Barrie Examiner, 1 Oct 1952, p. 7

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cam mamas mummy our 1m Rev Orval GLocke Two PRIZEWINNINGTAMILIES AT BARRIE FALL wm Dead at THE GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE emu GIFTS TOYS Where You BUY More for Less SALE OF GLIDDENS PAINTS CONTINUES CLEARING IT OUT ENTIRELY LOCK ST OCK AN BARREL SIRED SATIN FLAT FLOOR PAINTS VARNISHES FOUR HOUR ENAMEIS VARNISH STAINS ETC PRICES CUT TO AS LOW AS ONE THIRD OFF THREE WEIGHTS TO CHOOSE FROM SAUCEPANS FRY FANS ROASTERS GRIDDLES DUTCH OVENS COMBINA TIONS REMEMBER YOU MAY PURCHASE AS Zion Anniversary On Sunday Oct the entitych eary preacher at Zion Churchi Sunnidale Corners Will be Rev EOrval Locke BA of Hamilton giload Presbyterian Church London Mr Locke son of the late Joseph itlld Mrs Locke was born ncar Crosslnnd and entered the ministryf trom Knox Presbyterian Church lFios where he was active In the Sabbath School and Young Peoples Sucicty His primary education iwus taken In the township school incl Elinvalc Continuation School From lhcsc lit entered the Univcr sity of Western Ontario and grath tinted with the degree of Bachelor of Arts Ills theological 11121111113 was received in Knox Collcgci University of Toronto from whichi he graduated in 1944 During his student days Mr Locke was pastor of the Amos and Dromore churches and upon grad uation was cattch to the parish ot SKATING OUTFITS NEW LOW7 PRICES THIS SEASON White and Black Leather Boots SPACE HEATER SPECIAL Exmnlncr Photo by Red ancro ALTHOUGH MANY LOCAL HONORS went to cattle he took first prize in the Jersey breed class Seen above breeders in the district at the recent Barrie Agricultural Societys exhibition perhaps one of the most satisfying Peggy Mr Oliver and Bill Moore With the prizeWinning wins was that of Oliver Shanty Bay With his entries Jersey family STROUD Sports News The Strand juvenile buscball boys were hosts to the Alliston boys on Saturday afternoon in thc finals for the cup The visitors won the game On Saturday Oct they play It Alliston at pm It is to be hoped good crowd will turn out to give these lads support and encouragement Institute Trip Watch for the South Simcoc Dis trict Institute news regarding 2i trip to Montreal by bus on Oct 21 Insurance Appointment returning Oct 27 Anyone intcr ostcd contact Mrs Ben Stccrs Bradford bcfurc Oct 10 Watch for morc information Mr and Mrs Cumpbclb Sptlll zi day last week with Mrs Campbells sisters in Toronto Mr and Mrs Ross Newman and family Hamilton spent the week end with Mr and Mrs George Shering Mrs Andrew Heather and Janet spent Sunday with Mrs An drews fathir Sutherland and Mr and Mrs Hand Attend Centennial left to right are his sons Peter and Oliver his daughten IUNIIIII lllMlllE NEWS OF INTERESI To JUNIOR FARMER AND 4H CLUBS By FRANK STONE on radiophonograph on which the members had been selling tickets in the summer The draw Nottawasaga 4H number of the past residents and natives of these parts return ed for the ccntcnnial at St James Unizcd Church on Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Chester McConkey at Lcnnox Blacks Mr and Mrs Hilliard Meredith at Rcynolds Mrs Ed Jeffrey and Mrs Jack White Midland and Mr and Mrs Barre Barrie with Mrs EBanting Mr and Mrs 41 Warrington Hughes Mr and Mrs lCampbell Hughes and family and iMr and ltrs Roy Bennett To Ironto with Mr and Mrs Hughes wms Nesting The Presbyterian Thankoffering meeting of the WMS is to be held with Mrs BF Andrew recently returned from British Guiana as speaker HENRY KIBIK The Prudential Assurance Com pany Limited of England are pleased to announce the appoint ment of Henry Kirik as their rep rrescntative with offices at 189 Owen Street Barrie Advertisement LOSING BUSINESS CHARLOTTETOWNCP Col Full president of the Prince Edward Island potato dealers as sociation said that because of high prices Maritime potato growers lost two