontyeeeedverttttnr daily on Royal out Avenue in my almmymmbm some oihti moat iyrieverro Ntmnthlcdrleivae that makes mi only lot at suburban Ituvnnlty midtt ed mm white bedriddcn Lord nyrre Itan was meantbohelreeio money utility their prnducllthottn tintr roulo It they knew mm mm lose his own untatdiny at his mtth IIItttIe one nrItIt comm mIIiIieIIrIIcIIIrIztvlnp over yzopoo CIIIIIGIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII see out so Helsdlliicult tor some poopto tab Iioi our horeIeteetIi will About loo tool at tiio road was wgnapfdnglwm IIelreveaooae at tonrheir hennrertdtetttnpcrtcctcon recenin paved with sire mid It mtnlll beekyard vision eaab dtdon ae long aeIthIpyII IivIp ithIIlIl IIIIIIFIOIIIICIIEORIIIIIIIIIIII VEIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIHIVIIWIIIIII bloww Vb OG Is Ot OCIIIIIIOIG diiiiiiilihl interior or ili larder titldihliiiVW allow whirl waua WIlllilllmi needntrateedetlaeptey loathe II II