Barrie Examiner, 1 Oct 1952, p. 8

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Kiwanis Delegates miss Elli iarriv Exclaim HOUSEOF HITSFIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE TE Us We Miracde 810161932 comm WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1952 lAST SHOWING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY lion of the OntsirIoQuebecfar LAWRENCE OLIVIER Er JENNIFER JONES Collegiate Graduates Register in CARRIE At Universuies Normal School lViccPtc=1dcnl Mellivcn Adam son and Director Jack 11 Macias chctal 19511 graduates of lcntuo College of Pharmacy 111 Bilzttc iistrct Coticgiutu institutuiTurcutu and Douglas Stairs is In ADULT ENTERTAINMENT is have left recently to enrol IIILSGCOIILI ycar Indtiicinatits at Quccnsi Jackson Itincy trustcc cf Ki courws at various universttics aiiillUnItcrsity wanis International and superin itendcnt of thc Indiana State School for the Deaf at Indianapuls Will be featured speaker at the fbur day metting at the Charmin Fruity colleges or to attend normal In ilLS second year at the Oni school while other graduates havctariu Agricultural College ml returned to their collcgcs to coniuuclph is Glenn McCann lhirdi tinuc liltflt second third and fourtligycar OAC students are Perry year SItltIle iCuckburn Gordon Flook and Wllll cnac Attending Normal School tlnsi nun McLean Section ZPciges 10 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY 230 pm KILLER OR HERO BE SURE To SEE year are 11 graduates of the Bar Bob Larmun and Donald Crosbic llt Collcgiatc Donald Butcs Anne arc in third year forestry at that gt Baker Nora Brett Myrna Brownt Univcrsny of Toronto and Jim Audrey Whipps Carol Dczin Jenni Bcwcll is in third year mcdicinc Howard Joan Luking Annc Morlzit the UtilVOISlty of Western On row Jcan Elrick Bill Spiinis anditario wiicrc IIarry Rogers is also laul Irwtn liri his thde year in busincss ad HIM mm PRISCN GUN GOT HIM ouri 11954th Indduypqtbimwny Mlronmcgidwaidnglnd lgunlhetmidgdhimoutdidll CARTOON NEWS ENTIRE WEEK STARTING THIS MONDAY THE MAKERS OF QUO VADIS NOW BRING ANOTHER GREAT HIT TREATS EVE SHOWS AT 650 CT pm OCllliilliltilltllL Ilillltt le AT BOTH THEATRES THUR FRI and SAT wALcoTT MARCIANO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT PIcTUIREsI YOU WILL SEE IT BLOW FOR BLOW AS TAKEN AT THE RINGSIDE ENTERTAINMENT STARTS TIllttllf WEDNESDAY FRIDAY CONTINUOUS snow 81111230 pm Eva straws AT 655 and pm PLUSTHE WARNER gtNEwsRIEi ment to operate all through the two children Badge of Merit 127 Steele off the Barrie ibrancli at Vthe presentation and MrsgtRi honored teacher Also present has mienwars Enrolled at tho Univcrsity of Toronto arc Diane Carruthcrs and John Cook taking gcncrul McLean In engineering Hugh Curric In honor mathema IECS Joan Fisher in English Lan guage and Literature and Sylvia Fisher in modern languages Bar bnrzi lcrkins in household econ omics Frances Robins in an honor Latin course Millet Salter in 111 chitccturc Douglas Stewart in gcncral arts preparatory to law and Kathleen Thompson John Davis is attending the On tario Agricultural College and Moira Grunt Beth McLean and Joan Valley are at the University of Western Ontario the latter two in general arts and secretarial science courses Kay Micks has enrolled at the Toronto Bible College and Alan MacDonald is attending McMastcr University in Hamilton At Queens JACKSON RANEY Mr Raincy was clcctcd to his sec and consecutch twoyear term as an International trustee at the coni munity service organizations con vention last June at Seattle He is past governor of the Indiana Ki wanis District and was instrument al in promoting tho first annual National Kids Day in 1949 acontin cutwide celebration to raise funds for underprivileged children and to Douglas William Stewart is tak providc entertainment for young 101 medlelnt ill 10 UlliVCISll 0f sters throughout Canada and thcBritiSh Commbia United States Returning to the Kenneth Gmenaway of SLIOTOIIIU for their second year Georgc Montreal