The Serpent WEDNESDAY OCT 1952 Editorial Notes Before you make friend eat bushel of salt with him GEORGE HERBERT World series starts today and all of sud den lot of people become baseball fans via radio and television who for the rest of the year never know or care which team is Nai tional and which is American Byways of Beauty Lead Along Simcoe County Roads This is time of year when travel is at its best Not distance travel but rather short jaunts in the car to any of the many beauty spots in the County of Sirncoe Its not far and only takes an hour or so but in this autumn weather the wooded hills and val leys within 10 20 and 30 miles of Barrie pre sent picture of Nature at her best You dont have to go far on the paved high ways and in any case the rush of summer tourist traffic is over There are good county roads which take the local weekend driver to many lovely byways of Simcoe There may be hundreds of Barrie people who are not aware of the beauty spots close to home People who wnSider they must drive to Mus koka or Niagara to enjoy the scenery At the risk of leaving out several dozen spots which are worthy of view we might mention such places in the County of Sim coe as the valley in which Creemore nestles the nearby Blue Mountains and the Devils Glen the Midhurst forest station Spring water Park and Hendrie Forest Medonte hills up Moonstone way the tobacco and fine farming area down county road 10 from A1 iistOn to Tottenham or north to the Thun der Bay beaches off Georgian Bay to the group of seamen in British Columbia have gained contract calli for wage incrcaSes and 30 hourweek aybe the day is com ing when all the work required will be to call at the office once week for the pay check Then there will probably be demand to have the boss deliver it Turkeys are selling at lowest price levels since the war says The Financial post 25 jump in turkey population has knock ed prices down 15c file below last years levels Death of Albert Newman at his Wasaga Beach resort last Friday brings nostalgic memories of the famous Dumbells In the years after World War One their annual visit to Barries Opera House was the highlight of the winter theatrical season when many stage shows were on the road in Canada from coast to coast The Dumbells always were sell out in Barrie and no one who heard him ulshene or will ever forget Red Newman wonderful gigg $2332 $2 5552 entertainer with his rendition of Oh Its Lovely War there are so many byways wmjcht 18m The number of Canadian firms going lt renter eres to beauty 3m it is Often Of bankrupt has increased steadily since the end for the motorist to discover these by him self taking township roads These secluded Of World War TWO according to the Bureau of Statistics This is disquieting news and areas are away from all but the most persist ent seeker Such devious paths lead most dir should incline businesses to tighten up their economy There were 1399 failures in 1951 the soul of the country They have cc to and for eight in nths of thisyear 844 no pattern One winds down to little cove along the iakeshore with its miniature sand Wide ranggfgnfljyrent types of firms Were beach The next leads upward to the crest of hit we Windsweit Plateilumm mic you Education is thing of which only the may watch the glorious sunset of fall even few are capable teach as you Wm only ing Another might lead to the site of an old small percentage will prom by your most mill or tiny stream or to the shade of zealous energy George Gissmg thickly wooded dell Their quiet charm as OPINIONS OF OTHERS driveways Will always remain Cnrlsllcn Science Monitor The Fred Grant Reminisce THE BOYS OF AND SOME OF Continued from Monday One of the outstanding features of the oldtime holiday celebration was the Calithumpian parade sort of street masquerade made up of grotesque costumes and eqip ages and each one different from the others and this often started from the rink building on Mary Street To presentday entertainers or entertained anything without motogitviar in it seems impossible bllt just the same those foot and horse equipped attractions of the old days managed to shake toge ther some nifty turns and many Bases in Arctic Regions an amusing stunt which would put London Free Press the blink in present day Rotary It is not surprising that intelligence authorities in Club frolics was turned loose Britain should announce that they have knowledge of the establishment Of string of Russian bases on the mum in this Ms wl be remembered