lt thaw www ML wwadm bmyv Mombasa CaIIs Repeat 111 niors Loom As Questionabk DeltNesbltt who has jumped from Tudhope Cup 11121111 ache to gridiron worries in less than week disclosed last night at the Barrie Collegiate campus that his senior teams stands an excellent chance of repeating their Georgian Ba laurel of last season The senior club is strong in most every department hei said but the juniors are big question mark We have few holdovers from last year on the junior squad and it largely the games finerg Wsn depends on how fast the newcomers grasp The football season officially gets underway today when Barrie juniom open against Penetang High School at Penetang The rst local clash is Friday after nodn when Barrie seniors play ed duties at BDCl host to Midland Bill Chcrpclu has been handling Nesbitt is high on his seniorthe quarterback duties but he has squad despite the loss of quarterI3 lotto learn and only pracilcal errx back Millet Salter who graduatedlpenence can develop him Edam from the balls at BDCI Replacinglbiclhail and Frankwucy are other Salter is Wayne Stewart wholtop backeld cand1dates shone brilliantly last year as the Nesblll has plunty of boys to scanl junior eld general Stewart posland he Will 111 experimenting plenl sibly lacks Saltcrs ne passingjl this allernmm at lenetang in arm but ufjkes up or this witmscarch of the Willlllllg combination good brokeneld running and escrow COSSA FOOTBALL SCHEDULE his plunging ability will denitely be the major weapon in the teams offence Along with Crooks Nes JUNIOR lCollingvood at Midland Allislon ul Orillia powerful runmng back and end Brian Weatherliead whose Size isi deceiving Nesbitt rates Weather1 head as the best trickier he has hadl under his wmg since he commence bill is counting heavily on Jack Garner powerful but speedy run nerwho was the star of the jun iors and seniors in the 1951 grid campaign Stocky Hawic Kauppinen bard Oct EMMS RETURNS EROM EMPIRE re Preremion Of 1951 BUILT BY JOLLY JACKSON FULL OF ENTHUSIASM NOW Barrie Flyer mastermind Hap Emms turned up at Bar rie Arena this morning with Sparks in his eyes as he watched Bruno Red Favero whistle the 1952 candidates through Harradlnc was top man just lack ond Ibrisk gtwohour practice Emms wok to the upper seats for the workout and although Just how Emms gures in the Wings system is not known since Windsor Spitres have settledall differences w1th their NHL par ents But the Flyers general nabbed some talent from the Wings and though he is not predicting every bubble of joy indicates there are prize packages forth coming Meanwhile in the absence of Emma lavero former Flyer who helped win their rst OHA ti tle in 194748 has been drilling the boys from four to six hours day in preparation for the Red and White exhibition tilt Friday night at Barrie Arena All proceeds from this game are turned over to the famed Barrie District Collegiate Institute band Fisher and Ms swing and sway teenagcrs will be on hand to provide the local hockey fans with extraordinary musical scores MOSL startling fact revealed as TOWN GROUP GM Rockets took ve points this week to take over rst place Joe ing two points of 700 Lakeview Dairy with only five men out were at disadvantage from the rst but Vic Berry with his stea dy bowling led the scoring for them but the Rockets wcre ton much for them Allandale Drugs took ve points from the Rangers to nish in Sizes place Claire Widdes was top Scorer for the Drug boys with while the Rangers top man was Bob Malli0n with 663 The Ram gers just seemed to be little off and couldnt hit the pace the Allan dalc boys SEI IOT them the training sessionsrapidly move C01aC0 W0 two games ISO was released by trainer Harry Brass and Gltnn WI WY allcdllartridge Big Hank announced to get the extra pom for total Ralph Willls weight as 191 pounds DIME 50 had 59 for 43 the lowest the St Catharines de count Bill Hare was Copacos top enceman has reported in three bowler with 573 while George years Loughccd had thrce games 0Ver Willis is one of the teams top 200 to finish With 521 total for candidates for blucline position he wasnt saying too much he did seem enthusiastic following 1hisventure to Detroit and lengthy visitwith Jolly Jack iAdams or the NHL Red Wings Florio looks plays and winks like Chick If he can ever play the blueline as well as his brother he cant miss In fact the Flyers blueline ap pears to be heading the strength department at the present time Notable in raising the stock was Jim Johnston of Midland who started with Oshawa Generals last year Johnston is small but can dish out mean bodycheck which can win Emms over in nothing at Another Midland product Gerry Gerowpfollowing junior year at Kingston has developed fast and will be giving the veterans run for bluelint hole Forbes Kennedy juvenile and Orin Carver both from Prince Ed ward Island