prominent courses are Donald Bigclow in public relations executive and in denim Ronald Dexter engin ternational vicepresident of thcluermg B01 Lam50m phiSim organization will also be featured arid health Cqucanon Donald war speaker men In the general arts coursc The presiding officer at the cons and Edward wxldman EnghSh and philosophy vention Will be Donald Cliarbon eau insurance and real estate bro TGd Clarke has letumed to the Uni et ker of Ottawa and Governor of the Of wcstem omano for OntarioQuebecMaritime Kiwanis Zlfcefeldniii illusiiifii 13213 District Delegates from 117 clubs in the at district representing membership of 7300 business and professional leaders will participate in the var ious semions Committee confer ences discussion of plans for the coming year and election of offic ers will highlight the convention program Mr Kightley informed The Examiner vO New Management Big Bay Pt Hotel Opening Oct Big Bay Point Hotel is now un der new management New pro prietors are Robert Borland and James Mullen who have been for some time in thesame business in lodge located between Banff and Lake Louise Alberta Pace and Bill McCullough the lat ter taking an engineering course McMastcr University Receive Entries For Countywide Art Exhibition About 40 entries have already been received for the Second coun tywide art exhibit which is to be held on Friday Saturday and Sun day Oct 10 11 and 12 at the Com munity Centre in Orillia Artists from many parts of thc county and near its borders are among those who have already sent in menin try forms Mrs Kenneth Treadwell of Bar rie will show two paintings House of Memories and The Floor of the Forest Mrs Treadwell spent Their official opening will be on weeks at the D009 SChOOI of Friday Oct with one of To Fm Arts 15 Past 511mm rontos leading entertainers and his work has gamete Eonsderable con dance orchestra providing the ev ment and admiration at the Barrie wings program art shows during the past few It is the intention of the manage 38m Mrs Clara Weldon is another winter and they wily modernize Barrie entrant with her portrait and winterize the 65room build The RevMend night Miss ing which is beautifully located on Mary McKay Of Collingwood will some four acres part of which is exmbit Spring Fantasy and AD nmplewoodland The outlook from ple Trees Mrs VFrost of Oril the front verandah is eastlon Lake lia will show tof studiesSand Simcoe with wide beach hill and Picnic Point Muskoka During years past many notables Kinsley of Brechin has de have summered thereincludjng the picted scenes further afield inhis late Sir Wilfrid Laurier Prime Watcrcolour Sketch Banff and Minister of Canada and it is re Scene in Haliburton An unusual Called that he addressed an aud title is that given to the picture iencr from the verandab during Pirates Cove painted by Mrs campaign Burgess of Elmvale Mnand Mrs Borland and their These and mahy other paintings and Mr and Mrs and sketches done in various media Mullen Wit1 four Children are now oils water colour pastels ink settled there and the six children etgwiu be ghowmatgthe county will be pupils at Innisfil Schooln Art Exhibit which is being spon Con 13 sored by the Simcoe County Arts and Crafts Association Theexbibit will be opened to the public at430pnmon4lrcidayeven ing Oct 10 At 830 pm the Open Awal Red cross ing ceremony will commence with Elmer W00d of Otillia vicechair man of the Art Exhibit committee presiding Panton princi Miss Annie Sanford of lhe pal of the Ontario College of Art ADM Pubhc Sh1 teaclnngToronto will give the opening ad staff has been granted Badge of dress Austin Cook mayor of Op 33 Cgaghe rzosgivsgg 1111a Missy Barbara Cooper of Cold ety fdrdifcting Juiijf neacmss WaEETJfPtesident of The TSimcoE lassroom forts and Fred Tindell Onilha chair Onrrhursaay three members or mauofthemt Exhibit committge thesamq branch of thenedcioss you also take part in the opening Society made the presentation of program the badgeto Miss Sanford in ber On Szlturday and