large orders for seed potatoes The West Indies placed contract with England while Cuba ordered tubers from Spain CALL THE EKAIIIINER For In the church on Thursday Oct PRINfliINVGTIIIONE 2415 list ofthe Very Best iiANDATTRICES To PLEASE Your 1951 DESOIO SEDAN IooIisi like new real buy 51 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE 50 CHEVROLET SEDAN 58 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 50 NANGUADD SEDAN 50 FORD SEDAN 50 PONTIAC SEDAN Ilsedtlur 101 172 182 Bradford St PHONE 5355 49 DODGE SPECIAL SEDAN likencw Yerygood buy 49 MONARCHCOA 711011812 militant sdan 49 VANGUARD SED 48 DODGE tTPASS SEDAN 48 CHEvROLETSEDr 41PLYMOUTH SED 41 DODGE 7PASS sEDAu p341 DODGE SEDAN 146MERCURY SEDAN iISIIUIgsoN SEDAN baaDidga taupe was made by Frank Stonc Alliston The hall became very quiet as he drew the lucky ticket which read Thompson Kcswick Ont It is the hope of the club that Mr Thompson has many pleasant hours listening to this combinatin set The club would like to thank everyone who took part in this venture which turned out to be IILQL SLICCLKK GUTHRIE SergeantMajor Mason left on Sunday night for Camp Shilo Manitoba where he will be an in structor RecenL visitors were Mr and Mrs George Caldwell at Walker Caldwells Mr and Mrs Walker Downsview at Mrs Masons Mr and Mrs Fred Camp bell and family Downsview at A1 cx Campbells Miss Eileen Mur dock Port Severn at George Pear sons Mr andAMrs Gordon Clark and Erma were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn Stayner Achievement Days At Coliingwood Fair With very good weather and the excellent quality of exhibits shown by the 4H Club members the Jim ior Fair at Collingwoods Great Northern Exhibition was most satisfactory event The grain and swine clubs com pleted their project with 100 per cent hi the members exhibiting In the calf club only one member failed to bring out his calf The results of the judging of the calves in the calf club are as fol lows JUNIOR DAIRY CALVESLcs lie Fisher Harold Fisher Mary MacNicoI Milton McArthur George McNabb Elwood Jerry SENIOR DAIRY CALVESBur ton Somcrvillc GilbertMcQuecn STEERSDon Vancisc John Rumble Glcnn McFarlane SHOWMANSHIPGeorge McNabb won the stiff competition with Mil ton McArthur close second fol lowed by Mary MacNicol Elwood Terry Leslie Fishr Burton Somer ville Don Vancise John Rumble Gilbert Mchieen Glenn McFar lane Missth Band The Mission Band met at Mrs Muirs last Saturday after noon with 18 members present Ane Husband ably conducted the meeting Mrs GeorgeCampbell in troduced the new study book on Africa which should have special appeal as some of the children knowsome of the missionaries in Angola The box of good used clothing for Overseas relief is being packed this week and any contri butions will be welcome After the meetinghMrs Muir served refresh ments SWINE CLUBFirst prize pair of gilts were brought out by El wood Culham and second was Francis Conneau Then came Har vey Purnell Raymond Gulley Leonard Thompson Billy Stewart Arthur Johnston Billy Williams Jamas Rigney Vaughn Madill Gill bert McQueen and Bill Timmons Edmund Culham Ken Rigncy All gills were of excellent quality and health BOnefit Party large party was held at the community Hall last Friday night The program consisted ofa highly entertaining film on 0rd Fair and soles by Jack Hayes Tom Ross Oro Station and Leslie Gillespie Nev is Rev Mr Shannon also spoke Howard Campbell made witty speech to MrvMurdockand George Pearson and Carl Drury and Victoli Ross presented eachof them wit complete Prop abank bookthe contributions of By EARLE GILMORE friends of Guthrieand neighboring ChilliWilli Jr Farmers brought communities Mr MurdOck lost his one of their 1952 projects to house school bus car and service close on Sept 19in Churchill Hall station and George Pearson lost his About 250 people gathered for an garage and all its equipment in evening of dancing