arc receiving plenty of concentrating eyes at practices Carver who has junior exper ience is one of the schools top performers Toronto boy Chuck Montgomery is also showing well and may be here for long stay Hillary Menards younger broth er Willarda rightwinger blew in from Detroit Tuesday and Minnie is pulling for his family buddie to make good If it ever happens that Willard wins 11 sweater it would be Held at Borden than The Camp Borden Cltlunl For the first time since the Can adian Army Fire Fighting School moved from Camp Borden to the Royal Canadian School of Military Engineering at Chllliwack BC courses are now being conducted here lnFire Prevention and Fire Protection Commencing 8th September the members 61 the Fire Prevention Training Troop of the Trades Training Squadron RCSME are givingjtwo courses at Camp Borden The Fire Prevention and Protec tion OK All Arms Course is giv en with the object of qualifying successful candidates as Unit Fir Prevention inspectors The length of thus course is three weeks dur ing which candidates have lectures on all types of hazards methods of inspections Army fire regula tions training of unit fire picquets and the use of fire department equipment The practical inspcco lion phase of the courstakes in fire prevention inspections of varv ious unit lines The duration of the Fire Pro ventton and Protection Offrs All Arms Course isonc week com mencing 22 September This course 15 designed primarily for Unit Fire Prevention Officers and places em phasis on Army Fire Service lieg ulalions types care and mainten ance of fire equipment fire hazard removal inspection routine and first aid fire equipment SELFISII ATTITUDE No one would argue about the frys away in the pan and the end loops top lineman Christie and crusted Gary Long great deo Barrie at Pourtang fensive back and big ROss Butchl0l 3Mlmmd Barrie Graham promising newcomer to the sport gives Barrie seniors an abundance of backeld strength The most important weapon of all the wingline looms as one of the best fielded at BDCI in sev eral years Although they lost the smices of allstar Bud Noble now performing for Notre Dame jun tors in Montreal the seniors travel more than ample depth on the for ward wall Star junior centre Keith Gard ner will take the offence for the seniors at snap while last yearsIOCI centre Paul Borysiuk has been shifted to middle on offence How ever he will play centre secondI ary on defense due to his uncanny ability to intercept passes and nail lumbering ballcarriers through the centre of the line The bulk of the line play lies on the shoulders of hefty and well seasoned veteran Ron Christie who in all probability will be the Graham Creighton form the teams insides At end gigantic Arnold Norrena looms are top offensive weapon and power on defense Frank Cleare another newcomer has caught Nesbitts eyes and will likely start at the other outside ti th opener Friday gleiiitwbstllutcs on the sen ior bench include good hard working back in Joe Walton who can also play end and another outside Bud Cockburn Jim La Or1llia at Collingwood Penttang at Alliston Oct I7Collingwood at Icnctang Midland at Orillin Alliston at Barrie Oct 24Pcnetang at Orilliu Barrie at Collingwood Allislon at Midland Oct 29Collingwood at Alliston Orillia all Barrie lcnctang of Midland SENIOR 3Midland at Barrie Orillia at Alliston BBarric at Orillia Allistoa at Midland Oct OCL IllBarrie at Alliston Orillia at Midland Oct lSBarrie at Midland Alliston at Orillia Oct 22Orillia at Barrie Midland at Alliston Oct 31Alliston at Barrie Midland at Orillia ill1 Sandy Cove Golfers Dixies Smoke Shop Lakeview Dairy Brass and Glenn Dixies Smoke Shop came back strong this week taking ve to two Stew Harris led the boys again with 633 tri led the Brown squad with his 630 for three Barrio Tanning No lost lot of ground this week losing all seven Larry Rob and 634 triplc was the tOp man for Bell while George Greensido had good night with 642 for the Tan just lackcd 13 points in the rst game 10 in the second and 80 in the third so the Bell couldnt exactly say they walked away with them are still ghting taking ve from Webb Brothers this week Ed Green led the Golfers with 629 Webbs top Cliff Browns pic Laurence Ferguson to the Bell Telephone illard with his 247 single nery boys The Tannery Sandy Cove Golfers man was Porter with 594 12 10 GM Rockets Allandale Drugs Rangers Copaco Brass and Glenn Bell Telephone Barrie Tanning iWebb Brothers Cliff Browns hbkluhwwWNNNe High three Joe Harradine 698 High single Bob Mallion 308 TOWN GROUP gt mont and Bill Cotes will serve as added line strength The juniors are loaded with 28 recruits of which most are ventur EIChicks Mens Wear 31 Legion ngBPC IToronto Telegram 12 12 10 the firsttim the Flyers paraded brrther act Sides or units are not established for the Red and White exhibition