AW Mn prot Speak Sunday niw DIXON nouns BA 3n Rev Mr Burns wasappointcd Superintendent of Home Missions of the Baptist Conventionof Onv tsrio and Quebec on Sept 1951 He rst became connected with Home Mission work shortly after coming to Canada from Scotland He has bean minister of Bethany Baptist Church and St Johns Road both of Toronto For 22 years he was Director of Field Work at Taronto Bible College Mr Burns will be the special speaker on Oct for the 75th on niversary services at First Baptist Church Barrie wgt NEW APPROACH Most tourists are not interested in fishing By emphasizing our fish ing and hunting we tend to restrict our touristbusincss The great bulk of the tourist trade is passing ll$by because we do not appeal them on the basis of our magnifi cent scenery comfortable accom modations and warm hospitality Little Current Onti Manitou lin Expositor EARTHQUAKE LOSSES In the last 2000 years some 800 cities have been destroyed by earthquakes with resultant loss ofperhaps 1000000 human lives 1951 hummus We have wide range of samples of attractive Calend ars If you are giving calend ars to your customers call at Thor Barrie Examiner and in spect these first Orders plac cd now will be delivered by Christmas JBarrie Man Becomes Manager New Railway to Labrador Ore Aircccnt bulletin issued by the ilabrador Iron Orr Corporation awhlch is comprised of nine min2 mg companies announces the Ipointmcnt of John ALittie to Incl position of general manager of thei corporations new railway extendi ing from Seven islands on the lower St Lawrence to Knob faked the mine centre which is over 360 milez north The appointment in eludes all terminals and bronchi lines yet to be constructed on the system thn completed the line will be one of the most modernly equipped in Canada and will be known ofE ficially as The Quebec North Shores and Labrador Railway Jack is Barrie born oldest son of John Liltlc and the late Mrs Little whose home was formerly 67 William Street ill Allandalc He attended public school there and the Barrie Collegiate Institute land completed his education at Queens University Kingston where he graduated as mining engineer His mining experience was gain cd in Northern Ontario and Que bec at McIntyre and at Pickle Crow where he was mine man ager for eight years He had later taker tour of mines in the USA Ifor the purpose of securing in formntion for his companies Following the discovery of iron and developments following in La brador he became field superin Indcnt on construction and road maklng operations and had been engaged there prior to the ncwi appointment twopage feature in The To ronto Star Weekly covers the general outlook in the newly open ed territory which was formerly trapncrs and was the background of tales of adventure by boy hood favorltc writer Bailan tyne Seven Islands the gateway town of the QuebecLabrador mining development is not of the extreme north but on the lower St Law rence in the same latitude as Winnipeg It has much the samc temperatures but with more snow and high winds and consequently more problems for the operation of the new railway The town was named by Jacques Cartier on passing visit about 400 years ago and starting from scratch as village 300 years ago is now growingxg leaps with no bounds and as yor Jack Layden says All this town needs thing Seven Islands is slated to be come the Duluth of Canada and the first iron ore from Knob Lake is due to arrive there by the summer is every Nationul Railways as Coopers contributions classcdvas land of Indians andi