and the draw five month ago George Pearson GRAIN CLUBElwood Jerry Leslie FishcirJohn Rumble Arthur JOITITSIDITTKCII Rigney Walterllig rney Harvey Purnell Gilbert Mc Queen Don Vancise James Rigney Elwood Culiiam Keith Ritchie Billy Williams ChilliWilli Chit Junior Farmers Mapleflla schopl anors fat Iloistcin In 1950 he accepted call to his nrcscnt charge During his pastorate in Holstein he was clerk of the Presbytery of Saugccn Of interest his relationship to many of the families in Sunnldalc and Stayncr Special Inusxc for the anniver sary services nt 11 am and 730 pm will be provided by Mrs McKcllican and Mrs Mutindrcll Southampton WISH AND CAN AFFORD it should be Yellow Pink White CRAIGHURST Mr and Mrs Roy McCrackcn are spending few days in Ietcrboro number from the village zit tended Collingwood Fair on Satur day MANY on Asraw PIECES AS YOU This decision is yours to make which is as DETECIO BATH ROOM SCALES JUSTRITE PET FOOD 8r SUPPLIES WHITE GRAPE GLASSWARE SHERBETS WATER GLASSES ca 15c SHERBET PLATES also JUICE GLASSES 150 for 256 THE FAMOUS PERFECTION LINE Regularly $13500 on sale at 895 SIX PIECE 11 Set consists of Bcst wishes to Mrs Sarah Wat kins who celebrated her 9tth birth day at her home in the village on Sept 23 Mrs Watkins will be leaving for loronto the first week in October to spend the winter with her son Ernest Watkins and Mrs Watkins Mrs Harry Hodgson San Fran cisco spent part of last week with Mrs Hodgson Fraser Cari was home from To ronto for th weekend Mr and Mrs Ivan Cairns and children Midhurst spcnt Sunday with Mr and Mrs Thomas Dunn PLATES 4T $100 HARRY ANTEN MILLS LADY MARGARET BONE CHINA CUPS dc SAUCERS SET $150 CAKE PLATES are Each CREAM 8s SUGAR SEIS only Jug and Four Juice Glasses Disc design gold trimmed COAL on HEATERS $695 $1050 $1495 $2995 CORN BROOMS AT Susi Look Up and Forward Folks Grow Old Looking Backward ICE SETS Oval Tray 329 $210 The large Ten CUPS SAUCERS SET 39c Have blue green or orange and gold lines Cup Size 165 USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAYAWAY PLAN BETTER BE SURE THAN SORRY and RONALD ARMSTRONG TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 Dunlop St Phone 2801 6971 Elizabeth St Phone 4946 Anniversary services will be held on Oct 12 Special music The church auditorium has been redecorated and new carpet 15 being laid Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Lorne Wilson en tertained about 16 young people to most enjoyable evening on YOUnzster Saved young boy newcomer to the village was playing around the wharf one morning last week and Saturday it being their fth wed seeing canoe decided to get ding anniversary into it His companibn pushed him Mrs Davage and Mr and Mrs offshore PCS FOSter 1mg twm daughtlsIFSROI The canoe drifted out into deep 10533 sue Mrs R9 3e watsr and the lad became fright ene and screamed for help He MI qsndncllgrs szsnalaggvstood up in the canoe and took off pen his clothes and shoes and was Garvey Port Severn about to Jump into the water when Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jack Fmrier mm was working on on the arrival Of building nearby heard his screams and went to his rescue replied expressing his own thanks Car Accident and those of MnMurdocks Mrs On Sunday afternoon Mr and Jim Pearsall on behalf of the W0 Mrs Barry Trombley Toronto mens Institute presented Mrs were driving toward Lefroy when Murdock with collection of fruit their son Allanfopened the car door jam jellies and pickles Refresh and fell to the pavement suffering menIs were served in the dining severe head cuts and bruises They room and all enjoyed an hours rushed him to Barrie and Several dancing stitches were need to close the About twelve women from Guth wouhd in the hawk Of his head rie attended the WMS meeting at QUlte number frqm here at OroUnited Church on Sept 26 isndeq the 100th anniversary ser The devotional service on