but now that Emms is back in ac tion the teams should be revealed by Friday Winnipeg prodigy Larry Thibeault who the Flyers secured from Wind sor last year has sparkled in scrimmage sessions to date and ap pears headed for starstudded year Hes out of shape said Favero but the redhead also revealed hes going concern Tension lies in the dressing room of the Fiyers camp as Don McKcnney and Doug Mohns have still to report from the Hershey camp operated by Boston Bruins With the two top scorers of last year is Allen Skip Teal who missed most of 51 wars with an injury The big three are count ed on heavily by the Flyers and their stock received blow when McKenney was reported injured during training sessions Another problem is goalkeeping Presently in camp with the pads are Don McMurray no stranger to local fans Bud Dietrich former ngaterloo junior and Jack ngpcnoer of Hamilton Dietrich has jshown well in practices and may lnd himself with the position Indications are the Flyers will likely better Emms prediction of 51110 worse than fourthoplace nish should McKenney Mohns and Teal suddenly show face at the camp Becausethere is plenty of eXper ience in the fold with Ken RobertL 1sron our local product Don Cher ry who caused plenty of eyebrow lifting when he concluded last Season with Windsor Fred Pletsch the lone veteran rightwinger cen ttrc Johnny Marian the Timmins favorite Bob White and leftwin TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 24 ll quality cover Igers every Dursc 1111111111 1111111111 fact that Canada needs more peop le Yet one hears murmurings across the land on the part of some Canadians that those DPs are tak ing jobs that rightfully belong to nativeborn men and women Such an attitude indicates superficial thinking fromya selfish point of view Altona Man Echo gt plates 11 1111111111th truncations 19 111111111 511111115 ltlll 111111 11115111EE11E11111 tMWWmmnaroon 1195 Dinner Honors AdairciliOn And Brazilian Visitors Im TM an India time Majorchncral Hopkins CBS LLCOI Lynch both of the Australian Army and Colonel Brigido of the Army of Brazil were honored at Hes Dinner given by the Commandant and Officers of the Officer Cart didaie School last Tuesday even in Among the other guests were Col Clark DSO CD LLCol Ceilings ED LILCol Berwick CD Major Leach Major Luker MC and Major Brett CD of Army Headquarters DMT MajorGeneral Hopkins Is the Commandant of the Royal Mili tary College at Duntroon Austra lia LtvCol Lynch is the 080 Operations and Training of the Australian Military Mission to Washington Both of these offi cers are visiting training estab Canadian Bacon Needed in USAf Farmers Advocate There is hungry market for good bacon in United States where dollars are plentiful where there is no rationing in factwhere the standard of living is highest in the world recent trip in United States which involved outdoor meals re vealed how difficult it is to pur chase good bacon anywhere in that vast country The home product is sorich that it practically all product is some crISp fat and plen ty of grease Citizens say they know where to buy good bacon but they admit that it is usually Canadian product when they get it Canada should make an aggress ive effort to market Canadian bacon in United States on sus tained volume basis If our pro duct could be put into the cities of that country the consumption of it would make the erstwhile British contracts look like peanuts SPIICIALS FOR GARAGE HOBBY SHOP COVERS NOW smoother ironing surface with theres price to suit ing Intortheir rst football season Bulky plunging half Bobby Thompson who tips the scales in the vicinity of175 pounds is ex pected to carry the juniors into battle Middle Bill Empke who asks no quarters while on the grid trio lead promising but lnex perienced line Most promising juniors to appear rare Laurie Dowthwaite giant and All Traps Must Be if Stampedin Future Under newregulatlons made by tile department of lands and for cats it is now necessary for any onegwho sets steeltrap for fur bearing animals to have design ating letter and number stamped on the top spring of the trap for iden tification purposes These numbers are allotted by the resident conservation officer and are registered by him The regulations also include farmers aljd their sons trapping furbear ing animals on their own land In the part the farmer has been ex cglpt Although farmer and his pops do not need 11 irappera license loitrap on their own land it is now necessary that they receive their timber and stamp same On each mp before Setting them besenumbers must be quoted fur buyer who records same ambit monthly returns showing the and address of the farmer traps not anywhere before have been legally stampede plot to Ielzureon sight of the Cheesecake photos of cut vaceous Marilyn Monroe do not need captions but how would you know that