Mukm 111an 12111111va woman oer 195 90100 CKBB PROGRAMS 01 1230 we K118131131 Barrie on Sept 30 1952 to Mr and Mrs P11111131 Amem RR Utopia dungh tcr MY on Count flour 1mm 015 Doom an Inn up 311110111 mu 700 Search P1111 Fat $15 Ovarwon Strict 330 Whltc Rm Presents 000 New amour Browcut 91 News Hartline 900 Flute Party 1015 Cundl at Work 10 News 1605 In The CITDel 1100 Ptuf Pcutbomo 1100 News 1121111111133 We Liter lcmm Tum Run NW 8111111 Bonn hrm haunt Realms Wellhu Trsdtnc Put News You 1111 It Charles Antzil Sentimental Seremdr News 85min Whack Club 1230 Tune for Too Nuts ticmum Hidden Town News Hoyle Muffflu L7 IARCHERAt the Royal VIcturia Hospital Barrie on Oct 1932 to Mr and Mrs Alvin Arrhcr Elmvalr son Flaltlaf CARTIER21 the Royal Victoria 11051111211 Barrie on 50 1952 to Mr and Mrs Thomas Cartier 145 Owcn St BLIIZIP 11 daughter 88888338 Boom Roundup News dd Strutsan Show 900 New 905 Muvfetutn Tbcttrc 935 Tritium Punt 11100 New 1005 Zettcm 51111511111 mime 1030 Trldlnx Post tcOmc 1100 New 1105 Tube for Today 1110 Hi Neighbor 11 10 HoundUu Tiznr mmnaqquu cvpadnuutwrglw LOSSSSRSJSBSEOS iDEKLEYNEAt 1120 Royal Vic forla Hospxlal Barrie on Sept 29 1952 to Mr and Mrs August DcKIcym RR Stmud daughtcr IIBBUNSAl 1111 lloxpltal Barrie on Supt 1952 to Mr and Mrs Robert Gibbons nee Phyllis Ruthl 211 VIctorIn 51 Barrtc dunghtcr IIILLSLIPAt 1111 Royal Victoriai Hospltal Barrie on Sept 301 1952 to Mr and Mrs Ray Heus Round Preludc In 011191 Punt Much Rbth County oor will 511011 Ncws 50 Bulleun BOOM 00 5011 51112 15 Meet the Artful 30 Melodtously Your 00 Id 05 Hui11 Hulth 13 Bonus by Doris Du 301hc Lives of urr Lime 900 News Hemline 900 lnmtly Ihntrc THURSDAY 30 BIRD On 30 Raw 1111111111111 and Farm Mnlr Report 31 00151081 Clock 883 hand Illka ll 1200 1113131wa Ensn mcnt 1111111 1210 8W1 Dues 12 15 Nuke 829011 11130 Tlmu 811111 1230 News 1130 Bulletin BOOM 100 Pum Pcuum 100 The Votcc of the ROYJIL Victortu Headline New Farm Hunt Report Ru Wmther Report News Sports Roundup News Hemline Strmxmunw lvhlon Show Neva cataract uzam On your next trip sport practical hunting styles Heres full quota of 111e wise styling and Sharp Puch 110 fictional Wnthn 130 Tndlul Poll Memories iurcuIcIIIIIs 00 05 Style In DOM 30 Trldtnl Post 1000 News 1005 Zellern Bhopplnl Centre 1030 Trullnz Post CoutdI 1100 News 1105 Tune for Toduy 1115 Clldweus Buby Show 1130 RoundUp Time 1030 News 1130 Slim 11 THURSDAY 1200 Luncheon munc mcnt until 1210 sports Direct 045 News IN MEMORIAM COPELANDIII loving memory of mydcor husband and father thltc Copeland who passed away Oct 1918 ll Cookstown In our IltilllS today Meun more to us than words can 531 Although we smile 111111 5130111 cure free gNobody misses you more than wc Day by day he borc his pain Hoping for cure but 2111 in vain In beautiful spot he is now It rest true what they say God chooses the bcst The grief was deep For wonderful husband and dad who is now asleep Sadly missed by wifc and fam ily COPELANDIn loving membry of Louis Copeland who passed away Oct 17 1921 112 Sudly missed by EMom LINESIn loving memory of our dear mother Hannah Alice Hirst wife of Arthur Lines who pass ed away on Sept 30 1951 And while she lies in peaceful sleep Her memory we will always keep Lovingly remembered by fam ily 112 AUCTION SALE Household Furniture and Effects The undersigned has received instructions from the Executors of the Estate of the late Margaret Jamleson BARBIE STREET Village of Thornton to sell by public auction on SATURDAY OCT THE FOLLOWING comprising in part of Dining room suite 3piece Ches terfield Suitep