Wm Vices in Stroud Umted Church on ship was particularly good Mrs sunday evening Howe and Mrs Longley both of SEVeral new families have mov Toronto delivered inspiring ad ed into the Village inthe past few dresses on the work of the WMS weal Mr and Mrs Gilchrist and ISabeliet Misses Jessie and Barbara Topso Duntraon School Fair List North NOttawasaga School Fair at Duntroon on Sept 10 had 870 entries and SS Ballygrant won two major prizesi the Collingwood Kiwanis Shield for highest number of points per pupil and the Stay nei Bank of Toronto Challenge Cup for school with largest and best livestock exhibit Jean Vancise and Harold Fisher both of Ballygrant took prizes for boy and girl scoring highest num ber of points JeanVancise also had best poultry exhibit and best livestock exhibit Joanne Playter SS 20 won the senior public speaking contest Best judging team cup went to Gerald Clark and Mae Collins SS Burns Toronto and Rev Luck Barrie will be the speakers in the Baptist Church at pm Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Moore Toronto formerly of Bell Ewart on the birth of daughter popstt it Gilchrist Toronto Vistted friends 3HHIOHHIH INIHHNIHUHH iovi01tt Ivtttt t9 Oiio9 AI 0II nut 01 two at Wasaga Beach last Sunday William McCuaig and Norman Graham attended the Thornton Caldwell wedding in Orillia Pres byterian Church Saturday Sept 20 Mr and Mrs Cameron and family and Mrs Angus Cameron attended theganniversary services at Forest Homekunday Church Services Sacrament of theLorcls Supper was dispensed in Guthrie Presby iterien Church on Sunday by Rev Cunningham of Orillia Owing to the anniversary services at Oro oootuilt 1bl2 BELLE EWART WillBallygrant School W0 John Silver Trenton Transfer Training Command Trenton CourierAdvocate It was announced recently by air force authorities at RCAF sta tion Trenton that one of its most familiar and popular figures is be ing transferred from station Tren ton to RCAF training command Warrant Officer John Silver MBE CD who has been station warrant officer here for many years is perhaps one of the air force personnel best known to Trentonians generally His digni fled presence has long contributed to the success of the military paro ades and events held at the station He became Station Warrant Of ficer at Trenton on Dec 18 1911 He is succeeded in that capacity by Warrant Officer Collins ANGUS Wins Legion LA Draw Mrs Lovatt with No 219 was the winner of the draw forpatch work quilt from Ladies Auxiliary On SundayT Sept 28 the Rev TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Branch 499 Angus ale Station there will be no service in nib ROLLED lb this church on Sunday Oct Dr and Mrs Melton attended the wedding of the formers sister Jean Melton to Andrew Hughes in Ammmwxmmn Tonto on Saturday Sept 27 Iley7Win vtllilledlinskel Creemore Fair South Nottawasagav School Fair at Creemore on Sept 12 had 1184 entries with outstanding quality inmost exhibits MapleRValley won both the HFerguson Shield for highest number of points per pupil and also the Creepiqre Dink Di afar onto Cup for SchTIBI with largest and best showing livestock Gail Scott and David Mackey both of SS 21were tqp boy and girl and Gail Scottwon special for best score in the fair Ruth Emmett 01 SS 9210111 the 93712191101 hestmoultry and Margaret Meth 10M 0LS had best livestock exhibit Marion Tymchuk or as if win 11m ITS n11 11y LEAN lb OrdeiSrCiidUDtDiif inI +tbestore on the 1030 delivery no to p111 leavetlxejltioreonlthe iliinviw lb 750 330 delivery bit itittiitt ii ssgyvvi fawn BulDOWand save on ourSPECIM LOW PRICES during this sensa tional sale of QUALITY FOODS Odell orders at $200 and over Smalldelivery charge orders less than $290 hallmark Seam In the seniorvubnc Speaking Jilnidr recitation contestwaa wen toy1110b Campbell SS 15 Top judgln in consisted of Sheilasau uin

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