you can see the blueeyed blonde in Clash By Night the Wald Krasna production forRKo 1o RCAF 13X High three Lou Morrow 723 High single Carl of by Creemore and Bokars Chryslers Londry Motors Barrie Examiner Plymouths Barbers Finlays BA UUIbwwNNNvlr Emms 322 wnv smoruztts our The Strothers Cup emblematic playdowns by Listowel Legion Simcoc Baseball naires League title was won this year game atListowel was decided 54 Shirts Who in the ninth when single tally blanked Hornings Mills defending broke up neat mound duel by champions by 60 in the seventh Ken McKenzie of the homesters and final game at Creemore after and Collingwoods each club had won three contestsCharlie Fryer THE 1111111111 MAKEITSO Dufferin Blue which she playsher 111111111111 ring rolex Hilliary Menard and Ken Collins There is lots of talent in the rookie candidates too With Florio Guarda younger brother to oneotime popular Flyer Chick Guarda leading the pack Just out of Timmlns juvenile ranks NNintIdm LISTOWEL OUSI CIIEVS Collingwood Chevs were ousted from the OBA Intermediate FOR THIS LADDER in three games Final Pir inmg lefty mer screens of other um 20 24 26 32 fl sizes 28 on HACKSAW FRAMES An inexpensive 11 com plete with blade Has pistol grlp wooden handle IPICIAL tel Spading Fork Stronuv made 41 fine Dhctidlcd fork deb Intuit necessity for Fall dining item youll your home HERES no denying it The fthriftiest investment you can make is the extra pennies boom to boys bag Of BLENNI Those pennies come home to roost bringing 111ng extra 11111 119 139 STURDY EXTENSION strongly constructed of BC Pine Ind Norwegian youll need one of these handy Ilddera for toklnc down sum repairinz the roof sndbienw tr PLUMB well made 24 level an outstandlnz price this Variety of Values YOULL FIND PLENTY or USE 111111 1111111111 1011111111 Theres size for you 30 and and up MASQEE TROWEL HEW IlllIllldyT need for more odd rc unli warlobsv about wooden and featured at The Range with EXTENSION CORD in the garage Hobby Shop around the home youll find dozens of uses for this handy ex tension cord foot length heavy plastic cord rubber attach ments cap and way outlet Another feature in Robtn sons Variety of Values HANGUP MIRRORS Choose from handy sizes white frames 51 uxes 35cs39c 71x9u 81m 531 591 01 for crimson ROUND CLOTHES PINS Box of 191 for toys they dozen pins Christin electric train models on duplex llshrnents in Canada the United Kingdom and the United State in order to study junior officer training methods and program On Sept 10 they observed train ing techniques at OCS where pan titular attention was paid to tests used by company officers in the field and by the units personnel selection officers Major Leitch and Lt II Leblanc Colonel Renato Brigido is the commander of 5000mer1 camp that is known as the Military City and is situated about twenty miles from Riode Janeiro 1951 111111qu We have wide range of samples of attractive Calend ars If you are giving calcud an to your customers call at The Barrie Examiner and in spect these first Orders plac ed now will be delivered by Chrlstmu ERIEEmmi 111111111111 for large construction project WAGE RATE $175 apply PIGOTT CONSTRUCTION CO LTD co General Motors Ne Plant North Oshawa Ontario Phone Oshawa 322805 1111111111115 111 E1E111111111111E111511511EIR 115 1111111 11111111111111 0111111 77 SHOPPING DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS START 131111111111 now on 11111111111 111111 MECHANICAL FARM that Robinsons Tov Department is preparing Christmas rebooaerurthe thdtcs NOW little each week and to paid for well in advance of other EkSIIODDInz See the Dinosaur patriarch UP younnoaiilg WALLPAPER Mom Milken LOvELv HOME IQvE LIER Newly arrived shipments as Come and see this modern Moffar Ran Itfs in our showrooms and wdl be glad to demonstrate the many usevalue fearureswhich sure you of 11 fine choice of wallpapersi that will brighten your home for the long winter mouthn ahead 94 make the New Moth such time dollars foryouinthe form of ctennmu much bigger tobacco yields and nequalitytObaccocrops Yesrtests have arrived antlexperience has conrmed thf7BIfBNN7filfilli every nutrient need for profitable tobacco production Get thethrifty plant food lathe NEW redplaid bag Order yoursupply of BLENN from your Swift dealer today 198 Mode to 11111111 tuned wear and love your hands Bur spell of the cot ten cloves today for thou 0111111111 lobe bud laboursaver It is compact neagyettookrforalar mily Your choiceof It 1890 solid type or Conan tubule type 111mm watts lamp 113 calla our TUR MILLER cps 111E113 bonito1IEftnatulv1 palm VALUE 5neres GraluglooICleniiing lot 1111111011 cant afford to miss nir hinmuxoam Whiz Toilet MUFFIN level 0111111111111 Wtfllielwaier book and 1111111 wifes 41111111 11 to 1111111111 81 use BIIDBIIOL stain removerfor enamety mm led tolleteibovlll otc ouitsgsrscrat