Bedroom Suites including springlled mattresses Living and dining room rugs Congoleum floor coverings Studio Couch Singer Sewing Machine New Williams Sewing Machine Ohlna Cabinet Bookcase Floor and Table LampsWicker Chair Occasional upholstered chairs Rocking chairs Magazine rack Wall mirror Fern stand Small table Large steamer trunk Clare Jewel cook stove small size Kit chen cupboard Assortment of dishes and glaSSware Number of BOOKS Lawn Mower Wheelbarrow garden tools fruit jars and many other articles Terms cash Sale at pm EST 112 Slessor Auctioneer WANTED 7777777 For large constguction project 930 Flutter Pcrty 10 15 Eludows 1045 In The canal 1100 Pull Penthouse 1115 Lee Harris Prcucnts 100 New Headlines WenI lhcr Temp IInIr FRIDAY kl 1130 eru Heldllnea And Farm Market Rcoort 0111 Muslcul Clor tivcs 200 New 205 You LII It 310 New 135 Bubth Wheeler 100 Club 1230 105 Tune Mr foday 415 Due Iarrts Pltmtll 430 News Hummu 045 Hidden Town 500 Club 1230 530 Nuns 535 Movie Merryo Round 545 Prelude to Dinner 555 Market Report CARD OF THANKS ADAlRThc husband and fam Ily of the late Mrs Dewitt Adair wish to express their sin cere thanks to their many rc1u friends and neighbors for acts of kindness messages of sym pathy beautiful floral offerings and baking sent during their re ccnt sad bereavement in 1119 Ions of their door wife and mother 112 The undersigned has received instructions from 11111111121111 amour 112 Lot Con Essa Twp to sell by public auction on FRIDAY OCT 1952 THE FOLLOWING IMPLEMBNTS MH Clipper Combine complete with clover nt tachments and pickup Ferguson Tractor nearly new Ferguson Tractor Plow tWiard nearly new Ferguson oneway Disc Buzz Saw MH Tandem DISC Endless Belt Set Sloop Sleighs Stone Boat MH Cultivator tiltooth Scuffler Rubbertired Case Spreader new Rubbertired Timpkenbnring Wa gon nearly new MH SideDeliv ety Rake Fanning Mill Set 6ft MH Binder Canvas POUYOShOW Cutter Truck Tarps Pony Rubber tired Show Buggy Singlehorse Snow Plow Pig Troughs MH Seed Drill 13 discs Feed Boxes Set 16bu11 Barrows Wheelbab rows Flatbottom Hay Rack Gravel Bottom Pig Box 2in mesh Fox Wire Quanttty of Insulation Wool Quantity of Block Salt Gas Drum 250ga1 453211 Gas Bur 11115 Number of Sgal Gas Cans Lifts for Pea Harvester Bag of Stock Mineral International Mow er Mans Bicycle new MH Sullty Rake IOft Quantity of Molasses Electric International Bream Sep arator cap 750 new Quantity of Hardwood stove length Quantity of Lumber hard and sOft Pile of Cedar Rails Set of Blocks Set Scales 2000 lbs Skidding Tough Number of Sacks and Bags Num ber of Ropes Quantity of Binder Nine International 3h Engine reconditioned Stee Water Troughs ca 1001 1115 Chicken Shelter Eectric reader 011 Broader Water Pumpg 204m Hydraulic Jack Hydraulic Grease Gun Sets Truck Racks MAR Plow Evenet MH Hydraulic Lift Quantity of Asphalt Shingles top DP Rear End Reo or Ford Truck Loggngqulpment Chains Bear Traps 1947 Ford 2ton Truck Number of Cow Chains nearly new Forks Shovels Rakes Hoes Saws Tools Other articles too numerous to mention HARNESS Sct of Pony brass mounted Show Harness Pony lish Saddle and Bridle Set Slug Driving Harness Drivm Robe FOWL 21 Geese under Young Geese Approximately 30 White Leghornlicus laying well Approximatel 30 Guinea Fowl Muskovy Drue Duck and Drake Younngucks HAY AND GRAIN 15 Tons Tlmoth bales uantity of Grain SOUS HOLDEFFECTS FIreco Bridgewall Range N01 29 hot water equipged Large Brown Cupboard ideboard 2burher El trio Stove withyen Various 300 Sendmatu Bermuda dAWTONAt the Royal Victoria 11p 19 Donald St daughter KEYSAt the