Sunday the classroom at Alliston in the pres showiwillbeopen from to 10pm since 01 her pupils iPitmaI The film Viehnese Art Treasures addFPSS was given by Presldentss willbe shown at pmand pm on Saturday On Sunday evening brief period of violin music is being arranged Eiitry forms arestill being ac cepted by the secretary Miss Dot qthy JackSon 95Elgin St0rillia wen They are tobedelivgred to the Community Centre on Wednesday Conicpinned the badge on the representing the Barrie branch which Covers the Alliston area was Parsons lt The Badge of Merit is earned honor of the Red Cross swietynmd Miss swam is one afternoon or averting oats or sent the few district tencheralswlw idirectbro Lila grCbamp Iain Hotel0rgllia artsi courses Luiiton Lhisholni and Don courses Univcrsity in Kingston are Judy University of mar are continuing their studies Don Newson is In his second year at the county Arts and Crafts Association ministration In their fourth year zit the Uni vcrsity of Toronto tilt Miitliitl Month In household cconomics Anne Mctcnlfc til modern langua tgcs and literature and Bob Mc Lean in clcctrtc engineering Attcnding Clarke School for the Deaf affiliated with Smith Coll cgc in Northampton Muss ycar is Eileen Fine BDCI grad uate who won teachertraining scholarship on her graduation from the University of Toronto last year Mervyn Walker Retires from CPR COLDWATERMcrvyn Walk crColdwzitcr retired on pension from the Canadian Pacific Railway On Thursday Sept 25 after 44 ycars scrvicc His 65th was on Sept 24 native of Gorric Ontario in Huron County Mr Walker could pass for much younger man 111 has been an operator at Mcdontc Tower near Coldwutcr for 38 years and has rcsidcd here during that time He entered the employ of the railway at Mclancliton on June 15 1908 After short period there he went to Walkerton as assistant agent From1908 to 1912 he assisted at many CPR stations cast and west of Toronto including Agin court Brampton Caledon Essa and Midliurst When he was at the lat ter station in 1911 there was prac tically nothing but blow sand The station section forcmans house and one other residence mile west were the only buildings Sincc than reforestration has made the area Show place An accident on the line resulted in Mr Walkers transfer from Carley to Mcdonte which was then known as Coldwater Junction Tragedy Avertcd The Nottawasaga Bridge ncar Ypres caved in and trains had to be rigrouted for month Mr Walker recalls that although the tracks were suspended above the cavein with the rails holding the ties to gether in the centre the bridge and building foreman Joseph Snell now of Orangeville crawled across the structure to flag down the train from Toronto averting disaster When Mr Walker arrived at Medonte the headquarters were on the site at the Portswitch where the new station is now being built In 1919 it was transferred from the original location to the present site to meet requirements of railway trafficat that time The agent at Medonte in the year the First World War broke out was Fothergill When he retired the late Amoss Goldwater took over until his superannuation The present agent is Wilfred Pow ers of Goldwater Mervyn Walker is the son of blacksmith The year the Operator went to Medonte henmarried May Faganuit Medonte in Toronto Mrs Walkers father Thomas Fagan op erated sawmill at Hobart Mrs Walker has been semiin valid for many years and her hus band lispleased that he will have more time to devote to her care There are two daughters both re siding in Goldwater They are Mrs Keith Robinson Dorothy and Mrs Archie1uclcL Add Mr Walker commented that due this birthday on SAME PROGRAM Comedy FORGOTTEN BABIES COLORED CARTOON AND SPORTS REEL Time Tables CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective 1201 am Sunday Sept 28 1952 Eastern Standard Time NORIHBOUND No 41Tcronto to North Bay Arrivc Allandalc 1120 am Leave Barrie 1151 am Daily cxccpt Sunday No 45lcronto to Midland Arrive Allandale 802 pm Leave Barrie 817 pm Daily except