Alex Quin Arctic rim from Murmansk to the Bering Sea Bums Hymn Smuh olm The Russians have done more work in Arctic ex mny3hugh4nnd perimeniation than anyother nation andhave been struwladcn twmwheekd can domg for manyyes hitched to diminutive donkey Actually the Russransare domg preClsely what the Wm can suspended on West is doing only in reverse We have built and are pole ample 01 fee in on building chain of airbases around the periphery of at use as an inducement the Sovietcontrolled land area The Soviets are to carry on also It wdf building similar bases as defence posts rare time Indeed when Ben Smith even as kId didnt New Name for Old Pain have nag of some kind or Financial Post other even if it was only goal and usually good one doctor claims that man has new malady televislon neck Its supposed to come from keep ing the face glued to low TV screen or from gawk ing sideways This is the same old thing with different label pain in the neck is nothing new Havent we been listening to radio programs and going to movies for years And how long is it since we started to pay taxes Canada Share Korean War Montreal Star MARY STREET THEIR DOINGS Kitchen Perfume When spicy odors from neighborhood kit chens enhance the scent of woodsmoke then its certain that autumn is really here JuSt as certain it is that the big rosy to matoes the womencart home in bushels are headed for the plcklejaror ketchupbottle Tomatojuice also isin the making in big kettles simmering on the stove Breadcommittal pickles will fill jars to gether withchuineys and pepper relishes any condiment you might care to name And sure as shooting the male touch will be needed for the final preserving twist to the bottletop What instinct compels women to take au tumns bounty and put it down in bot ties No doubt it is the same force which drives squirrels to store nuts and bees to cache away honey On the other hand neither bees nor squir rels can rely on groceterias nor the canning and pickling factories built to save crops and cater to housewives But despite the manufacturers help the upandcoming housewife likes to rely on her ownrskllia Itsthe sign of lavishestablished house to have preserved fruit and relishes in the cel fFREDTTBANT had always been empty with door less doors andlvindowless wind ows and standing in the centre of the field It was possible of course to walk through any of these openings when you wished to go from front to back but from the boysstandpoint far better way was to climb up the roof to the ridgepole and slide down the other side with the six or el ht foot leap at the bottom An in the good old Winter time its roof served as sort of shoot thechutes layout with an iced snowbank slanting from roof to ground and the kid who could clamber up that slippery incline with his sleigh or sheet of tin and take bellyilopper down that steep slide was sure of an exciting though limited ride un less he met mishap on the way down and made nose dive from roof to ground Does the seaserpent still disport itself in Kempenfelt Bay as in the days of yore or has prohibition had the effectof eliminating the seeing of such monsters Any way it used to form the theme of much discussion and someone or other at ilreguiaT intervals re ported the serpentsappearance in the eerie hours of night when it would be seen making its sinuous way where the moon threw its rays in path on the clear blue Casualty lists form melancholy record but they Waters of Kempenfelt Bay clear are record of achievement which evoke certain across the shore to Lovers Creek measure of pride The list just issued from Ottawa is Therein have been bener ex in sense milestone for it marks the passing of the planauons of the serpents move 1000th mark of Canadian casualties in Korea mums given to and by our elders but there certainly were none more closely followed than those we wideeyed and openmouthed boys heard from old Mr William Mc Laughlin fatheriniaw of Jack Neelandswho had tinsmith shop in Barrie and was night watch man of the Simpson Brewery From this way on the Iflr dividual course was just what each kid himselfdeclded And as there was no traffic cop on postanl1 an cverymanfor himself policy practised there Was almost as great jam and certainly more collisions and mishaps the you will find nowadays at he busiest time on Saturday nights at the Five We donot know whether in the general scale of Korean casualties this record is high or clot but it does indicate that the Canadian forces engaged there are doing