Royal Victoria Hos pIIul Barrio on Sept 29 1952 to Mr and Mrsl Arthur Kcysf RR Shanty Bay daughter Hospital Barrie on Sept 29 1912 to Sgt and Mrs Ernest Lawton Cortis SL Angus son LOWDENAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sept 29 1952 to Mr and Mrs Douglas Lowden 168 Buyflcld St at Sun MacKENZIEAt the Royal Vic Iona Hospital Barrie on Sept 30 1952 to Sgt and Mrs Muclenzlc 113 Bayticld SL Burma daughter ONEILLAt the Royal Victoria Hosptlal Barrie on Sept 20 1912 to Mr and Mrs Lco ONeill Antcn MilLs son STONEAt the Royal Victoria Hospttal Barrie on Sept 30 1952 to Mr and Mrs Emmett Stone Phclpstona son TAYLORAt the Royal Victoria Hospttal Barrie on Sept 29 1952 to Dr and Mrs Tay lor Barrie daughter YOUNGAt the Royal Victoria 1190011111 Barrie on Sept 28 1912 to Mr and Mrs Ralph Young Charlotte St Barrie daughter cotDWAIER LORNE LETHEBBY Community Gathering The Parish Hall auditorium was almost filled last Thursday evening when community gathering was held to honor Mervyn Walker on his retirement from the CPR after 44 years service Officials and fei low workers on the railway were present from many centres includ ing Port McNicolI Bala Tottcn ham Bolton Orillia Lovering and Carley Pat Caesar former opera tor at Medonte new agent at Bolt on acted as master of ceremonies wallet with gift of cash was prc sented by Del Griffin Goldwater CPR engineer on behalf of Mr Walkers friends Mrs William Pheasant presented bouquet of flowers for Mrs Walk er who was unable to be present It was accepted by her daughter Mrs Keith Robinsonis McKenney agent at Orillia recounted humorous railway ih cldent Reeve Andre Dunlap ex tended the best wlshe of the com munity and Frank Gendron retired conductor at Port McNicoll spoke briefly On behalf of Rev Charles Carter Locking also retired from the CPR conveyed congrut ulations Two films in color were shown with Millard and Mr Pheas ant Operating the Lions Club pro jector One dcblt with latest devel opments In railway equipment and the other showed many scenes of beautiful spots such as Banff serv cd by the CPR chorus of junior girls sang sev eral numbcr under the direction of Mrs Argyle Eplett Ladies of the comnfunity served lunch Public School Boa0 special meeting of Goldwater Public School Board was held Fri AN AIRBORNE EXERCISE was out at Camp Borden last month when 11 group of enemy JiftlllOOpLlS landed in the vicinity of Salisbury Plains with the in tention of settmg up guided missile 11t tack They wcrcdcfcatcd in the scheme car ried out 111 the early light of dawn 1m Town and County GUlf club members minded there is cribbugc party on Friday evening 11 030 in the club house lounge 21 10 1111 Sc oc Ru 110 112 AWARD DCI CONTRACT Cotltroct for construction of tltclN LAY REEL NEW TANKER tanker for Imperial Oil has been laid at Collingwood Shipyards seventh to 1947 Com mtssmmng is expected by summet Keel be built 1953 1953 curmuus We have for lIcW Collingwood District 301181 giate Institute building has been uwardcd to Dalton another large here since Chritxnns tow day to deal with letter from Principal Lorne Graham in which the latter said he thought his an and Clover Ray round1111111 SOTWary sWMQOO instead of $2300 The Board in May had passed motion to grant the additional $100 providing Mr Graham attended summer school As It was under wide range of samples of attractive Calend ars If you are giving calend to your customers call at The Barrie Examiner and in spect these flrst Orders pluc ed now will be delivered by way lirc Fire FOOD cosrs PLUS Spectacular Premium LllOSSlZTIV 11URI11Y 