Sun day No 51Toronto to Sudbury Leave Toronto at 950 pm arrive Allandale 1117 pm Leave Barrie 1130 pm Daily except Sunday No 3Toronto to Vancouer Arrive Allandale 1248 am leave Barrie am daily No AI1Ioronto to North Bay Arrive Allandulc 120 am leave Barrie 134 am daily SOUIIIBOUND No 52Ariive Barrie 415am Leave Allandale 428 am Daily except Tuesday No IiiLeave Barrie 456 am Allandale 513 am daily No IZLezive Barrie 837 ain Allandale 850 am daily exccpt Sunday and Monday No 44Lcave Barrie 420 pm Allandalc 440 pm daily except Sunday FROM MIDLAND No ItsLeave Barrie 729 pm leave Allandale 742 pm for To Tonto Sundays only FROM MEAFORD No 60Arrive Allandale 835 am daily except Sunday and Monday No 62Arrivc Allandalek410 pm daily except Sunday No HillArrive Allandale 720 pm connecting with No 148 for Toronto Sundays only TO MEAFORD No tilLeave Allandale 1135 am daily except Sunday No GilLeave Allandale 815 pm dailyexcept Sunday PENETANG LINE No 397Ieave Allandale 1135 am daily except Sunday Return arrive Allandale pm daily except Sunday HAMILTON LINE N0 681+From Hamilton Allandnle 11 am No 662Leave Allandale 430 arrive to the increasingly heavy traffic pm for Hamilton daily except through Medonte he is not sorry to Sunday yield his duties to younger man He has no special plans but Will have more leisure for the offices he holds in Stmiews Presbyterian Church and for gardening attend ing hockey matches and other in terests MIDImRST Entertain mimics Mr and Mrs sandy Russell en tertained their immediate families following the christening ofI their little daughter Mary Elizabeth at St AndrewsPresbyterian Church Barrle by Rev James FergUSon on sunday Sept 28 Those in at tendance were McLand Mrs CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective 1201 an Sunday Sept 28 1952 Trnin times at Midhurst Station are NorthboundNo arrive at 1226 am No Hrrive 111 am NO arrive Idaily except Sunday 146 am No 25 Sudbury passen ger daily exceptSIlnday arrive 1158am SonthboundNo arrive $38 aim No 281anive 528 am No 265 Sudbury passenger daily cept Sunday arrive 1252 pm RussellIslington Mr and Mrs Gorrell Mr and Alvin Robinson Joint Joan and Gerald of Bertie Mr and Mrs Fred GDrrell Patricia and Phyllis Tor onto Mr and Mrs Ernest Gal rell Lindsay AME Erase of PbrtElginKMr and Mrs Jack Ramsay Donald and Anne Mingus Mavis Rasscll or 1563mm gTorontwwasunable to be present gIIUNTINe CNR and CPR Finance System at Speaker Outlines JayceESHdgeting Roy Barrand the new Clerk Treasurer of Barrie who recently came here from chfrcw was the speaker at the Barrie Junior Chamber of Commerce monthly dinner meeting last Thursday Sept 25 Mr Barrand who has had con siderable experience in municipal financing gave very fine adv dress on Debenturc Financing explaining the reasons for this type of financing how the bonds were issued and how all deben tures must be approved by the Provincial Government Mr Barrand explained that bonds issued by the Town of Barrie were very marketable because of our geographic location being in close proximity to Toronto our tourist trade and industrial expansion He explained how debentures were sold through bond houses usually by tender and the methpg of arriving at the interest rate which would be paid to the parties investing Mr Barrand dcecribedcwnb debentures affected the mill rate and those which would be paid off from the profits realized from LIILQEIPIIRI investment FOR RURAL AREAS VANCOUVERtCPi Vancou ver Tuberculosis Society presented an $8000 chestXray unit to the British Columbia golfernment pur chased from sale of Christmas seals It will be used in rural areas that do not already have this service x3 SMALL CITY When Winnipeg was inaugurated asa city in 1873 the population was only 1664 Salvage Drive 511T 0111 25 Please tie neWspapersi magazines in bundles leave at curb Thank youl Dim Out TofTITe2 gs ibriyinfreatr mi south ya on Concession 14Drive PriciayaiIspuR maiden wasiams side Segtmbgr

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