their fair share of the fighting and accept ing their share of the losses Ours is respectable effort in Korea The number of Canadians engaged is not large by the standards of countries with larger r3 lar5d homecarinan 33395 mOnGY gopulailons but as the Prime Minister said the other wlliile seated on the steps of that Poms ay the Canadian effort stands comparison on per dlpiace or more often spread out feeling of personal Pride comes from capita basis with that of any other country contribu upon the Billid at his feet beside tlnuedion 133 sawlog or stump on the beach there And the solemnduietnss of 2105 ricokngsumlmer evetrllingshwopld en on by eezng Plan for Trees chuffchuff of shunting engine or the bumping of the switched boxcars in the Allandale railway yards and the softlyrepeated ech oos as they were waited over the moonlit calm waters only added to the concentration But intarfew minutes more the last passenger train from the south for the night Would whizz pastas dozen feet away into thesiation1andsoon pass from View around Fishermans Point and againiall was still That was the sign that it was timevforlus Ommo is the only province in rmoseyom Canada that manufactureslts own In incantation It might license plates They aromatic at olhi ho hinom our army Guelph Retormatorv contentedhour was spent down in the cool basement of KINGSTONCF Mrs Adam 1v 4bctnmolhreWery out of the Shrlenttom policeahat Elismda not summerl afternoon but telephone call fromaboothon manna the street here an placed her IllClass fA Neviquper of beer or porter hall purseon the shelf lien sheileft mouthwatering Wednesday Friday red own more our Tom 81mg Wu idle forzoi the purse and returned Jillian on cesium monolithiccam ting to the UnitedNalions forces The casualty lists setalongsideihe approximate numbers engaged bear this out IL manufacturing jarsliponr jar or nineday pickles and reaping the honest praise of fondly and friends who eat them 13 again the primeval instinct no doubt is first cause of the canning frenzy the same that makes bear prepare for its winters sleep and birds ready themselves to fly south WHITE AND BLUE 1953 LICENSE COLOR PLATES Whitefiguros and letters on royal blue background will pro vide the color combination for the 1953 Ontario license plateswhich go on sale on Jan After an absence of one year the familiar crownwiil again be onthe plates It is hoped that theplateii ilifbe=used for one year only feel shortage forced using the 51 plates an extra year Lethbrldge Herald Nothing is more unlikely to enhance region of homes than streets lined with arching trees If VI rtlrsjdeep within housewife when she concerted effort were made to provide for such frat if the cusp autumn all and spots plantings When new housing developments are ready bush bf uwmbemon terrmairimiAe+fer occupancvriheimprovementwould eventualiyibe pleasantly startling instead of hot and barrenlook BheJMnu the gmpty shelves the ing neighborhoods during the high suns ofsumrner output and remembers grandmas recipe they Would be the green beauty of trees inleaf the com ortingshade the cooler filtered airwilichx trees or cucumber relish aionccangive This is something in which town pian= Mid before Toucan say ipickie the pets hers parks authoritles 5nd municipal officials might well evince interestrandisma step they Could en Illliahearth the strainer on the table and barbegun courageForno community need fearthe risk of hav ing too Inany shade trees theyare precious party ofgood home life Milli hostto us boys when he just an mi there union the big MngMund or have an 090 drill ofwatbr MInm mittan In existence on those hen Thomas Collier mm utility mu Would fallow up VIII at cell of been It twill Gilt place clean with cm of Wiler and well have anu xi wt Intifada glad Jug was announ liklll rink win to be built all missing with can in cash noon Chad half an hour later to find the purse Dear way as they run be forced works The SHELBURNE SKCPFAV young calf shown by Brian and money Bower won three lBIplllngIfl the calf clubhowipg stthe Shelburne County Exhibition The bestgdairy cow wasshown by Melvin are came 0W 0m Ream Some Views About Vespra Politics Township Elections Cundlcs Oct 1952 lIo the Editor The Barrie Examiner Before the election bugs start flying would like to give few words about the kind of elections Township early were held and both were open to criticism At the one in January group using the Change in Vespra numb of candidates to replace nearly the whole council