Retires from CNR HAROLD COOPER who start cd with the Grand Trunk Railway as temporary clerk in 1912 this week retired from the Canadian vicepresi accounting department Mr to rail and air transportation accounting meth ods have won him international rc cognition Among his many achievements was the consolidation of accounts of more than 100 com pnnics when the Canadian Nation dcnt al Railways was formle in 19 OCTOBER 1952 IIOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Coopcrativc Packers of Ontario Barrie 1068 Prices to Farmer Basis Grade $2585 80W $15 $1550 EGGS Large Medium Small CHICKENS Over lbs Special Grade Grade Grade of 1954 Some 6000 men are engag ed in the construction on all fronts Special and for the railway maintenanchGrade staff out of Seven Islands the fig Grade ure is set at 1000 employees Grade to lbs Special GradetjA Grade Grade Capons 20 over the above prices FOWL to Bibs Demonstrator POWERG LIDE TRAN SMISSION Amp Ion Sindhi ASS PRICED RIGHT DANGERFIELD MOTORS USED CAR DIVISION 1233 BRADFORD so but 4981 POACIIERS In is mans men tallty warped when herwill break the laws pertaining to conservation of wild life Wehave men who are honest in every other respect who will catch more than their legal limit of fish and shoot game Over lbs 26 23 16 out of season and brag about it to lbs 25 22 14 Stanstead Que Journal Under lbs 22 19 12 Grade 34 Dunlop Street Barrie GOODS SATISFACTORY on mun MONEY nurunuau Its Time to Think of our Inter oat Wools Velvet Tweed and what better way to think of new season fashions if than to actually be ableto see them inalrloetr new softencdi beauty LOOSE ANDFITTED STYLES ll unbecoming 33va Wis $WWMWPSCOHWE gt ICIIOOOLATES 17Lounnws Li PRICES EEFECTIVE carom FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE THERE ARE FREE PARKING FACILITIES AVAILABLE AT OUR SUPERMARKET LOCATED AT 52 BIIYFIELII STREET cannonanon consume onem roamrum POLIS EACH 35 EACH 19 10OZ 98 PRIDE BOTTLE vCAL SUNKIST SEEDLESS JUICE FORANGES 29c CRISP TASTY CALIFORNIA POUND 10 lLB cmo BAG 35 NEW SEASONS CAPE COD continuum us POT READY WASHED AND TRIMMED CELLO PACK Cooking Onions 19 LIBBYS cum snoop llFL oz Born LcsLAw cunLIrvrooucr 143 Connottsmnai wumi wuotawurAr Im CRACK wutAr IIIFOZVVLOAIF WING 5mm nu BONEES BOUND PRIME RIB SHORT RIB ROAST 1349 BLADE ROAST am mops MM in le FOR MATURED FLAVOUII AND UNIFORM TENDEKNESS thorium ounurv am STEKKS or 79 my Is ROAST4HOICE SNORT CUT FIRST RIBS gtCNOICE BLADE BONE REMOVED CHOICE PREDRESSED GRADE 49 13 53 some rowr Cll rams came Slli FIIIEIS cm OCEAN PERI oonvn MINUTE oars 113an nvnponnrnn MILK to Basrovnnrcnaice Apricoismes nounsno snonwmmo onusmssrminednalw Foods Emmasou mount OHKLWL HMBME QUEEN Inga grsnqu 55533013 MARIEma 519333131 812 sortinan sumo fnwsmm um choosy 5P1 9111s CashmerexmnctwetSb CHOICE MAPLE LEAF rnosrzn SEA rooos ILB CELLO PKG READY TO coox JERSEYS am gt 35 oilsrm 11 65 HoIITHEIIN 901 1149 CHOICE 5mm FILLETS JAE PUBITYCAKI tux NEILSONS jersey Brand Cocoa 43 IN 4L 39 APPLEEOIIDS 5133 Hm PPEII 43 lie 23 rite VLEL noLL cFL oz 13 JAR LYON Blue Label Black To 7A Brodies XXX Seiuibing Flour KRAFT IIde Snack Cheese CLUB HOUSE OLIVE ufltitlttl SAVQY GRAVY BROWNING 35 WETHEYS Black Currant lam big c2311 Smiths Pure Strawberry Jam oiihl AYLMER Baby or Junior Foods Mammals Tasty mountin OZ JAR lFt 4801 LGE PKG Msofoclztkts TIDE sunr now mm In 37 LGE PKG LGE PKG 38 38 21 ISFL ozrm ts cm TIN was 31 1951 ozrINs CUT Eti 24 Std 49 no as ILi TIN PIN TIN REG CAKES Lon Mutt 3mm 175 112 am sMALL SEL 01 TIN 55 33c 15 34 14 21 32 f9 33