11 ptcntbci Murphy Mr 5011 Mind CITISSIII We would Engineeringl thanks and Construction Co of Toronto1101113111015 who assisted whose tender was for $325000 1c The enemy consisted of experienced pulutroopers from the RCAMC and RCASC schools Photo from Camp Borden Citizen shows the men getting into parachutes at the RCAF Station prior to taking off on the attack A11 interested spectator in the air Commandcr of Camp Borden croft was Colonel Clark DSO CD MARRIED curried for 111111 Elsie 112 111111 510111111113 Fllt Insurance 10111111 htllltllltlll lomcs IIsriit Oxford lilvtz 11111 Tiltllfl ch1111 Lnitczl Church on 5211111411111 217 11152 11 our 1111 111 1111 1111111111111 by 911 12 Kent vliss Marion 1I daughtcr of Mr md Robert Murphy of Bur1 and Howard Alfred Crux1 son of Mr and Mrs 11115111111112 1943 11mm TON LONG WIIEELBASE CAB AND CHASSIS BRAND NEW ENGINE DODGE DESOIO IIIIIIIuI morons like to express 11111 appreciation to our 154 Burton Ave PHONE 5735 in every possible at 1110 time of our WALK TIIRI 1110011 11 SAVE Brigade also to Grosc Now Fall Asleep Wake Up To Music FAMOUS NAME BRAND 111111111 110111 LEVITS 513$ng 111 and Smartvlooking Mantel Model lovely Ivory flnlsh with contrasting trim Sold in most stores at $5995 IEVITS 11111111111 33 Collier Street PHONE 2301 mm EVERY moo 12 pm STARTER SET GROCUIY PURCHASI You SAVEG Illllll 81 IIIEIIETIIIIIES 1011112 111111115 cALlrouNIA FLAME lb lc CALIFORNIA VALENCIA SIZE FARM FRESH duroy collar shouting utility Comc fit today for fresh ideas for the new 56113011 Falcon drop seat hunting coat of Briar busted duck This coat features iibloodproof 51 washable game pocket stret ching across the back of the coat This pocket will sizenble catch of 11511 orfowl or can be unzippercd and and used as waterproof seat Pure wool scarlet Kerscy 11n ing gives double protection reversible detachable hood two large envelope type pockets with button down flaps concealing I4 shell loops roomy hand warmers builtin storm cuffs cor Above coat without lining $1595 Lined skistyle pant to match $1495 Unlined skistyle pant to match 795 hold P11111011 cIIIIIsuI cont dear hunters insurance pol lcy against cold weather The cruiser coat is made of 25 ounce pure wool melton nish muckinaw lined with docskln Two large pockets wlth two lincd hand warmers Big Inn dy full back pocket 111111 111111 Hunting parka with dech able hoodmdcirom heavy canvas duck in an Olive green shadeKhasha lined Sizes and extra 11111111 0111ch SHIIKIST011MIIIES 220s Dz ONTARIO MARSHGROWN emu IIEIIIITs 29 0111qu IIIIIIIIIIIII 10c 0th WlthW Fra 36x42 131111100111 Suite4picce Lawn Swing Wicker Verandah Furni tube gpleces Door Set of Butter Prints Lawn Mower Mail Box small Quantity of Water Piping Pair MgnsFigme Skates 22 cub bre R105 Pairs Mens Tube stood he staking c991sehis silbiyiWEs increased accordingly but wasrevertcdrto $2300 when it was learned Mr Graham had det ided circumstances prevented him from attending The meeting with c11trustees present except Dr 81121195 Hughes1vIho Was 111 decIdectto OMAR No1 Termg cam saw at 30 Pim stcndjby their previous motion and All articles to be settledfOl 136 the salary remains zitthe Iowa flg fore removalday of sale at farm 71 hasbeen sold 13115 426com is 091 Frankgwebuc1erkvL911Rut wage Auctioneerhiyugne 57114 ECONOMY Elms no 39 1m mesa 41 mi 53 11511111211111 Construction Ltd 7110 621151111111111111 ngew Plant ark Road South prim manualsIo Cookstmvn 112 gt TRIM HUNTING CAP Reversible huntin cap with scarlet $1111 over chum Limd through out Tum under an new camel1 TOMATOES $2 is SUGAR