Evident ly the electors could not see it that reelected the old council with good majorities Pos sibly there would have been some changes had these candidates not run as group Late in March another was held to elect one councillor was wide open gauging up in the interests of one candidate Anyone knows that the members of any group would not be willing to have another similar group act in that way Neither should other candi dates after being game enough to to meet such op position To lose ordinarily isno thingubut to lose through getting raw deal is quite different matter Surely at any municipal election he candidates should be allowed to take their own chance free of group interference and gaugingup such as we had in these two 2000 years ago Golden Rule was given to the world and it still misc Sir we had this year slogan Time IShipvaTcls workers Get Extra 3c Wage Two Couniy Firm supplementary increase of three cents an hour hasbeen grant ed approximately 2000 employees of Collingwood and Midland ship yards ncrense followed an PRIZE FARMERS Bower Mm BLAIRMORE AltaCP There logging lumbering and cutiliigcempsin this area nearthe Crows Nest Pass Some office are wimllbs infertile mouni talus College in flu in Vespra Two for ran the right and there Nearly interim round of negotiations carried out by the CCLlndustriai Union of Marine and Shipbuildind The union announcement explained that this brings the totalwage in crease for this yearto 30 cents 17 of it in the farm of costofdlving bonus Another highlight of th tract talks reduces the work week from 44 to 42Arboursllxvirvdats of thccontrnct isMarch 1953 Wurkers midcon Brians father GO 27th Brigade Now in Germany OTTAWA Sept 27Defence Min ister Claxtoi announced today shift in senior officer appointments involving three Canadian Army nrigadlers Brig John Edward Case Pang nan D50 El 44 Toronto is the new commander of the 27th Can adian Infanty Brigade Group now serving in Germany He will take over his duties in November Presently commanding the 25m Canadian Infantry Replacamcnt Group at Wainwright Brig Pang lnan will replace Brig Geoffrey Walsh CBE DSO CD 43 who has commanded the brigade in IiulOpe since it was formed Brig Walsh will return to Army Headquarters to become Director General of lMilltary Isaining Eric Rockingbam CB CHE D50 ED 41 former com mander of Canadian troops in Korea and since his return Director General of Military Training givos up his post to attend the Tmperial Defence College in the United Kingdom He will leave with his family for Britain late in Novcm her Brig Pangman who is grad uate of the Joint services Staff United Kingdom and former director of the Na iional Defence College Kingston Ont earned himself fine record as fighting soldier in the last war Previous to 1939 he held com mission with the Queens Own Rifles in the Reserve Force and went overseas with that unit In 194243 he attended the Staff College at Camberley and then took command of the Carleton ahd York Regiment with which he served during the Sicilian and early part of the Italian campaign Later he as in command of the Essex Scottish Regiment Europe and while serving with them won his DSO for outstanding gallantry and leadership He was in command of the battalion when Toronto Men New in Northwest present time serving Exercise Hoidfast active part PHONE ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF OUR NEW Sicnderizing Department Pounds And Inches Taken Off No Dieting No Disroblng Nu Discomfort No Exercise Opening Special TREATMENTS $1000 for weeks only PEGGYS Reducing Salon 177 Duckworih St Maj Fred Tilston won the Vic toria Cross Born in Toronto in 1908 Brig Pangman Was educated at Upper Canada College and was in the in vestment business in Toronto prev ious to joining the Army At the Barrie for appointment ph 3992 Sorry we ca make refunds BRIGADIER PANGMAN he is in Europe ob in which his rirs brigade is taking an my AN EXAMINER WANT an com rrs out or WANG IX mansion Immch IO Mouldlled to stainimGulldilcbd low as $3375 Airveil nob1 neuron cl mymm iiimiiuic aniutmoiilmmvoc ofvaurfmilr accomplish imp MmM Redirect MI CRAWFORD co Est Members The Toronto Stock Exchange 91 Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone Day 2443 Evening 2388 BOARD ROOM EACILITIES DIRECT WIRE cum circumcise 77w 77 gt ssszoirfiii 7777j7fiirrm 1919 3562 VLAVN stainless Gulldli volnlukv1nvjrllx cxpun$ln bracelet To in goldll lo FRANCINE H10 Id qoid lIodIOPlfI lion Guildiio back JeweLLcRsf DianondMEninnTI